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Who can answer this? Bad robot?
I am not rejecting the fact, that Music is not Haram. I am just pointing out my confusions about this topic.
If it was such a major sin, why is it not mentioned clearly in the Quran.
If it was such a major sin, why is their only ONE Hadith of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) that gives an indication to ''Musical Instruments''.
If it was a major sin, why didn't the Holy Prophet(pbuh) clearly prohibit it, like he prohibited Fornication, Adultery.
If it was such a major sin, why did the Holy Prophet(pbuh) allow singing during Eid and many other occasions such as when he arrived in Madinah for first time.
If it was such a major sin, why did the Holy Prophet(pbuh) on seeing the Daff being played, allow it. (Surely if other musical instruments like Piano had been invented at that time, was there a reason not to allow them too?)
If it was such a major sin, why did Allah allow H.Daud(A.S) to use Music.
Since Musical Instruments such as Piano were not invented at that time. Only Daff was there. If the Holy Prophet(pbuh) allowed Daff, i don't see why Piano would have NOT been allowed too. If Music is used in a moral way to achieve a peaceful state of Mind, i don't see any harm in it.
The Only Hadith we have regarding this is: "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.”
On One Place the Holy Prophet(pbuh) declares ''Daff'' as lawful, there are written records of Him allowing its use. And on another occasion he prevents the use of the musical instruments in the above Hadith. So we can deduce from that, certain Musical Instruments are Haram.. which people among his followers would consider as ''lawful''.. Now how are we supposed to know which musical instrument is Lawful.. and which one is Haram? The Holy Prophet(pbuh) did not clearly mention in any Hadith which musical instruments are Haram and which are not. Looking at that specific event of his life when he allowed ''Daff''.. the Scholars have declared EVERY SINGLE instrument except for ''Daff'' as Haram. The Purpose of a musical instrument is to use them on joyous occasions on weddings, Eid. I don't understand why that is so Unlawful!
There is no event in the Life of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) when he saw a musical instrument being used and he stopped it. But when he encountered someone playing the ''Daff''.. he allowed its use. How can scholars just declare the entire ''MUSIC'' as haram, just by using that one instance of the Prophet's (pbuh) life when he allowed Daff. How can the Scholars declare every single musical instrument on this earth as ''Haram''.. except for ''Daff''.
Every Thing Declared as Haram in Islam, is declared that because it causes harm. For example ''Alcohol'' is haram because it harms the body.
As long as ''Music'' does not move us away from Islam, Worship of Allah and Morals.. and it is used in a good way to achieve a peaceful state of mind, there is not haram in it. That is my opinion.
1. no one said its a MAJOR sin.. but coz it is a sin.. we do need to stay away from it...
second part.. I don't have energy to argue.. besides, this isn't your major problem.... this should be the least of your concerns.... considering you said this:
Every Thing Declared as Haram in Islam, is declared that because it causes harm. For example ''Alcohol'' is haram because it harms the body.
As long as ''Music'' does not move us away from Islam, Worship of Allah and Morals.. and it is used in a good way to achieve a peaceful state of mind, there is not haram in it. That is my opinion
This is a major issue in your understanding of your deen... so you need to fix it by attaining knowledge.. please this ramadan make a schedule of reading some part of Quran n trying to read its meaning.. and if possible tafseer too...
but I'd like to tell you that everything declared as Haram in Islam, is NOT declared that because it causes harm... its haram coz Allah s.w.t said so.. end of story... Islam is submiting to Allah s.w.t... yes what is haram, harms us.. so is bad.. but the priamary reason a muslim avoids haram is not coz its bad.. but coz its prohibited by Allah s.w.t....
One of the centeral themes of Islam is obedience to Allah s.w.t.. since He is the most wise, most merciful... to make you understand this.. I'd like to put forward a beautiful aayah of Quran:
"And if We had decreed upon them, "Kill yourselves" or "Leave your homes," they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer position [for them in faith]." (4:66)
Notice what He s.W.T said... had He told ppl to kill themselves.. something completely illogical... or to leave their homes despite having one.. again illogical to us.. it wd certainly have been better for them..! why..? coz they wd b obeying Allah s.w.t...!
Same way Ibrahim A.S is given instructions by Allah s.w.t to leave his family in middle of the desert.. he doesn't ask, Allah s.w.t give me logical explaination why do I leave them erc.. what is the harm in not leaving them etc.. no.. coz he understands.. a muslim submits to what Allah s.w.t orders.... no questions asked... yes we understand the ahkaam.. but law is law...
plz see this: