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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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abt competin
allah says in da quran in surah ali imran chp 3 v133
and race/hasten towards forgiveness from ur lord n gardens whose width is dat of da heavens n da earth prepred for da muttaqeen
so compete for goodness n reward from allah


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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

badrobot14 said:
One of my favourite surahs being recited:

(N I got this youtube thingy to work... Alamdulillah!)


it isn't working for me though! :oops: :unknown:
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

I read this somewhere and thought I might share it here.......

"You Ask He Gives...
You Sin He Forgives...
You Repent He Forgets...
You Request He Accepts...
You Cry He Listens...
You Call He Runs...
You Knock He Opens...
You Attend He Welcomes...
You Nag He Hears...
You Question He Solves...
You Plea He Resolves...
You Take He Provides...
You Insist He Grants...
Everything you do is about you! and Everything He does is about you!
So, which of Allah's favours can you deny..."
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

This incident happened with me yesterday:
I live in Karachi and there was opening of resturant named "Hardees" so I went there with my family. After we had our dinner, I was just coming out and a kid probably 6 to 7 years who cleaned the cars, came to me and asked that "Yahan per kahan mazay ka hota hai na"? I was so thrilled, I mean, I go their and eat and filled my hunger but that poor kid could just stare people eating. Often we complain to our parents, to go out and eat and when they refuse we think that we are not dealt fairly. But I think those poor kids also have a certain desires, Aren't they humans? Doesn't these children have wishes to eat in a big place? I mean when one looks around himself for just one minutes he finds the fact that Allah has provided him with so much that others don't have. This is where I realize the true meaning of the verse in Surah Rehaman, which states:"And which of the favours of your lord will you both jinn and men deny"?
Allah has granted us with so many favours and still we don't thank him. I mean even if we pray 5 times a day we cannot thank Allah for his countless bounties. Guys Just remember this thing, Allah is FAIR with every of his creation. Those who get what they desire in this world may not get what they desire in Hereafter, similarly if those who don't get what they desire in this world might get all they want in Hereafter and This is also a fact that HEREAFTER is thousand times better than the present.
May ALLAH shower his forgiveness upon us.
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

ameen............ we must thank Allah Almighty for His countless Blessings..........


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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

SalmanPakRocks said:
This incident happened with me yesterday:
I live in Karachi and there was opening of resturant named "Hardees" so I went there with my family. After we had our dinner, I was just coming out and a kid probably 6 to 7 years who cleaned the cars, came to me and asked that "Yahan per kahan mazay ka hota hai na"? I was so thrilled, I mean, I go their and eat and filled my hunger but that poor kid could just stare people eating. Often we complain to our parents, to go out and eat and when they refuse we think that we are not dealt fairly. But I think those poor kids also have a certain desires, Aren't they humans? Doesn't these children have wishes to eat in a big place? I mean when one looks around himself for just one minutes he finds the fact that Allah has provided him with so much that others don't have. This is where I realize the true meaning of the verse in Surah Rehaman, which states:"And which of the favours of your lord will you both jinn and men deny"?
Allah has granted us with so many favours and still we don't thank him. I mean even if we pray 5 times a day we cannot thank Allah for his countless bounties. Guys Just remember this thing, Allah is FAIR with every of his creation. Those who get what they desire in this world may not get what they desire in Hereafter, similarly if those who don't get what they desire in this world might get all they want in Hereafter and This is also a fact that HEREAFTER is thousand times better than the present.
May ALLAH shower his forgiveness upon us.

m speechless..!!! u r so ryt.. mostly, we think stuff Allah has blessed us with is just ours.. eg. our eyes or money. It is not ours.. it's a blessing from ArRahman. and we would be accountable for them too!

P.S. last I heard, 4rm a frnd, there was a long line at hardees..
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‎"Indeed, the Day of Judgement is an appointed time. The Day the Horn is blown and you will come forth in multitudes and the heaven is opened and will become gateways and the mountains are removed and will be [but] a mirage. Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait for the transgressors, a place of return" [Surat An Naba 78:17-22]
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

badrobot14 said:
SalmanPakRocks said:
This incident happened with me yesterday:
I live in Karachi and there was opening of resturant named "Hardees" so I went there with my family. After we had our dinner, I was just coming out and a kid probably 6 to 7 years who cleaned the cars, came to me and asked that "Yahan per kahan mazay ka hota hai na"? I was so thrilled, I mean, I go their and eat and filled my hunger but that poor kid could just stare people eating. Often we complain to our parents, to go out and eat and when they refuse we think that we are not dealt fairly. But I think those poor kids also have a certain desires, Aren't they humans? Doesn't these children have wishes to eat in a big place? I mean when one looks around himself for just one minutes he finds the fact that Allah has provided him with so much that others don't have. This is where I realize the true meaning of the verse in Surah Rehaman, which states:"And which of the favours of your lord will you both jinn and men deny"?
Allah has granted us with so many favours and still we don't thank him. I mean even if we pray 5 times a day we cannot thank Allah for his countless bounties. Guys Just remember this thing, Allah is FAIR with every of his creation. Those who get what they desire in this world may not get what they desire in Hereafter, similarly if those who don't get what they desire in this world might get all they want in Hereafter and This is also a fact that HEREAFTER is thousand times better than the present.
May ALLAH shower his forgiveness upon us.

m speechless..!!! u r so ryt.. mostly, we think stuff Allah has blessed us with is just ours.. eg. our eyes or money. It is not ours.. it's a blessing from ArRahman. and we would be accountable for them too!

P.S. last I heard, 4rm a frnd, there was a long line at hardees..
Yeah there was a very long line there.


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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

Narrated Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه : The Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “There is no man who prays to Allah and makes du’a to Him, and does not receive a response. Either it will be hastened for him in this world, or it will be stored up for him in the Hereafter, so long as he does not pray for something sinful, or to cut the ties of kinship, or seek a speedy response.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, what does seeking a speedy response mean?” He said, “Saying, ‘I prayed to my Lord and He did not answer me.’”

(Tirmidhi- Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani )



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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*



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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

I was listening to one of Imam siraj wahaj's videos and he said something remarkable.. he said that we muslims need to stop talking about one another rather we should talk to one another.... we should make excuses for others, we see someone going in liquor store we say 'I saw so and so drunk', maybe they needed to go use the washtoom there, or make a phone call... then he mentioned this hadith:

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “‘Eesa ibn Maryam saw a man stealing and ‘Eesa said to him: ‘Did you steal?’ He said: ‘No, by the One besides Whom there is no other god.’ ‘Eesa said: ‘I believe in Allaah and I disbelieve my own eyes.’”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3260) and Muslim (2368).
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

@badrobot14 !! SubhanAllah !! :)
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

Allahumma anta rabbee la ilaha illa ant, khalaqtanee wa-ana AAabduk, wa-ana AAala AAahdika wawaAAdika mas-tataAAt, aAAoothu bika min sharri ma sanaAAt, aboo-o laka biniAAmatika AAalay, wa-aboo-o bithanbee, faghfir lee fa-innahu la yaghfiruth-thunooba illa ant.

‘O Allaah, You are my Lord, none has the right to be worshipped except You, You created me and I am You servant and I abide to Your covenant and promise as best I can, I take refuge in You from the evil of which I committed. I acknowledge Your favour upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for verily none can forgive sin except You.’

The Prophet, Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam, added, “If somebody recites it during the day with firm faith in it and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it and dies before the morning he will be from the people of Paradise.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 75, Number 318


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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

My fav recitation of sayyid ul istaghfar(the dua above):

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Assalamu alaikum ,
Thats so nice of you badrobot14 !! Seriously i so wanted to hear this one !! I just copy pasted that dua but couldn't find its recitation because it was either not complete or i didn't know its whereabouts (i.e. its name! )
JazakAllah fer sharingg !! :)


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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

@ Ghalya001: Walaikum AsSalam, no problem.. JazakAllah for reminding me of this beautiful and important dua.. I needed the reminder..

@ everyone: here's a really cool hadith with commentary I forund at muslimmaters.org

وعن أبي حمزةَ أنسِ بنِ مالكٍ الأنصاريِّ – خادِمِ رسولِ الله – قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ الله : « للهُ أفْرَحُ بِتَوْبَةِ عَبْدِهِ مِنْ أَحَدِكُمْ سَقَطَ عَلَى بَعِيرهِ وقد أضلَّهُ في أرضٍ فَلاةٍ » . مُتَّفَقٌ عليه .وفي رواية لمُسْلمٍ : « للهُ أَشَدُّ فَرَحاً بِتَوبَةِ عَبْدِهِ حِينَ يتوبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ أَحَدِكُمْ كَانَ عَلَى رَاحِلَتهِ بأرضٍ فَلاةٍ ، فَانْفَلَتَتْ مِنْهُ وَعَلَيْهَا طَعَامُهُ وَشَرَابهُ فأَيِسَ مِنْهَا ، فَأَتى شَجَرَةً فاضطَجَعَ في ظِلِّهَا وقد أيِسَ مِنْ رَاحلَتهِ ، فَبَينَما هُوَ كَذَلِكَ إِذْ هُوَ بِها قائِمَةً عِندَهُ ، فَأَخَذَ بِخِطامِهَا ، ثُمَّ قَالَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الفَرَحِ : اللَّهُمَّ أنْتَ عَبدِي وأنا رَبُّكَ ! أَخْطَأَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الفَرَحِ »

Anas b. MālikAl-Anṣāri (raḍyAllāhu ‘anhu) the servant of the Messenger of Allah narrated: Messenger of Allah (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,

“Verily, Allah is more delighted with the repentance of His slave than a person who lost his camel in a desert land and then finds it (unexpectedly)”.[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

In another version of Muslim, he said:

“Verily, Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His slave than a person who has his camel in a waterless desert carrying his provision of food and drink and it is lost. He, having lost all hopes (to get that back), lies down in shade and is disappointed about his camel; when all of a sudden he finds that camel standing before him. He takes hold of its reins and then out of boundless joy blurts out: ‘O Allah, You are my slave and I am Your Rubb’.He commits this mistake out of extreme joy.”

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said in his explanation of this ḥadīth:

The author (Al-Nawawi) raḥimahullāh says, ‘the servant of the Messenger of Allah ’ in reference to Anas (raḍyAllāhu ‘anhu), whose mother brought him to the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) upon arriving in Madinah and said, ‘here is Anas ibn Malik to serve you’. The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) accepted him, and Anas (raḍyAllāhu ‘anhu) became the servant of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
Anas (raḍyAllāhu ‘anhu) related that the Messenger (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Verily, Allah is more delighted with the repentance of His slave” more than the happiness of a man who finds his camel after losing it, and he mentioned the story: that a man was in a desert alone, with no water, food, or people…and he lost his camel. He searched, but failed to find it. So he went to sleep under a tree, awaiting death! He lost hope in finding his camel and lost hope in life, for his food and drink were on the lost camel.

Then suddenly, in this state of hopelessness, he finds his camel right in front of him, its reins attached to the same tree he slept beneath.

What is comparable to such happiness? No one can truly relate to such joy except one who was in the same situation. Indeed, it is great joy; joy of life after death. For this reason he took hold of its reins and cried, “’O Allah, You are my slave and I am Your Rabb!’” He wanted to praise Allah saying: ‘O Allah, You are my Lord and I am Your Slave’, but due to his extreme joy, he made a mistakenly switched it around.

From the Benefits of this ḥadīth: is evidence of Allah’s – azza wa jal – happiness with the repentance of His slave to Him, and that He – subḥānahu wa ta‘āla – loves this deed greatly. But this is not due to His need for our deeds and repentance, for Allah is Free of needs from us, rather this is due to Allah’s love for Generosity, for He, subhanahu wata’ala, loves to Pardon and Forgive. This is more beloved to Him than taking retribution and imposing blame. For this reason, Allah loves the repentance of the slave. So in this ḥadīth, there is encouragement towards repentance, due to Allah’s love for it and the benefit it holds for the slave.

From the lessons of this ḥadīth is affirmation (of the attribute) of ‘happiness’ to Allah ‘azza wa jal. For He, subḥānahu wa ta‘āla, becomes Pleased, Angry, Hates and Loves. But these attributes are unlike our own, because Allah says,

لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ ۖ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ

“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” (Sūrat’l-Shūra 42:11).

So, this ‘happiness’ is befitting to His Might and Majesty and does not resemble the joy of the creation.

In this ḥadīth, there is also evidence that if a person’s tongue slips and they say a certain statement mistakenly, even if it is in essence (a statement of) kufr (disbelief), then they are not held accountable for it. In the case of this man (in the hadith), his statement was one of disbelief. This is because, a person saying to his Lord, ‘You are my slave and I am you Lord’; this is undoubtedly a statement of disbelief. But when it was uttered mistakenly – under circumstances of extreme joy – then he was not held accountable for it. So if a person makes a mistake regarding a word or statement of disbelief, then he is not accounted for it. Similar is the case for other words or statement, such as if he unintentionally cursed someone or mistakenly freed his slave. All of this does not make him accountable for anything, because he did not intend it. It becomes similar, in such a case, to the unintentional oath (al-laghw fil yameen). Allah ta‘āla said:

لَّا يُؤَاخِذُكُمُ اللَّهُ بِاللَّغْوِ فِي أَيْمَانِكُمْ وَلَٰكِن يُؤَاخِذُكُم بِمَا كَسَبَتْ قُلُوبُكُم

“Allah does not impose blame upon you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He imposes blame upon you for what your hearts have earned.” (Sūrat’l-Baqarah 2:225).

This is different from the case of the mocker, who becomes a disbeliever if he says a statement of disbelief, even if he was mocking. This is due to what Allah says,

وَلَئِن سَأَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوضُ وَنَلْعَبُ ۚ قُلْ أَبِاللَّهِ وَآيَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
لَا تَعْتَذِرُوا قَدْ كَفَرْتُم بَعْدَ إِيمَانِكُمْ

“And if you ask them, they will surely say, “We were only conversing and playing.” Say, “Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?”
Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief.” ( Sūrat’l-Tawbah 9:65, 66).

This is because the scoffer meant what he said, and meant it’s meaning, but said it in the form of mockery and ridicule. For this reason, he became a disbeliever. This is contrary to the case of one who did not intend it, thus making his statement not considered as anything.

This is from the Mercy of Allah –‘azza wa jal ¬– and Allah is the source of success.
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Re: *~*~♦ тнє αят ᴏƒ ʛяᴏᴏмiɴʛ уᴏυя ѕᴏυℓѕ ♦~*~*

And when you are greeted wid a greeting, o reply (greet) back in a more gracious manner or atleast of equal courtesy........
(al quraan 4:82) refrence is 4:86
so assalamu alaikum
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If you walk towards Allaah, Allaah will come running towards you, but remember you've got to make the first step.
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All your suffering comes from desiring things that cannot be . Stop desiring and you won't suffer.~ Jalaluddin Ar Rumi


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It was reported that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar said: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: ‘Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. The imaam is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. A man is the shepherd of his family and is responsible for his flock. A woman is the shepherd of her husband’s house and is responsible for her flock. A servant is the shepherd of his master’s wealth and is responsible for his flock.’ I think that he said, ‘A man is the shepherd of his father’s wealth and is responsible for his flock. Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 853; Muslim, 1829)

(may Allah help me fullfil the responsibilities I have towards my flock.. Ameen)

the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A man will follow the way('deen') of his close friend, so let each of you look to who his close friends are.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2387; Abu Dawood, 4833. This hadeeth was classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi and as saheeh by al-Nawawi, as stated in Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi, 7/42).