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  1. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    To answer your Bio questions, What do you mean by sample? :) Let me know so that I can answer your question! Dry mass- mass of organic matter without any water, fresh mass is the mass of a organism including the water content Yes, repeating the experiment should be suggested! Dessicators are...
  2. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    The student draws around the block to get to know where exactly the light ray hits the block of glass and also If the block is accidentally moved, since the outline is there we can easily restore its original position! The Pins P3 and P4 are placed in line with the images of P1 and P2 Ray 2...
  3. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    sksuriza probably forgot that pepsin is infact a protein :P that is why he took that approach. I directly tested for the protein (pepsin) while he took a long way to prove this :)
  4. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    This is correct but there is a much easier method :D I have just posted that :)
  5. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Take a small, equally sized sample from each test-tube into a white tile and add equal amounts of iodine solution (you have to do this once for each sample until you find the starch solution). The solution of starch will show a color change of Iodine from Red-brown to Blue-black. You have now...
  6. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Correct ! sksuriza you are correct too but you have to show the test-cross :P
  7. intelnehalem

    Bio Atp help needed

    Apparatus A: Starch is present in the solution in the visking tubing. It is rightly absent in the test-tube. Reducing sugar is absent in both the solution in the tubing as well as in the water in the test tube. Starch molecules are too large to pass through the partially permeable visking...
  8. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Water vapour is indeed a gas :) We don't see liquid water diffusing out of leaves during transpiration do we? :D The word "vapour" signifies the gaseous form, Water itself is not the correct answer. hope you understood!
  9. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    :D Sure mate ! But as I know, these topics are usually about drawing bar graphs,drawing cells etc Here is a good one :)
  10. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    During the day, there are 3 gaseous exchanges you have to describe. 1.Carbon dioxide diffuses INTO the leaves through the STOMATA for use in photosynthesis 2.Oxygen diffuses out of the leaves through the stomata (oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis) 3.Water vapour diffuses out of leaf...
  11. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Let me post a guess paper of my own :D 3 topics 1.Plants and Mineral ions 2.Blood /Blood Vessels 3.Ecology
  12. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Absolutely ! And yeah, the upper surface may show a slight change to pink although this may not be the case always!
  13. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    About genetics and Inheritance, we didn't get much notes about it since it is hard to do practicals on genetics in the school lab ! If you have any question, I''ll try and help :D
  14. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Re-posting this as KarachiRocker requested! :)
  15. intelnehalem

    Important Questions with Answers for Physics ATP

    haha sure dude ! I'll post them on the other thread I created :)
  16. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Just another quick question for you guys to prepare: Please try and make your own questions and post here ! After the exams are over for M/J 2011, I will compile all the questions and answers and make it available for the next sessions :)
  17. intelnehalem

    Important Questions with Answers for Physics ATP

    :oops: Why me lol :P ? and I am so sorry I wasn't able to upload the biology practical notes :sorry: :cry: My camera is still not functional ! If you need any help though I'd be delighted to help anyone! Thanks!
  18. intelnehalem

    Important Questions with Answers for Physics ATP

    Excellent work mates !! Wish you guys all the best !!