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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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and stop looking at this very small things, which nobody is sure whether it is haram and try to advice people to stop doing what is 100% haram and not what u r not 100% sure of,like drinking beer and bars do u know that now in most islamic countries it is ok to drink beers and you leave all of this and u talk about music, how about bethoven and all of this classical musicians (they made culture) why is it haram they can relax you and make u feel alot better, and most of the nashids are rlly bad, if music was haram i wud have only listened to the quraan but never nashids they are just too bad in my opinion, i just hate THEM!!!!! and if music was haram does that mean taking music IGCSE is haram and if pictures and drawing were haram, does that mean taking ART IGCSE is haram????
this is just too much :mad:
I totally agree - ON THE MUSIC.
In my opinion there's white areas; zakat, salat etc. and the black areas; shirk, alcohol, ignoring Jihad and as long as you stay in the white area, Allah (s.w.t.) is very forgiving and hopefully will forgive us when we dip in the grey areas.
But drawing...some of the music ahadith are weak, or the line is broken etc. so it's unsure
But about the pictures there is no argument.
And only pictures of things with souls is Haram! You can draw apples, trees, landscapes, just no animals or humans!


XPRS Moderator
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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

@those who say music isn't haraam. I just have a small request.
Check the link in my signature. Download the mp3, listen to the whole of it. :)

After listening to it, let me know what you think. :)

Ya Allah plz guide us all..Aameen..!
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I totally agree - ON THE MUSIC.
In my opinion there's white areas; zakat, salat etc. and the black areas; shirk, alcohol, ignoring Jihad and as long as you stay in the white area, Allah (s.w.t.) is very forgiving and hopefully will forgive us when we dip in the grey areas.
But drawing...some of the music ahadith are weak, or the line is broken etc. so it's unsure
But about the pictures there is no argument.
And only pictures of things with souls is Haram! You can draw apples, trees, landscapes, just no animals or humans!

Personally I believe drawing is a "grey" area myself - then again I'm stricter about music. *shrugs* different people will have different opinions on grey areas, what's important is to see what the scholarly argument or daleel is for what you believe (rather than just arguing away)

If you guys are interested in seeing the different areas then here are some links:
Music- http://www.muhajabah.com/pictures-fiqh.htm
Pictures- http://www.muhajabah.com/pictures-fiqh.htm

I think some of the links may be broken so if you want a fuller explanation of the liberal view on pictures then skip to page 48 of this:
(warning, he is a controversial scholar)

Personally I love drawing, especially portraiture, but I fully accept that some other people will not practice it. However I don't do statues and I don't display my work- meaning it's all in sketchbooks, you won't find animate pictures on the walls in my house.
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As for photos I believe that most scholars have no problems with them as long as they're not displayed, eg on walls in rooms where you want to pray, because you're not "mimicking" or trying to disprove the creation of Allah, you're merely capturing a picture of it.
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As for photos I believe that most scholars have no problems with them as long as they're not displayed, eg on walls in rooms where you want to pray, because you're not "mimicking" or trying to disprove the creation of Allah, you're merely capturing a picture of it.
But though I love drawing I don't love it enough to risk this:
"On the Day of Resurrection a neck will stretch forth from Hell; it will have two eyes to see, two ears to hear, and a tongue to speak. It will say, "I have been appointed to take care of three types of people: every arrogant tyrant, every person who called on some deity other than Allaah (swt) and those who made pictures" [at-Tirmidhi stated that this hadith was saheeh - at-Takhweef min an-Naar, p.179, See also Jaami' al-Usool, 10/518, the editor said its isnaad is hasan]
There's a LOT of ahadith about drawings. If I feel the urge to draw nowadays I'll just go draw a peach or something. Better safe than sorry in my opinion. I'm not gonna bother quoting ahadith again because I'm not exactly a super muslim scholar am I? Not my place to convince you; research yourself and form your own opinions.
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Like I said, it's up to everyone to decide what they believe is the best and most sound opinion, and you've made your decision.

Flowers are funner then peaches.
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I'll draw a peach hanging from a flowering tree then. Or a peach with flowers. Or a flower shaped peach. Or a peach shaped flower. Or a peach coloured flower shaped like a peach which is shaped like a flower hanging from a flowering tree with other peaches.
You get the idea. As long as it's a soulless peach-flower-chimeral thing then I'm cool :D
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music is not haram, there was no clear phrase in the quraan that music is haram, they are all interpretations and imnot with that music prevents you from listening to quraan or reading the quraan because, el7, i listen to music and i read quraan with telawa (the laws on how u shud read quraan) and i listen to quraan everytime when im in the car and before sleep.
pictures arent haram too, because in this context it means statues or pictures which people worship, which we dont do no and also we wudnt be able to live without photos nowadays, so how is it haram, this doesnt make any sense.

Holy Quran is not the only source guidance for mankind..... Its been clearly written in the Sahih Bukhari Vol no7 Verse no. 5590... that ...
Narrated Abu Amir or Abu Malik Al Ashari that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful for them....

I think this clearly outlines problems associated with music....
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I think so.
I mean I've read around and it's been said that in this day and age it's impossible to go without certain pictures like passport identification, medical stuff etc.
And educational cartoons are supposed to be O.K.
But otherwise...All the pictures in my house have been taken down and I burnt all the pictures of faces that I drew (shame xD I had this one of Obama...)
So what you mean is that certain kinds of pictures are allowed and certain are not?
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So what you mean is that certain kinds of pictures are allowed and certain are not?
I don't know, I'm not a sheikh. The point is that nowadays without SOME pictures you can't go on about your daily life without being a hermit, so those are supposedly allowed, but otherwise you shouldn't draw/take pictures :| I don't know!
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Holy Quran is not the only source guidance for mankind..... Its been clearly written in the Sahih Bukhari Vol no7 Verse no. 5590... that ...
Narrated Abu Amir or Abu Malik Al Ashari that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful for them....

I think this clearly outlines problems associated with music....
It says uses and Not listen ;)
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So what you mean is that certain kinds of pictures are allowed and certain are not?
yups .. i read a hadith but i forgot .. it said that pics with animate beings (the one with teh souls) such as humans and animals shuldnt be drawn and if u wanna draw then draw inanimate being and the example of drawing treses was given
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I don't know, I'm not a sheikh. The point is that nowadays without SOME pictures you can't go on about your daily life without being a hermit, so those are supposedly allowed, but otherwise you shouldn't draw/take pictures :| I don't know!
Personally i think that if we see these hadith in context, drawing is allowed. We should not go on and worship pictures like hindus and christians do and we should not consider them as replacements of real people, otherwise (personally) i think its ok. If drawing etc was not allowed then we (muslims) would not have made advancements in geometry and architecture and the beautiful Masjids we see wouldnt be here and you know if you go to masjid al nabawi there are paintings of flower designs on the roof of the turkish built part and last time i even saw an old framed painting of a masjid there.
All of this is my opinion and Allah knows best.
May Allah guide us to the truth.
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actually listening isnt a use, when u use something u touch it ;) as far as i know
so u mean to say that people dont use the mobile networks towers everytime they make a call .. coz they dun touch it

btw dude .. i dun want an argument .. all i gotta say is that i used to RAP and i left it coz i found out that its haram and i still remember that i used to fool myself but in the end u cant fool urself about the consequences of fooling urself . peace
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I don't know, I'm not a sheikh. The point is that nowadays without SOME pictures you can't go on about your daily life without being a hermit, so those are supposedly allowed, but otherwise you shouldn't draw/take pictures :| I don't know!
pics are only allowed when absolutely necessary. like you can't complete admission forms nics etc without them.. for security things etc.. only in such cases its allowed
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