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Punishments of Missing Salat,


Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) is reported to have said, "A person neglecting his Salaah (even though he makes it up later) shall remain in Jahannam for a period of one huqb. A Huqb is equal to eighty years of three hundred and sixty days each, and a day in Akhirah shall equal one thousand years of this world." Huqb literally means a very long time; in most Ahadith it is explained as being eighty years as given above.

Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi is responsible for the Hadith in which Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) is reported to have said, "The name of a person who neglects even a single obligatory Salaah intentionally is written on the gate of Jahannam, which he must enter.”

Ibn Abbas (Radiallaho Anho) narrates that once Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) said, “Ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) to cause not anyone of us to be an unfortunate penniless.” He then said: “Do you know who is an unfortunate penniless?” At the request of the Sahabah he explained to them, saying, “An unfortunate penniless is he who neglects his Salaah. In Islam there is nothing for him.” In another Hadith it is said, “Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) will not care a bit for the person who has been neglecting Salaah intentionally and for him shall be an awful punishment.

shazmina Shara Nafaz
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Abu Zarr (Radiallaho Anho) narrates that once our Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) came out of his house. It was autumn and the leaves were falling from the trees. He caught hold of a branch of a tree and its leaves began to drop in large number. At this he remarked, "O Abu Zarr! When a Muslim offers his Salaah to please Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) his sins fall away from him just as these leaves are falling off this tree."

In autumn, usually, the leaves of the trees fall in large number, so much so that on some trees not a single leaf is left behind. The same is the effect of Salaah performed with sincerity and devotion. All the sins of the person offering Salaah are wiped off. It should, however, be remembered that according to scholars of Islamic law, only the smaller sins are forgiven by the performance of Salaah and such other practices. The major sins are not forgiven without repentance. We should, therefore, in addition to saying Salaah, be Particular about repenting and asking for Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala)'s forgiveness. Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) may, however, pardon, by His bountiful Grace, even the major sins of any person, because of his Salaah

Salaah Washes Away Sins

Abu Hurairah (Radiallaho Anho) narrates that once Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) asked his Sahabah, "Do you believe that dirt can remain on a person bathing five times a day in a stream running in front of his door?" "No," replied the Sahabah, "no dirt can remain on his body." Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) remarked: "So, exactly similar is the effect of salaah offered five times a day. With the Grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) it washes away all the sins."

Jabir (Radiallaho Anho) narrates that he heard Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) saying: "The likeness of five times daily salaah is of a deep stream running in front of the door of a person who bathes therein five times a day."

Running water is generally free from dirt, and the deeper it runs the cleaner and purer it is. A bath in such water surely removes dirt from the body and makes it clean. Salaah offered with due regard for its essentials similarly cleanses the soul of all sins. There are several Ahadith of the same meaning, though with slight variations in expression, narrated by different Sahabah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) .

Abu Saeed Khudree (Radiallaho Anho) narrates that he heard Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) saying: "Each of the five Salaah covers up the sins committed since the salaah preceding it. To explain, let us take the case of a person working in a factory. His job is such that his body gets covered with dust. But there are five streams of running water in between the factory and his house and, on his return from the job, he takes a bath in each stream. The effect of five times daily salaah is quite similar. Any sins of omission and commission between two Salaah are forgiven on account of asking for Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) forgiveness and repentance in each salaah."
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· The heart was created by and for Allah. The heart was created to know and love Allah. The heart was created to be given to Allah. To be filled with Allah. The heart that is given to or filled by any other thing, suffers the most painful impoverishment and death.

The human heart is like a boat in the ocean of dunya. The boat that allows the oceans water to enter breaks and then drowns. The human heart that allows this dunya to enter, breaks and drowns. And becomes owned. Owned by this life. Owned by our gadgets, our Facebook, our jobs, the distractions, the fashion trends, the marketing tools, the money, the power, the status.
The heart that is owned by this life is a prisoner of the worst kind. The heart that is owned by any other master, than the Master of masters, is the weakest of all slaves. That is true oppression. True death.True poverty. " -Yasmin Mogahed.
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In an attempt to rationalize life, we have dismissed the importance of emotion. Too many people look at feelings as some human weakness we're meant to suppress. Feelings are a creation of Allah, deliberately put in us for a reason. Emotion should be directed and managed--not suppressed and ignored. Although complete obedience and submission is saved for the Creator, Islam highly respects and considers human emotion. For example, when a man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said he was going to marry a woman from the ansar he had not seen, the Prophet (pbuh) told him to go look at her. When the wife of Ibn Thabit asked for a divorce because of what she felt (despite no ill treatment from her husband), the Prophet pbuh respected her feelings and granted her the divorce. In the Quran, Allah says He returned Musa (AS) to his mother so her eyes would be cooled and she would not grieve. Her *feelings* were that important to Allah. - Yasmeen Mogahed
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‘Surround yourself with people who not only make you think good of yourself, but who also make you think good of your Lord. Negative people make you think that your faults define you and that Allah Himself defines you likewise—and that He is “lying in wait” to punish you for the slightest deviation from His path. But Allah is Merciful and Forgiving to all who turn to Him. If you fall, He lifts you up. If you deviate, He guides you aright…so long as you want to be lifted, and so long as you want to be guided. How then can we look at fellow believers, regardless of how “flawed” they appear in our eyes, and tell them anything different? The answer can only be the state of our own hearts.’
— from the journal of Umm Zakiyyah