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4/4. good answer.Please mark. Comments would also be welcome.
1. What was the Hijrat movement?
ans. The Hijrat movement started in august 1920. India had been declared as Dar-ul-Harb so 18,000 muslims sold their belongings and left for Afghanistan. Although they were told that the Afghan government would welcome them this was not the case and the muslims had to return back. The Hijrat movement resulted in economic misery of the muslims who had left as all their pocessions were gone and they had lost their jobs.
1. 4/4Can any of you mark these answers for me:
1. What is Diarchy?(4)
ans.The system of Diarchy was introduced as part of the Montauge-Chelmsford reforms in 1918. According to it the areas of responsibility were divided into two lists namely transfered subjects and reserved subjects . The transfered subjects, such as local government and public education, were under the provincial ministers and the reserved subjects,like power resources and justice, were under the provincial governers.
2. Why was the Muslim-League founded?(7)
ans.One of the reasons for the formation of the muslim league was the opposition to partition to Bengal by Hindus. This re-enforced the communal division and since the Congress was predominantly Hindu the muslims realized that they needed their own party to protect and promote their interests.
Another reason that the muslims formed their own political party was due to their success at Simla. The Simla Delegation 1906 encouraged the muslims to form their own political party.
Furthermore although Bengal had been partitioned and the Simla Deputation was successful the muslims still felt that they lacked the influence that the Hindus had gained through Congress. Once this thought entered their mind it was inevitable that they would form their own political party.
I would appreciate comments.
I would also like someone to answer this question :
Of all the events between 1911-1919 was the Amritsar massacre the one that had the greatest impact on relations between the British and the Indian people? Give reasons for your answer.
Thanks a lot.4/4. good answer.
1. 4/4
2. 4-5/7, although u have answered it well but it lacks some important details. in first para, just add another sentence saying that 'so muslim league formed' or something like that. this will make it more better. in 2nd para, give some detail of success at simla deputation, it will help explain why this success encouraged the establishemnt of muslim league.
so u get a total of 8-9/11.
For the question u have asked, i will be giving answer in bullet form, elaborate the points urself.
1) reversal of partition of bengal
2) lucknow pact
3) montague-chemsford reforms
4) amritsar massacare
5) rowlatt act
as amritsar massacre is part of the question, u will focus it first n most.
- a peaceful demonstration in jalianwala park in response of montagur chelmsford reforms.
- people attacked by british army/ surprosed attack
- many deaths and injuries.
- indian relations worsened with british.
reversal of partition:
- british could not keep their promise.
- forced by hindu protest partitioned reversed.
- muslims betrayed.
-lost faith in british.
lucknow pact:
- indians united agianst british.
-congress n league friendship to fight british.
- demand of reforms by indians.
- indians more eager to work with each other than british.
montague-chelmsford reforms:
- introduced diarchy
- reforms protested.
- british didn't lied on indians expectations.
- large protests/ anger to british
rolatt act
- british introduced tough measures.
- further worsened relations after montague chelmsford reforms.
finally give a conclusion after elaborating these points. remember to link each event to affect on relations.
1. - administartive problems/too large to governCan you answer these questions :
1. Why was Bengal partitioned?(7)
2. Was the partition of Bengal more important than its reversal? Give reasons for your answer.(14)
In the Morley-Minto reforms/Montford report do we have to learn exactly what they said? Like the seats of central Assembly were raised to 60 etc.
Thanks in advance.
Actually i like marking others work so thats not a problem.Sorry to keep on bothering you again but I'd be much obliged if you'd mark these questions?
2. Why was the Muslim league founded?(7)
ans. One of the reasons due to which the Muslim League was founded was the opposition by Hindus to the partition of Bengal. After partition Eastern Bengal had been formed with a Muslim majority giving the Muslims not only recognition but also an opportunity to escape from Hindu oppression. Therefore when the Hindus began organised towards the partition to Bengal the Muslims were greatly shocked. They feared that the British might give in to Hindu demands. Furthermore, Congress was predominantly Hindu and served Hindu interests, leaving the Muslims voiceless. Therefore the muslims formed their own political party which would represent views to the British and safeguard their rights.
Another important reason was the Muslim success at Simla . The Simla delegation and asked for seperate electorates and a higher percentage of the seats in the councils. This meant that the muslims now thought of themselves as a different community than the Hindus and also that they (the muslims) should be treated in a different way than the hindus. Furthermore their success at Simla also encouraged them. After this to have their own political party was but a step.
Perhaps the most important reason for the formation of the Muslim league, was their belief that despite the partition of Bengal and the success at Simla they still lacked the influence that the Hindus had gained through the Congress.It was only natural then that they should try to counter this influence by setting up their own political party. And so the All-India Muslim-League was formed in 1906.
Q.3 Of all the events between 1911-1919 was the Amritsar massacre the one that had the greatest impact on relations between the British and the Indian people? Give reasons for your answer.
ans. The Amritsar massacre took place in Jallingwala Bagh on 10 April 1919. In response to the Rowlatt act and the Montague -Chelmsford reasons a crowd of 20,000 people gathered for a peaceful protest. However the British commander in the area, General Dyer, was angered when the crowd turned up. Therefore he stationed his troops at the entrances of the Bagh and opened fire without warning. According to estimates around 400 people were killed with another 1200 hundred injured. As a result of this incident the relations between the Indians and the British suffered and were at an all-time low ebb. This was further worsened by the fact that Dyer was mainly unpunished.
However, this there were many other incidents too that greatly effected British-Indian relationship. These include the reversal of the partition of Bengal, the Lucknow pact, the Montague-Chelmsford reforms and the Rowlatt act.
Bengal had been partitioned in 1905 by the British. This had pleased the muslims but had also angered the Hindus who thought that the partition was part of the traditional British policy of 'Divide And Rule'. As a result they had arranged for organised resistance against the partition of Benagal. There were hundred of Protest meetings, many petitions were sent to the government, there was a boycott of british goods and even an assassination attempt on Lord Minto the viceroy. As a result the British reversed the partition. Due to this reversal the relations between the Muslims and the British suffered as the latter had proclaimed that the partition of Bengal was final.The muslims felt betrayed and it was for this reason that the muslim league called,for the first time, for self-rule.
The Lucknow pact took place in 1916 at lucknow at an annual session of the League and the Congress. In this pact the Congress made great concessions by agreeing to the seperate electorates for Muslims as well as one third reserved seats for them in the council. As a result the congress and league came closer and this pact marked the high-water unity between Muslims and Hindus.It was also the first time both the parties had made a joint demand to the British so it showed that both of them had realized that cooperation would help them achieve their goal. This increased the unity of India against the British.
After the war in 1918 the Montague-Chelmsford reforms were passed. They gave the Indian population more voice in the government but also ensured that the British mantained their grip on India as the viceroy could still pass any law he chose. These reforms also introduced a system of Diarchy at provincial level. Since many of the Indians had given their lives in the war they were expecting greater concessions and so they were bitterly disappointed. This further strained the relations between the British and the Muslims.
The rowlatt act was passed after the Montague-Chelmsford reforms in 1919. Jusice Rowlatt had been commissioned to check revolutionary activity in India. His report suggested that there was a definite growth in revolutionary activity and suggested that some of the Defence Of India Act should be permanantly retained. These included arrest without warrent, detention without bail and the right of the provincial government to order people where to live. These caused an uproar throughout Indai. Jinnah resigned as a member of the Imperial council and Gandhi launched a series of Hartals. The act significantly strained realtions among the the British and the Hindus and also led to the Amritsar massacre.
Thus it can be concluded that the Rowlatt act had the greatest impact on relations between the British and the Indians.
why not? it will be my pleasure to mark your answer!If I upload scanned copy's of my answers will you mark them as well?
I'll be extremely grateful if you do.![]()
i guess u have already got the answer so there is no need for me to give u the answer. let me know if i am wrong.Can you post me answer on this question?
Why did the Muslim-league do better in the 1945 election than it had in the 1937 election?(7)
The second question is for 7 marks.Killbill
Here my marking on ur questions:
1. 4/4 well done! a well written answer covering sufficient details. However, its not difficult to score in these questions
2. I can't understand how should I mark it. How much marks r allocated for this question actually? If 7, i am sorry to say question is not set according to the cie pattern. If 14, ur answer is to short. So there can be no accurate marking for this. However, if i were to award u marks on what u have written, I would award u at most 5/7 cause u have mainly focused on describing rather than explaining. For 14 marks, ur answer is too short to be awarded more than 6 marks
3. for this one, u can get at most 11/14 but 10 would be more appropriate. Here also u have merely written descriptive account with insufficient explanation. Instead of just mentioning how successful an event was, u should have explained its importance as the question asked. Next time be careful not to trap here. u need to connect each reason to the question in an appropriate manner.
i guess u have already got the answer so there is no need for me to give u the answer. let me know if i am wrong.
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