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Biology paper 3 prediction

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It's ok dude even I have topics left may Allah help us we r on board the same sinking ship h5
Friend must be totla if u know wa it means looolz

Na'a'a dudet I am :p haha ^-^
Ahhh yes :| *hi5* hahah :p
uhmmmm not really :x
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Na'a'a dudet I am :p haha ^-^
Ahhh yes :| *hi5* hahah :p
uhmmmm not really :x
Heheee it's oki me gna climb on sinkin ships fun u can be captain jack sparrow looolz
Hi5 again
Ohk den there must be a disease of converting the gs to d lemme check the diseases ch of me bio book looolz
Fine I'll let u study now gudd luck me prayers cummon on captain u can save the chip and ur crew members or shall I say member...
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Heheee it's oki me gna climb on sinkin ships fun u can be captain jack sparrow looolz
Hi5 again
Ohk den there must be a disease of converting the gs to d lemme check the diseases ch of me bio book looolz
Fine I'll let u study now gudd luck me prayers cummon on captain u can save the chip and ur crew members or shall I say member...

Hehehhe ohhh :O :p
Alright then :) goood luck mate ;) <3
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Umm i finished ecology and iam going backward not forward :'( i think iam gonna screw my marks
backwards is not a good option for revision in my opinion.

Use a checklist, most of the required points that you have to study are all in there, it will save you time.
Go through your book and highlight important points.
Got questions? Ask anyone here, they'd be happy to help.

Remember, memorize a few definitions and this and that, but DO NOT rely on memory entirely as over half the paper is based on application and suggest questions which can get tricky.

If you get stuck with a question, move on. When you come back to it and think you've got a few points, then break them and explain them properly without listing.
That will earn you marks, and it's better than leaving the question entirely and getting zero.

Best of luck.
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I thought I'd see a trend in the years, but that applied for other subjects and paper 1.
but there are some topics from which questions do come from in different applied ways, or simple questions. Here's what you can expect in your BIOLOGY 0610 paper 3 (note: i didn't specify a variant intentionally) :

  • Genetics question with tables and punnet squares which we have to fill up from given informations on parent genotypes
  • Homeostasis questions. Expect definitions and dialysis applied questions
  • Classification question. You may see photos of similar animals or animals of the same genus but different species and you may be asked to identify certain features. May include binomial naming system question
  • Biotechnology: manufacturing enzymes from bacteria/fungi/industrial fermenter. How it's done, or what is the food for these microbes? Sewage treatment is rare but may appear too.
  • Nervous system or Eye question: a reflex arc question is highly possible and may include labelling of eye. Read rods and cones functions well and accommodation.
  • Plant growth in agriculture: how plants are given optimum conditions (nutrients), adv and disadv of fertilisers. Xylem and phloem functions in tables
  • Ecosystem: FOOD WEBS must be there in any variant, and may include possible changes in populations of animals due to other external changes (changes in population of prey / predator), Cycles (carbon, nitrogen)
  • reproduction: will include more ,female reproduction and hormones involved (FSH,LH,Oestrogen,Progesterone,Testosterone) and how they play a part. Also, pregnancy questions on placenta may be there.

    Expect simple experiments with graphs as well, and it may also include describing a given graph.

    Hope this helps and ask any questions regarding the listed topics if you do not understand them, here.

Thanks for summarizing it all up!
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iam sorry afraah but i did studied after that wish me luck today i hope i can FREAKIN FINISH THAT SYLLABULS !!!! and make at least 2 past paper s :"(

InshaAllah You WILL finish it!! :) ana ive got like 4 more chapters >...<" ef!! =(
good luck to all of us! <3