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Dear sisters... take notice

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The best an important part is the first post in the sisters only thread ;) Add that ;)

@sisters: Leave your feed back, please..
Do reconsider your hijab ;)

JAAKALLAH ... feel sad for sisters and myself.. why are we so much behind the satan.. yes satan was the one who vowed that ALLAH i will misguide ppl but ALLAH replied u cannot misguide my true believers... y are we so far from our religion.. please ALLAH bestow ur favours, mercy and blessings on us and show us the straight path.... INSHALLAH ALLAH will soon guide us... hope in ALLAH is the only thing :)


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JAAKALLAH ... feel sad for sisters and myself.. why are we so much behind the satan.. yes satan was the one who vowed that ALLAH i will misguide ppl but ALLAH replied u cannot misguide my true believers... y are we so far from our religion.. please ALLAH bestow ur favours, mercy and blessings on us and show us the straight path.... INSHALLAH ALLAH will soon guide us... hope in ALLAH is the only thing :)
Aameennnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
Ya Allah please we need you :cry: help us and guide us, and include us among the muttaqeen..
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the last line about having pity is soooo true .... like i have seen many girls who dun wear hijab .. rather they try to go for vice versa and they complain that some guys were staring at them or whistling when they were around .. i dun understand that why dun they get the thing that they are really being a trial and mental torture for those who want to guard their eyes
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the last line about having pity is soooo true .... like i have seen many girls who dun wear hijab .. rather they try to go for vice versa and they complain that some guys were staring at them or whistling when they were around .. i dun understand that why dun they get the thing that they are really being a trial and mental torture for those who want to guard their eyes
yeah ..u r true brother....INSHALLAH ALLAH will guide them n us all at the right path :) (ameen)...
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=➡– The Messenger Of ALLAH (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Said :-

“I Have Not Left Behind Me Any Fitnah (Temptation) More Harmful To Men Than Women.” [Narrated By Al-Bukhaari, 5096; Muslim, 2740]
1 – • (It Should Cover All The Body).
2 – • (It Should Not Be An Adornment In And Of Itself).
3 – • (It Should Be Thick And Not Transparent Or “See-Thru”).
4 – • (It Should Be Loose, Not Tight So That It Describes Any Part Of The Body).
5 – • (It Should Not Be Perfumed With Bakhoor Or Fragrance).
6 – • (It Should Not Resemble The Clothing Of Men).
7 – • (It Should Not Resemble The Dress Of Kaafir Women).
8 – • (It Should Not Be A Garment Of Fame And Vanity).


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Idon't know very well about your religion but i think you should growup and move on in life. why all time scriefies is done by women
It's not just that.. in Islam men also make some sacrifices (you'd say they are big) but we do it coz we are sure they are nescessary... we have logical(and scientific) proofs that it's the only way anyone can attain success and live peacfully in there life..
Islam is: submission, humbling oneself, and obeying commands and heeding prohibitions without objection, sincerely worshipping Allaah(God) alone, believing what He tells us and having faith in Him.
So if God tells our women to cover their heads they do it coz ultimately God is the most wise, most merciful..
you might ask how do I know God said that etc.. well it's coz said so in His book Quran which we believe to be the literal word of God(in its orignal arabic language). and the proof that it's the Word of God is Quran itself. (one cool thing is, even when it's about 1400yrs old, it mentions scientific facts in passing that we just discovered)
(Just like if you made a rocket in ur backyard and NASA made a rocket, we can tell by looking who made which one.. same way you can just by reading tell the book of GOD)
Do read it at www.quran.com
it has covincing answers to all your questions about life... (eg. who gave us life, why, what's the purpose, what's success etc)

by the way here's respose to ur question...
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It's not just that.. in Islam men also make some sacrifices (you'd say they are big) but we do it coz we are sure they are nescessary... we have logical(and scientific) proofs that it's the only way anyone can attain success and live peacfully in there life..
Islam is: submission, humbling oneself, and obeying commands and heeding prohibitions without objection, sincerely worshipping Allaah(God) alone, believing what He tells us and having faith in Him.
So if God tells our women to cover their heads they do it coz ultimately God is the most wise, most merciful..
you might ask how do I know God said that etc.. well it's coz said so in His book Quran which we believe to be the literal word of God(in its orignal arabic language). and the proof that it's the Word of God is Quran itself. (one cool thing is, even when it's about 1400yrs old, it mentions scientific facts in passing that we just discovered)
(Just like if you made a rocket in ur backyard and NASA made a rocket, we can tell by looking who made which one.. same way you can just by reading tell the book of GOD)
Do read it at www.quran.com
it has covincing answers to all your questions about life... (eg. who gave us life, why, what's the purpose, what's success etc)

by the way here's respose to ur question...

i seriously luv this talk of Khalid Yaseen........hes one of my fav speakers.....


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The last part of the following video is relevant here too... Although I must add:
Caution: Don't dare judge your parents based on this video... no one can find a father as good as RasoolAllah (S.A.W)... We are to honour our parents no matter what.. I mean Ibrahim (A.S)'s father gave him a direct threat to stone him, yet Ibrahim (A.S) talked to him with love and respect n replied: Peace be upon you...! as mentioned in Quran.

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'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way)...'

In his commentary to this verse, Allama Abubakar Jassas (RA) states the following:

'This verse proves that a young woman is ordered to cover her face from strangers, and to manifest SATR and modesty in public so that doubtful people may not be desirous of her.'

It is sufficient to quote the following authentic commentators in their interpretation of the verse:

'They (women), shall cover their faces and bodies with their outer garment when they appear in public for a valid reason.'

'They shall cover their faces and...'

Ibn Ábbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) states that the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye.'

And Allah Taãla Knows Best.
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How Hijaab Came To Being

Islam being an eternal religion has thus catered for man’s life upon this world in the most stringent of ways and so Islam has not only defined the lawful from the unlawful, however, it has also made unlawful all acts/objects which would resultantly procure unlawfulness, i.e. The act of drinking alcohol has been defined as unlawful, in conjunction to this any acts/objects which could lead to the consumption of alcohol are also defined as unlawful for example the selling of alcohol, working within a brewery etc.

In the same manner adultery is unlawful within Islam and so in view of this any such acts which may lead to this e.g. Lustful gazing have also been defined as unlawful. In order that such acts are ruled out the revelations governing Hijaab were ordained upon mankind.

These revelations were revealed unto mankind within the actual era of Prophecy. This era was a period of time which held many highly ranked and pious households whom, through their piety did not allow free mingling of the opposite sex. Thus, the people of this era were the refined and decent of man however, from the very beginning the free mingling of the opposite sex was an act which held dislike and opposition.

The actual date of the revelation governing Hijaab is one of differing opinions however, Hijaab was ordained as compulsory within 3.A.H or 5.A.H.

The Holy Quran contains 7 verses altogether concerning Hijaab, 3 of these are featured within Surah Noor and 4 in Surah Ahzaab.

The Quranic tafseer (commentary) upon these mentioned verses can be read within this booklet.

There are more than 70 invaluable ahadith which are concerned with matters regarding Hijaab. From amongst the 7 Quranic verses, scholars are unanimous upon the fact that the verses within Surah Ahzaab were revealed before those of Surah Noor.

Hazrat Umar (R.A) once suggested to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that the wives of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam should observe the veil as many differing persons of differing manners and natures visit the houses of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam himself found this a desirable suggestion however, he was unable to turn the suggestion into a practicality as the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was in wait of divine revelation. Shortly afterwards the revelations of Hijaab were revealed successively.

The first of the revelations concerning Hijaab is as follows :

"Do not enter the houses of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam unless you have been granted permission." Surah Ahzaab.


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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way)...'

In his commentary to this verse, Allama Abubakar Jassas (RA) states the following:

'This verse proves that a young woman is ordered to cover her face from strangers, and to manifest SATR and modesty in public so that doubtful people may not be desirous of her.'

It is sufficient to quote the following authentic commentators in their interpretation of the verse:

'They (women), shall cover their faces and bodies with their outer garment when they appear in public for a valid reason.'

'They shall cover their faces and...'

Ibn Ábbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) states that the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye.'

And Allah Taãla Knows Best.
Jazakillah khairen...

and this actually applies to putting up ur pics on fb/ or anywhere around the internet.. (includin xpc...) whether it be in hijab or just the hair or may be just the eyes etc..
cuz of theabove mentioned rulings...putting up pics means, every single person who views or comeacross the pic, will see it...and that means you're making hundreds and thousands of non-mahram men look at you :(

P.S. this even applied to brothers (uploading pics.) , cuz why tempt the girls and make them look at you...!

'Ya Alah, plz save us all, and guide us all...protect us from all the wrong n harmful things for you're the Best..!
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
Jazakillah khairen...

and this actually applies to putting up ur pics on fb/ or anywhere around the internet.. (includin xpc...) whether it be in hijab or just the hair or may be just the eyes etc..
cuz of theabove mentioned rulings...putting up pics means, every single person who views or comeacross the pic, will see it...and that means you're making hundreds and thousands of non-mahram men look at you :(

P.S. this even applied to brothers (uploading pics.) , cuz why tempt the girls and make them look at you...!

'Ya Alah, plz save us all, and guide us all...protect us from all the wrong n harmful things for you're the Best..!
walaikum assalam wr wb!
yeah ur very right about that!
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I do totally agree n am in with Muslim women adopting the Hijab .......It is a command of Allah n for their own good

However I disagree with those ppl associating Hijab only with the women...

Did we ever know that Allah mentions the Hijab for men before He does the same for women.

It is mentioned in Surah Nur ch 24 v 30:
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty . That is purer for them (in faith). Indeed Allah is All Knowing and Well Aware...

Then the next verse is for women that repeats the same wordings with the addition of covering of their beauty and adornments in front of all people with the exceptions named....

So as far as I believe men should just not emphasise the Hijab for women when they themselves are not mindful of it..
And it is a heinous act that they stare on shamelessly with the plathetic excuse of the sister not covering herself well....... This is outrageous and the Prophet has said that only the first GLANCE(not stare) is allowed and the second glance amounts to Zina...
He is reported to have said: Whoever looks at a women lustfully has committed zina of the eyes......

But all this cannot be used by any woman believing in Allah and the Last Day to justify their own attire....
It doesnot by any means give them the permission to roam inattention seeking attire and clad in skimp clothes...
If any of youve e heard of the SlutWalk .... they base their argument is the same that men should avoid looking at us and well dress as we like ...so they protest in a large numbers almost naked (Astaghfirullah) . Alhamdulillah in India their plans for this were foiled as only a few turnecd up
Now this is inviting trouble for your own selves...

Btw my advice to my sisiters out here......... Dress yourselves appropriately only to please Allah and obviously your Maharim......
Do this to please Allah n not the people....... Let the Muslimahs according to Allah's orders define what is best for them n not any Tom, Dick or Harry.

Watch this video
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Idon't know very well about your religion but i think you should growup and move on in life. why all time scriefies is done by women

it is not a sacrifice.. if u view it from a different perspective ull c that hijab protects women and girls from "sick" ppl and doesnt oppress them, also men have other responsibilities that women dont have.

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(i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way)...'

JazakAllah but muslim scholars disagreed on the interpretations for this verse; some said that the whole face should be covered even the eyes, some said that the whole face should be covered except for the eyes while others said covering the face is not compulsory. ive done lots of reasearch on this topic and thats what i heard.. However Allah knows best :) :)