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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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XPRS Administrator
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I hope the next reply will be only proof from quran, not any blames on each other. stop this. accept it or prove it wrong. neither i m being personal nor i want any one else to be. this is islam, not a personal opinion. talk from quran or be silent. and i hope this is the last message on this thread.

why.. why only Quran.. I mean can't we use the ahadith....?
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why.. why only Quran.. I mean can't we use the ahadith....?
now we are on track and i m happy. i love to talk this way. everybody has his proves.
here we go:
q: "why.. why only Quran.. I mean can't we use the ahadith....?"

16:44 “We have sent down to you the reminder (Quran) so that you make evident to the people what was sent to them”
meaning if no hint is quran than that is not the message of prophet. no like salah is mentioned in quran and way is decribed in hadith. Rasulullah said 'pray as you see my praying' and then he performed salah. the same way the musin must be there. i don't remember name of the surah which gives a breif list of haram animals but does not say they are all of them. Rasulullah mentioned them all. no mention of music in quran = no Sahih hadith about it.

translation of people : “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6]
now see what Allah says about the part that is highlighted in green ".....وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ" my whole knowledge of arabic completely denies any relation of it to music. read the arabic urself if u don't believe me. Allah talks about using words or speech to mislead them. there is no relation of it to music. although those who use music to distract people are wrong('yashtari' word is used in quran to compare it to purchasing something bad to something better.)

As far as hadith is concerned you must understand that the references above are enough to put a doubt on it's authenticity. But please tell me the exact place where i can read that hadith in arabic so that i can see that does it really means.

Hazrat Ayesha used to check authenticity of hadith which people brought to her by comparing it to quran. she took the method which i m taking. if that hadith is elaboration of quran than yes otherwise no. so this argument proves it to be weak hadith. authenticity of narrators and everything else is doubtful. This doubt is on hadith not on music. so the hadith you wrote earlier does not apply.
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as far as being smarter is concerned i read a it in bukhari kitab-ul-saum that a companion misunderstood the ayat of quran and thought that when the white thread ceases to look like black thread in dark it is the end time of saum. when holy prophet pbuh saw this he smiled at his sense and told his truth.
another companion took off the turban from others head saying that in madinah they had no clothes to cover their bodies in prayer and you are putting extra cloth on you head. scholars say that he was wrong about it and turban is necessary. so scholars are smarter than companions. well yes. cause they were less educated, had less knowledge of arabic. we people have spent years to understanding the islam. we muslims did a lot of research. they did not. furthermore, one sahabi also said that once the moon is seen in one location, the Eid is for muslims of all locations. it is also from sahi muslim. so what do you say about it. was he wrong or right? i think i can not decide this matter so i left it on more educated scholars who said that it was an opinion of him and has nothing to do with islam. so isn't that case here as well.


XPRS Administrator
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as far as being smarter is concerned i read a it in bukhari kitab-ul-saum that a companion misunderstood the ayat of quran and thought that when the white thread ceases to look like black thread in dark it is the end time of saum. when holy prophet pbuh saw this he smiled at his sense and told his truth.
another companion took off the turban from others head saying that in madinah they had no clothes to cover their bodies in prayer and you are putting extra cloth on you head. scholars say that he was wrong about it and turban is necessary. so scholars are smarter than companions. well yes. cause they were less educated, had less knowledge of arabic. we people has spent years to understanding the islam. we muslims did a lot of research. they did not. further more, one sahabi also said that once the moon is seen in one location, the Eid is for muslims of all locations. it is also from sahi muslim. so what do you say about it. was he wrong or right? i think i can not deicide this matter so i left it on more educated scholars who said that it was an opinion of him and has nothing to do with islam. so isn't that case here as well.

so u bring me like 2 examples to prove how sahaba can be wrong...? cool, ever heard of the saying 'exception proves the rule'..?
besides u completely ignored the Sahih hadith in that post of mine and the many evidences in the article... :)
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so u bring me like 2 examples to prove how sahaba can be wrong...? cool, ever heard of the saying 'exception proves the rule'..?
besides u completely ignored the Sahih hadith in that post of mine and the many evidences in the article... :)
read my replies again :)
and i did not read the article. quote the reference here. i don't have enough time. i told you why i doubt ur 'sahi' hadith as according to hazrat ayesha, every hadith that does not have it's roots in quran is not sahi. even then i will like to see that in arabic. send me a link to the book and page number please. otherwise quote the arabic.


XPRS Administrator
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read my replies again :)
and i did not read the article. quote the reference here. i don't have enough time. i told you why i doubt ur 'sahi' hadith as according to hazrat ayesha, every hadith that does not have it's roots in quran is not sahi. even then i will like to see that in arabic. send me a link to the book and page number please. otherwise quote the arabic.

wow if u dnt have time might as well not waste it here.. ;)
and yeah see that link.. it has 'AR' option for arabic.. it quotes bukhari.. find it in bukhari urself its a famous book available in Arabic n english...

P.S. got me wondering, how can you say your statement, that u claim is from Aisha R.A, authentic..? :p
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so u bring me like 2 examples to prove how sahaba can be wrong...? cool, ever heard of the saying 'exception proves the rule'..?
besides u completely ignored the Sahih hadith in that post of mine and the many evidences in the article... :)
i did not study hadiths for long but there THREE(not two) caught my eyes. scholars can give you more than these where tha sahabas did not get the meaning. and that ayah had no relation to music or any such thing. i leave it to you to decide that. read the arabic which i quoted. i don't believe in translation as there are many videos over youtube which show mistakes in quran. i personally checked them out and they were just wrong translations. most popular translation have mistakes. it is not their fault. the message of Allah can never be rewritten in any other way with such a accuracy as my rab has written.
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wow if u dnt have time might as well not waste it here.. ;)
and yeah see that link.. it has 'AR' option for arabic.. it quotes bukhari.. find it in bukhari urself its a famous book available in Arabic n english...

P.S. got me wondering, how can you say ur statemen,t that u say is from Aisha R.A, authentic..? :p
can you please write this part in comprehensible english :" P.S. got me wondering, how can you say ur statemen,t that u say is from Aisha R.A, authentic..?"
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every verse in that article was changed to make it appear like it is against music. and that brackets are ridiculous. they are explanation of them which other person thinks is part of verse.
i read each of reference. most of them were not of quran but of other books which are just used to change meaning of Ayah by giving reference to the opinion of the scholars in their book. All Ayahs are nothing but truth. but unfortenately there was nothing about music in them.


XPRS Administrator
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wow if u dnt have time might as well not waste it here.. ;)
and yeah see that link.. it has 'AR' option for arabic.. it quotes bukhari.. find it in bukhari urself its a famous book available in Arabic n english...

P.S. got me wondering, how can you say your statement, that u claim is from Aisha R.A, authentic..? :p

here you go....
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i accept my mistake. the verse from surah najm does not prohibits any amusement. i read it now from few verses back and realised it was a question raised to those who 'played' and laughed when they are told about the approaching day. I m really sorry. i read it wrong. read it here from verse 50 onwards and you will realise how that writter messed everything up and even confused me.
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well one thing is clear. and you would also have realised it. ban on music is just due to some opinion of scholars and some hadith which are not reliable. first we should try to live our lives according to quran, then look into other matters which are most important. i just read it in surah najm that he will forgive minor errors as he is very rahim but we should prohibit from major sins. So qur'an is telling us to first save ourselves from those sins which are clear. we must read quran and fulfill it's commandments. And music is not even a minor sin according to quran. so there is no need to worry. listen to those songs which are not misleading you. but don't let them overcome you so much that you prefer to listen to songs but don't read quran. this is my conclusion. waiting for you reply.
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well one thing is clear. and you would also have realised it. ban on music is just due to some opinion of scholars and some hadith which are not reliable. first we should try to live our lives according to quran, then look into other matters which are most important. i just read it in surah najm that he will forgive minor errors as he is very rahim but we should prohibit from major sins. So qur'an is telling us to first save ourselves from those sins which are clear. we must read quran and fulfill it's commandments. And music is not even a minor sin according to quran. so there is no need to worry. listen to those songs which are not misleading you. but don't let them overcome you so much that you prefer to listen to songs but don't read quran. this is my conclusion. waiting for you reply.
agree. we want to follow Islam that God sent on us, not the one scholars are trying to impose on us.


XPRS Administrator
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agree. we want to follow Islam that God sent on us, not the one scholars are trying to impose on us.
When you are sick, you go to te doctor... you don't say; "I don't trust the doctor's interpretation of the medical text, I would do my own.".. that doesn't make sense, coz the doctor has given his life to understanding those texts and applying them.. same way when we want clarification on a relegious ruling we go to the scholars.... its quite absurd what you claim... its not like they are trying to sell you something else or their own agenda.... what good will it do to them if you stopped listening to songs.....?
anyway, just as an example let me show you what brilliance do the scholars posses, how many gems can they pull out of one aayah of the Quran:
please do listen to it... you wouldn't wanna miss it.
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When you are sick, you go to te doctor... you don't say; "I don't trust the doctor's interpretation of the medical text, I would do my own.".. that doesn't make sense, coz the doctor has given his life to understanding those texts and applying them.. same way when we want clarification on a relegious ruling we go to the scholars.... its quite absurd what you claim... its not like they are trying to sell you something else or their own agenda.... what good will it do to them if you stopped listening to songs.....?
anyway, just as an example let me show you what brilliance do the scholars posses, how many gems can they pull out of one aayah of the Quran:
please do listen to it... you wouldn't wanna miss it.
you are going to be asked on the say of judgement for your own deeds, alright. you must have enough knowledge that you would believe whatever they will say.
okay asnwer my question, if the scholars are always right, then why do they fight over issues. Why there are so many Firqahs in religion. all the scholars can not agree on one thing. Allah has given u the mind for using. Allah has given the person mind for some reason. if he wanted us to follow others blindly then he could have made us angels, not humans. There is no problem in consulting those who are more knowledgeable than us but blindly following them is wrong. follow quran and sunnah. that is islam.
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This is by Yusuf Estes and he is explaining it really slowly, but i would advice you to listen to the very end and you will get all the proofs you want.:):) By the way congratulations to XPF member for starting such an amazing thread. It really helps if u listen to the beautiful recitation of the Holy Qur'an when you are tempted to listen to music. Listen to Qari SadaqatAli or Qari Abdul Basit, they have got beautiful voices.:D
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This is by Yusuf Estes and he is explaining it really slowly, but i would advice you to listen to the very end and you will get all the proofs you want.:):) By the way congratulations to XPF member for starting such an amazing thread. It really helps if u listen to the beautiful recitation of the Holy Qur'an when you are tempted to listen to music. Listen to Qari SadaqatAli or Qari Abdul Basit, they have got beautiful voices.:D
If tomorrow XPF member and badobot made a thread saying thta sucide bombing is essential of time and allowed in Islam, decorated with fake and unauthetic Ahadith and arguement of so-called Scholarsd and Muftis (who have alsways sold their services to highest bidders between anti islam agents and ectremeist and luxury desiring rulers) will you still say that Bhai it is an awesome thread i wilol do the same, or maybe you are too brainwashed to even think about thinking against him.
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If tomorrow XPF member and badobot made a thread saying thta sucide bombing is essential of time and allowed in Islam, decorated with fake and unauthetic Ahadith and arguement of so-called Scholarsd and Muftis (who have alsways sold their services to highest bidders between anti islam agents and ectremeist and luxury desiring rulers) will you still say that Bhai it is an awesome thread i wilol do the same, or maybe you are too brainwashed to even think about thinking against him.
Well,till NOW they haven't made any thread like that and i doubt they would coz they are sensible. Also the hadith about music not being allowed is SAHIH BUKHARI which IF u are knowledgeable Muslim would know is the most authentic collection of hadiths and after the quran and sunnah we are required to follow them. And about brainwashing i just have to say "LOOK WHO'S TALKIN'!!!"
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Well,till NOW they haven't made any thread like that and i doubt they would coz they are sensible. Also the hadith about music not being allowed is SAHIH BUKHARI which IF u are knowledgeable Muslim would know is the most authentic collection of hadiths and after the quran and sunnah we are required to follow them. And about brainwashing i just have to say "LOOK WHO'S TALKIN'!!!"
I_object have earned some reputation
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Well,till NOW they haven't made any thread like that and i doubt they would coz they are sensible. Also the hadith about music not being allowed is SAHIH BUKHARI which IF u are knowledgeable Muslim would know is the most authentic collection of hadiths and after the quran and sunnah we are required to follow them. And about brainwashing i just have to say "LOOK WHO'S TALKIN'!!!"
Will you mind quoting the Hadith, Telling further which section of Sahih Bukhari it is, along woth real Arabic wording because they always change it when they tranlsate it.
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