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Account banning policy

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so people , let me give my nuch-not-needed and useless opion here cuz im bored -.-
you see the admins are dictators -.- (robo bhai is :p ) n they created the whole website so you basically cant poiint finegrs at em -.- and frankly speaking we all know PM doesnt care about petty issues and BR bhai isnt a stupid and unreasonable monkey from the error page.
about the moderators . those guys were elected quite fairly and people voted for them cuz they deserved it. you can personally be friends with a mod or you can be his enemy but personal dragging personal fights to threads like these = so not cool.
BUUUUUUT -.- i second the elections point cuz i wanna see the action :D but guess what :p some of em may get re-elected cuz your personal fights cant undermine the facts that the reason xpc works without hanging up or female members exist here due to the actions of these very staff members :).

^ -.- so CIE A* is confirmed i reckon :') xD
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ok let me take a random user over here... lets say ... ummmm.... domi. now i take s4r and start insulting him in public and non public especially about things he has not done. then i start doing it on forums. suddenly i realise that s4r is part of the moderation team... and he bans me cux his credibilityis in question. may be s4r has tried everything in his might to stop me before he takes some serious decision. but i dun stop and keep insulting him in front of hs friends so that he suffers cux im taking revenge on him or wateva (roll eyes) and then mz bans me.... wud that be unjust or hilarious ?
someone remembered me? o_O
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so people , let me give my nuch-not-needed and useless opion here cuz im bored -.-
you see the admins are dictators -.- (robo bhai is :p ) n they created the whole website so you basically cant poiint finegrs at em -.- and frankly speaking we all know PM doesnt care about petty issues and BR bhai isnt a stupid and unreasonable monkey from the error page.
about the moderators . those guys were elected quite fairly and people voted for them cuz they deserved it. you can personally be friends with a mod or you can be his enemy but personal dragging personal fights to threads like these = so not cool.
BUUUUUUT -.- i second the elections point cuz i wanna see the action :D but guess what :p some of em may get re-elected cuz your personal fights cant undermine the facts that the reason xpc works without hanging up or female members exist here due to the actions of these very staff members :).

^ -.- so CIE A* is confirmed i reckon :') xD
(y) xD
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so people , let me give my nuch-not-needed and useless opion here cuz im bored -.-
you see the admins are dictators -.- (robo bhai is :p ) n they created the whole website so you basically cant poiint finegrs at em -.- and frankly speaking we all know PM doesnt care about petty issues and BR bhai isnt a stupid and unreasonable monkey from the error page.
about the moderators . those guys were elected quite fairly and people voted for them cuz they deserved it. you can personally be friends with a mod or you can be his enemy but personal dragging personal fights to threads like these = so not cool.
BUUUUUUT -.- i second the elections point cuz i wanna see the action :D but guess what :p some of em may get re-elected cuz your personal fights cant undermine the facts that the reason xpc works without hanging up or female members exist here due to the actions of these very staff members :).

^ -.- so CIE A* is confirmed i reckon :') xD
To this all I would like to say is all I asked the moderator was to tell me what were the reasons of banning my friend. Is that to much to ask ? Banning someone without a warmig is wrong and 3 times ? NOT FAIR.
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To this all I would like to say is all I asked the moderator was to tell me what were the reasons of banning my friend. Is that to much to ask ? Banning someone without a warmig is wrong and 3 times ? NOT FAIR.
more than 3 times, as far as i remember :p
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What the hell are you trying to portray here ?
That'll be misuse of authority for personal reasons.

language please...
now that may be ur perspective. but according to rule number 346 santion number 5 section d. one is not to degrade a fellow member on xtreme papers in any way. further to adress the people such behaviour would be given three warnings and if the member decides not to abide by the law stated above... the admin gives authority to any of the moderators to ban him or her for as much time as he or shethinks appropriate.
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now that may be ur perspective. but according to rule number 346 santion number 5 section d. one is not to degrade a fellow member on xtreme papers in any way. further to adress the people such behaviour would be given three warnings and if the member decides not to abide by the law stated above... the admin gives authority to any of the moderators to ban him or her for as much time as he or shethinks appropriate.
Xpc rules are more than obeyed but the entire point is that the person who is under discussion here was neither warned on any such behaviour nor told where she was going wrong by anybody.
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Why don't the admins, referring specifically to BadRobot take some time out and settle what exactly the issue is and keep a check over his team. Now is that too much to ask for, being a part of this so-called community, I think not.

I second that.
You need to start implementing some action.
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or may be the members know exactly wat they are being held accountable for... think bout it... ask the person to contact the admin personally sort it out and then pledge that he pr she is not going to do something again. im sure the mods wud listen
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language please...
now that may be ur perspective. but according to rule number 346 santion number 5 section d. one is not to degrade a fellow member on xtreme papers in any way. further to adress the people such behaviour would be given three warnings and if the member decides not to abide by the law stated above... the admin gives authority to any of the moderators to ban him or her for as much time as he or shethinks appropriate.
Well you are just accusing someone indirectly. So may be you need to think before you point other's flaws. Also now that you have pointed out that no one is not to degrade a fellow member on xpc then we really need to have an election for new moderators because some of the moderators are breaking the rules themselves.
Just so you know no one has time to waste to take revenge I hope you know what I mean.
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And I'd suggest you shut up. :)
Ahan. thank you.
And I'd suggest you keep your lame suggestions to yourself when you can't support the person who is just demanding their reasons for being banned. How will you react if you were banned and you tried to make an account again and was banned again?
haha, you forced me to wonder, if my suggestions are lame, what are yours? :eek:
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