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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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ur not the only one who has bad experiences with bullying, i do too, and usually they had their earphones glued to their skull!!! as for how would Quran help u; when u read Quran u feel ur not alone in this world u get inner peace which helps alot. ur posts make me wanna ask u: how do songs stop bullying???????!!!!!!
and btw its true that there r christians who r better than some muslims, my teacher is christian and i respect her sooooooo much she is a truely amazing person, but that doesnt make islam bad, u simply cant blame a rule for being broken can u??

Well maybe if you have been knowing what has been going on lately in music industry you would have heard this:

and seen this http://bornthiswayfoundation.org/
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^ it said a person who goes to extremes.........
dats wat he said , right......

btw Islam never ever advocates extremism in religion..... nor does it force any person to embibe anything
The prophet is said 2 have said : " Ad deenu yusr"...dat means "Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights." (See Fath-ul-Bari, Page 102, Vol 1).---Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 2 :: Hadith 38

n he is also reported 2 have said : " Yassiru wala tuassiru".which means
"Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Make things easy for the people, and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad tidings) and do not repulse (them )." -------Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 73 :: Hadith 146

.....u have freewill ........n now its your esponsiblity how u use it...
Allah says in Surah Baqarah chp2 v 256 :
"La Ikah fid deen qad tabayyanar rushdu minal gayyi"
dat means: There is no compulsion in religion.Verily truth is clear from falsehood...."

By now You have seen n read several evidences dat these great members have quoted from the best sources of Islamic Law:
The Quran n
The Sunnah

Do you think your own logic n reasoning is far superior to Allah's infinite wisdom?.....He knows best for His slaves n whatever He decides for them is for their good never for their distress.
Remember this life is a test.....
"It is He who has created life and death to test which of you is best in their deeds" Surah Mulk chp 67 v 2
Cnt we give up this minute worldly pleasure for something far better n greater: the Pleasure of Allah??
Insha Allah you will be rewarded for trying....

If you still havent been convinced.......well its your wish, then

May Allah guide you to all that is best for you in this world n in the Hereafter........Aameen
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yes you r correct Nibz ...we should be very serious 2 dictate things as Haram n Halal
But now lets actually sit n analyse n understand what the word HARAM implies n means in Islam:
The most authentic definition is this :
Haraam is that for which the one who does it will be punished and the one who abstains from it will be rewarded, if the reason for his abstinence is following the prohibition of Allaah. They can be direct or implied commands of Allah and His Messenger.
The halaal is that in which there is no sin in doing it and no sin in not doing it, but if a person intends to enhance his obedience to Allaah by doing it, then he will be rewarded for this intention..

According to many Ayyat of the Gloriious Quran music has been condemned:
LikeAllah says in Surah Luqmaan (interpretation of the meaning):
“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6]
The scholar of the ummah, Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: this means singing. Mujaahid (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this means playing the drum (tabl). (Tafseer al-Tabari, 21/40).
Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this aayah was revealed concerning singing and musical instruments (lit. woodwind instruments). (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 3/451)
Who better are those in dictating the Halal n Haram than the Sahabah n the pious predecessors who have lived with the Prophet , understood the Qurans meaning n interpretation under his guidance......the one who never spoke of his own desires rather inspired by God! ( see Al Quran chp 53 v 3-4)
N the narrator Ibn Abbas is the young Sahabi for whom the Messenger prayed the following:" OAllah bless him with the understanding of the Deen." And he was one of the best interprettors of the Quran.......So who better!!
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “[Allaah said to Iblees:] And befool them gradually those whom you can among them with your voice (i.e. songs, music, and any other call for Allaah’s disobedience)…” [al-Israa’ 17:64]

From the Hadith evidences r as follows:
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsool by al-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 91).
In this noble Hadith of the Prophet says musical instruments will be made Halal permissible...Now this would oly be possible if it was Haram (forbidden) in the 1st place. And if we analyse the list given in the hadith all of them have been directly or indirectly prohibitted by Allah.....

the only exception is the permissibility of the daff.......All wind and string instruments are prohibitted ........
However one can sing n listen to songs not havin music n those havin a decent meanin......(the songs today r so pathetic...so in most scholars opinion they are haram due to their content only )

hope dat helps........So why dont we give up music ....U know Allah will reward us due to stoppin our urges n desire to listen to them ..Insha Allah

so in short -as long as the lyrics are clean -its fine to listen to it ? =s
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Well maybe if you have been knowing what has been going on lately in music industry you would have heard this:

and seen this http://bornthiswayfoundation.org/

how do u know that ppl will follow what lady gaga says (who im pretty sure wasnt born looking so freakish!!) and what about ppl who dont like her??
also u can never ever compare the words of Allah to words of ppl.. there is a huge enormous gigantic titanic mega difference!!
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See brother, the ting is...we are not to judge islam by its followers...
Just a small question, If a drunken man drives a BMW, and ofcourse looking at his ruthless driving, whom are you to blame? What do you say? The car is not good, as that man had so many accidents and all that, or instead you'll hold the driver responsible, for he was drunken which was the cause of the accidents? Ofcourse, it's the driver.

similarly, if muslims do something wrong, we can't blame Islam, and it's ways...!
Very correct!


XPRS Administrator
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First of all Nuh A.S. was a prophet so he couldn't just quit his job and say eff you all i am out of here a
second of all every person has a limit of patience

and yes i never said it never applies to our life it does and i remember recently the subject of ........

why exactly do you think soo many stories of prophets (a.s) are given in Quraan by Allah if not for us to learn lessons from???
Allah (S.W.T) in Quran awards Ibrahim A.S a title 'ImamunNas' - leader for humanity..... "And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [Allah] said, "Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people."....." (2:124)
meaning we, the people, are supposed to follow him as our leader....!!
we can never be as good as prophets (a.s) but we can try our best to be like them!
my sincere advice is get a teacher to really know Quran and you'll see the difference it makes to ur life.... :)


XPRS Administrator
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^ it said a person who goes to extremes.........
dats wat he said , right......

btw Islam never ever advocates extremism in religion..... nor does it force any person to embibe anything
The prophet is said 2 have said : " Ad deenu yusr"...dat means "da religion is easy"
n he is also reported 2 have said : " Yassiru wala tuassiru".which means "Try n make things easy not diificult (in religion)
.....u have freewill ........n now its your esponsiblity how u use it...
Allah says in Surah Baqarah chp2 v 256 :
"La Ikah fid deen qad tabayyanar rushdu minal gayyi"
dat means: There is no compulsion in religion.Verily truth is clear from falsehood...."

By now You have seen n read several evidences dat these great members have quoted from the best sources of Islamic Law:
The Quran n
The Sunnah

Do you think your own logic n reasoning is far superior to Allah's infinite wisdom?.....He knows best for His slaves n whatever He decides for them is for their good never for their distress.
Remember this life is a test.....
"It is He who has created life and death to test which of you is best in their deeds" Surah Mulk chp 67 v 2
Cnt we give up this minute worldly pleasure for something far better n greater: the Pleasure of Allah??
Insha Allah you will be rewarded for trying....

If you still havent been convinced.......well its your wish, then
"To you is your A'maal and unto me mine"
May Allah guide you to all that is best for you in this world n in the Hereafter........Aameen

Awesome post! may Allah reward you... just one thing, "To you is your A'maal and unto me mine" sounds like the aayah in surah Kafiroon and just to remind us all, that aayah came after 10 years of Prophet(S.A.W)'s dawah (if memory serves me right)... we aren't supposed to give up on someone that easily.... ;)
may Allah guide us to that which pleases Him. Ameen.
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

Well, most of you already know that music is Haraam in Islam...

This thread is for those interested to leave music...cuz once you're addicted, you might have to struggle if you decide to leave it..

Let's say we'll have points thing...like +10 if you spent the whole day without listening, and -1 for each song you heard ;)
Lets see who gets the most points ;)
It's like competing, may be this'll help you alll in giving up listening to music ;)

..or may be if you got some better idea we'd do here altogether, do share .... (y)
and not to mention, be honest :D

P.S. Adopted from Narcotic's idea :D she said something like ban music campaign, and i thought good one :D

And a good reminder...save yourself:


skull gurl
Yours Truly
hey salaamz..even i wanna partiipate.well i had already started restraining myself from music...but i could'nt continue this gud habit for a long time...but now that u have made this thread i guess...it'll help a lot..may allah reward u..ameen
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so in short -as long as the lyrics are clean -its fine to listen to it ? =s

as long as it doesnt contain music and the lyrics are clean .. its fine to listen to it ... btw it depends upon what type of cleanliness u r thinking of .......
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Awesome post! may Allah reward you... just one thing, "To you is your A'maal and unto me mine" sounds like the aayah in surah Kafiroon and just to remind us all, that aayah came after 10 years of Prophet(S.A.W)'s dawah (if memory serves me right)... we aren't supposed to give up on someone that easily.... ;)
may Allah guide us to that which pleases Him. Ameen.
i had a different aayat in mind when i wrote it .....cant seem 2 remember da exact reference but i spose its from Surah Yunus...
earlier i had thought of writin dat verse from Surah Kafiroon .....but dat said : " Unto you is your religion n unto is mmine"
i realized he /she was a muslim n it would be totally unsuitable so i wrote dat verse
But this verse says :" ...Say: Unto you is your is amal n unto me mine. you r free from what i do n im free from what you do"

Btw I do agree wid u n I have made da necessary changes...n have modified my stuff a bit by givin exact references.......It adds to your claim


XPRS Administrator
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i had a different aayat in mind when i wrote it .....cant seem 2 remember da exact reference but i spose its from Surah Yunus...
earlier i had thought of writin dat verse from Surah Kafiroon .....but dat said : " Unto you is your religion n unto is mmine"
i realized he /she was a muslim n it would be totally unsuitable so i wrote dat verse
But this verse says :" ...Say: Unto you is your is amal n unto me mine. you r free from what i do n im free from what you do"

Btw I do agree wid u n I have made da necessary changes...n have modified my stuff a bit by givin exact references.......It adds to your claim

I think u r talking about the part in surah Yunus where Allah tels prophet (S.A.W) to say I am 'bari' (free/nothing to do with) from wht you do... yes it has something like that..
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