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In the battle of BADR...only 313 said Ya Allah we are ready to give up our lives so that Islam prevails...
Have we ever realised that these were the people who gave up their lives in hundreds and thousands for DEEN to come to us today...
Nobody is asking us to give up our lives... but there is a small question for all of us..
We are not ready to offer SALAH..
We are not ready to wear HIJAB..
We are not ready to give up CHEATING, DECEIVING and DEFRAUDING practices..
We can't even give up a Small Cigarette for the will of Allah..
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If you're a Muslim and you don't know what's happening to your brothers and sisters in Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, CAR, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Waziristan, Kashmir, and the list goes on.
Yet you happen to know all the latest Hollywood gossip, football info and car specifications and other things that benefits not the believers.
Then you should worry about your Emaan.
“The believers in their affection, compassion and love for one another is like one single body. If a part of it suffers from pain, the whole body will suffer in pain.” (Muslim)
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Annoyed? Angered? Irritated? Frustrated? Tried all the music genres in the world but nothing gives you what you’re actually looking for?
Watched episodes over episodes of every season available and you thought that’s all what life has to offer to you? Encircled by friends day in and day out and forgot what YOU are actually meant for?
Got deceived into thinking that life is just a game? Enslaved by chants of YOLO?
"And the worldly life is nothing but amusement and diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah, so will you not understand?" [Al Qur’an 6:32]
Know that those who fear worldly creatures flee from them but those who fear Allah fly to Him.
”..fly to Allah…” (Surah Adh-Dhariyat - Ayah:50)
So let’s fly to Him, beg Him and beseech Him and be enveloped in His special Mercy.
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•••• Boy Giving Blood ••••
There was a story of a little girl named Fiza who was suffering from a disease and needed blood from her five-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying,

"Yes, I'll do it if it will save Fiza."

As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away?" Being young, the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give her all his blood.

Moral : We Need a Same Spirit Like a Boy.Unfortunatly we Have Forgotten the Value of Relations. We Should Learn From The Boy and Get Ready for Every Sacrifice For our Love Ones.
Because Every Sacrifice Gives You a Big Reward.
And If The Sacrifice is given in The Way of " ALLAH "
You ll Get Reward In This World and Also in Jannah (In-Sha-Allah)
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A Man Saw A Little Poor Boy Looking At His Expensive Car..,

He Took The Boy 4 A Drive..
The Boy Said: "Ur Car Is So Marvelous,
It Must Be 2 Expensive.!,
Hw Much It Costs.?"
Man: "I Don't Know, My Brother Has Gifted Me."
Boy: "Wow, So Nice Of Him."
Man: "I Know What You're Thinking, You Also Want To Have A Car Like It."
Boy: No, I Want To Be A Brother Like Him.
Always Think Higher Than The People's Expectation.!
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A flying Tortoise:
Long ago there were two Geese who regularly visited a pond to eat Fish. The Geese always had a chat with the lonely Tortoise living in the pond. They spent many days talking about different things and their acquaintance grew into friendship.
One day, when the Geese realized there were no more Fish in the pond, they decided to migrate to a new and larger pond up north. They conveyed their decision to their friend, the lonely Tortoise. The Tortoise felt sad and expressed his wish to go along with the Geese.
The Geese thought this is a very good idea. "Why don't we take lonely Tortoise along with us? Then we all can live together forever!"
The Tortoise was delighted, but soon realized the problem. "How can I go with you? Because I cannot fly."
The Tortoise was very disappointed that he would not be able to go with the Geese.
The Geese came up with a solution, "Don't worry. We have thought of a way to solve this problem. We will hold a stick between us. Hold onto the middle of the stick with your mouth. This way, we all can fly to our new location."
But, warned one Goose, "Our plan is good, but you have to be very careful. At no time during our journey you should open your mouth, for, if you do, you will fall from the sky and be smashed to death on the ground."
The Tortoise thought for a while and agreed to be sure to keep his mouth champed round the stick all throughout the journey," he said.
Once they were all set, the Geese and the Tortoise set off on their journey northwards. As they flew, they had to pass through many villages, where people came running out to see this strange sight.
"Look at the Tortoise. See how the Geese carry him between them." Shouted the children.
The Tortoise wanted to tell them that he was going with his friends to a new pond and that there was nothing strange in it, but he remembered his friends warning and kept his mouth shut.
Village after village, people ran after the strange flight. "A flying Tortoise!" some shouted.
The Tortoise soon began to swell with pride.
He thought to himself, "I am so great. All the villagers are running out to see me. If these Geese had not come with me, no one would have ever noticed them."
Every village that they passed, the Tortoise was greeted with cheering and shouting. Finally the Tortoise could contain himself no more. He opened his mouth to speak, "I am ..."
As soon as he opened his mouth, his hold on the stick was lost and he came hurtling through the air and fell on a rock with a loud crack. The poor Tortoise died on the spot.
The Geese flew sadly away. "If only he had not been so proud," they thought, "he would have been living happily with us."
Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S.A.W) says: "Even if you do not commit any sins, I fear that you may fall into something which is worse: pride!
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Grapes & Wine
A non Muslim invited a Muslim to his house and gave him Grapes ,
the Muslim ate them ,
then he invited the muslim to a cup of wine ,the muslim refused ,
The non muslim asked him how did u Muslims forbidden wine and ate grapes although the wine came from grapes ,
The muslim replied 'Do u have a daughter' ,
He said yes ,
The muslim asked him 'could u marry her' ,
The non muslim said no ,
The muslim said subhan Allah ,
u marry her mother and can't marry her although this came from this too