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can we listen to soundtracks with no singing in it then? Like, for example:Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
Well, most of you already know that music is Haraam in Islam...
This thread is for those interested to leave music...cuz once you're addicted, you might have to struggle if you decide to leave it..
Let's say we'll have points thing...like +10 if you spent the whole day without listening, and -1 for each song you heard![]()
Lets see who gets the most points
It's like competing, may be this'll help you alll in giving up listening to music
..or may be if you got some better idea we'd do here altogether, do share ....
and not to mention, be honest
P.S. Adopted from Narcotic's ideashe said something like ban music campaign, and i thought good one
And a good reminder...save yourself:
skull gurl
Yours Truly
-7 domination-
umaima patwari
then that will be an idea which is inconceivable,unrealistic and impossible today. its better to be realisticexactly !
how is music haram when Allah himself allowed the wind instruments to Daud (AS). Psalms was also a combination of poems. and obviously no sane person would commit the sin of adultery by just listening to music.hmm.. I agree that Islam is not their to complicate our lives, but the simplest life is that of a slave of Allah.. the one who adheres to whatever His lord commands without questioning as he knows that his lord is the most merciful, the most wise.
You mention about moderation in Islam, but what exactly is 'moderation'..? someone will say y do u pray 5 times a day..? that's too much!; better keep it to once or twice... and the one at 5am in the morning is just absurd! you should be moderate.. right?? WRONG!!! the true criterion for mderation is Allah's prophet (S.A.W)! Whatever he did was moderate, anything more or less than that is going to one of two extremes!
Allah(S.W.T) tells us: "There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often." (33:21) also Allah told us in Quran to obey Allah and obey the Messenger (see 64:12 etc.)
It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Three people came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asking about the worship of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). When they were told, it was as if they regarded it as too little. They said: Who are we in comparison to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? Allaah has forgiven his past and future sins. One of them said: As for me, I will pray all night forever. Another said: I shall fast all my life and never break my fast. Another said: I shall keep away from women and never get married. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came and said: “Are you the ones who said such and such? By Allaah, I am the one who fears Allaah the most among you and I am the most pious, but I fast and I break my fast, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5063) and Muslim (1401)
(notice how those ppl were going to extremes?)
Now we come to your music question...
It was narrated that Naafi’ said: “Ibn ‘Umar heard a woodwind instrument, and he put his fingers in his ears and kept away from that path. He said to me, “O Naafi’, can you hear anything?” I said, “No”. So he took his fingers away from his ears, and said: “I was with the Prophet (S.A.W) and he heard something like this, and he did the same thing.”"
(Abu Dawud)
So If Prophet (S.A.W) tried to avoid music, we should too... more evidences here (Mp3 by Kamal El Makki)
And trust me, you can never become a terrorist if you try to adhere to Allah's book and Prophet(S.A.W)'s sunnah... on the understanding of the early genrations of Islam... The height of it is that even when we are harmed, we aren't allowed to harm someone innocent in retaliation:
“Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allaah loves those who deal with equity”[al-Mumtahinah 60:8]
Its a request to all of you
DONT interpret the Ahadith by your self as one mister was doing.
and to that guy that said that i m intepreting hadith by myself: if there are 5 ahadith with same matn but different sanad. and only one of that hadith has addition of a single word while others do not have that word, wouldn't it be considered the mistake of that single narrator. this is common sense that there is more probability of one narrator being wrong than 4 being wrong. i think little common sense is not called interpreting hadith.And regarding music all the four great Imams Imam Abu Hanifa(RH) Imam Shafai(RH) Imam Malik(RH) and Imam Ahmad bin Hambal(RH) consider it to be Haram as far as I know
Hmmm really? so do u think that my Rabb has forgotten to mention such a big sin in his Book? Of course not. My Rabb has made Qur'an perfect. and he DID NOT prohibit music in quran.Its a request to all of you
And for your kind information listaning to music is not a minor sin its a MAJOR sin
please dont mind my agressive language and i m very sorry to say this but.. WHO YOU ARE TO DECLARE SOMETHING HARAM?salam sis..i am totally impressed by your thinking and understand that u r doing this for the muslim bros and sis..but i have researched alot on this topic,,ie in my shoolong years with many of islamic teachers..and on ent and from ahadith books..and i came to the conclusion that it is not completely haram to listen to music..even the Prophet(PBUH) encouraged people in occassions like weddings and eid to sing..ofcourse if the music or the songs in against our morals,,should be avoided.here i found a fatwa,,
Among the entertainments, which may comfort the soul, please the heart, and refresh the ear is singing.
Islam permits singing under the condition that it is not in any way obscene or harmful to Islamic morals. There is no harm in its being accompanied by music, which is not exciting. In order to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness, singing is recommended on festive occasions such as the days of 'Eid, weddings and wedding feasts, births, 'aqiqat (the celebration of the birth of a baby by the slaughter of sheep), and on the return of a traveler.
'Aishah narrated that when a woman was married to an Ansari man, the Prophet (peace be on him) said, " 'Aishah, did they have any entertainment? The Ansar are fond of entertainment.'' (Reported by al-Bukhari.) Ibn 'Abbas said, " 'Aishah gave a girl relative of hers in marriage to a man of the Ansar. The Prophet (peace be on him) came and asked, 'Did you send a singer along with her?' 'No,' said 'Aishah. The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) then said, The Ansar are a people who love poetry. You should have sent along someone who would sing, 'Here we come, to you we come, greet us as we greet you.' " (Reported by Ibn Majah.)
'Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of 'Eid al-Adha, two girls were with her, singing and playing on a hand drum. The Prophet (peace be on him) was present, listening to them with his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the girls. The Prophet (peace be on him), uncovering his face, told him, "Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of 'Eid." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) In his book, Ihya ulum al-deen, (In the quarter on "Habits", in the book Listening to Singing.), Imam al-Ghazzali mentions the ahadith about the singing girls, the Abyssinians playing with spears in the Prophet's Mosque, the Prophet's encouraging them by saying, "Carry on, O Bani Arfidah," his asking his wife, 'Aishah, "Would you like to watch?" and standing there with her until she herself became tired and went away, and 'Aishah's playing with dolls with her friends. He then says: Al-Bukhari and Muslim in the two Sahihs report all these ahadith, and they clearly prove that singing and playing are not haram.
From them we may deduce the following:
It is reported that many Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) as well as second-generation Muslim scholars used to listen to singing and did not see anything wrong with it. As for the ahadith, which have been reported against singing, they are all weak and have been shown by researchers to be unsound.
- First: The permissibility of playing; the Abyssinians were in the habit of dancing and playing.
- Second: Doing this in the mosque.
- Third: The Prophet's saying, 'Carry on, O Bani Arfidah,' was a command and a request that they should play; then how can their play be considered haram?
- Fourth: The Prophet (peace be on him) prevented Abu Bakr and 'Umar from interrupting and scolding the players and singers. He told Abu Bakr that 'Eid was a joyous occasion and that singing was a means of enjoyment.
- Fifth: On both occasions he stayed for a long time with 'Aishah, letting her watch the show of the Abyssinians and listening with her to the singing of the girls. This proves that it is far better to be good-humored in pleasing women and children with games than to express such disapproval of such amusements out of a sense of harsh piety and asceticism.
- Sixth: The Prophet (peace be on him) himself encouraged 'Aishah by asking her, "Would you like to watch?" (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
- Seventh: The permissibility of singing and playing on the drum... and what follows, to the end of al-Ghazzali's discussion on singing.
The jurist Abu Bakr al-'Arabi says, "No sound hadith is available concerning the prohibition of singing," while Ibn Hazm says, "All that is reported on this subject is false and fabricated " However, since singing is in many cases associated with drinking parties and nightclubs, many scholars have declared it to be haram or at least makruh. They state that singing constitutes that kind of idle talk which is mentioned in the ayah, And among the people is the one who buys idle talk (at the expense of his soul) in order to lead (people) astray from the path of Allah without knowledge, holding it in mockery; for such there will be a humiliating punishment. (31:6) Says Ibn Hazm: This verse condemns a particular behavior, that of doing something to mock the path of Allah. Anyone who does this is an unbeliever; if he even should buy a copy of the Qur'an, doing so in order to make it the object of his mockery and thereby leading people astray, he would be an unbeliever. It is this type of behavior, which is condemned by Allah and not the idle talk in which one may indulge for mere relaxation, without intending to lead people astray from the path of Allah.
Ibn Hazm also refutes the argument of those who say that since singing is not of "the truth" it must be of "error," referring to the verse, "And what is beyond the truth except error?" (10:32). He comments, The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said, 'Deeds will be judged according to intentions, and everyone will get what he intended.' (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) Accordingly, the one who listens to singing with the intention of using it in support of a sin is a sinner, and this holds true of anything other than singing (as well), while one who listens to singing with the intention of refreshing his soul in order to gain strength to do his duty toward Allah Ta'ala and to do good deeds, is a good and obedient servant of Allah, and his action is of the truth. And he who listens to singing intending neither obedience nor disobedience is doing something neutral and harmless, which is similar to going to the park and walking around, standing by a window and looking at the sky, wearing blue or green cloths, and so on.
However, there are some limitations to be observed in the matter of singing:
The Prophet (peace be on him) warned of a severe punishment for people who sing or listen to singing in such a situation when he said, Some people of my Ummah will drink wine, calling it by another name, while they listen to singers accompanied by musical instruments. Allah will cause the earth to swallow them and will turn some of them into monkeys and swine. (Reported by Ibn Majah.) This does not mean that they will be physically transformed into the bodies and outward form of monkeys and swine but rather in heart and soul, carrying the heart of a monkey and the soul of a pig in their human bodies
- 1. The subject matter of songs should not be against the teachings of Islam. For example, if the song is in praise of wine, and it invites people to drink, singing or listening to it is haram.
- 2. Although the subject matter itself may not be against the Islamic teachings, the manner of singing may render it haram; this would be the case, for example, if suggestive sexual movement accompanied the singing.
- 3. Islam fights against excess and extravagance in anything, even in worship; how, then, can it tolerate excessive involvement with entertainment? Too much time should not be wasted in such activities; after all, what is time but life itself? One cannot dispute the fact that spending time in permissible activities consumes time, which ought to be resaved for carrying out religious obligations and doing good deeds. It is aptly said, "There is no excess except at the expense of a neglected duty."
- 4. Each individual is the best judge of himself. If a certain type of singing arouses one's passions, leads him towards sin, excites the animal instincts, and dulls spirituality, he must avoid it, thus closing the door to temptations.
- 5. There is unanimous agreement that if singing is done in conjunction with haram activities—for example, at a drinking party, or if it is mixed with obscenity and sin—it is haram.
please dont mind my agressive language and i m very sorry to say this but.. WHO YOU ARE TO DECLARE SOMETHING HARAM?
God gave us the Brain.
He bestowed the Quran upon us as a guide.
He sent his final messenger to perfect the religion.
Using that, we should know better. We should decide ourselves what type of Music is Haram and what is acceptable.
That's what makes us Humans. We can use our brain's.
what about this kind of music, for example:no prb bro..am not declaring anything haram..am saying its NOT haram ..but the wrong music,,should be avoided..
am not any scholar but this music got no lyrics..and doesnot give any wrong message,,so according to me no prb with this..dont know what others think..what about this kind of music, for example:
I always prefer non-lyrical songs such as movie soundtracks like the one above was for The Hunger Games. Anyway, off topic, what did you think about it? The song i posted.am not any scholar but this music got no lyrics..and doesnot give any wrong message,,so according to me no prb with this..dont know what others think..
IT WAS RELAXING..really good..didn't even have any drums or anything..so really nice..I always prefer non-lyrical songs such as movie soundtracks like the one above was for The Hunger Games. Anyway, off topic, what did you think about it? The song i posted.
Thats nice. Finding the full soundtrack was pretty hard so if you want, i can give you the entire track if you want.IT WAS RELAXING..really good..didn't even have any drums or anything..so really nice..
what about this kind of music, for example:
listen to whatever. avoid anything that is against islam.
Yes. Go through the thread again. And nothing can be made haram by saying. When allah did not say in quran to stop music then who the hell is any guy scholar imam or whatever to say it is haram.No, music is haraam. Please go through the whole thread, everything has been explained with reasoning.
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