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  1. intelnehalem


    :) All the best for your exams mate !
  2. intelnehalem

    Urgent Regarding Bio ATP

    No problem ! Please post all your queries there :D
  3. intelnehalem


    http://www.xtremepapers.me/CIE/index.ph ... S_AS_3.pdf All about Algorithms ! Have a read :)
  4. intelnehalem

    Urgent Regarding Bio ATP

    its already in this thread I made: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6754 Please post your queries there ! :)
  5. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Yes ! We got the same question once at school and those were the answers :)
  6. intelnehalem

    flexible curve allowed in CIE?

    Yes flexi-curves are allowed ! Be sure to get it confirmed with your centre though ! :D
  7. intelnehalem

    Physics ATP Paper 4

    Great idea ! :) Please do so dude !
  8. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    Marking schemes are released after the results are out :(
  9. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    :D Hope all of us gets good grades ! btw for the report what was the correct format? :)
  10. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    Yes ! I got 21 points too :) I thought I messed that up lol and about that question 1(a) no one will no the correct answer until we get the marking schemes!! I still believe it is KaneHell's answer since the question clearly said tasks- that is the only part I remember about the question lol :P
  11. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    There are usually 20+ content points in the marking schemes :P It is not exactly 15 There can always be more opinions :)
  12. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    I guess the principal examiner was having tea after being betrayed by one of his friends who promised him that he would help him make the 2011 MJ paper :evil: Eventually he had to resort to those 2 passages!
  13. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    Agreed ! :( I somehow want an A , A* is out of reach now ! :(
  14. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    In meiosis, a cell undergoes reduction division to form 2 haploid daughter cells which divide my mitosis to form a total of 4 haploid daughter cells. Details of meiosis is not required for the OL syllabus. Haploid cells are always 23 chromosomes for humans and they are gametes. Diploid cells...
  15. intelnehalem

    Biology/Physics ATP Preparation Thread

    Actually you can ! We used starch solutions for actual practicals in our labs fyi :)
  16. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    True . Though I explained it as a phrase since the passage says that Amir barely saw Hassan isn't almost never correct in that context? :)
  17. intelnehalem

    Very Important Regarding English Paper 2

    for Barely is almost never saw him correct? for bursts- sudden appearances is ok right? :(