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For all SISTERS [ONLY] ;)

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Well i think the forced thing doesn't last for long and its only temporary one but the true essence is when you do it out of your own personal will! and i hope InshaAllah a day will come that they will understand the true meaning behind it, and they will know how beautifully the Muslim women are honored this way! This is no oppression but this is the true freedom... I cover my face, and i am not forced to do so by any body nor am i influenced by someone, i did it out of my own free will! when i myself researched about it, read the Quran and Ahadis and particularly Surah Noor and Surah Ahzab which mentions the ehkaam of Hijab, Alhamdulilah and i feel so good about it. I feel more secured now. Women have much more to offer than their physical attractiveness and the Hijab guarantees that she is seen for more than that. And we least bother that even if Karachi's top most A'level school refuses to take us just because we have a few inch cloth on our faces overlooking our result when we have fulfilled they A's requirement, we cant comprise big things for small worthless things for we know that just because they abuse my niqab doesn't mean that i succumb to thier taunts,In fact , it only makes me prouder to be a Niqabi Alhamdulillah!

The Hijab tones down your outer beauty so that your inner beauty can shine through, just like the sky has to dim down for the stars to shine! =)
mm.. im happy to c your more than fine with it ;) !
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ur welcome, but It feels odd when you say, 'your God'.. I mean God is God, same for everyone... :D
Anyways, she covers coz although it is not Obligatory to cover the face; it is however recomended since the wives of Prophet (S.A.W) also used to hide their faces from strange men.. and his wives are role models for our women in affairs relating to women.
There is excellence (ihsan) in everything and good muslims always aim for the best..... :)
Plus the society is getting so bad, I feel its good that she does that.... may Allah bless her. Aameen.

wat if i don beleive n God ?
heh :) must b proud of her :)


XPRS Administrator
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wat if i don beleive n God ?
heh :) must b proud of her :)
then you havent thought about it... coz it can NEVER make sense to not believe in a God....
Like I have thought and studied seriously about it... it is immpossible based on logic alone. Plus to furthur fortify my belief there is Quran which claims it is perfect since it is from a perfect God... and more u research your conviction becomes firm that this HAS to be from GOD.

There is a question that quran poses about creation of universe...
Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?
Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. (52:35-36)

means logically for the cration there are 3 choices:
1. It was created by nothing at all (the famous saying randomly out of big bang we came or something)
2. It is the creator of itself.
3. It has a creator outside of itself

what do you believe in....?
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then you havent thought about it... coz it can NEVER make sense to not believe in a God....
Like I have thought and studied seriously about it... it is immpossible based on logic alone. Plus to furthur fortify my belief there is Quran which claims it is perfect since it is from a perfect God... and more u research your conviction becomes firm that this HAS to be from GOD.

There is a question that quran poses about creation of universe...
Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?
Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. (52:35-36)

means logically for the cration there are 3 choices:
1. It was created by nothing at all (the famous saying randomly out of big bang we came or something)
2. It is the creator of itself.
3. It has a creator outside of itself

what do you believe in....?
it never make since .. So ain't got beliefs .. Just live


XPRS Administrator
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then you havent thought about it... coz it can NEVER make sense to not believe in a God....
Like I have thought and studied seriously about it... it is immpossible based on logic alone. Plus to furthur fortify my belief there is Quran which claims it is perfect since it is from a perfect God... and more u research your conviction becomes firm that this HAS to be from GOD.

There is a question that quran poses about creation of universe...
Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?
Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. (52:35-36)

means logically for the cration there are 3 choices:
1. It was created by nothing at all (the famous saying randomly out of big bang we came or something)
2. It is the creator of itself.
3. It has a creator outside of itself

what do you believe in....?

the 3rd choice does make sense..
1. not possible since nothing doesnt create something... even with the big bang theory (which incidently is alluded to in 1400 yrs old Quran) it says ther was a concenterated mass and it exploded and randomly such intricate world/us etc were formed... BUT w8 from where did that mass come from? and how did such ordered intricate beings came into being? order doesnt come out of chaos!
Try this: Buy 30 monkeys and give them type writers. What are the odds that a monkey will write one sentence with perfect punctuation and capitalization?

2. not possibe.. can my food make more food itself..?? can I make myself..???

3. the only thing possible! if there is a creation there has to be a creator... very UNLIKE the creation.

it never make since .. So ain't got beliefs .. Just live

If you want an easy life, life that makes sense, that has a purpose, that is successful please do look into Quran.. contemplate over it a bit. (if you don't get something u r welcome to ask)

I'd say this... a teacher once gave an analogy; he said if you are in the back of a car and the car starts swerving, you'd be terrified.. BUT if you knew the driver and you trusted him then you won't be worried... for the person unaware of the driver the drive will be tough but for the one aware it will be nothing...
I know everything big or smal in my life is in control of Allah.. so no matter what calamity strikes I know it has a purpose and I know where is the solution.. The peace of mind I have is amazing. plus Allah guides us where what to do so we get the best out of everything, and stay safe from the harmful stuff. :)
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the 3rd choice does make sense..
1. not possible since nothing doesnt create something... even with the big bang theory (which incidently is alluded to in 1400 yrs old Quran) it says ther was a concenterated mass and it exploded and randomly such intricate world/us etc were formed... BUT w8 from where did that mass come from? and how did such ordered intricate beings came into being? order doesnt come out of chaos!
Try this: Buy 30 monkeys and give them type writers. What are the odds that a monkey will write one sentence with perfect punctuation and capitalization?

2. not possibe.. can my food make more food itself..?? can I make myself..???

3. the only thing possible! if there is a creation there has to be a creator... very UNLIKE the creation.

If you want an easy life, life that makes sense, that has a purpose, that is successful please do look into Quran.. contemplate over it a bit. (if you don't get something u r welcome to ask)

I'd say this... a teacher once gave an analogy; he said if you are in the back of a car and the car starts swerving, you'd be terrified.. BUT if you knew the driver and you trusted him then you won't be worried... for the person unaware of the driver the drive will be tough but for the one aware it will be nothing...
I know everything big or smal in my life is in control of Allah.. so no matter what calamity strikes I know it has a purpose and I know where is the solution.. The peace of mind I have is amazing. plus Allah guides us where what to do so we get the best out of everything, and stay safe from the harmful stuff. :)
ok so where does the creator start from ?
nothing has a beginin ? thts wat i see .. i mean i no when u read thro a relegion .. they kinda make it sound true .. but still theres somethin thts always missin .. !
i feel not to no .. is better thn noin n choosin the wrong path .

n you do have a point ... lol maybe pointss .. i just have no idea ..
m gonna die one day .. ill no it then ! =p
hey thnks much !


XPRS Administrator
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ok so where does the creator start from ?

nothing has a beginin ? thts wat i see .. i mean i no when u read thro a relegion .. they kinda make it sound true .. but still theres somethin thts always missin .. !
i feel not to no .. is better thn noin n choosin the wrong path .

n you do have a point ... lol maybe pointss .. i just have no idea ..
m gonna die one day .. ill no it then ! =p
hey thnks much !

that something isn't missing in Islam... Alhamdulillah.
First dont you think there is a reason y genius ppl like newton etc believe in a God...? and this question has already been thought about and answered even by non-muslim philosophers like Aristotle and Plato.. and those guys were known masters of logic.

If God exists who created him?
In your question you first grant that God is a Creator and then you ask who created him, making him both creator and the created in the same sentence, which is a contradiction.
Secondly, the question is meaningless as you imagine the Creator as subject to laws which govern his creatures, he created space & time and is necessarily transcendent(totally independent of (and removed from)) in relation to both.
Your argument is like those dolls that seeing they move by strings, imagine that the human who made them must also derive his motion from the action of those springs. God is the *uncaused causer*.

Aristotle followed the chain of causality tracing the chair from wood, wood from the tree, the tree from a seed, & the seed fro the planter. He had to conclude that this chain which regresses into infinite time must have begun with an ‘uncaused’ cause, a primum mobile in no need of a mover, a creator who has not been created. This is the same thing we assert of God.

God is the one that substantiates existence. Just as saying that light indicates day & it would be a lopsided argument to claim that day proves the existence of light.
The German Philosopher Emmanual Kant realized in his Critique of pure reason, that the mind cannot comprehend infinite realities and that it is by nature fitted only to apprehend particulars. It is incapable of apprehending such a universal or total existence as that of divinity. Just as our thirst for water is proof that it exists, our yearning for justice is proof to us that a Just being exists.
Allah is the proof, which is in no need of another proof. He is the self-evident Truth; and He is the evidence that substantiates everything. He is manifest in order, precision, beauty & regularity; in tree leaves, in the feathers of a fawn, in the wings of the butterfly, in the fragrance of flowers, in the chanting of the nightingale, in the harmony of planets & stars which makes up that symphonic poem we call the universe. The Qur’an spares us all these arguments with a few, expressive words. It says without sophistry & in a decisive clarity the beautiful words found in Surah Ikhlas,
{Say (O Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)):
"He is Allâh, (the) One.
Allâh-us-Samad (the Self-Sufficient master, whom All creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).
He begets not, nor was He begotten;
"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto him."}
(Qur’an, Chapter 112, verses 1-4)

And to say I'll die and find out is not very wise... If a friend tells you, you have an exam on 25th october; if you reply 'I dont kno that.. I'll know if you are right after the results come' then you must be mad coz what use will knowing be then????? Rather you look and research for the validity of his statement right now!


XPRS Administrator
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Well, one conclusion one might certainly reach is that the nature of
the source of this intelligence and will must be different in nature
from the universe it created.
Why is that? Because if it was the same, then all we would have is
more of the same i.e. more creation, and then one might rightly
ask, so what created that? Surely something more intelligent and
wilful, and then of course we would ask the same question about
that...what created it? And we would go on and on forever looking

for the intelligence and will behind the intelligence and will, a
creator creating a creator creating a creator ad infinitum! There is a
good reason why things can’t be that way, and this is best explained
through an example.
Imagine a sniper who has acquired his designated target and radios
through to HQ to get permission to shoot. HQ however, tells the
sniper to hold on while they seek permission from higher up. So the
guy higher up seeks permission from the guy even higher up and so
on and so on.
If this keeps going on, will the sniper ever get to shoot the target?
Of course not!
He’ll keep on waiting while someone is waiting for a person higher
up to give the order. There has to be a place or person from where
the command is issued, a place where there is no higher up.
So our example illustrates why there is a rational flaw in the idea
that there might be creators creating creators ad infinitum... We
can’t have creators creating creators forever, or else, just as the
sniper will never shoot, the creation will never get created. But the
creation is here. It exists. So we can dismiss the idea of an infinite
regression of causes as being an irrational proposition.
So what is the alternative?
The alternative is a first cause. An uncaused cause!
We could conclude that the nature of the intelligent and wilful
force behind the universe, life and everything must have a different
nature from the creation, and as we have seen, there are compelling
reasons to do so.
So...if the creation is needy, the Creator should be self-sufficient.
And if the creation is temporary, the Creator should be eternal.
And if the creation is confined by space and time, the Creator
should be free of space and time.
And if the creation is common, the Creator should be unique.
And it follows reasonably that there could only be one unique, eternal,
self-sufficient being unconfined by space and time, for if there
were more than one then these attributes could not apply.

PLEASE do read more here (funny book):


XPRS Administrator
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ok so where does the creator start from ?
nothing has a beginin ? thts wat i see .. i mean i no when u read thro a relegion .. they kinda make it sound true .. but still theres somethin thts always missin .. !
i feel not to no .. is better thn noin n choosin the wrong path .

n you do have a point ... lol maybe pointss .. i just have no idea ..
m gonna die one day .. ill no it then ! =p
hey thnks much !

This summarizes the answer to ur question nicely, in simple terms:

may Allah always keep us guided.... Aameen.


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Just because some of the sisters have their head covered, they think that the requirement ofHijaab is fulfilled. They don’t realize that wearing a Hijaab requires much more than just covering your head.
Actually, if you think about it, Hijaab is the way you talk…..the way you walk….the very way you carry yourself. In fact, Hijaab is an attitude in itself. Its a whole way of life.

Here are a few common mistakes

Well, my head is covered. What more do you want?
The head covers (khumur) should be drawn over the neck slits (juyoob). Khumur is the plural of the Arabic word "khimar" which means aheadcover. Juyoob is the plural of the Arabic word "jaiyb", which refers to the neck slit (of the dress).
Yet, some sisters just cover their head with something, and think they are fulfilling the rights of
Hijaab, although part of their hair or body is showing, or their whole neck and chest area are exposed. Actually, that was the way of the women of Jahilliyah.
Qurtubi said: "Women in those days used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends upon their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, along with the ears. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar."
So secure the scarf well around your face, covering your neck/chest area, and keep those half sleeves and
capri pants for your Mahrams

Sorry.…tight jeans and short shirt just don’t cut it
You can’t wear tight jeans and a short shirt with a piece of cloth on your head and think this is Hijaab. Nor can you wear anything else that is tight, describing the shape of the body in any way, even if it is long. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:
"In later (generations) of my ummah there will be women who will be dressed but naked. On top of their heads (what looks) like camel humps. They will not enter into paradise or (even) get a smell of it." (Muslim)

If it is see-through, its NOT Hijaab
You CANNOT use chiffon or other see through material to cover your hair and body. Everything should be covered and the color of the skin underneath should not be visible.
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) once received a thick garment as a gift. He gave it toOsamah b. Zayd, who in turn gave it to his wife. When asked by the Prophet why he did not wear it, Osamah indicated that he gave it to his wife. The Prophet then said to Osamah "ask her to use a "gholalah" under it (the garment) for I fear that it (the garment) may describe the size of her bones." (Ahmad, Abi-Dawood)
(The word gholalah in Arabic means a thick fabric worn under the dress to prevent it from describing the shape of the body).

The Hijaab shouldn’t attract attention
The dress should not be such that it attracts men's attention to the woman's beauty. Allaah clearly states “not to display their beauty (zeenah).” Yet, Subhaan Allaah, some Hijaabi sisters are dressed in such a way that they attract more attention to themselves than they would if they didn’t wearHijaab!! How could such zeenah be concealed if the dress is designed in a way that it attracts men's eyes to the woman? It beats the purpose of Hijaab.
Allaah tells us: “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance…” [al-Ahzaab:32]




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What about make-up and perfume???
Wearing make up is also part of the zeenah that Allaah orders us NOT to display. So if your head and body are appropriately covered yet you are wearing bright red lipstick or dark eyeliner such that people confuse between you and a raccoon….uh sorry, that’s not Hijaab.Although, there is nothing wrong with doing make-up but sisters plz keep it to your mehrams only! And keep those nice fragrances for the home, between you and your husband. That’s part of Hijaab too, even if you are going to the Masjid. The Prophet(Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “Any woman who puts on perfume and passes by people so that they can smell her fragrance, is an adulteress.” (al-Nasaa’i,Tirmidhi: hasan by Albaani)

Tinkling Jewelry and Jingling bracelets
‘Loud’ and tinkling anything, be it jewelry, bracelets, clip-clopping shoes, little bells on clothes, you name it, if it jingles or makes noise, it is against the principles of Hijaab, because it attracts attention to the one wearing it. That is what is meant when Allaah orders us in the above verse…“not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments.”

No laughing, joking, or hanging out with non-Mahrams
Some sisters assume that since they are properly covered, its okay for them to sit around and talk, laugh, joke, etc. with the men, but that’s not right, even if he is ‘the Shaikh’. Allaah says:". . . then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire, but speak in an honorable manner." [al-Ahzaab:32]So talk to them when there is a specific need, and in a manner that is not necessarily rude, yet it is polite but firm.

Staring at the brothers or ‘checking them out’ is NOT Hijaab
Allaah orders us to “lower your gaze” in the above verse. Why? Because a single ‘look’ can say more than a thousand words. So, even if you are properly covered, keep those eyes down, conduct yourself with ‘Hayaa’, and avoid ‘fitnah’.

‘Chatting’ on the internet/phone is not part of Hijaab, either
There is no such thing as “we’re just friends”. Talking to non-Mahrams is wrong even if it is through the internet or telephone. There are too many stories of illegal relationships, fornications, broken homes, extra-marital affairs and runaway brides to even mention. That is why in Islam anything that leads to haraam is also haraam. Allaah says: “Do not (even) come close to fornication, for it is an indecency, and its way is evil.” (SurahIsraa:32

Be careful, even in the way you walk
Remember, you are not a runway model displaying the latest fashion. Walk with modesty andhayaa and you will be respected. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “There are two types of the people of Hell that I have not seen yet….women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait…..” (Muslim)

Don’t shake hands with non-Mahrams. Its part of Hijaab
It is not permissible to shake hands with a non-Mahram, because the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhiwa Sallam) said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than to touch a woman who is not permissible for him.” (at-Tabaraani saheeh by al-Albaani).And no, it is not rude to refuse to shake hands with non-Muslims. Simply politely explain that its part of your religion and they are very understanding.

Hijaab is also to conceal your sister
Although some sisters wear the Hijaab themselves, they forget that they cannot talk about another sister and her beauty in front of their own husbands, brothers, etc. Remember, part of yourHijaab is to cover your sisters ‘awrah’ as well.
The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “No woman should mix with a woman and describe her to her husband so that it is as if he can see her.” (Muslim)

May Allah guide us and bless us with the TRUE understanding of His Deen. Ameen.


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Wait isn't drawing cartoons haram in islam??Or pictures of PEOPLE??

But most of these days i see cartoons with islamic messages on them!how confusing! doing one wrong for one good
:confused::confused: :confused::confused: ..or so it seems

Can someone care to enlighten me?o_O

well, firstly, i did not draw it.
Secondly, i just liked the message that was conveyed in the picture and so i posted it...
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
Well, I wanted to share something about the Modesty. I came across this amazing presentation.
I'm pretty sure, there'll be some brothers out there viewing this post :D So for you (brothers) , why I don't want you to check the presentation is, cuz of some pictures in there....the presentation includes what actually the hijab is, and what people think it is, including how a proper hijab should be! So it has some pictures showing the wrong way of hijab (a common misconception today!). That's it! I hope you understand. (You may go ahead and read the post..!)
(If you want to open as PDF, click here. I'd prefer the slide show anyway :D)
May Allah (subhana wa ta’la) make us all practicing & God-fearing muslims….Aameen.

Mashallah !!!! May Allah reward you
