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dosti mein no thank u no sorrythnk u!
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dosti mein no thank u no sorrythnk u!
True , but tell me which country out there Prohibits interactions between the opposite genders except Saudia Arabia ? I'm an Arab living in the middle east and I know what I'm talking about here
so you're telling me that widowed/divorced Women who have no one(male) to support them shouldn't go out of the house cuz it's haram to talk to the opposite gender ?!
Not all men are good and same goes for Women but We should try as much as we can to avoid sins or things that lead us to sin.
I'll give you an example, All my life I was in a girl's school up until now, I'm in a co-education school cuz my previous school sucked it doesn't have grade 12 for goodness sake. when i first joined the school the boys thought I was weird for not talking to them at all. but then I needed a paper that a guy distrubuted to the class and forgot to give it to me so I had to TALK to him cuz there is NO other way right ? that didn't make him my boyfriend did it ?
If you have a qustn n u feel awkward to post in public, u can use msg.... if the recipient is able to reply they'd reply, inshaAllah....no i dnt wanna msg...i mean coz its nt appropriate ryt...dats y i posted in public...![]()
hey umm cud sum1 giv sum ways to prevent urself frm tokin 2 non mehrams...
i mean u hav to face situations wer u hav to tok....n not coz of work or sumthin...jus as friends...hw 2 stop??(hope u got ma question...)
this has helped a lot...jazakallah...i'll try my best to follow it inshallah..If you have a qustn n u feel awkward to post in public, u can use msg.... if the recipient is able to reply they'd reply, inshaAllah....
Step zero to solving a problem is knowing that it is a problem... Alahmdulillah you have done it.. you know it's wrong to be just friends.. it's a good start!
knowledge helps a lot; do ....
1. Make Dua to Allah, might sound odd but for any problem sincere Dua is one of the best starts to solving it. He is the most merciful... who NEVER burdens us more than we can handle.. He told us “odAAoonee astajiblakum ("Call upon Me; I will respond to you." 40:60)”
2. Now comes the best advice ever possible on this issue and it’s the advice of Prophet (S.A.W),
It was narrated that Ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to us: “O young men, whoever among you can afford to get married, let him do so, and whoever cannot do that, then let him fast, for it will be a shield for him.”
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4778; Muslim, 1400)
Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." (Bukhari: 5066).
So once or twice a week do fast as it helps build Taqwa; that is a person becomes cautious of Allah, knows He is watching and refrains from doing bad deeds, and of course you also get rewarded immensely by Allah for fasting (it’s a win-win).
3. Be regular in your Salah and make sure you know what you say, you mean what you say to Allah in the salah. “Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.” (29:45)
If our salah is not stopping us from immorality and shameful deeds/thoughts then there is something wrong with our salah! (listening to audio tafseer of Surah fatiha is a good start to know the salah)
4. Lower the Gaze, Most important… “Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do. And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their .......” (24:30-31)
scholars say women can only look at men if there is no temptation but in ur case you should try not looking at ur 'friends'.. (I know it's very hard but give it a try... you'll be happy inshaAllah.)
5. Spend more time with good friends that are regular in their salah, and have Hayaa(modesty)… who keep their distance from the opposite gender. (They’re Hard to find, but look for these kinds of friends!) THis is VERY important - ur environment affects you very much.
6. Wear modest Islamic clothing, using a headscarf is must for you... wearing loose, non-transparent, non-perfumed clothing also.. but if you do what scholars recommend you'd become an awesome guy-repellent: Use a face-veil! InshaAllah, no guy wd think of being 'just friends' with you and you urself will feel bad hanging around a guy as it's not befitting a modest muslim girl to be hanging with a guy...
At last, remember this very important saying “Whoever leaves something for Allah, Allah will replace it with something better!” (inshaAllah.) So inshaAllah, you will be rewarded immensely by Allah if you do all this for Him... but do consider this, if you hang around them, then what excuse would you give Allah when you are asked about it on the Day of Standing? He gives us so much and the way we repay Him is by not abiding by His commands.. how sad is that?
May Allah give all of us Hayaa and enter us in His jannah... Aameen.
may Allah help you succeed... and me too, Aameen.this has helped a lot...jazakallah...i'll try my best to follow it inshallah..![]()
ya ameen..may Allah help you succeed... and me too, Aameen.
we must not look at what the countries or the law states .. we must look at what "Our Law" states
the problem here is due to lack of knowledge .. if u look into the books of ahadeeth regarding this topic (and all other topics u can think of).. u will find explanation of all different circumstances that can arise and how they must be dealt with .. as u say divorced women who wants to earn for living ... Islam allows that if u have some financial problem even if u got a husband who cant earn enough then the women can go out for earning while observing proper hijab ..... and things can be clarified by this hadith that
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said:
“Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, let him not be alone with a woman who has no mahram present, for the third one present will be the Shaytaan.” (Ahmad — saheeh by al-Albaani)
and as i said asking for things necessary for the mode of life to continue ... only NECESSARY .... like i know many of my class-fellows who frequently talk to girls and give them things such as flash drives of movies and blah blah ..... so sis just download ahadeeth on ur cell phone or PC and whenever u arent sure about things just give it a go or if thats not possible then simply search at google
What I'm talking about is not a girl being in a room with a boy (kalwa), what I'm saying is we have no other choice but to talk to the opposite gender since it's in some cases Necessary but in these necessary moments we need to be careful as well. That's what I've been trying to say
So we're on the same side. Anyways ,Sure I'll try to do that when I'm free inshAllah![]()
I guess your a muslim. If your a muslim then you must follow the teachings of Islam. And if your right then please post a Quranic verse or an hadith to prove your point. I guess badrobot and XPF member have already posted many of the verses from Holy Quran. If your not a muslim then ignoreOkay! You made this post to separate boys and girls!
Ain't this post another chance for them to interact with each other? and discuss their views?
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? the creator of forum or this post? who is allowing them here? WHO WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL THIS??
*No harsh feelings*
i can post some very useful softwares here if u can just tell me the OS on which u want that software except java
"Charity begins at home" Mind it .. ! *If you know what i mean* you're a Muslim, and XPFModerator so can't you separate boys nd girls? And have blessings? because CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.... if there is single Muslim Admin of XPF s/he should realize this na..!I guess your a muslim. If your a muslim then you must follow the teachings of Islam. And if your right then please post a Quranic verse or an hadith to prove your point. I guess badrobot and XPF member have already posted many of the verses from Holy Quran. If your not a muslim then ignore
And further, this thread focuses on advice, and charity begains at home. One should try to correct himself before pointing out at an 'International community' created for education and learning. :]
P.S: No harsh feelings :]
Ahan but you see it's the responsibility of muslims to take care of themselves rather blaming the community. Allahamdulliah Admins are muslim but like I said before, this community aims at education and nothing else. Rest is upto us. I would be answerable for my deeds in the grave and not the creator of this community because he created a forum in which I can talk to girls. *If you know what I mean*"Charity begins at home" Mind it .. ! *If you know what i mean* you're a Muslim, and XPFModerator so can't you separate boys nd girls? And have blessings? because CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.... if there is single Muslim Admin of XPF s/he should realize this na..!
PS I'm Muslim..... And I just asked questions not mentioned any point...
Haha! I nowhere mentioned that it's not allowed for education purpose.Exactly! Education! if you discuss there nothing wrong!!
And Yea.. Fake Accounts too! *You forgot to mention it*![]()
Okay! You made this post to separate boys and girls!
Ain't this post another chance for them to interact with each other? and discuss their views?
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? the creator of forum or this post? who is allowing them here? WHO WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL THIS??
*No harsh feelings*
Assalam Alikum.......
Praise be to Allaah.
It is known in the religion of Allaah that it is forbidden to follow in the footsteps of the Shaytaan. Everything that could lead a person to fall into haraam things is also haraam, even if in principle it is originally permitted. This is what the scholars call “the principle of warding off harm.”
Concerning this matter, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaytaan.” [al-Noor 24:21].
With regard to the second matter, He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allaah, lest they insult Allaah wrongfully without knowledge…” [al-An’aam 6:108]
Here Allaah forbids the believers to insult the mushrikeen lest that leads to them insulting the Lord, may He be glorified and exalted.
There are many examples of this principle in sharee’ah. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) mentioned many of them and explained them well in his excellent book A’laam al-Muwaqqi’een. (See 3/147-171 thereof).
The issue under discussion here also comes under this category. Conversation – whether verbally or in writing – between men and women is permissible in and of itself, but it may be a way of falling into the traps of the Shaytaan.
Whoever knows that he is somewhat weak, and is afraid that he may fall into the traps of the Shaytaan, has to refrain from such conversations, in order to save himself.
Whoever is sure that he will be able to remain steadfast, then we think that it is permissible in his case, but there are certain conditions:
The conversation should not be allowed to wander too far from the topic being discussed; or it should be for the purposes of calling others to Islam.
They should not let their voices be soft, or use soft and gentle expressions.
They should not ask about personal matters that have no bearing on the matter being discussed, such as how old a person is, how tall he or she is, or where he or she lives… etc.
Other brothers (in the case of men) or sisters (in the case of women) should take part in the conversation or read the correspondence, so that the Shaytaan will find no way to enter the hearts of the people who are conversing or corresponding.
The conversation or correspondence must be halted immediately if the heart starts to stir with feelings of desire.
Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
reply, about interactions online:
If someone commits a sin, obviously they are responsible for it... Do read the Quran, it's enlighting.. you'd find people are judged for 'what their hands have sent forward.'
actions are upon intentions, yes, but we don't commit haram saying we have right intention at heart.. just remember that....ACTIONS ARE JUDGED BY INTENTIONS..!
If you do anything to help others.. Including Girls or boys.. on such communities and help em anyway with good intention I GUESS THERES NOTHING WRONG![]()
any software is fine with me ,i guess.
Explaining a particular question or responding to query of someone of opposite gender? Is that haram?
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