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Can somebody help Marie? :D

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AoA :) Hello ^-^
You all know me :D So whatevs ;) Heeeeey!! :D
Let me just tell it to you straight, I need your help.. I am running for head girl and I need some ideas to help me with the speech thingy :/ A speech on why I should be chosen .. I am not asking for a WHOLE speech but just a few ideas on what should I say :)
Thanks you guys :D

robinhoodmustafa Tim(95) @shazima cardude456 Nabeel.Ahmed Experienced One whitetiger64 knowitall10 frozen sunlight Era Master_Shifu @sumaiyaroxx:) dragoninja98 avenger Al-Anoud Darkest Angel Ebby_SaLeem omg Rahma Abdelrahman Ammar95

Sorry for those whom I didn't tag ^-^ If I didn't you then its okay :D You can still give your ideas :D Thankyou ^-^ Wish me luck yo :D
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  • I'm awesome
  • I'm awesome, again
  • No body can beat me in this
  • I have faith in my Lord
  • Randomness kills depression, and here I am :D
  • YOur opinions matter
  • I will try my best to meet all your expectations
  • Maybe a few games in which Students VS teachers big time ;)
  • We'll have many field trips \O/
  • I'm awesome :love:
Reaction score
  • I'm awesome
  • I'm awesome, again
  • No body can beat me in this
  • I have faith in my Lord
  • Randomness kills depression, and here I am :D
  • YOur opinions matter
  • I will try my best to meet all your expectations
  • Maybe a few games in which Students VS teachers big time ;)
  • We'll have many field trips \O/
  • I'm awesome :love:
Awwwh :') I wish I could say that infront of 19 principals :') This is so epic <3
Unfortunatly.. it has to be 'convincing' everyone is indeed awesome n their own way but the ppl will ask, 'what makes me so special'?
But I will keep it in my notes when I lecture to the students xD Thankyou ^-^
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Awwwh :') I wish I could say that infront of 19 principals :') This is so epic <3
Unfortunatly.. it has to be 'convincing' everyone is indeed awesome n their own way but the ppl will ask, 'what makes me so special'?

Your answer: "Me."
"I was brought up in such a manner, that I was told to appreciate everyone for who they are. I learnt the simple charachterstics that make a beautiful human: love, care, and high self-esteem, and surely, I can make you all feel special..one by one.."
^how's that? :cool:
Reaction score
Your answer: "Me."
"I was brought up in such a manner, that I was told to appreciate everyone for who they are. I learnt the simple charachterstics that make a beautiful human: love, care, and high self-esteem, and surely, I can make you all feel special..one by one.."
^how's that? :cool:
Good.. good... :)
And plus, that is SO true! :D <3
I wanted to write that in the perfect words but I didn't figure it out :D i'll add that to my draft speech :D
Wb the introduction? :eek:
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HEYYYYY marie how are youuuu? Hay have i seen you somewhere before? OH yeahhhh you're my new friend on xpc yayayayay! xD
A head girl? Sounds great! My sister was a head girl too in her school and Alhamdulillah she was selected after writing this looooooooooooong speech! And it was so convincing and perfect that everyone agreed and made her the head girl! Now the only problem is that this story's 2 years old and if i luckily find the whereabouts of the speech I'll surely inbox it to you! :D Feels great helping people! :D
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I actually said the same thing in a more kinder, more 'convincing way' :p
Any other ideas? this got me laughing out loud :D

cyclone94 come here :D

"Are you guys aware of dictatorship......This school is run on dictatorship.........You vote for me......You get democracy with a side of freedom, Freedom is the american dream......and together we can make it happen" *Huge Applause" :p :D
Reaction score
HEYYYYY marie how are youuuu? Hay have i seen you somewhere before? OH yeahhhh you're my new friend on xpc yayayayay! xD
A head girl? Sounds great! My sister was a head girl too in her school and Alhamdulillah she was selected after writing this looooooooooooong speech! And it was so convincing and perfect that everyone agreed and made her the head girl! Now the only problem is that this story's 2 years old and if i luckily find the whereabouts of the speech I'll surely inbox it to you! :D Feels great helping people! :D
I am fine thankyou :) and how are you? and nope I don't think that you have seen me but maybe you seen my profile ;) you sound hyper *-* :p
Yeah I know :) I already have a campaign and everything but I need to make a speech infront of 19 principals :O it has to be the best speech ever! :O and I really wanna win and I will :D Insha Allah :D Oh... okay no problem :) I just need a few ideas for the speech that's all :) do you have any idea my friend? :)
Reaction score
I am fine thankyou :) and how are you? and nope I don't think that you have seen me but maybe you seen my profile ;) you sound hyper *-* :p
Yeah I know :) I already have a campaign and everything but I need to make a speech infront of 19 principals :O it has to be the best speech ever! :O and I really wanna win and I will :D Insha Allah :D Oh... okay no problem :) I just need a few ideas for the speech that's all :) do you have any idea my friend? :)

i was wondering one thing. you use sooooo manyyyy emoticons :p
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"Are you guys aware of dictatorship......This school is run on dictatorship.........You vote for me......You get democracy with a side of freedom, Freedom is the american dream......and together we can make it happen" *Huge Applause" :p :D
Amazing! :D There actually is that kinda problem in my school :p That a great idea dude :D have any idea on te introduction part? ._.
i wish i could help..but i am hopeless with speech ideas ._. :( saowieeee
Its alright dear :) wish me luck kay? :D
Reaction score
I am fine thankyou :) and how are you? and nope I don't think that you have seen me but maybe you seen my profile ;) you sound hyper *-* :p
Yeah I know :) I already have a campaign and everything but I need to make a speech infront of 19 principals :O it has to be the best speech ever! :O and I really wanna win and I will :D Insha Allah :D Oh... okay no problem :) I just need a few ideas for the speech that's all :) do you have any idea my friend? :)

LOOOOOOL! yesss i'm great! :D LOL yes i have! Absolutely yeah lmao I've seen your profile! xD Lol i do? Well actually I had pepsi right now and have no clue on whats going on! Yeah you'll win InshaAllah my prayers are with you! 19 principals? LOL is that a school or a biiiiiiiiiiiig institute well giving a speech infront of nineteen principals is tough! REAAAAL tough! (Quoted words from my sister)
Anyways, unfortunately I'm not good at ideas of my own nor for others! :/ As soon as the pepsi's absorbed in my body I'll get back into my senses and will help you out! :p
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woah ! lol...you have no idea...my friend stood for CR at uni...
I guided him on the speech. he was speaking, the words were from me :p
and then He spoke on how he'll get a bullet train built from the hostels to the cafeteria, get an under pass built and over head bridges across every department. He'd start a helicopter service and would get majority of the classes off and would increase fun at the campus, and other things like that.... no surprise, HE WON !

This is an inspiration from a friend who stood for house captain and spoke several other things which would be a bit inappropriate here, all infront of the student body, the director, pricipal and teachers. He started off with people throwing flowers over his head and flower garlands, with sun glasses on. He gave one epic speech. He won hands down ! :)
If you're schools aint dead enough, you'll win :p
AoA :) Hello ^-^
You all know me :D So whatevs ;) Heeeeey!! :D
Let me just tell it to you straight, I need your help.. I am running for head girl and I need some ideas to help me with the speech thingy :/ A speech on why I should be chosen .. I am not asking for a WHOLE speech but just a few ideas on what should I say :)
Thanks you guys :D

robinhoodmustafa Tim(95) @shazima cardude456 Nabeel.Ahmed Experienced One whitetiger64 knowitall10 frozen sunlight Era Master_Shifu @sumaiyaroxx:) dragoninja98 avenger Al-Anoud Darkest Angel Ebby_SaLeem omg Rahma Abdelrahman Ammar95

Sorry for those whom I didn't tag ^-^ If I didn't you then its okay :D You can still give your ideas :D Thankyou ^-^ Wish me luck yo :D