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  1. H

    Chemo P5 tips

    Design a two-part laboratory experiment to investigate your prediction in (a). Part 1 – solubility of cerium(IV) sulphate in water In addition to the standard apparatus present in a laboratory you are provided with the following materials. 60 cm3 distilled water solid cerium(IV) sulphate...
  2. H

    Chemo P5 tips

    When investigating how the boiling point of a solution changes with concentration, it is convenient to represent the concentrations of the solute as a molality. The molality of a solution is defined as the number of moles of a solute dissolved in one kilogram of water e.g. a one molal solution...
  3. H

    Chemo P5 tips

    i would be really grateful
  4. H

    Chemo P5 tips

    zeebujha can u plz answer my questions mentioned above. i seriously need help
  5. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    q16---just write stalks :D its perfectly fine q15---preparing fields by irrigation and weedin sowing spraying insecticides adding fertilisers harvesting can also be a process growing is not a process cuz u don carry it out :p
  6. H

    Chemo P5 tips

    May June 2010 paper 52 Q1(d) plz Oct Novmember 2008 paper 5 1(c) Part 1 and 2 Plz solve these questions with proper explanation. Plz help :D
  7. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    next 20 have been posted :D
  8. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    ill try bro but im a little busy today, im printing past papers from my bro hus exam is tomorrow. thats y there is a little delay in posting the other questions. i will try to post answers however you should try to solve and then post here if you find somethign difficult
  9. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    farmers want to own a pair of bullocks because ---it is a matter of pride ---the bullock will provide meat and milk ---for draft power as many farmers are poor and can not afford machinery 65% of pakistan not used for agri: ---rugged landscape and mountainous terrain such as northern mountains...
  10. H

    Chemistry design

    it says in q2 under the table: Process the results in the table to calculate the concentration of the succinic acid in each layer. can anyone explain how to do so ?
  11. H

    Chemistry design

  12. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    I agree :p cie hai he fazul xD I will add more as soon as possible :D There are 80 questions :D relax ill keep u guys busy for a while :p
  13. H

    Chemistry design

    http://www.xtremepapers.me/CIE/Internat ... _qp_53.pdf Paper 53, oct/nov 2010 Q2 (a). How to calculate the concentration of the succinic acid in each layer.
  14. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    id u guys dont believe me, check marscheme of november 2001 :p. then ull believe me xD
  15. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    both can brovide cowdung cakes but they both also provide milk, meat, hides and draft power. is that so difficult. as for why buffalos are more imp, they provide better milk and meat. i aksed sir aim and also checked from markscheme
  16. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    its is if the markscheme says it xD. i checked answer from markscheme it said: milk meat
  17. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    it may sound a little vague, but thats seriously the answer :D
  18. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    buffalo provide better meat and better milk :p
  19. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    oh sorry :p second time i meant meat xD. yh i think u have a reasonably good point :D
  20. H

    Agriculture preperation questions :D

    look again...its 4 points xD. hides, milk, meat and draft power