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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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You guys are wrong about scholars... I used to think the same way until I read some works of scholars and met knowledgeable people... scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah (those who follow Sunnah based on understanding of righteous predecessors) are amazing.. the one who tainted the name of scholars in ur head are ppl u see on TV, giving fatwas against one another...
you need to have a lot of knowledge b4 you give rulings.. you may know 1 hadith but not it's context or how it fits with other ahadith.. same with interpreating the Quran for legal purposes especially.

There was an imam who was asked a question and he Quoted Imam malik as answer. Someone asked why did u quote; here's his reply (I loved it):

So we follow Quran and hadith but we ask scholars to give us answers in light of Quran and sunnah...

I dunno but you must have seen Dr. Zakir naik does quote Shykh Albanee. same way many preachers quote ibn taymiyah... (If you saw an aqeedah text by ibn taymiyyah u'd love it that he quotes from Quran n ahadith to support his claim..)
Very rightly said brother, may Allah bless you.
I just wanted to add that as people are saying that 'just follow the Quran and Sunnah'
Well, there are plenty of things where Quran and sunnah do not give a clear solution to problems!
In those cases, the other methods of islamic jurisprudence are to be used,
That is exactly what the scholars did; they did a great favour on us people that they derived laws about many things for our good!
We have no right to say they were wrong or something, they just interpreted the teachings according to their thoughts!
(Consider the number of different essay scripts or simple sentences a class of children can write from the same topic)
Yes, they differed, but their difference is in small matters only!

And those who say that just follow the Quran and Sunnah fail to understand that they may be creating a new firqah !

Unluckily, today there are plenty of people who wrongfully claim to be 'scholars' and mislead many people!
But I believe that people should have the ability to judge who the real and authentic ones are!

May Allah help us all in finding the true path,
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

May Allah grant you success in this world as well as the HereAfter ...Aameen
may Allah increase your imaan

Wa Allaikum Aslam,
Brother I am truly impressed by your style of writing.
I am eagerly looking forward to this conversation.

May Allah reward you and all those who take part in this noble cause and give all of us success in both worlds..Ameen

Aslam o Alaikum
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AOA...me in too..i just wanted to ask that all of us must have listened to Sami yusuf and all.. having music in their otherwise Islamic songs ..so is that OK or not..
assalamu alaikum! it is not OK! sry if i sound lyk a "poker-face", but many ppl hv a misunderstandin. dey think listenin 2 islamic songs is allowed whereas it is not. i used 2 listen 2 dese typ of songs previously, but last a year i listened 2 a lecture by Bro. Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari. it's called "The Classical Hit...It's Bad!". in dis lecture, da brother xplains y so-called "nasheeds" r not allowed in Islam!

Masha Allah, nice poem up dere. it's a vry gud reminder!
Jazakallahu khairan!
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Wa Allaikum Aslam,
Brother I am truly impressed by your style of writing.
I am eagerly looking forward to this conversation.

May Allah reward you and all those who take part in this noble cause and give all of us success in both worlds..Ameen

Aslam o Alaikum
Insha Allah, i'll pray 4 evrybody.
i'm doin my O/L xams dis month, sp pls pray 4 me too.
my nxt paper is 2morrow.
n i'm targettin an A* in all my subjects.
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O Muslim, lawful things have good attributes
Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?
Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians
To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?
How many singers do you know and give admiration,
And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?
How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?
Compared to how many you know of Islamic Scholars.
Do you see how much is memorized of Music songs?
While you ignore the book to which memorization belongs?
How much do you memorize of these incantations?
And swayed back and forth in intoxication?
Have you not seen those who follow the misguided?
And increase the loudness of the Music, when they should hide it?
And who writes their songs? thinkers, or men of academia?
Or maybe scholars, like Ahmad, Malik or maybe ibn Taymiyah.
O you who listens to music..
Don't you see that All the songs of the world and all the lyrics you've seen
Wouldn't compare in reward to Alif Laam Meem .

Jazakallahu khairan!
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in a nutshell; not listen to songs.. instead develop a love of Quran in the heart....
listen to this to equip urself with knowledge, inshaAllah:
http://www.kalamullah.com/Kamal El Mekki/End of Music.mp3
(if you know, it is easy for you to do something.)

jazakAllah khairan.. i guess this should put an end 2 all the arguements.. and plz every1 else if ur not convinced read more about it but plz dont keep looking for evidence prooving that music is not haram because u may be responsible 4 the sins of other ppl that follow ur words :)
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assalamu alaikum! it is not OK! sry if i sound lyk a "poker-face", but many ppl hv a misunderstandin. dey think listenin 2 islamic songs is allowed whereas it is not. i used 2 listen 2 dese typ of songs previously, but last a year i listened 2 a lecture by Bro. Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari. it's called "The Classical Hit...It's Bad!". in dis lecture, da brother xplains y so-called "nasheeds" r not allowed in Islam!

Masha Allah, nice poem up dere. it's a vry gud reminder!
Jazakallahu khairan!

Can u please explain briefly that why aren't the nasheeds allowed coz i myself listen to nasheeds a lot but i m having doubts about it in my mind


XPRS Administrator
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Can u please explain briefly that why aren't the nasheeds allowed coz i myself listen to nasheeds a lot but i m having doubts about it in my mind

By studying the words of the scholars and trustworthy Shaykhs we may compile a list of guidelines and shar’i conditions which must be fulfilled for the nasheed to be permissible. That includes:

1. The words of the nasheed must be free of haraam and foolish words.

2. The nasheed should not be accompanied by musical instruments. No musical instrument is permitted except the duff for women on certain occasions. See the answer to question no. 20406.

3. It should be free of sound effects that imitate musical instruments, because what counts is what appears to be the case, and imitating haraam instruments is not permissible, especially when the bad effect is the same as that which happens with real instruments.

4. Listening to nasheed should not become a habit which takes up a person’s time and affects his duties and mustahabb actions, such as affecting his reading of Qur’aan and calling others to Allaah.

5. The performer of a nasheed should not be a woman performing in front of men, or a man with an enchanting appearance or voice performing in front of women.

6. One should avoid listening to performers with soft voices who move their bodies in rhythm, because there is fitnah in all of that and it is an imitation of the evildoers.

7. One should avoid the images that are put on the covers of their tapes, and more important than that, one should avoid the video clips that accompany their nasheeds, especially those which contain provocative movements and imitations of immoral singers.

8. The purpose of the nasheed should be the words, not the tune.

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That means we cant listen to nasheeds coz there is no nasheed which fulfill the above given criteria .. so what shuld we listen to on our mobile-phones when we want to relax our mind ??
listen to beautiful recitations of the quran. use a translation of the quran wen u listen to it. dis will giv u a better understandin of da deen, n will Insha Allah strengthen ur iman.
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