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Hi, I'm Luna came here to help me study despite the abuse I face in life.

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Luna, there are two kinds of successful people on Earth: those who measure their success by what they have achieved, and those who measure theirs by what they had to overcome.
The first kind mostly succeed for their own sake. The second kind mostly succeed for the sake of humanity.

There are many people like you in this world. This is the real challenge of life. Trust it. You are different now because you are meant to be different later on too. Study at night if the day disturbs you. Study when your parents are asleep, or away. And keep your mind fresh. Take a diary, write in it your resolution of the day every single morning, and read it several times during the day so you may not forget it.

Live on. You have passion for what you do, you will eventually overcome all of this. You will be one of those who together with success, will achieve significance too. :)
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Hi Luna...

It's sad to hear your story...
Do check out this thread, |Tips to achieve success <A*s> in life/ A'levels/ O'levels...|

Plus a lot of Salat...and dua'a, zikr and reading a lot of Qura'an...

Allah says in the Quran, "Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."

Thanks, I don't really understand what you meant though as I'm not muslim but I assume they are kind words.
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Luna, there are two kinds of successful people on Earth: those who measure their success by what they have achieved, and those who measure theirs by what they had to overcome.
The first kind mostly succeed for their own sake. The second kind mostly succeed for the sake of humanity.

There are many people like you in this world. This is the real challenge of life. Trust it. You are different now because you are meant to be different later on too. Study at night if the day disturbs you. Study when your parents are asleep, or away. And keep your mind fresh. Take a diary, write in it your resolution of the day every single morning, and read it several times during the day so you may not forget it.

Live on. You have passion for what you do, you will eventually overcome all of this. You will be one of those who together with success, will achieve significance too. :)

You'd be surprised but my dad loves stealing stuff like diaries and documents to learn people so he can irritate them. So diaries are a bad idea. I study as much as possible in free time at school but and at home when by dad is out of the house. However all night long he plays sad songs loudly, makes really loud phone calls, spits on me etc


XPRS Moderator
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You'd be surprised but my dad loves stealing stuff like diaries and documents to learn people so he can irritate them. So diaries are a bad idea. I study as much as possible in free time at school but and at home when by dad is out of the house. However all night long he plays sad songs loudly, makes really loud phone calls, spits on me etc
You know what....you can really write stuff...and like write on advices to urself etc. The solution to your problem is, save stuff in your e-mail account...like either save it in drafts, or like send it to ur id itself..anything....

Thanks, I don't really understand what you meant though as I'm not muslim but I assume they are kind words.

I'll look forward to you, hopefuly after 2-3 weeks inshaAllah. Do remind me (by sendingg a conversation), incase I forget..

Meanwhile, check that link..tips one..
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You know what....you can really write stuff...and like write on advices to urself etc. The solution to your problem is, save stuff in your e-mail account...like either save it in drafts, or like send it to ur id itself..anything....

I do precisely that already; digital format.

I've described by troubles in this thread concerning how the abuse affects my studies if anyone has helpful tips.
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Writing does make a difference.

Well, at what time does your dad sleep? I'd advise you to sleep early and wake up early morning to study. At first it's hard, but you get used to it eventually.
Place the alarm away from your bed, so you've to walk to switch it off.

Drink coffee if you feel you need it.
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Writing does make a difference.

Well, at what time does your dad sleep? I'd advise you to sleep early and wake up early morning to study. At first it's hard, but you get used to it eventually.
Place the alarm away from your bed, so you've to walk to switch it off.

Drink coffee if you feel you need it.
He is very irregular in his sleeping patterns. I already wake early for school actually.
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Hi Luna. I believe you are capiable of greatness:) All you got to do is not let your troubles rub off on you. Try to look outside you, around the world, at the people who might be in a far worse situation then yours. Try appretiating what little you have and how you are making the best out of it. Never pity yourself. Ever. Never let your weaknesses show. U are a strong girl and with time and efforts one day you'll become a self independent woman. I know alot of people who have faced likewise circumstances in their lives ; they turned out streetwise, tough people. What cant be cured must be endured. You are not yet old enough to be on your own or to support your mother and yourself, so you just got to be smart. Patient. Wait for better days to come. Do not lose hope:)
I have a little something for you:
The story has been told about a lone survivor of a shipwreck who was marooned on an uninhibited island. He managed to build a hut in which he put everything he had saved from the wreck. He prayed to God for rescue and anxiously scanned the horizon everyday to signal any passing ship.
One day he returned to his hut and to his horror found it in flames and all his possessions gone. What a tragedy! Shortly after a ship arrived. "We saw your smoke signal and hurried here," the captain explained. The survivor had only seen his burnt hut, but out of disaster, God worked a blessing. The ship wrecked man fell to his knees to thank God for the fire that caused his rescue.
I'm sure God has a plan for you Luna. Things will work out:)

The story is called "Saved by disaster". I found it in a book written by the christian scholar Billy Graham "Hope for the troubled heart". You may find it relieving:)


XPRS Administrator
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Hi Luna. I believe you are capiable of greatness:) All you got to do is not let your troubles rub off on you. Try to look outside you, around the world, at the people who might be in a far worse situation then yours. Try appretiating what little you have and how you are making the best out of it. Never pity yourself. Ever. Never let your weaknesses show. U are a strong girl and with time and efforts one day you'll become a self independent woman. I know alot of people who have faced likewise circumstances in their lives ; they turned out streetwise, tough people. What cant be cured must be endured. You are not yet old enough to be on your own or to support your mother and yourself, so you just got to be smart. Patient. Wait for better days to come. Do not lose hope:)
I have a little something for you:
The story has been told about a lone survivor of a shipwreck who was marooned on an uninhibited island. He managed to build a hut in which he put everything he had saved from the wreck. He prayed to God for rescue and anxiously scanned the horizon everyday to signal any passing ship.
One day he returned to his hut and to his horror found it in flames and all his possessions gone. What a tragedy! Shortly after a ship arrived. "We saw your smoke signal and hurried here," the captain explained. The survivor had only seen his burnt hut, but out of disaster, God worked a blessing. The ship wrecked man fell to his knees to thank God for the fire that caused his rescue.
I'm sure God has a plan for you Luna. Things will work out:)

The story is called "Saved by disaster". I found it in a book written by the christian scholar Billy Graham "Hope for the troubled heart". You may find it relieving:)
nice story.. Reminded me of the quote... "Wisdom is the lost property of the believer; wherever he finds it he has the right to take it"
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Hey Luna! I'm Adeel.
I just want to say that despite these problems you're telling us about you managed to get these grades and that's really very awesome.Frankly speaking,if I was in your shoes I wouldn't have managed to get this even so hats off to you.
Secondly, I wouldn't obviously say this is something right happening with you but take it this way. These issues in life are challenges,these ARE the real challenges.Everyone's gotta face something like this in life. But I assure you,10 years down the lane when you're all grown up (dunno your age) you'll feel glad that you managed to deal with challenges like these and you'll give yourself a pat on the back. issues like these would seem to be like jokes.
remember,God's got a great plan for you ahead,he's merely testing you with challenges like these.
I and everyone on this forum will surely pray for you not because we're really sympathetic towards you but because anyone,even of us,even I can go through issues like these so stay strong and don't worry,you'll conquer this phase of your life. I will pray for you. Also, I'm there for you,and ANYONE on this forum for help,advice or anything,don't hesitate PM-ing me whenever you feel like,I will reply asap and I'll try my level best to help!Remember me in your prayers:)
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3 days back a beaconite, 17, Alevel student, was shot by his own father. 4 bullets. I didnt know him but my friends did. Who can actually explain that? His name was Haris Abdullah. He is dead now.
Far worse things happen. When we encounter such tragedies, we should just get down to our knees, humbled, to Allah and thank Him for all the goods and our share of bads He has bestowed upon us. May Allah forgives us all. Just thinking about that boy shakes my soul. It was his funeral just before friday prayers yesterday.