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ATTENTION PLEASE -- All Muslim Brothers and Sisters

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Goodness. Stop that.

The poll is something as obvious as this:
Do you think you can talk to the members of the opposite sex for fun, time pass etc? [Be honest]

Lol. I want to change my vote, because reading your discussions here, I completely forgot what the poll is talking about and voted based on your discussions. It's like everybody's urge to prove their points has completely silenced the poor voiceless poll above, and I am sure, like me, many voted for the wrong option if they first read the comments.

"Fun" and "time pass" may not have clear meanings for all of us. I vote for "no" because I interpret that as flirtatious talking to the opposite sex and using him or her as object of entertainment just to fill in the time one has to spare. In 100% obviousness, this is reserved for people who ought get some life, for people who have neither respect nor concern for others, and plenty of time to throw in the garbage bin.

Now, that is my judgment. Someone else may interpret "fun" and "time pass" as "Hello brother/ Hello sister", the sort of thing you find in convents and nunneries. For them, that may be "enjoyment". That's their interpretation of the poll. We are not to charge them for that.

I still fail to understand which rocket-fly-path the discussion took to come to such an extremity.

Now, we come to those discussions leading to 'judgements'. Honestly, discussing about religion is a dangerous thing to do unless you are very sure about yourself and your approach. Else, inevitably, i.n.e.v.i.t.a.b.l.y. it leads to biased judgements and we may end up doing what we did not initially intend to, to the extreme case, we may end up through biased judgements doing the whole contrary of what we intended to. Instead of bringing people closer to Allah, we may drive them away from Him. That is why, please, be a lot careful.

I am not posting it to ask you to stop doing whatever that you've embarked on. I am trying, in my own way, to make a constructive criticism to ask to be more careful about that which you are doing.
See this:

Unintentional perhaps, but those are forms of implicit judgement, and being members of a staff, you should be the one discouraging that. I assume we are all mature enough-- enough that we do not have to pretend otherwise-- to know how to read between the lines and understand implications.

May Allah guide us all.
I'd appreciate if you'd give members the ability to change their votes. Thank you.
Glad to see words of wisdom from you. something to learn for me. i am afraid ur post will get edited...
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Nice post, and I admit I interpreted that as the latter! :) Though many (perhaps from a more conservative background) would have taken the meaning to be referring to someone who just flirts with girls and have got a lot of time to waste

Okay, that's silly what am going to post but you made a typo mistake while quoting: "We are not to charge them for that."
There's a period there, not two. It matters to me. Tone matters. :p
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Okay, that's silly what am going to post but you made a typo mistake while quoting: "We are not to charge them for that."
There's a period there, not two. It matters to me. Tone matters. :p

Ah, again, perspectives! Matters to you not me :p


XPRS Administrator
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I agree, if the Admin calls a post which opposes his view as a "baseless non-sense", it does imply that such debates are not encouraged by the administration itself. In that case, it might be recommended to close the topic itself.

I did explain why islamically that post is baseless, and you chose to ignore my response... Anyways I'm sorry if I did hurt you... maybe I let some emotions out... The thing is even if I do something wrong, I can't say according to religion I'm ok or this is not so important, it's not for me to decide what's important; It's for Allah to say what is important.

Well, my post seemed to have caused some emotions to stir...:oops: I do apologize if I hurt someone with my post. :) I can understand, today most people have forgot the true philosophical essence of Islam. They are more concerned with whether to look at girls or not instead of making effort to strengthen their belief in God, which is the thing that really matters.

Do find a learned scholar and become a student of the Quran, inshaAllah you'll see what Allah (S.W.T) really prioritises... is it 'true philosophical essence of Islam' or is it Taqwa (being aware and cautious of God, fearing His justice so much so that you abstain from what He has prohibited)? Taqwa is mentioned about 151 times in Quran, and just to make you see; this is how the second chaapter of Quran starts:
1.Alif, Lam, Meem.
2. This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear (or are conscious) of Allah (Taqwa).
3. Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;
4. And who believe in the Revelation sent to you, and sent before your time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.
5. They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper.

btw you Muslim guyz f8tin like this wont intrest any non Muslim not even abit to get to know this more !
ok nd i know you wont be callin it fightin watever it is
seein you guyz confused yourself makin others confused its kinda step back ward !
just dont argue and let each post whatever they think of !
as my side i wanna look at this wide ! so would like to look at things from both opposite views nd would totally apreciate it
if who ever keeps deletin points which he/she thinks arent leadin to the r8 path to stop !
let us c it by our own nd choose the path which we agree more with !
thankful !
lol anyways this came kinda too late ! =p lol watever :p

yeah, you can call it fighting... sorry you had to see this... the reason I had to reply was there was stuff said about Islam which wasn't true...
See this; you might know why I value Quran so much:
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AsSalam o Alaikum, everyone;
I was thinking about this topic and everyone's views, there are couple of things I want you guys to remember inshaAllah.

1. To some of you Islam may just seem like a list of haram(prohibitions) and halal (permitted stuff)... can't eat that meat, can't do this, can't do that... one day they'll come and say you can't be happy; it's haram to be happy :D
If you think like that, you need to understand that Islam is not a list or right and wrong, it is complete guidance on how to live life... How to be successful, what does real success mean! (Islam even tells you how to talk ot Allah... ask for stuff, be happy etc.)
Allah (Azzo wa jal) says (what may mean) "How evil an example [is that of] the people who denied Our signs and used to wrong themselves." (7:177)
wait; who did they wrong? they didnt wrong Allah, they didn’t take anything away from dominion of Allah...When we do haram, when we ABANDON AN OBLIGATION OF ALLAH, or disregard what Allah wants from us we are wronging only our own self!

You may think the right thing to do is this and this but remember a muslim accepts Allah as his Rabb (owner, Lord, sustainer, giver of gifts, master) and knows his Rabb is perfect, who loves us so much that he gave us countless blessings, so whatever He orders is the right thing to do... The perfect example is prophet Ibrahim (AS); after many duas(asking Allah) he gets his beloved son, when the son grows up (the time when a father really cherishes his son) Allah asks him for his son, and this great man is ready to sacrifise his son without questions!
So even if you don't follow a command of Allah don't say "I think this is right thing to do." accept that you are wrong and whatver Allah says is right, try to correct yourselves....
and if you read Quran, Allah really humbles us and puts us in our place: "Cursed is man; how disbelieving is he. From what substance did He create him? From a sperm-drop He created him and destined for him; Then He eased the way for him;..." (Quran 80:17-20 do read the rest of passage)

2. Okay, those of you who are wondering "what, we can't even use smilies!" well xpfmember said it as a cautious muslim... This is something you do after you have taken care of the basics; so first and foremost make sure you don't disobey direct commands of Allah or Prophet (S.A.W):

- Don't touch the opposite gender unless thay are your mahram (“If one of you were to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle, this would be better for him than if he were to touch a woman whom it is not permitted for him to touch.” -saheeh hadith in Tabarani)
- Don't be alone with them ( The Prophet said: “Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third.” -Bukhari)
- Don't look at them (lower your gaze), especially the guys here! (It was narrated that Jareer ibn ‘Abd-Allaah said: “I asked the Messenger of Allaah (S.A.W) about a sudden glance, and he commanded me to avert my gaze.” (Narrated by Muslim, 2159) )
- Be regular in your salah ("Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do." 29:45)
- For the gals here; you may look at a man IF there is no temptation, otherwise you are to lower the gaze as well following the aayah of Quran! (NOT my opinion) But you have to cover yourselves as commanded...

3. Remember if you find difficulty obeying these commands know that Allah never burdens a person more than they can handle (proof) just try your best... As a person grows in Eeman and knowledge it becomes easy for him and he findes the real peace...

Allah knows best.
May Allah help us all and guide us. Ameen.
Yar! Aap chae hue bandey ho! :)
Impressive Jazakallah :)


XPRS Moderator
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Walaikum Assalam Wr Wb


did u read the whole post? I'm saying, his comment for you was deleted...
you didnt do anything...dont worry
Yar! Aap chae hue bandey ho! :)
Impressive Jazakallah :)
May Allah increase his knowledge...and wisdom..aameen!
and ours tooo..
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what about the xpc games....is it okay to play these games.....as both genders participate.
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i will try stop talking with them , but definitely i will fail :(
Gergawy..i dotn think u will fail..
i used to find it soo ez wid guys..n as a kid my best frenz were guys...n evn i grew it was a LOTT ezier to befirend guys...but l8er i realizd wat i was doin..n started keepin away..dey totally understood...n respected dat.. so i guess all u need to do is explain..
May Allah make it ez for ya ;) Aameen
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hmm ya man ! think so :)
but at skool you guyz r mixed , work your mixed , life your mixed
dono how it goes but as an outside look you will get the time where you need to talk to guyz
like if your workin nd your manager was a guy ? what do you do ? stop workin ? or if youre workin with a guy as a team ?
if you in class and needed help ? wats wrong with askin a guy ? like in my case only one complete genious in my english class lol hes the only dude who actually can help ..
wat if your a girl livin on your own (independent ) you for sure well have to talk to ppl around to get yourself goin

nd again you a girl ? or a guy ? but you givin advice to guyz in here nd you by that talk to guyz nd girlz i dono actually ?

im sorry to bother you guyz ! i know i have nothin to do here but i really wanna know more !
apology again !
well if u havta intermingle a lot..den the best option for u is to quit...we had sheikh assim in the city two months ago n he spoke abt dis...
if u gng to iv it up for Allah...den He will giv u abundantly... a lotta my teachers left their HIGH paying jobs, their dreams just so dat they wont earn Allah's displeasure by intermingling...n they started teachin in my skool...wen der is no free mixing...
talkin to ppl of the opp. gender to get sum help is no prob...as long as ur convo is very biz lyk and duznt invilve anythin ither than de biz..
btw..i learn fiqh issues @ skool...n dis is one issue that is repeated a lot..and by that i mean a LOT..