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For all SISTERS [ONLY] ;)

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There are two authentic hadith which state: "Each religion has a morality and the morality of Islam is haya'" AND "Bashfulness is from belief, and belief is in Al-Jannah (paradise)". The hijab fits the natural bashfulness which is a part of the nature of women.


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A British man came to Sheikh and asked:

Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?

The Sheikh said:

Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?

British man said:

Of course no, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth.

Sheikh replied:

Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men. _______________ _______________ __ Then

the British man asked the Sheikh:

Why do your girls cover up their body and hair?

The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the British:

If I ask you to take one of the sweets which one will you choose?

The British replied:

The covered one.

The Sheikh said:

That’s how we treat and see our woman...

Subhan Allah!!!
Felt like shaing princessanum’s post here.



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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
Well, I wanted to share something about the Modesty. I came across this amazing presentation.
I'm pretty sure, there'll be some brothers out there viewing this post :D So for you (brothers) , why I don't want you to check the presentation is, cuz of some pictures in there....the presentation includes what actually the hijab is, and what people think it is, including how a proper hijab should be! So it has some pictures showing the wrong way of hijab (a common misconception today!). That's it! I hope you understand. (You may go ahead and read the post..!)
(If you want to open as PDF, click here. I'd prefer the slide show anyway :D)
May Allah (subhana wa ta’la) make us all practicing & God-fearing muslims….Aameen.

the presentation was awesome!!!!!
loved it! =D
i m downlaoding it to show it in a course for young girls that i teach in
jazakAllahu Khair


XPRS Moderator
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the presentation was awesome!!!!!
loved it! =D
i m downlaoding it to show it in a course for young girls that i teach in
jazakAllahu Khair
wa eyyaki...

Ya Allah...make it easy for N.M and give her strength...increase her iman..n guide us all..forgive us all for our mistakes...aameen....
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okay look ! i meet real muhajab girls .. actually allot .. n when i get to no them better they all hated it ..
i mean they all said the same thing you guys say .. i love it etc..
but tht isnt wat they really thought .. they were convinced .. just due to their parents .. but not much .. i mean why dont it be their own desicion ! why not waitin till they can have their own ! not makin em put it so young ..
most of em wanna remove it so bad .. ni no grown up tht did
i mean wats the point ?


XPRS Administrator
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okay look ! i meet real muhajab girls .. actually allot .. n when i get to no them better they all hated it ..
i mean they all said the same thing you guys say .. i love it etc..
but tht isnt wat they really thought .. they were convinced .. just due to their parents .. but not much .. i mean why dont it be their own desicion ! why not waitin till they can have their own ! not makin em put it so young ..
most of em wanna remove it so bad .. ni no grown up tht did
i mean wats the point ?

you haven't met real believers then..... Allah (S.W.T) tells us "O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy." (2:208)
your muslim friends follow Islam coz of culture... they havent tasted what we call real eeman (belief) yet.. and I'm pretty sure its coz they are distant from the quran.. sadly this happens coz their parents encourage them to study science etc. but never Islam which holds solutions to their problem.... :(

I wish you could meet my sister... she would show you how real muslim women behave... she will even cover her face with a veil in public when in Islam it isn't even nescessary to cover your face... in fact people in my family tell her against it; yet she will do it in hopes to please Allah. (and Allah made her, gives her to eat and drink, gave her the ability to see and hear... if that Allah who is so wise/loving and to whom she owes so much asks her to cover her head; she'd do it no questions asked except 'is the comand really from Allah?'. It's best for her to obey Allah.)

and the point of encouraging it when young is same as the parent will give the child medicine even when the kid hates it; only when the kid grows would he eat the medicine himself... at a young age you gotta make him. (and to make him do it you encourage him not beat him...)

"O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful." (33:59)

please tell your muslim friends to listen to this (if you want you can listen to it too):
http://www.muslimtents.com/idealmuslimah/Imaam Siraaj Wahhaj/Why Muslim Women Cover.mp3

(I wish some1 else wd reply.... dunno if my reply is ok.)


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okay look ! i meet real muhajab girls .. actually allot .. n when i get to no them better they all hated it ..
i mean they all said the same thing you guys say .. i love it etc..
but tht isnt wat they really thought .. they were convinced .. just due to their parents .. but not much .. i mean why dont it be their own desicion ! why not waitin till they can have their own ! not makin em put it so young ..
most of em wanna remove it so bad .. ni no grown up tht did
i mean wats the point ?

Well i think the forced thing doesn't last for long and its only temporary one but the true essence is when you do it out of your own personal will! and i hope InshaAllah a day will come that they will understand the true meaning behind it, and they will know how beautifully the Muslim women are honored this way! This is no oppression but this is the true freedom... I cover my face, and i am not forced to do so by any body nor am i influenced by someone, i did it out of my own free will! when i myself researched about it, read the Quran and Ahadis and particularly Surah Noor and Surah Ahzab which mentions the ehkaam of Hijab, Alhamdulilah and i feel so good about it. I feel more secured now. Women have much more to offer than their physical attractiveness and the Hijab guarantees that she is seen for more than that. And we least bother that even if Karachi's top most A'level school refuses to take us just because we have a few inch cloth on our faces overlooking our result when we have fulfilled they A's requirement, we cant comprise big things for small worthless things for we know that just because they abuse my niqab doesn't mean that i succumb to thier taunts,In fact , it only makes me prouder to be a Niqabi Alhamdulillah!

The Hijab tones down your outer beauty so that your inner beauty can shine through, just like the sky has to dim down for the stars to shine! =)


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Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb,

Since this thread is created for sisters only, i would like to draw our sisters attention to a very serious issue.
This is a topic we just want to avoid or hope it would just go away Although, not thinking about it does not mean that the Hukum (order) isn’t there.
What does Islam REALLY say about shaping the eyebrows?

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen says:
"Plucking of women's eyebrows is not permissible. That’s because the Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) cursed the one who does it. It is haraam and not permitted."
The evidence:
1) Removing or plucking the eyebrows implies changing the creation of Allaah, as Allaah tells us that the Shaytaan said:
“…..and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allaah.” [al-Nisa:119]
2) Abd-Allaah ibn Masood said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) say:
“Allaah has CURSED the woman who does tattoos and the one who has them done, the woman who plucks eyebrows and the one who has it done, and the one who files her teeth for the purpose of beauty, altering the creation of Allaah.” (Bukhaari, Muslim)

Dear sister, do not forget that Allaah is Wise in whatever He decrees for His slaves.Some people are beautiful in appearance and some are not; that’s just how it is and the entire matter is entirely in the hand of Allaah. Therefore, it is essential that you be patient and seek reward with Allaah, and not transgress His sacred limits for the sake of your looks.

Just think….even if the whole world were to tell you that you look beautiful with your eyebrows shaped, would it even be worth a dot or an atom, if in Allaah’s eyes you were ugly? And if the whole world were to tell you that you are ugly, would it really matter as long as you were beautiful in front of Allaah????
Although,it is permissible to pluck it, because it is not part of the eyebrows.In addition to that removing hair from your face(upper lip and chin) or body except for the awrah(i.e from navel to knees) is also permissible
So, this is it.
The evidence is clear. There is no difference of opinion among the Ulama about it.
Plucking your eyebrows is HARAAM….. Plain and Simple

No ifs and buts about it.
The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) said it….the Ulama explained it…..you have been informed about it.
And you have been WARNED.
Now, it is up to you to decide.

Do you want to be the one who ˜listens and obeys?
Or are you going to be like the one whom Allah describes……
“And when Our Verses are recited to such a one, he turns away in pride, as if he heard them not–as if there were deafness in his ear. So announce to him a painful torment.” (al- Luqman:7)

Read the above Ayah carefully.
Surely, YOU are NOT going to be that one. Right?

Then, give it up, my dear Sister. It’s simply not worth it.You look beautiful even if you didn’t pluck your eyebrows. I Promise You.
Don’t let the Kuffaar get to you. Don’t let the Shaytaan deceive you.
Don’t be the one whom Allah curses.
Imagine! ALLAAH’S CURSE!!!!

Just think! How can anyone expect goodness and success in this life OR in the Hereafter if Allah’s curse is on them?
O Allah…. save us from Your Curse and guide us to the Right Path. Aameen.

And Allah knows best.



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Allah has given you higher status girls, don't be shallow, lowering your original status!
We are not so cheap that we are available to everyone that easily, the boys have to work for it, we have the right to choose who to show our beauty to!!

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you haven't met real believers then..... Allah (S.W.T) tells us "O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy." (2:208)
your muslim friends follow Islam coz of culture... they havent tasted what we call real eeman (belief) yet.. and I'm pretty sure its coz they are distant from the quran.. sadly this happens coz their parents encourage them to study science etc. but never Islam which holds solutions to their problem.... :(

I wish you could meet my sister... she would show you how real muslim women behave... she will even cover her face with a veil in public when in Islam it isn't even nescessary to cover your face... in fact people in my family tell her against it; yet she will do it in hopes to please Allah. (and Allah made her, gives her to eat and drink, gave her the ability to see and hear... if that Allah who is so wise/loving and to whom she owes so much asks her to cover her head; she'd do it no questions asked except 'is the comand really from Allah?'. It's best for her to obey Allah.)

and the point of encouraging it when young is same as the parent will give the child medicine even when the kid hates it; only when the kid grows would he eat the medicine himself... at a young age you gotta make him. (and to make him do it you encourage him not beat him...)

"O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful." (33:59)

please tell your muslim friends to listen to this (if you want you can listen to it too):
http://www.muslimtents.com/idealmuslimah/Imaam Siraaj Wahhaj/Why Muslim Women Cover.mp3

(I wish some1 else wd reply.... dunno if my reply is ok.)
okay .. ! thanks for this
but i still don get why your sis cover her face if it isnt asked by your God ?


XPRS Administrator
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okay .. ! thanks for this
but i still don get why your sis cover her face if it isnt asked by your God ?

ur welcome, but It feels odd when you say, 'your God'.. I mean God is God, same for everyone... :D
Anyways, she covers coz although it is not Obligatory to cover the face; it is however recomended since the wives of Prophet (S.A.W) also used to hide their faces from strange men.. and his wives are role models for our women in affairs relating to women.
There is excellence (ihsan) in everything and good muslims always aim for the best..... :)
Plus the society is getting so bad, I feel its good that she does that.... may Allah bless her. Aameen.