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Search results

  1. N

    Some Different Notes & Website Are Available !!!

    hey sweeti pie .do you have links for chem p3 and p5?
  2. N

    Your favoutite bands...

    Pink Floyd .... Beatles Led Zeppelin Yes The Doors The Rolling Stones etc../Actually ,I am a slave of Rock n Roll.
  3. N

    re-apperaing student

    hey guys ..do they check the re-takers' copy separately ? I really got unexpected lower grades this time.....what could be the problem? If i re-take again, will the same thing happen to me again? Anyone having any idea ,please inform me about this .....
  4. N


    the same happen with me..Do they check the re-takers paper separately ? ...
  5. N

    CIE Result!

    I did my maths paper so well and guess wat..I got a C ...CIE is Sick.!!
  6. N

    Your expectations for oct/nov 2011 upcoming results

    ya ..i did 42 ..the paper was damn tough ...Hope the GT is low.
  7. N

    Your expectations for oct/nov 2011 upcoming results

    i am scared ...I wish I could get C in chemistry ,...I have ruined paper 4 .....hope the GT is low this time..(fingers crossed)
  8. N


    hey folks..I am profoundly scared for jan 23rd....Please inform me what could be the threshold for scoring C in Chemistry P4.. Thank you
  9. N

    HElp, Help

    hello freinds , Will I be able to SAT in jan last week..I am taking my sat class from tomorrow .
  10. N

    when is chem p12?

    when is chem p12? Monday or tuesday?
  11. N

    Overall grades evaluation. help =/

    overall B wont get an A at any cost....!! u are pretty sure u will score B in each paper..means u must b gud at maths...so u dont need to ask us...just think bout urself...!! Suppose GT for p1 a(65) b(59) GT for p3 a(67) b(60) GT For M1/M2...
  12. N

    Overall grades evaluation. help =/

    lol..sure, i will....Come Nepal , we will be having some serious fun. thank you.
  13. N

    Overall grades evaluation. help =/

    wo..thanks!...now , its time to party and get high!!...
  14. N

    Overall grades evaluation. help =/

    what if i get all high B's in 4 of my math papers? what will be my overall grade?
  15. N

    GT for physics 22

    Very EASY.. GT.. 45-50.
  16. N

    Help Physics P5.

    Could anyone , Please send me a solved paper5 for physics..I get really confused dealing with the errors..Please if you have it ..send me..It would be very nice of you! :)
  17. N

    Help Chem p4

    the second chapter of Application of chem ..Nuclear Magnetic resonance Spectroscopy.
  18. N

    Help Chem p4

    thanks for the note.but it would better if i could get a note for NMR .
  19. N

    Help Chem p4

    Hey anyone help me with chemistry application part -2nd chapter . plz Provide me some notes , if you have.
  20. N

    Help physics p33

    Can anyone please list me out the comon error and improvements . It comes for 8 marks and i am really scared. :(