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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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XPRS Administrator
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Yes. Go through the thread again. And nothing can be made haram by saying. When allah did not say in quran to stop music then who the hell is any guy scholar imam or whatever to say it is haram.

What about what the Prophet S.A.W said..? what he made haram...? as the scholars quote us the ahadith..? o_O
the aayah goes:
"But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission." (4:65)
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Yes. Go through the thread again. And nothing can be made haram by saying. When allah did not say in quran to stop music then who the hell is any guy scholar imam or whatever to say it is haram.
Quran is a perfect book.
But Allah has not mentioned every single detail in it.
It is impossible to confine the entire Islamic Law in a book with finite number of pages!
So in order to perfect the religion, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) was sent for the guidance of Mankind.
He comprehended the Quranic Verses and Elaborated upon them.
He explained the Laws not mentioned in the Quran. There are many things not mentioned in the Quran, which the Holy Prophet(pbuh) Explained.
Many things which were unclear, but the Holy Prophet(pbuh) declared them ''Unlawful''.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.494B Narrated by Abu Amir
that he heard the Prophet (saws) saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.”

But what i don't understand is.. the one who listens to Music, is not actually USING the musical instrument! :/


XPRS Administrator
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Quran is a perfect book.
But Allah has not mentioned every single detail in it.
It is impossible to confine the entire Islamic Law in a book with finite number of pages!
So in order to perfect the religion, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) was sent for the guidance of Mankind.
He comprehended the Quranic Verses and Elaborated upon them.
He explained the Laws not mentioned in the Quran. There are many things not mentioned in the Quran, which the Holy Prophet(pbuh) Explained.
Many things which were unclear, but the Holy Prophet(pbuh) declared them ''Unlawful''.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.494B Narrated by Abu Amir
that he heard the Prophet (saws) saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.”

But what i don't understand is.. the one who listens to Music, is not actually USING the musical instrument! :/

umm.. stop making excuses plz.. n listen to wht scholars have t say on this topic:

I explained it b4.... in matter relating to a feild.. u ask its specialist abt it...

anyway... do read this too:

AsSAlamu Alaikum Wr wb,

Recently I heard Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan saying something that resonated with me.... a lot....(I might b paraphrasing here) he said if we were to find joy in recitation of the Quran.... to really know it.. then the discussion whether Music is Haram or Halal will become irrelevant.... its true.. coz Alhamdulillah, I never find the need of music in my life thanks to Quran.. If I have to listen.. I listen to Quran..... and music cannot even b compared to the beauty of quran....
just listen to this.. n tell me sincerely what song can give peace to heart..?

anyway... if you want Fatwas etc.. plz see this:
http://www.kalamullah.com/Kamal El Mekki/End of Music.mp3
also read this:

More info:
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First of all the same words are narrated by many pther narrators but they did not include pf instrument but only this narrator did. Secondly it says that people will consider those things halal which are already made haram but inclusion of instruments which is no where made haram males no sense. As it says make is halal which means it is already made haram somewhere else but it is not mentioned anywhere. Thirdly, this hadith, on its on, no where says music listening is harram. And rasulullah always explained and extended the quran but never created something of his own. He was a messenger sent by Allah. As said by quran itself. And nobody denies his judgement. But infortunately he is not here and hia sources are so much poluted that when we start to include every so-called-sahih hadith the beauty of islam is lost. The beauty of quran and how it stands out from every religion and how it proves itself true from all scietific studies are not in hadith. Islam, if real religion, must be made by same creator as creator of universe and therefore his religion and his universe should be compatible with each other.
I knoq the importance of hadith and of rasulullah but why didn't allah preserve them the same way he did the quran?
For gods sake dont make anything harram ir hallah on a single hadith whose purity is challeged by common sense. If Allah cant be wrong and his messenger cant be against commn sense then why is his so-called hadith. If he really wanted to stop music then he could have stated it clearly and like other sins many times again and again. Why did he gave a single clue? So people can go astray? Dont make such wrong things abut rasullullah. He was clear in his judgements but used metaphors and examples to further explain. How can j write p it? I m sick if it. Do whatever. I wont be in this thread again.
Go ahead and call me mad. Say that i challenge scholars. Say that i m intepreting things wrong. Say i m kafir. Say whatever. My rabb knows. And that is enough.
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umm.. stop making excuses plz.. n listen to wht scholars have t say on this topic:

I explained it b4.... in matter relating to a feild.. u ask its specialist abt it...

anyway... do read this too:
I will be questionable for my deeds. Isn't the case same with you! Or these scholars who work to get paid will come there to help you in day of judgement?
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Scholars scholars everywhere.
Answer by question before saying anything about scholars.
These stupid nobrain people cant even decide what is correct method of Salah. They dont ever agree to a single mutual conclusion. Who should i follow?. Who us correct? Why these people cant agree to each other if they realy know islam? Asking them is insult of the beautiful islam and his creator
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Quran is a perfect book.
But Allah has not mentioned every single detail in it.
It is impossible to confine the entire Islamic Law in a book with finite number of pages!
So in order to perfect the religion, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) was sent for the guidance of Mankind.
He comprehended the Quranic Verses and Elaborated upon them.
He explained the Laws not mentioned in the Quran. There are many things not mentioned in the Quran, which the Holy Prophet(pbuh) Explained.
Many things which were unclear, but the Holy Prophet(pbuh) declared them ''Unlawful''.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.494B Narrated by Abu Amir
that he heard the Prophet (saws) saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.”

But what i don't understand is.. the one who listens to Music, is not actually USING the musical instrument! :/

This is the same like alcohol. Drinking alcohol is haraam. So, the one who sells it isn't actually drinking it. But, selling alcohol is also haraam, right?
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Scholars scholars everywhere.
Answer by question before saying anything about scholars.
These stupid nobrain people cant even decide what is correct method of Salah. They dont ever agree to a single mutual conclusion. Who should i follow?. Who us correct? Why these people cant agree to each other if they realy know islam? Asking them is insult of the beautiful islam and his creator

You can't just call anyone stupid. They are more knowledgeable than us. And if they are wrong somewhere, only Allah s.w.t can judge them. We can't be judgmental about such important issues.
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You can't just call anyone stupid. They are more knowledgeable than us. And if they are wrong somewhere, only Allah s.w.t can judge them. We can't be judgmental about such important issues.
Oh stop. Answer me first. Which scholar should i follow and how do i know he is correct and others are wrong? There are so many islamS that i dont know which is actually islam. Who to follow? Who is correct? Allah knows but how do i know.
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Oh stop. Answer me first. Which scholar should i follow and how do i know he is correct and others are wrong? There are so many islamS that i dont know which is actually islam. Who to follow? Who is correct? Allah knows but how do i know.

You have guidance from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Scholars elaborate those teachings for you. Follow those which are in the light of the Qu'ran and Sunnah and do not contradict any of the teachings given in the two. :)


XPRS Administrator
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I will be questionable for my deeds. Isn't the case same with you! Or these scholars who work to get paid will come there to help you in day of judgement?

It's sad to see you pointing fingers on their intentions.. when we know that:
"O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin..." (49:12)

Scholars scholars everywhere.
Answer by question before saying anything about scholars.
These stupid nobrain people cant even decide what is correct method of Salah. They dont ever agree to a single mutual conclusion. Who should i follow?. Who us correct? Why these people cant agree to each other if they realy know islam? Asking them is insult of the beautiful islam and his creator

Yes ofc.. they have no brain even when they study all their life before giving a verdict.. and you know a lot more coz you are awesome... we agree.. but just to let you know... yes scholars disagree.. but that is not as bad as you say.... there are ahadith about it.. let me present them to you....

it is acceptable for Muslim scholars to have disagreement in opinions. It is acceptable because there are many debates where there is no clear-cut evidence to the matter. It is possible that some narrations are not very authentic in the chain of narrators, or some might interpret texts differently than others . In fact, most Islamic texts are like this and very debated. Therefore, it is natural to have disagreement among the Muslim scholars.

This type of disagreement is not only acceptable, but in fact, rewarded by Allah (S.W.T.) at least once, with the possibility of two rewards. Those who qualify for this reward are the scholars who have the greatest knowledge in the matter. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) confirms this reward in an authentic Hadith reported by Imams Bukhari, Muslim, and Abu-Dawud, which says, “If the Hakim (ruler or judge) made his Ijtihad or the extraction of the verdict from original sources of legislation and he reached the correct verdict he will get two rewards. And if he reached the wrong verdict he will only get one reward.”

Other evidence for this acceptable disagreement in Islam comes from a Hadith reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim, in which Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) ordered his companions after the battle of Al-Ahzaab saying, “No one of you should pray Asr until you reach the village of Bani-Qurayzah (A Jewish tribe) .” While they were on their way, the time of Asr came. Some companions said we should not pray until we reach Bani-Qurayzah. Others said we should pray Asr now because the Prophet (S.A.W.) did not mean for us to leave the Asr prayer, but he wanted us to be in a hurry. So some of the companions prayed Asr , while others continued on until they reached Bani-Qurayzah after sunset. When they went back to the Prophet, they mentioned to him the story and he did not blame either one of them." This Hadith clearly shows us that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) accepted both opinions, because if one of them were wrong then the Prophet would have expressed it at that time.

The Mujtahideen are a group of Muslims scholars who extract verdicts based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah , yet do not follow others opinions such as Imams Abu-Hanifah, Malik, Shfi'i and Ahmad Ibn-Hanbal may Allah be pleased with all of them . The disagreements among the Mujtahideen are also acceptable in Islam and will be rewarded. They will be rewarded because they derive their verdicts from the Islamic legislative sources.

Secondly, an unacceptable disagreement is every disagreement in the matters of Deen where there is clear-cut evidence. There are some issues in Islam that cannot be argued. There are many texts where the narration is highly authentic or the matter can be understood in only one way. Also, it is unacceptable for people who are unqualified in Islamic law to dispute about any matters of Deen .

“O' Allah show us the truth clearly and help us to follow it and love it.
O' Allah show us the false clearly and help us to stay away from it and to hate it.”
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Can anyone please tell me whay are the practical harms of music. Some scholars say that wind instruments or other musical instruments are haram except daff. So why is daff an exception? And if music was such a major sin so why did Allah allow it to prophet DavidAS. Please those who say that music is haram should answer my questions.
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Can anyone please tell me whay are the practical harms of music. Some scholars say that wind instruments or other musical instruments are haram except daff. So why is daff an exception? And if music was such a major sin so why did Allah allow it to prophet DavidAS. Please those who say that music is haram should answer my questions.

I am not rejecting the fact, that Music is not Haram. I am just pointing out my confusions about this topic.

If it was such a major sin, why is it not mentioned clearly in the Quran.
If it was such a major sin, why is their only ONE Hadith of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) that gives an indication to ''Musical Instruments''.
If it was a major sin, why didn't the Holy Prophet(pbuh) clearly prohibit it, like he prohibited Fornication, Adultery.
If it was such a major sin, why did the Holy Prophet(pbuh) allow singing during Eid and many other occasions such as when he arrived in Madinah for first time.
If it was such a major sin, why did the Holy Prophet(pbuh) on seeing the Daff being played, allow it. (Surely if other musical instruments like Piano had been invented at that time, was there a reason not to allow them too?)
If it was such a major sin, why did Allah allow H.Daud(A.S) to use Music.

Since Musical Instruments such as Piano were not invented at that time. Only Daff was there. If the Holy Prophet(pbuh) allowed Daff, i don't see why Piano would have NOT been allowed too. If Music is used in a moral way to achieve a peaceful state of Mind, i don't see any harm in it.

The Only Hadith we have regarding this is: "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.”
On One Place the Holy Prophet(pbuh) declares ''Daff'' as lawful, there are written records of Him allowing its use. And on another occasion he prevents the use of the musical instruments in the above Hadith. So we can deduce from that, certain Musical Instruments are Haram.. which people among his followers would consider as ''lawful''.. Now how are we supposed to know which musical instrument is Lawful.. and which one is Haram? The Holy Prophet(pbuh) did not clearly mention in any Hadith which musical instruments are Haram and which are not. Looking at that specific event of his life when he allowed ''Daff''.. the Scholars have declared EVERY SINGLE instrument except for ''Daff'' as Haram. The Purpose of a musical instrument is to use them on joyous occasions on weddings, Eid. I don't understand why that is so Unlawful!
There is no event in the Life of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) when he saw a musical instrument being used and he stopped it. But when he encountered someone playing the ''Daff''.. he allowed its use. How can scholars just declare the entire ''MUSIC'' as haram, just by using that one instance of the Prophet's (pbuh) life when he allowed Daff. How can the Scholars declare every single musical instrument on this earth as ''Haram''.. except for ''Daff''.

Every Thing Declared as Haram in Islam, is declared that because it causes harm. For example ''Alcohol'' is haram because it harms the body.
As long as ''Music'' does not move us away from Islam, Worship of Allah and Morals.. and it is used in a good way to achieve a peaceful state of mind, there is not haram in it. That is my opinion.
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I am also saying that music is not haram . It is only sin when it distracts u from islam. I think even if there is something like love in the song, there is no harm in it as along as we dont pay attention to it. Music refreshes the mind and is therefore good
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I am also saying that music is not haram . It is only sin when it distracts u from islam. I think even if there is something like love in the song, there is no harm in it as along as we dont pay attention to it. Music refreshes the mind and is therefore good

Note: I am not trying to get People who don't listen to Music, to start listening to it. They are doing a very good thing! I am simply stating my confusions about this topic.

We as Muslims are not supposed to follow the Scholars blindly.
Allah has given every Human a mind of his own.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) did not mention which musical instruments are Haram and The Scholars just go ahead and declare Every Single Instrument as Haram. Except for Duff! If he allowed Duff, which other musical instrument would he have allowed, if it existed during his time? I think they are supposed to research why Duff was allowed by the Prophet(pbuh) and according to that tell us which instrument's are allowed and which are not. But Allah knows best! :)
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It's sad to see you pointing fingers on their intentions.. when we know that:
"O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin..." (49:12)

Yes ofc.. they have no brain even when they study all their life before giving a verdict.. and you know a lot more coz you are awesome... we agree.. but just to let you know... yes scholars disagree.. but that is not as bad as you say.... there are ahadith about it.. let me present them to you....

it is acceptable for Muslim scholars to have disagreement in opinions. It is acceptable because there are many debates where there is no clear-cut evidence to the matter. It is possible that some narrations are not very authentic in the chain of narrators, or some might interpret texts differently than others . In fact, most Islamic texts are like this and very debated. Therefore, it is natural to have disagreement among the Muslim scholars.

This type of disagreement is not only acceptable, but in fact, rewarded by Allah (S.W.T.) at least once, with the possibility of two rewards. Those who qualify for this reward are the scholars who have the greatest knowledge in the matter. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) confirms this reward in an authentic Hadith reported by Imams Bukhari, Muslim, and Abu-Dawud, which says, “If the Hakim (ruler or judge) made his Ijtihad or the extraction of the verdict from original sources of legislation and he reached the correct verdict he will get two rewards. And if he reached the wrong verdict he will only get one reward.”

Other evidence for this acceptable disagreement in Islam comes from a Hadith reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim, in which Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) ordered his companions after the battle of Al-Ahzaab saying, “No one of you should pray Asr until you reach the village of Bani-Qurayzah (A Jewish tribe) .” While they were on their way, the time of Asr came. Some companions said we should not pray until we reach Bani-Qurayzah. Others said we should pray Asr now because the Prophet (S.A.W.) did not mean for us to leave the Asr prayer, but he wanted us to be in a hurry. So some of the companions prayed Asr , while others continued on until they reached Bani-Qurayzah after sunset. When they went back to the Prophet, they mentioned to him the story and he did not blame either one of them." This Hadith clearly shows us that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) accepted both opinions, because if one of them were wrong then the Prophet would have expressed it at that time.

The Mujtahideen are a group of Muslims scholars who extract verdicts based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah , yet do not follow others opinions such as Imams Abu-Hanifah, Malik, Shfi'i and Ahmad Ibn-Hanbal may Allah be pleased with all of them . The disagreements among the Mujtahideen are also acceptable in Islam and will be rewarded. They will be rewarded because they derive their verdicts from the Islamic legislative sources.

Secondly, an unacceptable disagreement is every disagreement in the matters of Deen where there is clear-cut evidence. There are some issues in Islam that cannot be argued. There are many texts where the narration is highly authentic or the matter can be understood in only one way. Also, it is unacceptable for people who are unqualified in Islamic law to dispute about any matters of Deen .

“O' Allah show us the truth clearly and help us to follow it and love it.
O' Allah show us the false clearly and help us to stay away from it and to hate it.”
should i follow?
Secondly the haidth was talking about the muslim leader. Read book of government in sahih muslim which tells which is islamic leader and what are conditions for a leader to be leader according to islam. And no leader exists today which has even few of all necessary conditions.
And that hadith also means that the reward depends on his understanding of it. If my understanding is different than urs than none of us is to be blamed.
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I am not rejecting the fact, that Music is not Haram. I am just pointing out my confusions about this topic.

If it was such a major sin, why is it not mentioned clearly in the Quran.
If it was such a major sin, why is their only ONE Hadith of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) that gives an indication to ''Musical Instruments''.
If it was a major sin, why didn't the Holy Prophet(pbuh) clearly prohibit it, like he prohibited Fornication, Adultery.
If it was such a major sin, why did the Holy Prophet(pbuh) allow singing during Eid and many other occasions such as when he arrived in Madinah for first time.
If it was such a major sin, why did the Holy Prophet(pbuh) on seeing the Daff being played, allow it. (Surely if other musical instruments like Piano had been invented at that time, was there a reason not to allow them too?)
If it was such a major sin, why did Allah allow H.Daud(A.S) to use Music.

Since Musical Instruments such as Piano were not invented at that time. Only Daff was there. If the Holy Prophet(pbuh) allowed Daff, i don't see why Piano would have NOT been allowed too. If Music is used in a moral way to achieve a peaceful state of Mind, i don't see any harm in it.

The Only Hadith we have regarding this is: "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.”
On One Place the Holy Prophet(pbuh) declares ''Daff'' as lawful, there are written records of Him allowing its use. And on another occasion he prevents the use of the musical instruments in the above Hadith. So we can deduce from that, certain Musical Instruments are Haram.. which people among his followers would consider as ''lawful''.. Now how are we supposed to know which musical instrument is Lawful.. and which one is Haram? The Holy Prophet(pbuh) did not clearly mention in any Hadith which musical instruments are Haram and which are not. Looking at that specific event of his life when he allowed ''Daff''.. the Scholars have declared EVERY SINGLE instrument except for ''Daff'' as Haram. The Purpose of a musical instrument is to use them on joyous occasions on weddings, Eid. I don't understand why that is so Unlawful!
There is no event in the Life of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) when he saw a musical instrument being used and he stopped it. But when he encountered someone playing the ''Daff''.. he allowed its use. How can scholars just declare the entire ''MUSIC'' as haram, just by using that one instance of the Prophet's (pbuh) life when he allowed Daff. How can the Scholars declare every single musical instrument on this earth as ''Haram''.. except for ''Daff''.

Every Thing Declared as Haram in Islam, is declared that because it causes harm. For example ''Alcohol'' is haram because it harms the body.
As long as ''Music'' does not move us away from Islam, Worship of Allah and Morals.. and it is used in a good way to achieve a peaceful state of mind, there is not haram in it. That is my opinion.
Who can answer this? Bad robot?


XPRS Administrator
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should i follow?
Secondly the haidth was talking about the muslim leader. Read book of government in sahih muslim which tells which is islamic leader and what are conditions for a leader to be leader according to islam. And no leader exists today which has even few of all necessary conditions.
And that hadith also means that the reward depends on his understanding of it. If my understanding is different than urs than none of us is to be blamed.
who should you follow..? the one that sticks to Quran and sunnah... :)
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“I advise you to fear Allaah and to listen and obey, even if a slave is appointed as your leader. Whoever among you lives after I die will see differences arise. I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the way of my rightly-guided successors (al-khulafaa’ al-raashidoon); clench your teeth on it (i.e., hold fast to it). Beware of newly invented things, for every innovation (bid’ah) is a going astray.” (Narrated by Ahmad, and Abu Dawood and al-Tirmidhi, who said, it is a saheeh hasan hadeeth).

the hadith was talking about a judge or a leader... we are talking abt a mujtahid, some1 who judges about islamic rulings....

and no.. its not abt my understanding vs yours... I dnt consider myself knowledgeable enough to give religious verdicts... its not my place.... its the work of a mujtahid to do that... someone who is well versed in Islamic sciences....
coz speaking without knowledge is a dangerous thing....
Say, "My Lord has only forbidden immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed - and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allah that which you do not know." (7:33)
And do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth, "This is lawful and this is unlawful," to invent falsehood about Allah . Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed. (16:116)

Allah s.w.t knows best....
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