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Dear sisters... take notice

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I do totally agree n am in with Muslim women adopting the Hijab .......It is a command of Allah n for their own good

However I disagree with those ppl associating Hijab only with the women...

Did we ever know that Allah mentions the Hijab for men before He does the same for women.

It is mentioned in Surah Nur ch 24 v 30:
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty . That is purer for them (in faith). Indeed Allah is All Knowing and Well Aware...

Then the next verse is for women that repeats the same wordings with the addition of covering of their beauty and adornments in front of all people with the exceptions named....

So as far as I believe men should just not emphasise the Hijab for women when they themselves are not mindful of it..
And it is a heinous act that they stare on shamelessly with the plathetic excuse of the sister not covering herself well....... This is outrageous and the Prophet has said that only the first GLANCE(not stare) is allowed and the second glance amounts to Zina...
He is reported to have said: Whoever looks at a women lustfully has committed zina of the eyes......

But all this cannot be used by any woman believing in Allah and the Last Day to justify their own attire....
It doesnot by any means give them the permission to roam inattention seeking attire and clad in skimp clothes...
If any of youve e heard of the SlutWalk .... they base their argument is the same that men should avoid looking at us and well dress as we like ...so they protest in a large numbers almost naked (Astaghfirullah) . Alhamdulillah in India their plans for this were foiled as only a few turnecd up
Now this is inviting trouble for your own selves...

Btw my advice to my sisiters out here......... Dress yourselves appropriately only to please Allah and obviously your Maharim......
Do this to please Allah n not the people....... Let the Muslimahs according to Allah's orders define what is best for them n not any Tom, Dick or Harry.

Watch this video

JazakAllah khairan :) :) :)
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an interesting article i came across :

Threats to Veil: Lurking Dangers at Modesty

The most dangerous events for a Modest Muslimah, where her veil is under the threat are Nikah in a family or festivals of Eid. These two are the events when cousins and other relatives crowd even around veiled Muslimah and take liberty to talk to her freely.

I have seen marriages of girls who have never shown their face to naMahram but in their own weddings during the final stages of walima, their cousins swarm on the stage to take pictures of the bride along with them. Obviously till then the hall was segregated and no males were allowed in to even look at the bride who other wise is in her niqab. But the cousins take it as their right to invade, keeping aside all the norms of Hijab. the invasions are such milliant ly liberal that even the bride is helpless. Where are the elders at that time?

During Eids, grown up younger cousins chase modest cousin sisters asking for eidee ( Eid gift) and stretching their hands to have an "Eid mumbarak handshake". How painful it is to realise that our own relatives are the ones who pose a threat to our modesty!

The cyber lanes are the most dangerous lanes for Muslim men and women. Even with pages on deen and posters and notes on deen can lead you to a dangerous situation. Talking and discussing with Namahram and then getting personal with them which begins with clicking likes and putting comments under the notes, shares and postes of young girls. On the faceof it , it doesnt seem to be haram nor can any one declare it to be.. Is it haram to say Mashallah under a girl's poster? Pops up a question. Well it cannot be termed Haram but if it tempts then Surah Isra makes is very clear that " Do not go close to adultery " Dont forget that you can never fool Allah.

Nothing gives more liberty than school and college campus. Selfish protocals inform you that you have to be polite even when refusing a valentine day card or a bouqette of roses on rose days. "You may share tea and coffee in college canteen with boys on their birthdays while you continue wearing your niqab and hijab in campus " Urge girls from your friend circle. How can you stay aloof from a birthday party when the boys are so generous and "decent too " !!!

These are microscopic dangers which can spread like virus in your heads and hearts if you succumb to it. After all the most dangerous viruses that are fatal also come in microscopic size , dont they ? yet we take them as a danger to our life.. Then how about treating these dangers which appear microscopic but can be fatal to your most precious wealth.. your modesty ?


XPRS Administrator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
Jazakillah khairen...

and this actually applies to putting up ur pics on fb/ or anywhere around the internet.. (includin xpc...) whether it be in hijab or just the hair or may be just the eyes etc..
cuz of theabove mentioned rulings...putting up pics means, every single person who views or comeacross the pic, will see it...and that means you're making hundreds and thousands of non-mahram men look at you :(

P.S. this even applied to brothers (uploading pics.) , cuz why tempt the girls and make them look at you...!

'Ya Alah, plz save us all, and guide us all...protect us from all the wrong n harmful things for you're the Best..!


I also dislike it when muslim women post their pics online... I mean there are only two scholarly opinions regarding Niqaab(face veil) either it's obligatory OR it's not obligatory but highly recommended.... (Of course therer is no question that the hijaab/head cover is obligatory)
Even if someone sides with the second opinion, they shouldn't be posting pic of their face online as it would be doing something disliked.. when the recommended thing is to not show it to the non-mahrams... It's seriously stupid to do so...
And although for the men their face is not their aawrah (that which should be covered), but still they should be considerate and not tempt the women by posting their pics unnecessarily online... it's the better thing to do..

I do totally agree n am in with Muslim women adopting the Hijab .......It is a command of Allah n for their own good

However I disagree with those ppl associating Hijab only with the women...

Did we ever know that Allah mentions the Hijab for men before He does the same for women.

It is mentioned in Surah Nur ch 24 v 30:
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty . That is purer for them (in faith). Indeed Allah is All Knowing and Well Aware...

Then the next verse is for women that repeats the same wordings with the addition of covering of their beauty and adornments in front of all people with the exceptions named....

So as far as I believe men should just not emphasise the Hijab for women when they themselves are not mindful of it..
And it is a heinous act that they stare on shamelessly with the plathetic excuse of the sister not covering herself well....... This is outrageous and the Prophet has said that only the first GLANCE(not stare) is allowed and the second glance amounts to Zina...
He is reported to have said: Whoever looks at a women lustfully has committed zina of the eyes......

But all this cannot be used by any woman believing in Allah and the Last Day to justify their own attire....
It doesnot by any means give them the permission to roam inattention seeking attire and clad in skimp clothes...
If any of youve e heard of the SlutWalk .... they base their argument is the same that men should avoid looking at us and well dress as we like ...so they protest in a large numbers almost naked (Astaghfirullah) . Alhamdulillah in India their plans for this were foiled as only a few turnecd up
Now this is inviting trouble for your own selves...

Btw my advice to my sisiters out here......... Dress yourselves appropriately only to please Allah and obviously your Maharim......
Do this to please Allah n not the people....... Let the Muslimahs according to Allah's orders define what is best for them n not any Tom, Dick or Harry.

Watch this video

True.. totally agree!
and the guys just totally disregard that command, illa mashaAllah...

The root cause of all the shamelessness among muslims is the lack of eeman; we don't remember that we would have to stand in front of Allah on that day... to answer for our deeds... Or we say Allah would forgive it, no problem... He can easily forgive if he wants, still there is a balance b/w Allah's mercy and his punishment we should be mindfull of it (and if we err the doors of mercy are of course open):

"[O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful.
And that it is My punishment which is the painful punishment."
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hey plzzz pray dat i start wearin ma hijaab...plzz.....!!!
i just dont feel lyk wearn coz if i only wear it....i feel really shy...!!
bt if i have a group of ppl den i wear it..!!
plzz pray for me..!!
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hey plzzz pray dat i start wearin ma hijaab...plzz.....!!!
i just dont feel lyk wearn coz if i only wear it....i feel really shy...!!
bt if i have a group of ppl den i wear it..!!
plzz pray for me..!!

on the contrary sister u shouldnt be shy its purpose is 2 eliminate that embarrassment.. inshaAllah u'll wear it :)
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hey plzzz pray dat i start wearin ma hijaab...plzz.....!!!
i just dont feel lyk wearn coz if i only wear it....i feel really shy...!!
bt if i have a group of ppl den i wear it..!!
plzz pray for me..!!

whenever i get that awkward feeling while carrying out a commandment of Allah at which people start mocking me .. i remind myself that this world is only for a short span of time so i should bear it all to live an awesome life for an eternity. u should try it .. i know a lot of people who use this technique to stay steadfast .
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whenever i get that awkward feeling while carrying out a commandment of Allah at which people start mocking me .. i remind myself that this world is only for a short span of time so i should bear it all to live an awesome life for an eternity. u should try it .. i know a lot of people who use this technique to stay steadfast .
jazzakallah soo much..i really needed dis...veneva i feel dat i shldnt wear ma hijaab i will surely look at dis post of urz...!!
i swear i will keep dis in ma mind...nd yes plzz pray for me...!!
though i do wear it at tyms..!!


XPRS Moderator
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hey plzzz pray dat i start wearin ma hijaab...plzz.....!!!
i just dont feel lyk wearn coz if i only wear it....i feel really shy...!!
bt if i have a group of ppl den i wear it..!!
plzz pray for me..!!
assalamoalaikum wr wb!
just start wearing it...there may be other people who also have the same feeling..and may be when you start, they'll also get the motivation to start wearing it ;)
anyway...you're convinced abt hijab...right...just ask urself a small thing, what say u r gonna die within the next hour...wud u wanna die...this way? not following Allah's commandment? :cry: ofcourse not... :( so try motivating urself...inshaAllah may Allah make it easy for you..aameen..!
We never know, if we're gonna be alive for the next fraction of a second or not :(
Try...! May Allah help you...aameen :)

worry not...when u do something for Allah, He'll inshaAllah reward you...and now about what the people will say...hmm...just get some great answers to them...like the reasons you started....the logic etc.
plus u said u wear in some places...why in those? u feel u shud? so that means Allah gave this commandment ...surely for my benifit..so i'll start it for u Allah..! that's it u gotta say to urself...
inshaAllah ....place ur trust in Allah...give it a shot...may surely seem a bit difficult in the beginning but with time, its gonna give u great satisfaction..!
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jazzakallah soo much..i really needed dis...veneva i feel dat i shldnt wear ma hijaab i will surely look at dis post of urz...!!
i swear i will keep dis in ma mind...nd yes plzz pray for me...!!
though i do wear it at tyms..!!

I will pray and the thing is you just need to take a lil step .. the rest will be done by Allah inshaAllah


XPRS Administrator
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hey plzzz pray dat i start wearin ma hijaab...plzz.....!!!
i just dont feel lyk wearn coz if i only wear it....i feel really shy...!!
bt if i have a group of ppl den i wear it..!!
plzz pray for me..!!

May Allah help you and keep you firm on the straight path.. Aameen

There is a dua that will help you, inshaAllah, it's beautiful... do make it:
يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ
Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
“Oh Turner of Hearts, keep my heart firm on Your Deen.”

and a word of advice from experience... coz I've been in situations where you feel odd starting to do a command of Allah, the thing to do is to know that you r doing the right thing and you don't have the right to disobey your Lord.... and actually if you think about it, you don't feel shy rather you feel 'awkward' and that goes away with time...
I remember the time when my beard grew and there was a torrent against me to trim it... You just have to be firm initially, shytaan tries his hardest in the beginning... later he just gives up on you and you get used to obeying Allah happily. :)
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May Allah help you and keep you firm on the straight path.. Aameen

There is a dua that will help you, inshaAllah, it's beautiful... do make it:
يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِى عَلَى دِينِكَ
Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
“Oh Turner of Hearts, keep my heart firm on Your Deen.”

and a word of advice from experience... coz I've been in situations where you feel odd starting to do a command of Allah, the thing to do is to know that you r doing the right thing and you don't have the right to disobey your Lord.... and actually if you think about it, you don't feel shy rather you feel 'awkward' and that goes away with time...
I remember the time when my beard grew and there was a torrent against me to trim it... You just have to be firm initially, shytaan tries his hardest in the beginning... later he just gives up on you and you get used to obeying Allah happily. :)
ohhhh...jazakalllah bro...i will inshallah start readin dis dua in ma witr...!!!! ;)
nd yes i noe dat awkward feeln is very bugging..i jus hate it..bt i will inshallah..start wearn it..!!!!
plzz pray for me as well.........!!!!! :)
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assalamoalaikum wr wb!
just start wearing it...there may be other people who also have the same feeling..and may be when you start, they'll also get the motivation to start wearing it ;)
anyway...you're convinced abt hijab...right...just ask urself a small thing, what say u r gonna die within the next hour...wud u wanna die...this way? not following Allah's commandment? :cry: ofcourse not... :( so try motivating urself...inshaAllah may Allah make it easy for you..aameen..!
We never know, if we're gonna be alive for the next fraction of a second or not :(
Try...! May Allah help you...aameen :)

worry not...when u do something for Allah, He'll inshaAllah reward you...and now about what the people will say...hmm...just get some great answers to them...like the reasons you started....the logic etc.
plus u said u wear in some places...why in those? u feel u shud? so that means Allah gave this commandment ...surely for my benifit..so i'll start it for u Allah..! that's it u gotta say to urself...
inshaAllah ....place ur trust in Allah...give it a shot...may surely seem a bit difficult in the beginning but with time, its gonna give u great satisfaction..!
i feel dat if i die..therefor i wear it kabhi kabhi...nd yes i will question maself agan nd agan...inshallah..!!!
nd i wont go against my lords commandment...inshallah...!!!!
nd yes i wanna surely die as a pure muslimah...nd be on d straight path alwayz....;)
nd i obviously wanna earnhis reward so i will inshallah start wearn it...nd i wear it at some places coz i have ppl wearn it...nd if ppl dont wear ijus wear my scarf...!!! :)
bt now i will start wearn my hijaab as well..!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
jazakallah soooooo much......i fell gr8 now...!!!!
ns yes AMEEN..!!!!


XPRS Moderator
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i feel dat if i die..therefor i wear it kabhi kabhi...nd yes i will question maself agan nd agan...inshallah..!!!
nd i wont go against my lords commandment...inshallah...!!!!
nd yes i wanna surely die as a pure muslimah...nd be on d straight path alwayz....;)
nd i obviously wanna earnhis reward so i will inshallah start wearn it...nd i wear it at some places coz i have ppl wearn it...nd if ppl dont wear ijus wear my scarf...!!! :)
bt now i will start wearn my hijaab as well..!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
jazakallah soooooo much......i fell gr8 now...!!!!
ns yes AMEEN..!!!!
will wait for the good news from u,, that u started wearing it (y)


XPRS Moderator
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inshallah...its gonna be very soon...!!!!! i am sure u guyz dont have to w8 dat long..!!!! :):):):):)

Just came across this,

Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
They tried to cheat me, I screamed leave me alone
I will stay in my fences, I don't accept an impudence
They will not defeat my pride, I am the purity sign I walked and piety is my shine... I walked after the best Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
Proud myself I refuse to be law... Oh my sister... Somaya is my best example
I feed my soul with the guidance of the religion... Oh sister our fountain is pure
Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
Our way is the way of chastity... Walk in it you do not fear
Our religion is the religion of virtue it doesn't accept the vice
Oh daughter of religion fly to the paradise
With my hijab I win the respect I will go forward... I don't care of blaming me
Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
Reaction score
Just came across this,

Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
They tried to cheat me, I screamed leave me alone
I will stay in my fences, I don't accept an impudence
They will not defeat my pride, I am the purity sign I walked and piety is my shine... I walked after the best Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
Proud myself I refuse to be law... Oh my sister... Somaya is my best example
I feed my soul with the guidance of the religion... Oh sister our fountain is pure
Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
Our way is the way of chastity... Walk in it you do not fear
Our religion is the religion of virtue it doesn't accept the vice
Oh daughter of religion fly to the paradise
With my hijab I win the respect I will go forward... I don't care of blaming me
Let them say about my hijab that it wastes my youth
Let them increases my blame, I belong to the religion
I swear I don't care of what they say, my intention is as mountains
There is no meaning for the beauty if you can get it easily
jazakallah soo very much..!!!
let say evrythn..now no 1 can stop me from goin away from islam..inshallah...!!!! :):):)
love dis very much..!!!