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Business Studies(9707) Post your doubts here

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i think its niche mkt coz usually ppl dnt fly kites so rampantly, n this is high tech stuff which will (perhaps) b afforded mainly by rich kids n adventurous ppl......

I guess u`re right......

but can you plz explain line 6---
"kite designed for mass (high volume) production for final consumers"

& when the ms says---"Niche market?"
does it mean that this is the ans or that the candidates have to comment on this aspect too......??

find ms of p2 difficult to understand....
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I guess u`re right......
but can you plz explain line 6---
"kite designed for mass (high volume) production for final consumers"
& when the ms says---"Niche market?"
does it mean that this is the ans or that the candidates have to comment on this aspect too......??
find ms of p2 difficult to understand....
wa iyyakum :)
mass production is synonymous 4 flow prdxn, + it says "high vol" which must signify dat, a/c me, Allah knows best... ms says niche mkt? n dat ? must show u've 2 analyse k its niche or mass, i think...
bizzo k sare ms r difficult 2 understand........ dear ict is so nyc in comparision...:D
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I guess u`re right......

but can you plz explain line 6---
"kite designed for mass (high volume) production for final consumers"

& when the ms says---"Niche market?"
does it mean that this is the ans or that the candidates have to comment on this aspect too......??

find ms of p2 difficult to understand....

The markscheme mentioned the point of "niche market" as it is one of the possible response that a candidate may give based on the ways in which the case study was written. However it should be noted that the case study is ARA and therefore there is no right/wrong point as long as you can strongly justify your answer and convince the examiner that your points do make sense, be it mass market/niche market.
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plz help me out wid w/11/qp22
ques 1 : part b1 and ques 2 part 1d

The question for part b) i) asks us to calculate the percentage of working time spent on training. That means it is asking us to express the amount of time spent on training as a percentage of the total working time. As a result this can be expressed in the formula of:

Average hours of training per week per worker
-------------------------------------------------------------------- * 100%
Average hours worked per week per worker

Which should give you the value of 12.5% :)

I am unsure what you mean by part 1d, but if you mean part d of question 2, it is asking the extent, i.e. how far does the objective of Rex cinema is achieved.​
Let's look at their objective.​
we aim to be recognised as the best cinema in town

The word "best" can be inferred in a multitude of ways; providing best service, providing best customer satisfaction, receiving the best rating, achieving the biggest market share, etc.

Let's look at the points they give us:

Tina thinks that they have achieved this by providing comfortable seats at good prices. (line 8-9)

• Uncomfortable seats
• High prices
• Boring films
• Expensive refreshments
• Poor facilities.

a recent review in the local newspapers praised Rex for providing ‘imaginative and
challenging entertainment in traditional surroundings’. (last few lines)
Therefore you will have to base your arguments on these points in which the higher tier of your 10 mark composition will be analysing and evaluating how each points may support/deter the objective. In your conclusion you may then assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of some arguments that you have mentioned (e.g. if you mention that the cinema has received a good review - to what extent is this review representing the opinion of the entire Rex's customer/how reliable is this review?)​
In the end your conclusion may say that yes Rex cinema may be RECOGNISED. To some extent this recognition can be positive, depending on the relative reviews of other cinema. Yet it is very unlikely that with the current negative responses Rex can actually be the BEST cinema in town.​
Hope that helps :)
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The question for part b) i) asks us to calculate the percentage of working time spent on training. That means it is asking us to express the amount of time spent on training as a percentage of the total working time. As a result this can be expressed in the formula of:

Average hours of training per week per worker
-------------------------------------------------------------------- * 100%
Average hours worked per week per worker

Which should give you the value of 12.5% :)

I am unsure what you mean by part 1d, but if you mean part d of question 2, it is asking the extent, i.e. how far does the objective of Rex cinema is achieved.​
Let's look at their objective.​

The word "best" can be inferred in a multitude of ways; providing best service, providing best customer satisfaction, receiving the best rating, achieving the biggest market share, etc.

Let's look at the points they give us:

Tina thinks that they have achieved this by providing comfortable seats at good prices. (line 8-9)

• Uncomfortable seats
• High prices
• Boring films
• Expensive refreshments
• Poor facilities.

a recent review in the local newspapers praised Rex for providing ‘imaginative and
challenging entertainment in traditional surroundings’. (last few lines)
Therefore you will have to base your arguments on these points in which the higher tier of your 10 mark composition will be analysing and evaluating how each points may support/deter the objective. In your conclusion you may then assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of some arguments that you have mentioned (e.g. if you mention that the cinema has received a good review - to what extent is this review representing the opinion of the entire Rex's customer/how reliable is this review?)​
In the end your conclusion may say that yes Rex cinema may be RECOGNISED. To some extent this recognition can be positive, depending on the relative reviews of other cinema. Yet it is very unlikely that with the current negative responses Rex can actually be the BEST cinema in town.​
Hope that helps :)
Jazakallah for d help
yup its very helpful ans :)
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(d) Using Table 2 and other information, recommend the best site for the third shop. Justify your
(b) (i) Calculate the price that Ike would need to charge in order to break even at 150 people
per extra film show.

Best site for third shop, this is personally one of the loveliest questions that you could get in a case study, as the informations are literally all there and all you need to do is argue based on those ;)

Relevant points:
  • The table that they give will be your largest asset for answering this question. :)
  • "Neema is considering extending the product range to include school uniforms."
  • "Kidz targets the low income market segment with 'cheap and cheerful' clothes."
You will then, judging on these three points (and possibly others, that I do not mention) argue on which site may be the best.

Some arguments include:

  • Site P - access by car only - how effective will this be in regards to Kidz's customers? (They are mainly focused on low income groups so public transports may be a more suitable choice). In this context other sites are more appropriate.
  • Site Q - on bus routes - appropriate for Kidz's target market - yet how effective will this be considering that it is only 5km away from other store? Will Kidz end up being predatory to its other shop by opening in Site Q? (i.e. attracting the existing customer of the other shop to the Site Q shop instead of attracting new customers)
  • Site R - free bus to large shopping centre may allow Kidz's target market to visit the shop - yet high rent?
There are much more arguments that we can base on these, and that is why it's a lovely 10 mark question. Remember you will HAVE to, at the end, recommend just a site (which one you choose doesn't matter) and explain why the site you chose is advantageous.

Fixed cost
--------------- = Break even point

Contribution = Selling Price - Variable Cost

Since we are looking for the selling price, let's keep selling price as "X".

Break even point = 150 people
Fixed cost = $300
Variable cost = $0.5


150 = 300 / (X-0.5)
150(X-0.5) = 300

Therefore selling price = $2.50

Hope that helps, correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to ask me if you don't understand/have more doubts :)
Reaction score
Best site for third shop, this is personally one of the loveliest questions that you could get in a case study, as the informations are literally all there and all you need to do is argue based on those ;)

Relevant points:
  • The table that they give will be your largest asset for answering this question. :)
  • "Neema is considering extending the product range to include school uniforms."
  • "Kidz targets the low income market segment with 'cheap and cheerful' clothes."
You will then, judging on these three points (and possibly others, that I do not mention) argue on which site may be the best.

Some arguments include:

  • Site P - access by car only - how effective will this be in regards to Kidz's customers? (They are mainly focused on low income groups so public transports may be a more suitable choice). In this context other sites are more appropriate.
  • Site Q - on bus routes - appropriate for Kidz's target market - yet how effective will this be considering that it is only 5km away from other store? Will Kidz end up being predatory to its other shop by opening in Site Q? (i.e. attracting the existing customer of the other shop to the Site Q shop instead of attracting new customers)
  • Site R - free bus to large shopping centre may allow Kidz's target market to visit the shop - yet high rent?
There are much more arguments that we can base on these, and that is why it's a lovely 10 mark question. Remember you will HAVE to, at the end, recommend just a site (which one you choose doesn't matter) and explain why the site you chose is advantageous.

Fixed cost
--------------- = Break even point

Contribution = Selling Price - Variable Cost

Since we are looking for the selling price, let's keep selling price as "X".

Break even point = 150 people
Fixed cost = $300
Variable cost = $0.5


150 = 300 / (X-0.5)
150(X-0.5) = 300

Therefore selling price = $2.50

Hope that helps, correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to ask me if you don't understand/have more doubts :)
jazakallah so much awesome ans..:)
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sby plz clear my doubts...
  • hw does ignoring bad debts improve d liquidity of a firm?
  • diff b/w cooperatives n partnerships?
  • public corporations = all organizations in d public sector?
I didn't get d following concepts, so any help n i'd b most thankful.... :D

  • sales leads
  • is Person specification given out 2 d public, those who wish 2 apply 4 d job?
  • how does full cost pricing differ 4m mark-up?
  • marginal utility
Jazakumullahu khairaa:)