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  1. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Hello everyone, a Chinese Girl new here!

    ::::Welcome alisongain:::: Have a fun time :wink:
  2. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Useful stuff compiled ( For O-level )

    Re: Useful stuff compiled thanks!
  3. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    True Or False ::::::: The Game Of Vision

    true the person below me is as lame as the person above me :p
  4. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The unexpected!!!

    got 2 B's! Can't get 2 B's! Can Never Get 2 B's! All that hard work gone to waste. I'll get CIE back for this . I will come back and score 7 A*s ,then we'll see who laughs. :x
  5. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Handwriting Help!

    That's my point. I got 2 B's in Isl and Pakstudies this year. Just have this feeling that it was because my handwriting. Otherwise i dont know wat went wrong. I knew everything! EVERYTHING!
  6. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

    Re: O'level Maths, Addmaths and Statistics help available he Add Maths is not a difficult subject. It's just labor intensive. You can't take it easy . SalmanPakRocks is right , you gotta devout yourself to it! Clear your concepts on all the chapters. Practice as you go through the syllabus ...
  7. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    memyself15 is banned for poking his nose in other's bussiness
  8. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Useful stuff compiled ( For O-level )

    Re: Useful stuff compiled Add the examiner tips that i provided in the Help , Ideas and Suggestions section: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10765
  9. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Examiner Tips For CIE O level

    Tips for a few subjects. If you guys want more : Here ::::: Click The Thank Button :::::
  10. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Download all Past Papers in a single click!

    Re: Downloading Past Papers in a single Click! Awesome . Thanks O' Mighty Captain.
  11. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Handwriting Help!

    ^^^yeah but sometimes , you write too quickly and some letters become unrecognizable. I think fountain pen prevents this .Plus a neat paper impresses the examiner. Presentation also matters , especially when your going for World Distinction :P . I know it's never gonna happen but still the point...
  12. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    basimnazir is banned for thinking he can make his own rules and ban anyone , the rules clearly say ''Ban the person above you''. An additional ban has been placed on basimnazir's head for calling himself ''Master Of the Banning Game'' , pfft you don't even know the rules. Amateur. :P
  13. ViSiOnOfMiNe


    Dumbo! Isn't your mother a female? That was my point! I don't know why people are so dumb these days! Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? Cuz that's where we are headed if people like you are present
  14. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Question Game!

    should i see the same language used?
  15. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The End Of The Word

  16. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The End Of The Word

  17. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The End Of The Word

  18. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The End Of The Word

  19. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The End Of The Word
