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Dear sisters... take notice

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An Iranian school girl is quoted as saying, "We want to stop men from treating us like sex objects, as they have always done. We want them to ignore our appearance and to be attentive to our personalities. We want them to take us seriously and treat us as equals and not chase us around for our bodies and physical looks."

What do they get out of dressing like that?
By covering our beauty, we are evaluated for our intelligence and skills instead of looks and sexuality. Many women who cover are filled with dignity and self-esteem and are happy to be identified as a muslim woman. By wearing hijab the woman is concealing her sexuality but allowing her femininity to shine. Aside from that, it is pleasing to Allah and in return we earn blessings from wearing it.

What is the "dress code"?
Islam has no fixed standard as to the style of dress or type of clothing that muslims must wear. There are however, some requirements that must be met. These include:

Body must be covered

Loose Clothing-The clothing must be loose enough so as not to describe the shape of the body.
Thick Material-The garments must be thick enough to hide the shape of the body and the color of the skin.
Modesty-The dress should not be ragged or fancy. It should be clean and dignified looking.
Suitability-This is another Hadith from Bukhari "Ibn Abbas narrated:

'The Prophet(saw) cursed the men who appeared like women and the women who appeared like men.'"

Clothing is only one facet of hijab. It is also behavior, manner, and speech. Women who wear the hijab do not find it inhibiting, impractical, or interfering. We should wear the hijab to show our identity as muslims. More importantly, we should wear it to show our love and respect for Almighty Allah and his instructions.
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'The Prophet(saw) cursed the men who appeared like women and the women who appeared like men.'"
MashaAllah thanks for sharing it i hope all women will reconsider their appearances.
But my real purpose of quoting your post was to inform you that "curse" is a very strong word. I don't think The Prophet (S.A.W.) ever "cursed" anyone :)
"Disliked", however, is a different thing :)
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MashaAllah thanks for sharing it i hope all women will reconsider their appearances.
But my real purpose of quoting your post was to inform you that "curse" is a very strong word. I don't think The Prophet (S.A.W.) ever "cursed" anyone :)
"Disliked", however, is a different thing :)

The arabic version of the hadith says:

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لعن الله المتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء، والمتشبهات من النساء بالرجال" رواه البخاري.

and as far as i know the literal translation of the underlined word is 'cursed'..
arabic is my native language btw :)
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The arabic version of the hadith says:

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لعن الله المتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء، والمتشبهات من النساء بالرجال" رواه البخاري.

and as far as i know the literal translation of the underlined word is 'cursed'..
arabic is my native language btw :)
"La'an" is an urdu word and yes it kind of means "curse" but that still crossed the line
Anyways, i think i may be wrong here so... thanks anyways :D


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!!

Jazak Allah for creating this thread, on an very important issue...It sure should benifit sisters around the forum, InshaAllah...

When it comes to hijab, it's actually not the way people take what it is.... :(

I came across a very beautiful presentation on it....which I recently shared in the sisters 'only' thread...
Add the link to that thread..to your first post... : http://www.xtremepapers.com/community/threads/for-all-sisters-only.12743/

Even if sisters take Hijab, it's probably time for them to reconsider their Hijab..!

may Allah give strength to all the sisters...aameen
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"La'an" is an urdu word and yes it kind of means "curse" but that still crossed the line
Anyways, i think i may be wrong here so... thanks anyways :D
The arabic version of the hadith says:

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لعن الله المتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء، والمتشبهات من النساء بالرجال" رواه البخاري.

and as far as i know the literal translation of the underlined word is 'cursed'..
arabic is my native language btw :)
yeh but i got this from authentic source so guess can't change it... i had done as far as i can and plz ALLAH forgive me if i'm wrong anywhere AMEEN :)
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!!

Jazak Allah for creating this thread, on an very important issue...It sure should benifit sisters around the forum, InshaAllah...

When it comes to hijab, it's actually not the way people take what it is.... :(

I came across a very beautiful presentation on it....which I recently shared in the sisters 'only' thread...
Add the link to that thread..to your first post... : http://www.xtremepapers.com/community/threads/for-all-sisters-only.12743/

Even if sisters take Hijab, it's probably time for them to reconsider their Hijab..!

may Allah give strength to all the sisters...aameen
yes i have gone this thread and have shared it at many places.. the presentation is awesome and it has even made me and my friends to take hijab the right way... MAY ALLAH GIVE US THE REWARD OF THESE SMALL DEEDS WHAT ELSE WE HAVE.. AMEEN :)


XPRS Moderator
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yes i have gone this thread and have shared it at many places.. the presentation is awesome and it has even made me and my friends to take hijab the right way... MAY ALLAH GIVE US THE REWARD OF THESE SMALL DEEDS WHAT ELSE WE HAVE.. AMEEN :)
jazahullahu khairen...who made it...
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MashaAllah thanks for sharing it i hope all women will reconsider their appearances.
But my real purpose of quoting your post was to inform you that "curse" is a very strong word. I don't think The Prophet (S.A.W.) ever "cursed" anyone :)
"Disliked", however, is a different thing :)

lanat ": لعن" in urdu and arabic means curse .. and there are many hadeeth in which prophet SAWW cursed a certain type of people and also in Quran Allah have cursed many type of people ... the literal meaning of curse is to cast away from mercy ...


XPRS Moderator
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and yeh i'll be really grate ful to u if u can addup anything in it for our sisters...
The best an important part is the first post in the sisters only thread ;) Add that ;)

@sisters: Leave your feed back, please..
Do reconsider your hijab ;)
