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BAN MUSIC CAMPAIGN - For Muslim brothers and sisters

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Although the most illogical thing to say would be that I believe in Quran not in Hadith.. since Quran tells us: "But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission." (4:65)

but, even Quran mentions music, although indirectly:
"And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment." (31:6)

Ibn Mas`ud (RA) commented about the Ayah:
(And of mankind is he who purchases Lahu Al-Hadith to mislead (men) from the path of Allah), he said, "This -- by Allah -- refers to singing.''
[source: tafsir ibn kathir]

My advice: if you find an injunction of Islam difficult to follow, don't say 'it is not haram etc.' rather have it in your heart that insha'Allah one day I'll fix myself... knowing wrong as wrong is the first step to fixing it.
Hi, i dont agree with u, Allah said in this ayah the meaningless speech or amusement speech but not all of the songs are meaningless in my opinion some can teach new stuff about life and give u hope in life and such, ik u will say that why not read the quraan it has everything u need, well i dont see anything wrong with doing both, do u? i think that music is haram if what is said or done is haram just like talking, sometimes talking can be haram and sometimes it is halal and sometimes ur even awarded for it. tyvm and btw i rlly respect u, u seem like a very educated and smart guy.


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Hi, i dont agree with u, Allah said in this ayah the meaningless speech or amusement speech but not all of the songs are meaningless in my opinion some can teach new stuff about life and give u hope in life and such, ik u will say that why not read the quraan it has everything u need, well i dont see anything wrong with doing both, do u? i think that music is haram if what is said or done is haram just like talking, sometimes talking can be haram and sometimes it is halal and sometimes ur even awarded for it. tyvm and btw i rlly respect u, u seem like a very educated and smart guy.
AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

I've a very small request...plz take out some time, n listen to this:

A powerful reminder about Music: The End Of Music by Kamal el makki (the funny guy...)

O Muslim, lawful things have good attributes
Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?
Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians
To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?
How many singers do you know and give admiration,
And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?
How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?
Compared to how many you know of Islamic Scholars.
Do you see how much is memorized of Music songs?
While you ignore the book to which memorization belongs?
How much do you memorize of these incantations?
And swayed back and forth in intoxication?
Have you not seen those who follow the misguided?
And increase the loudness of the Music, when they should hide it?
And who writes their songs? thinkers, or men of academia?
Or maybe scholars, like Ahmad, Malik or maybe ibn Taymiyah.
O you who listens to music..
Don't you see that All the songs of the world and all the lyrics you've seen
Wouldn't compare in reward to Alif Laam Meem .

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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

I've a very small request...plz take out some time, n listen to this:


O Muslim, lawful things have good attributes
Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?
Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians
To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?
How many singers do you know and give admiration,
And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?
How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?
Compared to how many you know of Islamic Scholars.
Do you see how much is memorized of Music songs?
While you ignore the book to which memorization belongs?
How much do you memorize of these incantations?
And swayed back and forth in intoxication?
Have you not seen those who follow the misguided?
And increase the loudness of the Music, when they should hide it?
And who writes their songs? thinkers, or men of academia?
Or maybe scholars, like Ahmad, Malik or maybe ibn Taymiyah.
O you who listens to music..
Don't you see that All the songs of the world and all the lyrics you've seen
Wouldn't compare in reward to Alif Laam Meem .

wa alikum elsalam :D
to be honest i didnt listen to it, i just read the lyrics but why is he comparing between the quraan and music, in my opinion they are very very different from each other and btw i dont spend a cent on music lol :p and also u still didnt answer my question why cant i do both? like read quraan and listen to music, what is the harm in listening to music i cant see it rlly mayb u might say rock and people who dance in concerts and the stupid things they do in concerts but what about the soft music like guitar (not electric), piano, the classics by Beethoven and things like that why are they haram?
ty :D


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wa alikum elsalam :D
to be honest i didnt listen to it, i just read the lyrics but why is he comparing between the quraan and music, in my opinion they are very very different from each other and btw i dont spend a cent on music lol :p and also u still didnt answer my question why cant i do both? like read quraan and listen to music, what is the harm in listening to music i cant see it rlly mayb u might say rock and people who dance in concerts and the stupid things they do in concerts but what about the soft music like guitar (not electric), piano, the classics by Beethoven and things like that why are they haram?
ty :D
nopes...the recording is isn't what the lyrics are...plz do listen to it. It's a small lecture...and that'll clear ur questions. after that do come up n let us know what conclusion do u make.
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COME ON MATE... there is nothing to be angry abt here... everyone will meet the truth on the day of judgement... okay lets join the different side of the story, do you feel any positive outcome from musics..??? if its nothing bad in it then is there anything positive in it..??? mate there are certain things Quran donot deal with... if this was All-boys forum then i would have surely commented on these certain things as well... hope you may understand..
Yeah I think u're right :)
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Although the most illogical thing to say would be that I believe in Quran not in Hadith.. since Quran tells us: "But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission." (4:65)

but, even Quran mentions music, although indirectly:
"And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment." (31:6)

Ibn Mas`ud (RA) commented about the Ayah:
(And of mankind is he who purchases Lahu Al-Hadith to mislead (men) from the path of Allah), he said, "This -- by Allah -- refers to singing.''
[source: tafsir ibn kathir]

My advice: if you find an injunction of Islam difficult to follow, don't say 'it is not haram etc.' rather have it in your heart that insha'Allah one day I'll fix myself... knowing wrong as wrong is the first step to fixing it.
inshaAllah :)
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

Well, most of you already know that music is Haraam in Islam...

This thread is for those interested to leave music...cuz once you're addicted, you might have to struggle if you decide to leave it..

Let's say we'll have points thing...like +10 if you spent the whole day without listening, and -1 for each song you heard ;)
Lets see who gets the most points ;)
It's like competing, may be this'll help you alll in giving up listening to music ;)

..or may be if you got some better idea we'd do here altogether, do share .... (y)
and not to mention, be honest :D

P.S. Adopted from Narcotic's idea :D she said something like ban music campaign, and i thought good one :D

And a good reminder...save yourself:


skull gurl
Yours Truly
-7 domination-
umaima patwari
U knw ive always wanted to give up music but i just cant. Like for example i can stop listening to music for like 2 weeks but then i open t.v and listen to a new song which i like and then i start listening to it again! Another problem is that music is becoming everywhere...u can walk into a shop to buy something and u find them playing all types of music..u can go to a restaurant to enjoy a nice meal and they will also be playing music :(
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U knw ive always wanted to give up music but i just cant. Like for example i can stop listening to music for like 2 weeks but then i open t.v and listen to a new song which i like and then i start listening to it again! Another problem is that music is becoming everywhere...u can walk into a shop to buy something and u find them playing all types of music..u can go to a restaurant to enjoy a nice meal and they will also be playing music :(

I'd suggest you avoid restaurants and shopping malls which play music, and if you do go there, then go with family or friends, talk to them, keep yourself occupied so that you don't listen to the haram. Try reciting the Qur'an whenever you are tempted to listen to music. Whenever you want to download a new song, control yourself, think.....what will be the state on the Day of Judgement of those who listen to these impure things?? Do I want to be one of them? Do I want to anger my Beloved Allah (SWT), who has created me and given me so many blessings??
I hope inshaAllah that you can stop listening to music and with the free time you get, engage yourself in knowing more about our beautiful Islam

Wabillahi Tawfeeq
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O Muslim, lawful things have good attributes
Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?
Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians
To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?
How many singers do you know and give admiration,
And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?
How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?
Compared to how many you know of Islamic Scholars.
Do you see how much is memorized of Music songs?
While you ignore the book to which memorization belongs?
How much do you memorize of these incantations?
And swayed back and forth in intoxication?
Have you not seen those who follow the misguided?
And increase the loudness of the Music, when they should hide it?
And who writes their songs? thinkers, or men of academia?
Or maybe scholars, like Ahmad, Malik or maybe ibn Taymiyah.
O you who listens to music..
Don't you see that All the songs of the world and all the lyrics you've seen
Wouldn't compare in reward to Alif Laam Meem .

subhanallah! mashaAllah this is an awesome poem; awesome is too short 2 describe its beauty... can i have d permission 2 copy & save it?
jazakallahu khairan kathiraa
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nopes...the recording is isn't what the lyrics are...plz do listen to it. It's a small lecture...and that'll clear ur questions. after that do come up n let us know what conclusion do u make.
in skl n evy where, i try 2 avoid listening to music; cud u plz quote a hadith supporting the prohibition of this art so that i can b entirely confident of my practice?
jazakallahu khairaa


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I don't understand that why Music has to be there in every single event at school!!!
I mean can't there be any event without Music?
Ok you can just not attend those events, but what to do in the assembly?
There is so much music in whole school assemblies, ! One day i skipped an assembly and i was punished! =(

People seriously think you are a little mad.... well who cares what ppl think

What if i die in those places, i will be resurrected with those ppl n that place that Allah dislikes! (once my good friend was like ok come to the bake sale, i guarantee u won't die there n i was like :eek: how can u guarantee me this...? )

Alhamdulillah now they dont argue with me on not coming to bake sales, bonfires n stuff...
but when it came to the farewell... even the teachers were like you have to come, n its the most decent event... n what abt ur title n stuff...its our last year...
Alhamdulilah my decision not to go was so right becuz the next year our high achiever ceremony was combined with the farewell of the passing badge(our juniors)
i can't describe the situation over there.... i had a severe headache even though i hardly stayed there for 5 or 10 mins, just took the awards n came back....

To cut the story short, the reason that i mentioned about the events at school is that we should do something in order to stop this....

Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) as saying: ‘He who amongst you sees an evil should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do that, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do even that, then he should (at least abhor it) from his heart; and that is the least of faith.” (Sahih Muslim)

By not attending we are on the least level of eman...!!

Should i write a letter to the school authority ....?
plz suggest....
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I read parts of that article and I still don't strongly agree that music is haraam. I don't see any solid evidence except for the hadith mentioned in which music is mentioned with other sinful acts such as alcohol and zinaa.
Other sources I read from, they were mostly interpretations or ahadith that were not saheeh ( authentic ).
Although I heard Dr. Zakir Naik's talk about this topic. He mentioned evidences , some of which were in support of music and some were not. And there was a hadith in which Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S. ) and Hazrat Aisha(R.A. ) were together in the house and were listening to some people ( girls if I remember right ) who were singing. After sometime, Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S. ) asked Hazrat Aisha(R.A.) something like this: Are you pleased enough?? When she(R.A. ) replied in the affirmittive, Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S. ) and Hazrat Aisha(R.A. ) both went in.
There was also a hadith in which on the Eid day, girls were singing outside the house and Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A.) was angered at them. But Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.S. ) told him like to let them sing, it's the day of Eid.
These two hadiths are not word to word but I'm telling the summary of what I remember.
I still don't know whether music is haram. Although I remember that in Dr. Zakir Naik's video about music, he mentioned that playing tambourine is halal.
And there was another hadith in which some people were singing a song about the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) about him(S.A.W.S.) and in it a lyric came like teller of the future, or knower of the future. On that Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) told them like to cancel that lyric and carry on.
And that's if I remember right...
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I read parts of that article and I still don't strongly agree that music is haraam. I don't see any solid evidence except for the hadith mentioned in which music is mentioned with other sinful acts such as alcohol and zinaa
Other sources I read from, they were mostly interpretations or ahadith that were not saheeh ( authentic ).
Although I heard Dr. Zakir Naik's talk about this topic. He mentioned evidences , some of which were in support of music and some were not. And there was a hadith in which Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S. ) and Hazrat Aisha(R.A. ) were together in the house and were listening to some people ( girls if I remember right ) who were singing. After sometime, Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S. ) asked Hazrat Aisha(R.A.) something like this: Are you pleased enough?? When she(R.A. ) replied in the affirmittive, Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S. ) and Hazrat Aisha(R.A. ) both went in.
There was also a hadith in which on the Eid day, girls were singing outside the house and Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A.) was angered at them. But Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.S. ) told him like to let them sing, it's the day of Eid.
These two hadiths are not word to word but I'm telling the summary of what I remember.
I still don't know whether music is haram. Although I remember that in Dr. Zakir Naik's video about music, he mentioned that playing tambourine is halal.
And there was another hadith in which some people were singing a song about the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) about him(S.A.W.S.) and in it a lyric came like teller of the future, or knower of the future. On that Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.S.) told them like to cancel that lyric and carry on.
And that's if I remember right...
Subhanallah...if anyone listens to music today it would take him seconds to realize that music is haram...There is a reason for everything..Todays music contains all sorts of curses and bad language and i think we all know that.
On top of that those who listen to music dont read quran except in Ramadan and maybe they dont read it at all.
I say this based on experience. All the songs i used to listen to contained offensive language and when i used to listen to music let me be honest..i rarely read Quran and i think that's the reason music is banned.
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Subhanallah...if anyone listens to music today it would take him seconds to realize that music is haram...There is a reason for everything..Todays music contains all sorts of curses and bad language and i think we all know that.
On top of that those who listen to music dont read quran except in Ramadan and maybe they dont read it at all.
I say this based on experience. All the songs i used to listen to contained offensive language and when i used to listen to music let me be honest..i rarely read Quran and i think that's the reason music is banned.
good answer! but I think there is still a difference between banned and haraam. Indeed better if avoided! :)
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Subhanallah...if anyone listens to music today it would take him seconds to realize that music is haram...There is a reason for everything..Todays music contains all sorts of curses and bad language and i think we all know that.
On top of that those who listen to music dont read quran except in Ramadan and maybe they dont read it at all.
I say this based on experience. All the songs i used to listen to contained offensive language and when i used to listen to music let me be honest..i rarely read Quran and i think that's the reason music is banned.
Yes, I do agree but beside listening to such songs we can listen those which does not contain offensive language as I have never listened or played such songs...Even since 4-5 years I've not heard songs...actually when I used to attend an event...there they use to play music...only I have listened that songs ever in my life :) actually I not either on both sides...if any song contains offensive language it's haram...But if it does not...like I read many Fatwa's and lectures on music...and finally came to conclusion...untill or unless the lyrics does not go out of the limits laid by Quran, nor it contains offensive language..nor romance and etc and all the music played in club and disco's and songs which gives u a bad feeling It's haraam. But if it contains Praises to Allah, teaches u about our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallu alayhi wasallam)...there's noting harm in it...Hadith which declares music as haram are about 80 as I read anywhere but more or about 70 hadith are fabricated among them...even Allah says that music which takes u away from performing ur obligatory duties and takes u away from Allah are haram. I think U may understand. It's ur wish what u want to do my duty was to share what I think..not forcing you :)
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