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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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if you have actually bothered yourself and read the rest of the post you would have understood what i meant by moderation and if you don't want to believe what i said happened to me infront of my eyes i am not going to smack and force you to believe

And what is your definition of a terrorist? A terriorst is basically an extremist who has taken one aya or one sura and goes by it in his life that basically everything is haram and this what is thread is doing to you guys it is will slowly influence you whether you take my advice or not it is up to you.

And i never said not to pray btw i have said be4 that music will be haram if it prohibts you from doing your prayers and practicing your religion even simple things like favoring it over a quran is prohbited.

Also god may give people talent in making music but no other talent how are they supposed to work and earn a living then? or should they beg?
Do whatever u like, we can't impose our opinion on you and u can't on us. All we can do is to preach and allow u to make your choices.
Don't try to misguide others as you have been unable to prove your point. Without proof don't so anything of that sort again.
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Oh and you people who say music is haram because it distracts you so does football matches, so does school, so does TV so what will you do then go live in a cave?
the rain is made out of the rain drop's, If we start to avoid music today and preach to the community many more will avoid it and then there won't be any on the tv e.t.c
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Do whatever u like, we can't impose our opinion on you and u can't on us. All we can do is to preach and allow u to make your choices.
Don't try to misguide others as you have been unable to prove your point. Without proof don't so anything of that sort again.

misguide? I am telling you something that happened to one of my bffs he started doing the exact samethings you guys are doing here. It started with him thinking about the meaning of life and our purpose and began to chase his curiosty. eventually he went to a sheikh and the sheikh told him to read quran more and he did then he went onto the internet and began to search answers from websites which you guys don't even know if it is 100% true or modified and then started to preach that music is haram and i had the exact discussion with like on this thread but he never listened. Then slowly he started too drift away from me he began to become more reserved to himself and refuses to go out and has labelled me and others as sinners and that we will go to hell and eventually he reached the limit and we are no longer friends and his state is getting worse and worse all because he went onto the internet to search answers like you guys are doing.


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

well said badrobot and 22speed22...
Unicorn: It'd be better if you're able to provide me with sound references from the Quran and Hadith. :unsure:
Sound references from hadith and Quran have been provided in the above posts :) which state music isnt allowed!

And as for your other point of view, let me tell you, I do not listen to music, got no song in my computer or mobile or anything. I live a happy life, Alhumdulilah. I've friends. We all enjoy, have fun. Who better than the Creator can know what's good for us?
And btw I'm sure you read the Hadith and the Quranic references above. Do you mean to reject them? I'm sure you dont. Then why, brother, are you trying to impose and create a misconception that there's nothing wrong in that. I am not sure if you will, but please, a humble request, check out the mp3 badrobot shared.
May Allah guide you and us all to the straight path...and increase our knowledge. Aameen.


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

@participants: How's it going with you all.
I pray that Allah increase your strength and your Imaan...Aameen! :)
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Oh and you people who say music is haram because it distracts you so does football matches, so does school, so does TV so what will you do then go live in a cave?

"there will come a time upon my ummah that the chaste and pious believers will leave their homes and take their flocks(belongings) with them and will live in distant areas from the city to save their faith from

this hadith is from bukhari or i guess muslim .. i have read it with reference and i will try to post the reference inshaAllah
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misguide? I am telling you something that happened to one of my bffs he started doing the exact samethings you guys are doing here. It started with him thinking about the meaning of life and our purpose and began to chase his curiosty. eventually he went to a sheikh and the sheikh told him to read quran more and he did then he went onto the internet and began to search answers from websites which you guys don't even know if it is 100% true or modified and then started to preach that music is haram and i had the exact discussion with like on this thread but he never listened. Then slowly he started too drift away from me he began to become more reserved to himself and refuses to go out and has labelled me and others as sinners and that we will go to hell and eventually he reached the limit and we are no longer friends and his state is getting worse and worse all because he went onto the internet to search answers like you guys are doing.

can u please please please prove the acts of ur freind wrong by qouting any sahih hadith or Quran?????? .... its a humble request
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misguide? I am telling you something that happened to one of my bffs he started doing the exact samethings you guys are doing here. It started with him thinking about the meaning of life and our purpose and began to chase his curiosty. eventually he went to a sheikh and the sheikh told him to read quran more and he did then he went onto the internet and began to search answers from websites which you guys don't even know if it is 100% true or modified and then started to preach that music is haram and i had the exact discussion with like on this thread but he never listened. Then slowly he started too drift away from me he began to become more reserved to himself and refuses to go out and has labelled me and others as sinners and that we will go to hell and eventually he reached the limit and we are no longer friends and his state is getting worse and worse all because he went onto the internet to search answers like you guys are doing.
y are u inter-relating the fact that u lost a friend to that music is not haram?


XPRS Administrator
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misguide? I am telling you something that happened to one of my bffs he started doing the exact samethings you guys are doing here. It started with him thinking about the meaning of life and our purpose and began to chase his curiosty. eventually he went to a sheikh and the sheikh told him to read quran more and he did then he went onto the internet and began to search answers from websites which you guys don't even know if it is 100% true or modified and then started to preach that music is haram and i had the exact discussion with like on this thread but he never listened. Then slowly he started too drift away from me he began to become more reserved to himself and refuses to go out and has labelled me and others as sinners and that we will go to hell and eventually he reached the limit and we are no longer friends and his state is getting worse and worse all because he went onto the internet to search answers like you guys are doing.

the thing is your friend is not the Ideal muslim on this earth, is he?? he made a mistake when he said you will go to hell etc.. no one on earth can judge a person and tell where he'll go except Allah! (we aren't supposed to call someone a kafir) we do say about actions or thoughts that this is wrong and may lead to hell (in the light of Allah's guidance)... Still we know Allah's door for forgiveness are always open unless the earth ends or the person dies...
Oh, And that's why it's advised to study under knowledgeable scholars rather than Shykh google.... :p
And, Alhamdulillah, if I post something about Islam I try to provide refrences so you can check if I am telling the truth or lying!

and Alhamdulillah again, I lead one of the happiest lives possible! I've friends, n we are happy people, I even go out to resturants etc for fun... (infact even went out 2day :D)

one advice, have a relationship with the Quran.. it's deep and makes you a really good person... way more benificial than any song..
when someone doesn't know about something they are afraid of it... if you ever tasted Quran, you'd be awed by the shear beauty of it... how an aayah has more depth to it than an ocean.
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I do know that music slowly influences behaviour as reported by many psychology studies and that they can change our mood so don't come saying you listen to heavy metal songs that talk about violence and lets say for example rape and say is music haram

Try listening to music that helps you become a better person, more secure, more loving, more caring for yourself and others as well | music that helps you feel in place

actually reading Quran will make u a better person, more secure, more loving, more caring for yourself and others as well :)
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and how would the Quran end things like bullying? yes it purifies your heart but have you forgotten that there are people of other religions as well? Some religions make people think that by going to a priest they can be forgiven from all their sins

if people started following the words of the Quran and implementing its teachings in their lives the world would be like heaven :)
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Also god may give people talent in making music but no other talent how are they supposed to work and earn a living then? or should they beg?

i'll tell u what they should do, they should go study something useful and use it 2 change the world and not rock the world!! I knw lots of people who have no talents at all and who ended up being more helpful and respectful than singers and dancers :)
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the thing is your friend is not the Ideal muslim on this earth, is he?? he made a mistake when he said you will go to hell etc.. no one on earth can judge a person and tell where he'll go except Allah! (we aren't supposed to call someone a kafir) we do say about actions or thoughts that this is wrong and may lead to hell (in the light of Allah's guidance)... Still we know Allah's door for forgiveness are always open unless the earth ends or the person dies...
Oh, And that's why it's advised to study under knowledgeable scholars rather than Shykh google.... :p
And, Alhamdulillah, if I post something about Islam I try to provide refrences so you can check if I am telling the truth or lying!

and Alhamdulillah again, I lead one of the happiest lives possible! I've friends, n we are happy people, I even go out to resturants etc for fun... (infact even went out 2day :D)

one advice, have a relationship with the Quran.. it's deep and makes you a really good person... way more benificial than any song..
when someone doesn't know about something they are afraid of it... if you ever tasted Quran, you'd be awed by the shear beauty of it... how an aayah has more depth to it than an ocean.

i do read the quran it is just that some people are taking it to the extremes like if there is BGM in a tv show or game then it is haram to watch or play i am trying to tell people not to be extremists but as you can see they want to eat me
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