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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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This is a True Tale from my own experience and I request all to read it! It will definitely increase your Imaan, In Shaa Allah!

In my second semester I had to go outside of town to do my studies, this is one feature of our University. There we were in a hostel type of place with people breaking rules and doing whatever they like as their parents were not present. I was among the good ones, Alhammdulillah but there was someoneeven greater than me.

She was a true Muslimah, wearing the most modest hijab and abaya which were loose and dark in colour. You know, everyone was like mixing with people and enjoying but she used to come out only for breakfast, lunch, dinner and classes and always used to stay with the girls. Another amazing thing was that no guy would approach her, you know guys would eventually approach a girl even if she is modest and good despite her being very pretty, Subahan Allah and the fact was that no one was like even talking to her or about her, this is never a usual case. Mystically guys would repel her sometimes talk once or twice but never much. We had two cultural nights where people danced and sang, I would sit in one corner seeing others enjoy and she used to do the same thing, people used to drag me into dancing but I used to protest but I notice she was like always bowing her head down and sit quietly sometimes smiling while looking up at others as they enjoyed themselves but never took part in it. There were Hijab girls who lost their modesty but she at all times restrained herself from any visible sin, Subahan Allah.

One day some guys were praising me for being a "perfect Muslim" of that place I denied saying that my level of knowledge is slim but they said that I was always strong with my Imaan despite my limited knowledge. I told them that there is someone else far better than me and to me she is a better Muslim than I am in all aspect. I never knew her name, I never ask any girl's name, I described her and after I had done so the other guys' faces turned blank and pale, I asked them "What is wrong?"

They said that the girl I just mentioned is not a good person.
I asked "Why?"
One of them said- "Because she got raped"
I shuddered, saying how was this even possible, and they even denied giving any further details saying that I am not suited for such stuffs.

I came to my room and asked my roommate about this and he too said- "You are the only idiot who does not know it, she got raped thrice"

I said "You are making it up..."

I never got to know her name, I keep my modesty and as she is a true Muslim, she deserves my respect. So the thing which I want you all to learn is that sometimes life may go absurd but Allah always guides us through this. The reason why that girl became a true Muslim was because she got raped, that is Allah's way of guiding her, does not apply to all and that have made her more modest by nature. Just observe how she is using her weakness as her biggest strength to keep her grasp on her Deen, Subahan Allah. Guys say that it is her fault that she got raped and no one wants an impure girl, they repel her and she never minds. I call those guys all idiots. I think they exaggerated the story saying it happened thrice but truly she is a true Muslim that is what I want to believe, I don't care whether she got raped and that is what also what Allah wants us to be like- never to forgo our Imaan! ^__^

Whenever I feel like Shaitan is overpowering me I remind myself of her and how she managed to keep her Imaan strong and that helps me instantly and I hope it also have the same impact on all of you! :)
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This is a True Tale from my own experience and I request all to read it! It will definitely increase your Imaan, In Shaa Allah!

In my second semester I had to go outside of town to do my studies, this is one feature of our University. There we were in a hostel type of place with people breaking rules and doing whatever they like as their parents were not present. I was among the good ones, Alhammdulillah but there was someoneeven greater than me.

She was a true Muslimah, wearing the most modest hijab and abaya which were loose and dark in colour. You know, everyone was like mixing with people and enjoying but she used to come out only for breakfast, lunch, dinner and classes and always used to stay with the girls. Another amazing thing was that no guy would approach her, you know guys would eventually approach a girl even if she is modest and good despite her being very pretty, Subahan Allah and the fact was that no one was like even talking to her or about her, this is never a usual case. Mystically guys would repel her sometimes talk once or twice but never much. We had two cultural nights where people danced and sang, I would sit in one corner seeing others enjoy and she used to do the same thing, people used to drag me into dancing but I used to protest but I notice she was like always bowing her head down and sit quietly sometimes smiling while looking up at others as they enjoyed themselves but never took part in it. There were Hijab girls who lost their modesty but she at all times restrained herself from any visible sin, Subahan Allah.

One day some guys were praising me for being a "perfect Muslim" of that place I denied saying that my level of knowledge is slim but they said that I was always strong with my Imaan despite my limited knowledge. I told them that there is someone else far better than me and to me she is a better Muslim than I am in all aspect. I never knew her name, I never ask any girl's name, I described her and after I had done so the other guys' faces turned blank and pale, I asked them "What is wrong?"
They said that the girl I just mentioned is not a good person.
I asked "Why?"
One of them said- "Because she got raped"
I shuddered, saying how was this even possible, and they even denied giving any further details saying that I am not suited for such stuffs.

I came to my room and asked my roommate about this and he too said- "You are the only idiot who does not know it, she got raped thrice"

I said "You are making it up..."

I never got to know her name, I keep my modesty and as she is a true Muslim, she deserves my respect. So the thing which I want you all to learn is that sometimes life may go absurd but Allah always guides us through this. The reason why that girl became a true Muslim was because she got raped, that is Allah's way of guiding her, does not apply to all and that have made her more modest by nature. Just observe how she is using her weakness as her biggest strength to keep her grasp on her Deen, Subahan Allah. Guys say that it is her fault that she got raped and no one wants an impure girl, they repel her and she never minds. I call those guys all idiots. I think they exaggerated the story saying it happened thrice but truly she is a true Muslim that is what I want to believe, I don't care whether she got raped and that is what also what Allah wants us to be like- never to forgo our Imaan! ^__^

Whenever I feel like Shaitan is overpowering me I remind myself of her and how she managed to keep her Imaan strong and that helps me instantly and I hope it also have the same impact on all of you! :)

May Allah give us Hadayah and guide us all to the right path...and gives us the knowledge to distinguish between the right and the wrong... May Allah forgive all our sins... and make us among the mutaqqin... Ameen Sumameen...
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This is a True Tale from my own experience and I request all to read it! It will definitely increase your Imaan, In Shaa Allah!

In my second semester I had to go outside of town to do my studies, this is one feature of our University. There we were in a hostel type of place with people breaking rules and doing whatever they like as their parents were not present. I was among the good ones, Alhammdulillah but there was someoneeven greater than me.

She was a true Muslimah, wearing the most modest hijab and abaya which were loose and dark in colour. You know, everyone was like mixing with people and enjoying but she used to come out only for breakfast, lunch, dinner and classes and always used to stay with the girls. Another amazing thing was that no guy would approach her, you know guys would eventually approach a girl even if she is modest and good despite her being very pretty, Subahan Allah and the fact was that no one was like even talking to her or about her, this is never a usual case. Mystically guys would repel her sometimes talk once or twice but never much. We had two cultural nights where people danced and sang, I would sit in one corner seeing others enjoy and she used to do the same thing, people used to drag me into dancing but I used to protest but I notice she was like always bowing her head down and sit quietly sometimes smiling while looking up at others as they enjoyed themselves but never took part in it. There were Hijab girls who lost their modesty but she at all times restrained herself from any visible sin, Subahan Allah.

One day some guys were praising me for being a "perfect Muslim" of that place I denied saying that my level of knowledge is slim but they said that I was always strong with my Imaan despite my limited knowledge. I told them that there is someone else far better than me and to me she is a better Muslim than I am in all aspect. I never knew her name, I never ask any girl's name, I described her and after I had done so the other guys' faces turned blank and pale, I asked them "What is wrong?"
They said that the girl I just mentioned is not a good person.
I asked "Why?"
One of them said- "Because she got raped"
I shuddered, saying how was this even possible, and they even denied giving any further details saying that I am not suited for such stuffs.

I came to my room and asked my roommate about this and he too said- "You are the only idiot who does not know it, she got raped thrice"

I said "You are making it up..."

I never got to know her name, I keep my modesty and as she is a true Muslim, she deserves my respect. So the thing which I want you all to learn is that sometimes life may go absurd but Allah always guides us through this. The reason why that girl became a true Muslim was because she got raped, that is Allah's way of guiding her, does not apply to all and that have made her more modest by nature. Just observe how she is using her weakness as her biggest strength to keep her grasp on her Deen, Subahan Allah. Guys say that it is her fault that she got raped and no one wants an impure girl, they repel her and she never minds. I call those guys all idiots. I think they exaggerated the story saying it happened thrice but truly she is a true Muslim that is what I want to believe, I don't care whether she got raped and that is what also what Allah wants us to be like- never to forgo our Imaan! ^__^

Whenever I feel like Shaitan is overpowering me I remind myself of her and how she managed to keep her Imaan strong and that helps me instantly and I hope it also have the same impact on all of you! :)

amazing girl mashallah..
may Allah reward her multiple times n grant her patience! ameen
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The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has mentioned things that are Human Nature, according to a Hadîth recorded by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others. Among them is the Cutting of the Nails. So, growing long nails is against the Sunnah of the Prophet(صلى الله عليه وسلم), as well as the Sunnah of all other Prophets and is also against human nature.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.779 Narrated by Abu Huraira R.A

I heard the Prophet (sallalahu alaih wasallam) saying. "Five practices are characteristics of the �Fitra� (nature): removing the pubic hair, clipping the nails, depilating the hair of the armpits; and circumcision and cutting the mustaches short (for the males)
Muslim women, before adopting a trend or fashion, should check it according to the Islamic Shari'ah and not blindly follow the non-Muslims......

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The Prophet (SAW) said:

"Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases:

(1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously.

(2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur'an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others."

[al-Bukhari (1409) and Muslim (816)] —
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Is Hijab an obligation ?
Where is it mentioned in the Qur-aan ?
What is the Hijab ?

°•♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥•. Islam is My Path °•♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥•.

Is Hijab an obligation? Where is it mentioned in the Qur-aan?
What is the Hijab?

Unfortunately the question isn't really answered comprehensively and many Muslims, especially sisters, are left very confused.
This topic is sensitive, but Allah azzawajal is our Lord and Protector and whatever we do, we do to please Him.

Hijab is mentioned in the Qur'an. However, it is mentioned not in terms of a dress or modesty, but rather as a 'veil' or 'partition.'
So for example, Allah says in Surah Sa'ad that He hid the sun behind a 'hijab.'
So hijab is not really mentioned in the Qur'an in terms of dressing.

So then what does the Qur'an say about the physical dress?
The answer is broken into four parts:

- Khimar: In surah An-Nur, verse 31:
Allah says "And to draw their bikhomoorihinna over their chests area."

Khimar in the classic Arabic language is a headscarf that covers the area around the head and flows down with the hair. Allah commanded the women to wear the khimar and draw it around the chest area, so as to form the complete headscarf that we see today for sisters.

- Jilbaab: In surah Al-Ahzab, verse 59 Allah says "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves their jalabeebihinna."

Jilbaab in the classic Arabic language refers to a one-piece garment that extends from the shoulders to the feet, and goes over the normal clothes you wear when you are in public (like the way you wear a winter coat when going into the cold on top of your normal clothes). Allah commanded women to wear this when going out.

- Tabarruj: In surah Al-Ahzab, verse 33 Allah says "And abide in your houses and do not tabarrajna yourselves as [was] the tabarruja of the former times of ignorance."

Tabarruj is a word meaning those things that attract attention. It is putting out for display to draw the attention of others. As an example, if all the people in a society wear black clothes and a person wears white clothes, that person is doing tabarruj as that person is drawing the gazes of people to them.

- Zeenah: In surah An-Nur, in verse 31 Allah says "And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their zeenatahunna except that which is apparent."

Zeenah are adornments that one wears. The verse gives an example at the end of it by saying "And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their zeenatihinna." The example attached to this mentions the anklets women would wear and stamp their feet so they would be noticed.

These are the four parts Allah Himself mentions in the Qur'an.
As we observe human beings we realize that when left to their own devices, men naturally exploit the physical reality of women. It is taken as product in the market, with each product having differing values. This is why models are 'devalued' in the industry as time progresses, because they no longer pretty enough due to aging. Allah recognizes human beings based on their intellectual merit, and their piety and not on their physicality. We are all human beings who have our own thoughts, our own personality, and those are the key parts of who we are.
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Jabir bin 'Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with them) said:
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "The dearest and the closest of you to me on the Day of Resurrection will be those who are the best in behaviour; and the most hateful and the farthest from me on the Day of Resurrection will be the talkative and the most pretentious and the most rhetorical."


وعن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنهما أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "إن من أحبكم إلي، وأقربكم مني مجلسًا يوم القيامة، أحاسنكم أخلاقًا، وإن أبغضكم إلي وأبعدكم مني يوم القيامة، والثرثارون، والمتشدقون، والمتفيهقون".((رواه الترمذي وقال حديث حسن)). وقد سبق شرحه في باب حسن الخلق.
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Jabir bin 'Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with them) said:
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "The dearest and the closest of you to me on the Day of Resurrection will be those who are the best in behaviour; and the most hateful and the farthest from me on the Day of Resurrection will be the talkative and the most pretentious and the most rhetorical."


وعن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنهما أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "إن من أحبكم إلي، وأقربكم مني مجلسًا يوم القيامة، أحاسنكم أخلاقًا، وإن أبغضكم إلي وأبعدكم مني يوم القيامة، والثرثارون، والمتشدقون، والمتفيهقون".((رواه الترمذي وقال حديث حسن)). وقد سبق شرحه في باب حسن الخلق.

God this is scary...nowdays scarcasim is so common...!!
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This is a True Tale from my own experience and I request all to read it! It will definitely increase your Imaan, In Shaa Allah!

In my second semester I had to go outside of town to do my studies, this is one feature of our University. There we were in a hostel type of place with people breaking rules and doing whatever they like as their parents were not present. I was among the good ones, Alhammdulillah but there was someoneeven greater than me.

She was a true Muslimah, wearing the most modest hijab and abaya which were loose and dark in colour. You know, everyone was like mixing with people and enjoying but she used to come out only for breakfast, lunch, dinner and classes and always used to stay with the girls. Another amazing thing was that no guy would approach her, you know guys would eventually approach a girl even if she is modest and good despite her being very pretty, Subahan Allah and the fact was that no one was like even talking to her or about her, this is never a usual case. Mystically guys would repel her sometimes talk once or twice but never much. We had two cultural nights where people danced and sang, I would sit in one corner seeing others enjoy and she used to do the same thing, people used to drag me into dancing but I used to protest but I notice she was like always bowing her head down and sit quietly sometimes smiling while looking up at others as they enjoyed themselves but never took part in it. There were Hijab girls who lost their modesty but she at all times restrained herself from any visible sin, Subahan Allah.

One day some guys were praising me for being a "perfect Muslim" of that place I denied saying that my level of knowledge is slim but they said that I was always strong with my Imaan despite my limited knowledge. I told them that there is someone else far better than me and to me she is a better Muslim than I am in all aspect. I never knew her name, I never ask any girl's name, I described her and after I had done so the other guys' faces turned blank and pale, I asked them "What is wrong?"

They said that the girl I just mentioned is not a good person.
I asked "Why?"
One of them said- "Because she got raped"
I shuddered, saying how was this even possible, and they even denied giving any further details saying that I am not suited for such stuffs.

I came to my room and asked my roommate about this and he too said- "You are the only idiot who does not know it, she got raped thrice"

I said "You are making it up..."

I never got to know her name, I keep my modesty and as she is a true Muslim, she deserves my respect. So the thing which I want you all to learn is that sometimes life may go absurd but Allah always guides us through this. The reason why that girl became a true Muslim was because she got raped, that is Allah's way of guiding her, does not apply to all and that have made her more modest by nature. Just observe how she is using her weakness as her biggest strength to keep her grasp on her Deen, Subahan Allah. Guys say that it is her fault that she got raped and no one wants an impure girl, they repel her and she never minds. I call those guys all idiots. I think they exaggerated the story saying it happened thrice but truly she is a true Muslim that is what I want to believe, I don't care whether she got raped and that is what also what Allah wants us to be like- never to forgo our Imaan! ^__^

Whenever I feel like Shaitan is overpowering me I remind myself of her and how she managed to keep her Imaan strong and that helps me instantly and I hope it also have the same impact on all of you! :)
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Masha allah dis is just sooooo Ahh-mazingggggg :) .....Masha allah ...Masha allah :)
Dis real incident brought tears to my eyes......waaaaat a beautiful gurl she is....<3 masha allah :D May Allah SWT guide her until the very last end of her life :) and also May he guide every 1 of us to the right path :) :D
I have no wrds to spk.....rele.....Shez amazing.....that m so astonished by her ....:D
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Oh Sisters.....

Why do you refuse
to cover up your beauty?
Hasn't Allah promised you
a great reward after life....?

Do you not know that Hijab
protects you and brings you closer
to your Lord, and what is greater than
being close to the Most Merciful?

Oh Sisters.....

You have been blessed with beauty
Why sell it, sell yourself, your body just
for comments, and attraction to strangers?

Don't you agree.....
avoiding, keeping away from
a sin, or do what you want to do
is more easier and lighter
than the the torture or punishment of
Hell Fire.....!