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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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XPRS Moderator
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good memory......
u sure can become a hafiz easily ............just a bit of efforts...
what abt we start a thread for learning the quran as well? ;)
I srsly love xpc..
i wish to learn it too... :(

what do you people say? will it work?

may be 2 ayas per week...or lets say 10 ayahs per week...?
you know iread somewhere, k we r discouraged by the long time it will take, but we should try, and keep going...if we die before complettion, we'd still inshaAllah get the reward for we had the niyyah to complete, and the more time we spend, more reward we get..
what say? do u ppl think it'll actually work? :unsure:
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^ dats a fantastic idea........ i suggest we not only learn da arabic but even understandin da meanin will be very much beneficial.....
from experience we start from juz amma, then n29th then 28th.........so on backward fashion
short n sweet verses very easy dan if we go on from surah baqarah .........theyre also easy but ppl might be discouraged by da length of the verses


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That is just a wonderful idea.
Not sure about the Hifz part, but the 'tafseer' one can easily be dealt with.
We can search through the internet for that, can post part of the tafseer we have at homes. Anything worth sharing.
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(3) Imraan Bin Husain (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "In this Ummah will be earthquakes, disfiguration (of faces which will be transformed into apes and pigs) and showers of stone (descending o n them from the heaven)." A man from among the Muslimeen said: "O Rasulullah! When will this be?" Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "When singing girls and musical instruments will become profuse and when liquor will be consumed (in abundance)."(Tirmizi)
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(13) Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Listening to music and singing is sinful. Sitting at such gatherings is fisq (immoral transgression). Deriving pleasure from it is kufr." (Nailul Autaar)

One hadith from the Bukhari Shareef, the most authentic Book of Hadith, further confirms unlawfulness of music and singing :

`There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma`aazif ( musical instruments ).`
Detailed analysis of the arabic word `ma`aazif ` shows that it refers to musical instruments, the sounds of those musical instruments and singing with the accompaniment of instruments.
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what abt we start a thread for learning the quran as well? ;)

what do you people say? will it work?

may be 2 ayas per week...or lets say 10 ayahs per week...?
you know iread somewhere, k we r discouraged by the long time it will take, but we should try, and keep going...if we die before complettion, we'd still inshaAllah get the reward for we had the niyyah to complete, and the more time we spend, more reward we get..
what say? do u ppl think it'll actually work? :unsure:
Assalam O Alaikum,
i got an idea:
we start from the end, i.e. Surah Nas. we learn the surah. well, in this case most of us have learned it. what i suggest is we learn the translation of every word. we also learn its translation. as for tafseer we can read it and discuss it. we can plan 1 week for each surah. as for long surahs we can divide it in small portions.


XPRS Administrator
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Assalam O Alaikum,
i got an idea:
we start from the end, i.e. Surah Nas. we learn the surah. well, in this case most of us have learned it. what i suggest is we learn the translation of every word. we also learn its translation. as for tafseer we can read it and discuss it. we can plan 1 week for each surah. as for long surahs we can divide it in small portions.

xpfmember had that Idea too (about learning)... in a few days m thinking of making a thread about it.... inshaAllah..

wouldn't it be better if we start from surah naba... (ie start of last juz)?
coz the surahs have an interrelation.. and they come in pairs.. better if we use that sequence....

if you have any ideas or motivational stuff, do share... :)


XPRS Moderator
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Assalam O Alaikum,
i got an idea:
we start from the end, i.e. Surah Nas. we learn the surah. well, in this case most of us have learned it. what i suggest is we learn the translation of every word. we also learn its translation. as for tafseer we can read it and discuss it. we can plan 1 week for each surah. as for long surahs we can divide it in small portions.
waalaikumassalam wr wb!
jazakAllah khairen for the suggestion...gud one! (y)
xpfmember had that Idea too (about learning)... in a few days m thinking of making a thread about it.... inshaAllah..

wouldn't it be better if we start from surah naba... (ie start of last juz)?
coz the surahs have an interrelation.. and they come in pairs.. better if we use that sequence....

if you have any ideas or motivational stuff, do share... :)
aoa wr wb
yup i agree... (y)

may Allah give you the strength to make that thread and reward you for that....aameen...'

jazakAllahu khairen
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yes, starting a thread for hifz of the quran wud be wundrful, but I find it difficult to revise the Quran daily( May Allah help me)
So if v start a thread for it, it will surely help ppl, Insha Allah.
Also, thumbs up to tht tafseer idea, v can discuss the tafseer of different surahs every week or so, starting with juzz amma of course..
@ badrobot14, starting from Surah Naba will be btr, ur right...thts how i had learned it...
@ finally,XPF member, badrobot14 and all u others r doing a gr8 job in here... May Allah reward you for it both inthis world n the next, n may He keep us all on the Straight Path always...
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xpfmember had that Idea too (about learning)... in a few days m thinking of making a thread about it.... inshaAllah..

wouldn't it be better if we start from surah naba... (ie start of last juz)?
coz the surahs have an interrelation.. and they come in pairs.. better if we use that sequence....

if you have any ideas or motivational stuff, do share... :)
ok... we can start with that.
i thought it would be easier for us to start with the translations of the surahs we have already learned. you know the first step is always the hardest...
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xpfmember had that Idea too (about learning)... in a few days m thinking of making a thread about it.... inshaAllah..

wouldn't it be better if we start from surah naba... (ie start of last juz)?
coz the surahs have an interrelation.. and they come in pairs.. better if we use that sequence....

if you have any ideas or motivational stuff, do share... :)

in my opinion surah nas is da ideal start......da surahs r smaller n easier.....
if we only have tafseer(which according 2 me is a more reasonble choice as ppl wont be able 2 memorize n retain as mush as their childhood+hifz demands a second well versed person in hifz or atleast sum1 who can recite vey well...as da prononciation is extremely imp n if ppl falter da entire meanin of da verse can change due 2 a mistake of a single harakah + its more imp for ppl 2 understand n implement da Qurans teachings more than just memorizing it wout meaning althoughthere is xtreme ajar in memorization.......n since this is just an offtopic not much can be covered in da hifz part.there r much more comprehensive sites(never 2 degrade xpc nor 2 discourage u ppl...ur intentions r way 2 grat n pure masha allah)..that offer amazin ways 2 memorize da quran wid interactive video conferecing facilities wid da teacher...which is very vital n cannot be done here unfortunately)

so in opinion if its a tafseer only thread starting from surah baqarah is no problemmo...

sorry if i disrupted any preparations or discouraged any of u.. i was just offerin my opinion which u may accept...pls if u feel discouraged or demotivated im really sorry..its just i was thinkin abt this recently n so decided 2 explain my viewpoint.....
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Why dont we start with salat and recitation of Quran and then move onto music and other stuff.
BTW i dont think so music is haraam because there are no direct Hadith or ayat indicating (correct me if i am wrong) and there are some scholars who allow it while there are others who forbid it and as it is case of ijma or/and qiyas, we can follow our own scholar. I think that excessive of anything is harmful to us, so getting addicted to music is bad but you know occasionally listening to it is not that harmful.
Note: this is my opinion and it does not carry any weightage. We should always seek the knowledge of better learned.


XPRS Administrator
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Why dont we start with salat and recitation of Quran and then move onto music and other stuff.
BTW i dont think so music is haraam because there are no direct Hadith or ayat indicating (correct me if i am wrong) and there are some scholars who allow it while there are others who forbid it and as it is case of ijma or/and qiyas, we can follow our own scholar. I think that excessive of anything is harmful to us, so getting addicted to music is bad but you know occasionally listening to it is not that harmful.
Note: this is my opinion and it does not carry any weightage. We should always seek the knowledge of better learned.
Thankyou for taking interest in the topic,
here this would help you inshaAllah if you are seeking for the truth:

Scholarly opinion on Music with evidences from Quran and Sunnah

A powerful reminder about Music: The End Of Music by Kamal el makki (the funny guy...) <this is an mp3 do listen to it.... :)
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Why dont we start with salat and recitation of Quran and then move onto music and other stuff.
BTW i dont think so music is haraam because there are no direct Hadith or ayat indicating (correct me if i am wrong) and there are some scholars who allow it while there are others who forbid it and as it is case of ijma or/and qiyas, we can follow our own scholar. I think that excessive of anything is harmful to us, so getting addicted to music is bad but you know occasionally listening to it is not that harmful.
Note: this is my opinion and it does not carry any weightage. We should always seek the knowledge of better learned.

finally someone who agrees with me
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