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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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Oh Sisters.....

Why do you refuse
to cover up your beauty?
Hasn't Allah promised you
a great reward after life....?

Do you not know that Hijab
protects you and brings you closer
to your Lord, and what is greater than
being close to the Most Merciful?

Oh Sisters.....

You have been blessed with beauty
Why sell it, sell yourself, your body just
for comments, and attraction to strangers?

Don't you agree.....
avoiding, keeping away from
a sin, or do what you want to do
is more easier and lighter
than the the torture or punishment of
Hell Fire.....!
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Sheikh Umran
Allah only wants the best for you, so when He removes someone or something from your life, He has a great reason for it. Have faith in Him.

If Allah can take away someone you've never expected losing, He can replace them with someone you've never imagined having.

In your life, you will see a lot of certificates and contracts. There is your birth certificate, your university degree, your driver’s license and your marriage contract. All of these documents you see and hold with your hands will all become useless by one single certificate. So prepare yourself and work hard for that one certificate you will never see; your death certificate!
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Prayer Changes Things ♥♥ Worry Changes Nothing ♥♥ So, Instead Of Worrying About ♥♥ What You Can Do ♥♥ Just Pray and Think Of What Allah Can Do For You.. . .
Prophet PBUH said : "Nothing repels divine decree except du'a, and nothing increases one's lifespan except good deeds" (Al-Tirmidhi and Al-Hakim).
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Has Gossip Made You Bankrupt..???

By Umm Ammarah

You hear a juicy tit bit from a neighbour, who heard it from a friend,
who heard from her sister on a social chat group, who added some
“spice” to make it more appetizing… and so the gossip goes
around town…sounds familiar?
Gossip is dangerous and harmful; it can destroy the fabric and
morality of a society. People spread gossip for many reasons such as
to feel superior (they feel better if someone is worse off than them),
out of jealousy, to fit in the group, for attention (they become
centre of attention for a few moments), out of revenge and even out of
sheer boredom (an idle mind is a devils workshop).
We need to remind ourselves over and over again that we are accountable for our deeds in the Court of Allah.

Allah Ta’ala says:

"Oh you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news,
ascertain the truth, lest you harm people unwittingly, and afterwards
become full of repentance for what you have done” (Quran 49:6).

There once lived a gossip monger. He always preoccupied himself in
talking about others. He could not resist the urge. Whenever he heard
a story about somebody he knew, and sometimes about somebody he did
not know, he just had to tell it to his friends. Since he was in business, he heard a lot of rumours and stories. He didn’t care if it was true or not. He loved the attention he got from his gossip, which he sometimes spiced up with little details he invented to make
them funnier, juicier and more palatable. Other than that, he was
really a pleasant man.
He kind of knew it was wrong, but . . . it was too tempting, and in any case, most of what he told had really happened, didn’t it?
One day he found out something really weird about another businessman
and his wife. Of course he felt compelled to share what he knew with
his colleagues, who told it to their friends, who told it to people
they knew, who told it to their wives and so the gossip spread around
town until the unhappy businessman who was the main character in the
story heard about it. He ran to the wise man of the town, and wailed
and complained that he was ruined! His good name and his reputation
were gone with the wind.
The wise old man decided to call the man who loved to tell stories. If he was not the one who started them, he might at least know who did.
When the nice man with the nasty problem heard from the wise man how
devastated his colleague was, he felt truly sorry and admitted his
guilt. “True, or not true, that really makes no difference! You just cannot
tell stories about people. This is all slander, and it’s like murder—you kill a person’s reputation.” shouted the wise man.
The man who started the rumour now felt really bad and sorry. “What
can I do to remedy the harm ?” he sobbed. “I will do anything you
The wise old man looked at him. “Do you have any feather pillows in
your house?, bring me one.” The man was mystified, but he returned
with a nice fluffy pillow under his arm. “Cut it open!”said the wise man. The man cut the pillow. A cloud of feathers came out. Being a windy day,they floated all over the place and a lot of them flew out of the window in a big swirling, whirling trail.
The wise man waited a while. Then he ordered the man: “Now bring me
back all the feathers, and stuff them back in your pillow. All of them, mind you. Not one may be missing!” “That is impossible! The ones here in the room I might get, most of them, but the ones that flew out of the window are gone. I can’t do that, you know it!”
“Yes,” that is how it is… once a rumour or a gossip or a ‘secret,’ leaves your mouth, you do not know where it ends up. It flies on the wings of the wind, and you can never get it back!”
He ordered the man to sincerely repent to Allah Ta’ala and with remorse deeply apologize to the person about whom he had spread the rumour; that is difficult and painful, but it was the least he could do. After that he talked about the importance of guarding your tongue to all his friends and colleagues. And in the end he became an upright man who overcame a nasty addiction of tale telling!

Allah, The Most Wise, says in the Quraan:
“ Oh you who believe! Avoid suspicion for suspicion, in some cases is a sin. And backbite not on each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? No, you would abhor it...But fear Allah. For Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful" (Quran 49:11-12).
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "When man wakes up
in the morning each day, all his body parts warn his tongue saying:
‘Fear Allah with regards to us, for we are under your mercy; if you
are upright, we will be upright and if you are crooked, we will be
crooked." (At-Tirmidhi)
* *The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) once asked: "Do you know
what backbiting is?" His companions replied: "Allah and His Messenger
know best." He then said: "It is to say something about your brother
that he would dislike." Someone asked: "But what if what is said is
true?" The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied: "If what
you say about him is true, then you have backbitten him, but if it is
not true then you have slandered him."* (Hadith-Muslim)

Let’s face it, we live in a world where gossip often crosses our
path. People gossip and this cannot be changed overnight.
But we do have the ability to change what happens when the rumour comes
our way. We can simply break this chain of gossip by considering
the following :
Beneficial or not? Try to ascertain the worth of the subject under discussion. If non-beneficial refrain from it. Why would I want to be a link in this sinful chain?
Put yourself in their shoes: Would I like people to know this about me?
How would this person feel if they knew about this rumour?
Look for positive qualities in people, If you really have to talk about someone who’s not there, talk about how great,
hardworking, funny, humble they are instead of deficiencies.

Fear Allah Ta’ala and Repent
Remember Allah can see and hear
everything, we are accountable to Allah Ta’ala! If we have engaged in gossip than repent and also ask the wronged one for his or her forgiveness.
*Don’t be an audience*
Remember that according to a hadith by listening and letting it continue makes us equally responsible.
*Change the topic or leave

Allah praised such action in the
"If they hear gossip, they walk away" (Quran 28:55).

“When you see men engaged in vain
discourse about Our Signs, turn away from them unless they turn to a
different theme. If Satan ever makes you forget, then after
recollection, do not sit in the company of those who do

. The Messenger of Allah
(peace be upon him) said:”if anyone defends his brother’s honour
in his absence, then it is Allah’s responsibility to set him free
from the fire (hell).”(Hadith-Musnad Ahmed)

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.”

May Allah Ta’ala guide and protect us all… Ameen
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The more a Muslimah is modest ,
the more stranger
men won’t dare to look at her.
They will see in her the woman
who is obeying her
Lord, a woman they should
so they will feel ashamed of their
selves by staring
at her Hijabi woman should
respect the Hijab she is
wearing, as well
And should remember that it’s not
just a piece of
clothe on her head
But it’s the symbol of her chastity,
a symbol which
distinguish her from all other
women in this world
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Sheikh Umran
A woman bought eggs and butter from a farmer who had a fine reputation not only for the quality of his products, but also for his promptness of delivery.

Then one day, when she was expecting guests, he failed to come.

On the next delivery, she spoke harshly to him. At the end of her tirade he said quietly, “I’m sorry if I caused you any inconvenience, but I had the misfortune of burying my mother yesterday.”

Ashamed, the woman determined never to speak harshly to anyone again until she fully understood the cause of the delay

Oh ALLAH, allow us to be thoughtful in speech and grant us patience. Aameen
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It was narrated that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Rasool Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Whoever is mainly concerned about the Hereafter, Allaah will make him feel independent of others and will make... him focused and content, and his worldly affairs will fall into place. But whoever is mainly concerned with this world, Allaah will make him feel in constant need of others and will make him distracted and unfocused, and he will get nothing of this world except what is decreed for him.”

(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2389; classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 6510).
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When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness,
Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.
When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.
When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember Allah Sees it all.
When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.
When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.
When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.
When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.
And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.
Reaction score
“When you are sick, delicious food doesn't taste good to you. Why? Because you are sick and there is nothing wrong with the food. The pleasure of praying is the same thing. We don’t understand how great the taste of true prayer is because we have diseased souls that are preventing us from experiencing the amazing pleasure of salat (prayer) .”
Reaction score
When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness,
Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.
When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.
When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember Allah Sees it all.
When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.
When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.
When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.
When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.
And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.

Reaction score
When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness,
Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.
When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.
When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember Allah Sees it all.
When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.
When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.
When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.
When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.
And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.
