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A2 Physics | Post your doubts here

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Is it possible to study A2 Physics without AS physics knowledge? Is A2 Physics very much related to AS Physics? Need answers frm u guys quickly。It's urgent!!!Thanks
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Is it possible to study A2 Physics without AS physics knowledge? Is A2 Physics very much related to AS Physics? Need answers frm u guys quickly。It's urgent!!!Thanks
No, i dont think so, why do you want to do it?
Not all topics are related but some are!

You can do it but cannot be sure to have your concepts cleared!
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Guys I have a doubt in the telecommunication chapter. When concerned with signal attenuation and noise calculations always involve the unit decibel (dB), and there is one question asking why use the decibel as unit. I have no idea at all with this question. :p Can anyone explain to me the point? Thanks a lot.
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Guys I have a doubt in the telecommunication chapter. When concerned with signal attenuation and noise calculations always involve the unit decibel (dB), and there is one question asking why use the decibel as unit. I have no idea at all with this question. :p Can anyone explain to me the point? Thanks a lot.
Isn't Physics over with ?
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Physics p4 is over, right ?

Anyway, its because the values involved are very large to be handled!
So logs are used and that is why a new unit bel is used!

1 decibel = 10 bels
Okay I get it. Thanks.
Physics P4 is over but I still need to get clear some points. It's not just for the exams, right? :p
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Then please share the exact steps you used to properly prepare for this paper from the very beginning.
I just feel its kinda time-consuming to know all the experiments possible so that we can explain the procedure...
For question two..
you have to draw two lines . One the best fit line and second the worst acceptable line. The worst acceptable line is the line from the lowest error of first point to the highest error point of last point or vice versa.
To calculate uncertainty in gradient = Gradient of Best fit line - Gradient of worst acceptable line
and to calculate the uncertainty in y-intercept = y-intercept of Best fit - y-intercept of worst acceptable line.

If you have to find a value using gradient and then you are asked to find uncertainty in it then :
e.g gradient = p/v and have to find p
you will find p using gradient of best fit line and then find a second value of p using the gradient of worst acceptable line
so the uncertainty in p is= first value of p - second value of p.
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For question two..
you have to draw two lines . One the best fit line and second the worst acceptable line. The worst acceptable line is the line from the lowest error of first point to the highest error point of last point or vice versa.
To calculate uncertainty in gradient = Gradient of Best fit line - Gradient of worst acceptable line
and to calculate the uncertainty in y-intercept = y-intercept of Best fit - y-intercept of worst acceptable line.

If you have to find a value using gradient and then you are asked to find uncertainty in it then :
e.g gradient = p/v and have to find p
you will find p using gradient of best fit line and then find a second value of p using the gradient of worst acceptable line
so the uncertainty in p is= first value of p - second value of p.
awesome, seems I understand question two properly then. Thanks
But then I guess my problem is with question one. Too many experiments to learn. Cant believe we have to learn soo many experiments.
If you have any steps for me to follow to learn Question one, or shed light on the steps you used to study. That will be helpful.
Thank you for your time :) Much Appreciated :D
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awesome, seems I understand question two properly then. Thanks
But then I guess my problem is with question one. Too many experiments to learn. Cant believe we have to learn soo many experiments.
If you have any steps for me to follow to learn Question one, or shed light on the steps you used to study. That will be helpful.
Thank you for your time :) Much Appreciated :D
:) Np.. and i dont know how to prepare for vhem p5..:(
for question one you have to give these points:
1.Defining the problem
tell which thing is dependent variable and which one is independent variable . 2 marks for this. and 1 mark is for stating any other variable that must be controlled.
2. Methods of data collection.
like how will you vary the variables and how will you measure the values etc 5 marks are for this . one mark is for diagram. do mention what instruments you are using.
3. Method of analysis.
define the given equation.
plot a graph and justify the given relationship. you dont have to plot a graph . you just write that a graph is plotted e.g equation is v=k^2
apply ln we get ln v = lnk + 2lnr
compare it with y=mx + c we see that the given equation is a straight line. so a graph of lnr against ln y is plotted and gradient will be 2.
2 marks are for this.
4. Safety considrationL
write any valid safety consideration. do learn the answers of last part of q2 from p3s. they will help you in this.
4. additional information.
for this also see the answers of last part of p3 q2.
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:) Np.. and i dont know how to prepare for vhem p5..:(
Ppaper 5 Tips Question 1
Ok now I know the tips, but how did you know all the experiments? Do you have link or website ?
I am pretty sure that you did not ONLY study those tips? I need a compleete study guide on paper 5 especially on the experiment in Question 1.
How can I know all the possible experiments for each situation????? Im really confused!! There must be a shorter way.
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Ok now I know the tips, but how did you know all the experiments? Do you have link or website ?
I am pretty sure that you did not ONLY study those tips? I need a compleete study guide on paper 5 especially on the experiment in Question 1.
How can I know all the possible experiments for each situation????? Im really confused!! There must be a shorter way.
aoa wr wb!

well i never actually studied any experiment for that :s

what i do is...read the question...think of what can be done..write that....divide ur answer into portions....

the one how they mark...5 portions....dont have time so cant go any further..i hope u get what i mean
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Ok now I know the tips, but how did you know all the experiments? Do you have link or website ?
I am pretty sure that you did not ONLY study those tips? I need a compleete study guide on paper 5 especially on the experiment in Question 1.
How can I know all the possible experiments for each situation????? Im really confused!! There must be a shorter way.
i never studied any experiment.. most of the experiments in question 1 are very similar to AS practicals. so , i kinda know what need to be done. Plus , as user said that read the question and think and then divide to fulfil the requirements.
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yup dividing things is the best thing...makes it a lot easier..
Defining the problem
3 marks

Methods of data collection
5 marks
Method of analysis
2 marks
Safety considerations
1 mark
Additional detail
4 marks

if in the method part u really give detailed answer like reason to evry step ....and how to make it accurate u'd get those 4 marks in the end...!
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yup dividing things is the best thing...makes it a lot easier..
omg, you guys make it look soo easy! Man I must suck badly. Sometimes I dont know what can be done to investigate the problem, so I would prolly lose alot in method of data collection...
Man I am really like stuck here, I dont know what Im doing is right. Cz I am looking for all sorts of experiments from Chapter 1... and alot of them I hear for the first time.
This is hopeless, im feeling its really hard to study for the experiments but you guys say that you dont need to. I am soo desperate :cry: :cry: :cry: