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History Full Length Answers !!!!

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Q : Why did Congress oppose the Morley Minto reforms ? [7]

Morley-Minto reforms arrived in India back in 1909. It was an attempt by the British to solve the constitutional problem in India. Congress part however showed strong resistance against these reforms due to many reasons.

Firstly the reforms increased the number of Indians in the viceroy's council but it actually had no real power. The British saw this as an advisory council which could only give and present their opinions to the British and play no part in governing the country as they were t ready to give the Indians some political power. Moreover the council was purely advisory and The British intended that the Indians could voice their opinions in the Councils but Congress wanted more responsibility which the government were not prepared to give. This annoyed many who were looking towards self-rule as they had no power in changing governmental policies and could only give advice to the British as real power remained in their hands.

Secondly in the reforms separate electorates were granted to the Muslims. It cheered the Muslims but angered the congress very much as they did not support separate electorates for Muslims. The Congress was in favor of joint electorate and claimed that the party represented the whole of India and that awarding separate electorate to a community in minority was an undemocratic move. Also some Hindus disliked the relative high posts of Muslims in the councils despite the fact that Muslims had a lower percentage and had small numbers in the population. The Muslims were granted 6 reserved seats in the Imperial Council which the Hindus thought were more as compared to their population.

Lastly in those years Hindus had started demanding self rule and independence while the reforms gave no option to any effective power to Indian people to run the government. As the viceroy's council was purely advisory Congress wanted more power which the British were not ready to give. the move annoyed many Indians who were looking and now wanted self rule for India and they saw the Morley - Minto reforms against them.

Therefore on account of the above mentioned reasons the Morley Minto reforms faced huge opposition by the Congress Party in India.
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Can you give the full answer for the question "Why was Muslim League established in 1906?" Please answer this.
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Q. Why did Jinnah produce his 14 points?(7)
Q. Why was the Quit India Movement formed in 1942?(7)
Q. Why was Chaudri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan?(7)
Q. Why was the Simla deputation of 1906 an important event for the Muslims of the subcontinent?(7)
Q. Why was Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan?(7)
Q. Was the Simla Conference of 1945 the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answers.(14)

need answers for these ASAP can you help????????
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Can you give the full answer for the question "Why was Muslim League established in 1906?" Please answer this.
Question: Why was Muslim League established in 1906? [7]
Answer: After the success of Simla Deputation the Muslims leaders wanted to create a permanent political party of their own.
The Muslim Leaders believed that the Muslims were not united, Congress was working for the Protection of the Hindu rights and Congress was not working for the rights of all the Indians. The belief among the same of the Muslim Leaders was that the Muslim rights would not be protected and advanced if they continued to rely on the Indians National Congress. They saw it as an organization which would only advance Hindu Views. Congress was demanding that Indian should be treated as a cultural whole and Hindi should be declared the official language. By not organizing a Muslim group, they saw that they would continue to be disorganized and discontinued.
Even they more worrying to some Muslims was the growth of tiny extreme Hindu nationalist groups demanding that Muslims be forcibly converted to Hinduism. Equally they saw a way to increase their influence with the British and gain better terms for the Muslims (Because many British saw Indians as organized and divided on religious liners). But the main motivating factor was that the Muslims' intellectual class wanted representation; the masses needed a platform on which to unite. It was the dissemination of western thought by John Locke, Milton and Thomas Paine, etc. at the M. A. O. College that initiated the emergence of Muslim nationalism.
On December 30 1906, the annual meeting of Muhammadan Educational Conference was held at Dhaka under the chairmanship of Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk. Almost 3,000 delegates attended the session making it the largest-ever representative gathering of Muslim India. For the first time the conference lifted its ban on political discussion, when Nawab Salim Ullah Khan presented a proposal for establish a political party to safeguard the interests of the Muslims. Therefore a number of prominent Muslims founded the Muslim league after the success of Simla Deputation.
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Q. Why did Jinnah produce his 14 points?(7)
Q. Why was the Quit India Movement formed in 1942?(7)
Q. Why was Chaudri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan?(7)
Q. Why was the Simla deputation of 1906 an important event for the Muslims of the subcontinent?(7)
Q. Why was Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan?(7)
Q. Was the Simla Conference of 1945 the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answers.(14)

need answers for these ASAP can you help????????
Question: Why was the ‘Quit India’ Movement formed in 1942? [7]
Answer: Amidst World War II, on 8th August 1940, the British Government announced dominion status to India through its famous 'August Offer' which was rejected by the Indians. The Cripps Mission of 1942 was another step ahead which suggested full dominion status to India and also the right to secede from the British Commonwealth of Nations. This proposal was also rejected by the people of India.
As both the Congress and the league rejected the Cripps mission, because League wanted the partition and congress wanted the immediate and full control over the Government. The British were in the middle of the war and were in a very crucial situation which congress exploited by demanding the British to leave India. So The Quit India Resolution was passed on August, 1942 by the All India Congress Committee, at Bombay that urged for the immediate end of the British rule in India.
Addressing the people of India, Gandhi told, "Every one of you should from this moment onward consider yourself a free man or woman and act as if you are free.... I am not going to be satisfied with anything short of complete freedom. We shall do or die. We shall either free India or die in the attempt." To Gandhi, it was last struggle of his life to win the freedom of India. In the next day, the prominent Congress leaders including Gandhi were behind the bars. Thus began strikes, processions, meetings and functions by the Indians all over the country. The Government, unaware of the change of Indian mind, started repressive measures to quell movement. In this second stage, the people went ahead and attacked railway stations, post offices, police stations etc.
Question: The Simla Conference of 1945 contributed the most in the establishment of separate homeland for the Muslims in the period 1940-1947. Explain your answer? [14]
Answer: When the British saw that the Congress and the League were not agreeing on any kind of constitutional reforms, Lord Wavell called the leadership of major Indian Parties in Simla Conference of 1945 in which Lord Wavell proposed his own proposals in the shape of Lord Wavell plan. However there were some other major political factors during the period 1940-1947 like Gandhi-Jinnah Talks, Cabinet Mission Plan.
In May 1945 Lord Wavell the Viceroy of India went to London and discussed his ideas about the future of India. About the future India with the British administration which formulated a plan of action that was made public in June 1945. The plan suggested the reconstitution of the Viceroy’s executive council in which the Viceroy was to select persons nominated by the political parties. Different communities were also to get their due share in the council and parity was reserved for casts Hindu and Muslims. This plan of Lord Wavell’s can only be executed if the leadership of leading political parties agreed with the suggestion of the government so to discuss these proposals Lord Wavell called a conference in Simla on June 25th 1945. The leadership of both Congress and Muslim League attended the conference. However differences arouse between the leadership of the two parties on the issue of representation of the Muslims community. The Muslim League claimed that it was the only Muslim representative party in India and the entire Muslims representative in the Viceroy’s executive council should be the nominees of the Party. On the other hand Congress tried to prove that their party represented all the parties living in India and thus should be allowed to nominate Muslim representatives as well. Congress also opposed the ideas of parity between the cast- Hindus and the Muslims. All this resulted in a deadlock finally Wavell announced his failure on the July 14, this attempt of Lord Wavell was failed because Jinnah not only wanted parity between the Muslims and the Hindus (which was conceded) but also insisted on the Muslim League nominating all Muslims councilors (which was not conceded).
The Gandhi-Jinnah talks began in Bombay on September 19, 1944, and lasted till the 24th of the month. Gandhi argued with Jinnah in the talks that all Indians are one nation therefore demand of separate homeland was baseless. Congress and league should cooperate and achieve independent first, then a referendum maybe held in Muslim majority provinces to find out if they wish to be separated. Punjab and Bengal will have to be divided because there are non-Muslims majority districts. Mr. Jinnah did not agree and pressed upon an independent and sovereign Muslim state. Therefore no fruitful result came out because Gandhi did not accepted Muslims as a separate nation. On the other hand Jinnah wanted all six provinces which were Bengal, Kashmir, Baluchistan, N.W.F.P, Sind and Punjab to be included in Pakistan. Though the Gandhi-Jinnah negotiations failed to achieve the avowed goal of the Hindu-Muslim unity, they brought to Jinnah and the Muslim League two important political gains. Firstly, the leadership of the Congress had now offered to discuss the question of Pakistan seriously before that, the Congress and Mahatma had kept the door to that subject uncompromisingly shut. Secondly, the Congress could no longer justifiably claim that it stood for all the communities in India including the Muslims. Louis Fisher wrote: "The wall between Jinnah and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory."
All of the British government’s attempts to establish peace between the Congress and Muslim League had failed. The election of 1945-46 was still being held when the British government decided to send a Cabinet mission to India to resolve that political deadlock. The mission comprising Lord Patrick Lawrence, Secretary of state of India Sir Stafford Cripps, Chairmen board of the trade etc. Lord Patrick Lawrence announced that the intention of the mission was to work out a workable political plan in consultation with the different shades of Indian public opinion. The Muslim League accepted the plan on June 6, 1946. Earlier, the Congress had accepted the plan on May 24, 1946, though it rejected the interim setup.
Simla Conference though did failed but it paved the way for the provincial and general elections of 1945-46 which the League performed impressively in these elections and Muslim league was approved as the biggest, strongest and the most representative organization in the country and the sole representatives of the Muslims of the region.
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Q. Why did Jinnah produce his 14 points?(7)
Q. Why was the Quit India Movement formed in 1942?(7)
Q. Why was Chaudri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan?(7)
Q. Why was the Simla deputation of 1906 an important event for the Muslims of the subcontinent?(7)
Q. Why was Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal an important influence on the struggle for a separate homeland for Pakistan?(7)
Q. Was the Simla Conference of 1945 the most important factor during the 1940s that led to the partition of the sub-continent in 1947? Give reasons for your answers.(14)

need answers for these ASAP can you help????????

Quetion: Why did Jinnah produced his 14 points in 1929? [7]
Answer: Muhammad Ali Jinnah produced his 14 points in response to the crisis over the Nehru Report of 1928. It was also a golden opportunity for the Quaid to set his demands.
The main objectives of the Nehru Report were to threaten the Muslim interest like they recommended in Nehru Report that no separate electorate for the Muslims, no one-third in the central assembly, no reservation of seats for the Muslims in Punjab and Bengal. Thus the Nehru Report was nothing else then the Congress document and thus totally opposed by Muslims of the sub-continent.
The Hindus under Congress threatened the Government with a disobedience movement if the Nehru report was not implemented into the act by December 31, 1929. This Hindu attitude proved to be a milestone in the freedom movement of the Muslims. It also proved to be a turning point in the life of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After reading the Nehru Report Quaid-e-Azam tried to get amendments in the Nehru Report in All Party conference in Calcutta, but he did not succeeded. This was the very moment when Jinnah announced a ‘Parting of the ways’. The Muslims wanted a separate homeland as they were different from the Hindus culturally; religiously and politically therefore, in March 1929 Quaid-e-Azam compiled a set of recommendations that greatly influenced Muslim thinking for a better part of the next decade. So in his 14 points Jinnah stated that the safe guard and protection for the rights and interests of the Muslims must be given, the demand of federal form of Government, provincial autonomy, protection of minorities, separate electorates, religious freedom to all and one-third seats for all Muslims and it further demanded that Sind must be separated from Bombay and full provincial status must be given to N.W.F.P and Baluchistan.
These 14 points set out the demands of the Muslims for any future negotiation with either Congress or the British. These 14 points became inspiration for the Muslims of the sub-continent because it convinced that the Hindus and the Muslims were two separate nations.
Question: Why was the Simla Deputation of 1906 an important turning point for the Muslims of the sub-continent? [7]

Answer: As the Muslims supported the Partition of Bengal which was an act of British government. Muslims also opposed the Boycott of British goods and declared their loyalty due to this they got on better with the British. In fact Simla Deputation is in line with the kind of thinking which was developing among the Muslims during that time that is they have certain interests and they must stand up to protect their rights and unless they do that the objective will not be achieved. The Simla Deputation of 1906 was an important event because the Muslims had certain interests and they must stand up to protect their rights. Simla Deputation was the first systematic attempt on the part of Muslims to present their demands so in 1906 a deputation of 35 Muslim elite leaders met with Viceroy Lord Minto and they put forward a The memorandum which they presented to the British government was a kind of the demands which were the upper most in the minds of the Muslims at that time. The delegation emphasized that Muslims should not be viewed simply in numerical terms but they should take into account their historical importance and the kinds of contribution the Muslims have made to British India and keeping in view that importance they should work towards accommodating their demands. It also guaranteed Muslims an Independent role in the Politics.
Representation more than their population because of their importance So that that representation have some significance, some importance and the representatives are able to play an important role, they demanded the introduction of Separate electorate in India, Reservations of Muslims seats in government jobs, Special share in Municipal or district boards University senates and syndicates, They also demanded that they should have Muslim representation in Viceroy Executive Council, The last significant demand made was that the college at Aligarh should be elevated to the status of Muslim University at Aligarh . The Viceroy was sympathetic towards the demands. It encouraged the Muslims to launch struggle for their rights parallel to the Indian National Congress but it required an organized platform. This achievement of simla deputation led to the formation of the All Indian Muslim League later in 1906.
Question: Why was Chaudhri Rehmat Ali an important influence on the struggle for a separate home land for Pakistan? [7]
Answer: Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, founder of the Pakistan National Movement, was born in 1895. From his early childhood, Rahmat Ali showed signs of great promise as a student. After completing his schooling, he joined the Islamia College of Lahore in order to get his Bachelor of Arts degree.
Rahmat Ali finished education in England, obtaining MA and LLB with honors from the universities of Cambridge and Dublin. It was during the years 1930 through 1933, that he seemed to have established the Pakistan National Movement, with its headquartering at Cambridge.
On January 28, 1933, he issued his first memorable pamphlet "Now or Never; Are we to live or perish forever?" He coined the word "Pakistan" for 30 million Muslims who live in the five northern units of India; Punjab, North West Frontier (Afghan) Province, Kashmir, Sindh and Baluchistan. The pamphlet also gave reasons for the establishment of Pakistan as a separate nation. He spoke of an independent homeland for Muslims, Pakistan, in the northern units of India, "Bang-i-Islam" for Muslims in Bengal, and "Usmanistan" for the Muslims in Hyderabad-Deccan. Chaudhry Rahmat Ali propagated the Scheme of Pakistan with a missionary zeal since its inception in 1933. In August 1947, Pakistan came to be established and in 1948 Chaudhry Rahmat Ali visited Pakistan. Later he proceeded to England to champion the cause of Kashmir through the United Nations.
Question: Why was Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal an important influence on the struggle for a separate home land for Pakistan? [7]
Answer: Several Muslim leaders and thinkers having insight into the Muslim-Hindu situation proposed the separation of Muslim India. However, Allama Muhammad Iqbal gave the most lucid explanation of the inner feelings of Muslim community in his presidential address to the All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930. Political events had taken an ominous turn. At this critical juncture, Iqbal realized that the peculiar problems of the Muslims in North-West India could only be understood by people belonging to this region and that in order to survive they would have to chalk out their own line of action. In his address, Allama Iqbal explained that Islam was the major formative factor in the life history of Indian Muslims. It furnished those basic emotions and loyalties, which gradually unify scattered individuals and groups and finally transform them into a well-defined people, possessing a moral consciousness of their own. He defined the Muslims of India as a nation and suggested that there could be no possibility of peace in the country unless and until they were recognized as a nation. He claimed that the only way for the Muslims and Hindus to prosper in accordance with their respective cultural values was under a federal system where Muslim majority units were given the same privileges that were to be given to the Hindu majority units.
As a permanent solution to the Muslim-Hindu problem, Iqbal proposed that Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Baluchistan and Sindh should be converted into one province. He declared that the northwestern part of the country was destined to unite as a self-governed unit, within the British Empire or without it. This, he suggested, was the only way to do away with communal riots and bring peace in the Sub-continent.
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was day of delivernce justified, do u agree? explain ur ans!
i want points plz
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was day of delivernce justified, do u agree? explain ur ans!
i want points plz
Question: Do you agree that the celebration of the Day of Deliverance in 1939 was justified? Give reasons for your answer? [7]
Answer: In the 2nd World War Sept 1939 the British declared war on behave of India without consulting the Indians. The Congress high command in protests against the decision taken by the British ordered all the officers to resign from their offices.
In December 1939 when the Congress resigned from their rule of 1939, Quaid-e-Azam declared it as a Day of Deliverance and it dually justified. Congress rule from 1937-1939 had been hated by the Muslims due to the atrocities committed against the Muslims like during the Congress rule, Muslims were not allowed to follow their religious duties, the Hindus consistently intruded the call to prayer and killed many Muslims on slaughtering cows. Some other schemes started against Muslims by the Congress ministry that directly aimed at exterminating the Muslim religion.
These schemes were Bande Matram, a song in which degrading remarks for Muslims were sung and was adopted as the national anthem which had to be sung each day at the beginning of the day. Those who denied were abused and tortured. The introduction of Wardha Scheme In which Hindu was enforced as the official language and organized attacks were made on Muslim worshipers in Mosques, students in all the educational institutes have to bow before Gandhi’s portrait before staring their days preceding and the worst was Vidiya Mandir Scheme in which all students had to go to the Hindu Temples to learn Hindi and Hinduism classes. This was too a very great offense on Muslim culture and an insult to Islam.
So the Muslims saw these reforms as an attempt to convert them to Hinduism. On the other hand the unity between the Hindu and Muslims become irreconcilable and the chance of future unity between Congress and League for united India was doomed.
So it can be concluded that it is obvious that the Day of Deliverance which was announced by Jinnah in 1939 was justified as Muslims are freed from atrocities of Congress rule 1937-1939.
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thankyou so much!
If we have to divide the points so the three points would be:
-Hindus had their own party so to counter congress to gain influence
- to make the muslims united and organised under the flag of Muslim league
- a party was needed to voice the muslims demands, needs and interests.
Are these right?

Question: Why was Muslim League established in 1906? [7]
Answer: After the success of Simla Deputation the Muslims leaders wanted to create a permanent political party of their own.
The Muslim Leaders believed that the Muslims were not united, Congress was working for the Protection of the Hindu rights and Congress was not working for the rights of all the Indians. The belief among the same of the Muslim Leaders was that the Muslim rights would not be protected and advanced if they continued to rely on the Indians National Congress. They saw it as an organization which would only advance Hindu Views. Congress was demanding that Indian should be treated as a cultural whole and Hindi should be declared the official language. By not organizing a Muslim group, they saw that they would continue to be disorganized and discontinued.
Even they more worrying to some Muslims was the growth of tiny extreme Hindu nationalist groups demanding that Muslims be forcibly converted to Hinduism. Equally they saw a way to increase their influence with the British and gain better terms for the Muslims (Because many British saw Indians as organized and divided on religious liners). But the main motivating factor was that the Muslims' intellectual class wanted representation; the masses needed a platform on which to unite. It was the dissemination of western thought by John Locke, Milton and Thomas Paine, etc. at the M. A. O. College that initiated the emergence of Muslim nationalism.
On December 30 1906, the annual meeting of Muhammadan Educational Conference was held at Dhaka under the chairmanship of Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk. Almost 3,000 delegates attended the session making it the largest-ever representative gathering of Muslim India. For the first time the conference lifted its ban on political discussion, when Nawab Salim Ullah Khan presented a proposal for establish a political party to safeguard the interests of the Muslims. Therefore a number of prominent Muslims founded the Muslim league after the success of Simla Deputation.
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thankyou so much!
If we have to divide the points so the three points would be:
-Hindus had their own party so to counter congress to gain influence
- to make the muslims united and organised under the flag of Muslim league
- a party was needed to voice the muslims demands, needs and interests.
Are these right?
yes! valid points
Reaction score
Question: Do you agree that the celebration of the Day of Deliverance in 1939 was justified? Give reasons for your answer? [7]
Answer: In the 2nd World War Sept 1939 the British declared war on behave of India without consulting the Indians. The Congress high command in protests against the decision taken by the British ordered all the officers to resign from their offices.
In December 1939 when the Congress resigned from their rule of 1939, Quaid-e-Azam declared it as a Day of Deliverance and it dually justified. Congress rule from 1937-1939 had been hated by the Muslims due to the atrocities committed against the Muslims like during the Congress rule, Muslims were not allowed to follow their religious duties, the Hindus consistently intruded the call to prayer and killed many Muslims on slaughtering cows. Some other schemes started against Muslims by the Congress ministry that directly aimed at exterminating the Muslim religion.
These schemes were Bande Matram, a song in which degrading remarks for Muslims were sung and was adopted as the national anthem which had to be sung each day at the beginning of the day. Those who denied were abused and tortured. The introduction of Wardha Scheme In which Hindu was enforced as the official language and organized attacks were made on Muslim worshipers in Mosques, students in all the educational institutes have to bow before Gandhi’s portrait before staring their days preceding and the worst was Vidiya Mandir Scheme in which all students had to go to the Hindu Temples to learn Hindi and Hinduism classes. This was too a very great offense on Muslim culture and an insult to Islam.
So the Muslims saw these reforms as an attempt to convert them to Hinduism. On the other hand the unity between the Hindu and Muslims become irreconcilable and the chance of future unity between Congress and League for united India was doomed.
So it can be concluded that it is obvious that the Day of Deliverance which was announced by Jinnah in 1939 was justified as Muslims are freed from atrocities of Congress rule 1937-1939.
Dear Tuba, this is what my point of view is......
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Dear Tuba, this is what my point of view is......
Asalam-o-Elikum Sir,
Can U plz solve these questions for me?
c)During the second world war(1939-1945)negotiations aid at independence achieved little?Give reasons why you might agree and agree with this statement.
c)'The 14 points were Jinnah's greatest achievements in the years 1929 to 1947'.do you agree?explain your answer.
c)Do your agree that celebration of the 'day of deliverance' in 1939 was justified?Give reasons for your answer.
c)how important was Jinnah to Pakistan movement?Explain your answer.
c)'the Lucknow pact of 1916 was the only beacon of hope for Hindu-Muslim unity between 1914 and 1930'Do you agree?Give reasons to support your answer.
c)'The morley-minto reforms were the most important of the attempts by either the Muslims, Hindus or the British Government in seeking solutions to the problems in the sub-continent between 1906 and 1920'Do you agree?Give reasons for your answer.
c)'The morley-minto reforms were the most important than any other political developments between 1906 and 1919 'do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
c)Was the introduction of Jinnah 14 points in 1929 the most important factor in the development of the Pakistan movement between 1928 and 1935?give reasons for your answer.
I have very less time left plz help me.
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Q : Why were the British able to replace the Mughals as the dominant force in the sub-continent by 1850? [7].

[Military Superiority] : The British were successful in gaining control over India because of their military superiority. They fought a series of bloody wars and defeated a number of strong local rulers like Siraj-ud-Daulah in the battle of Plassy, Tipu Sultan in the battle of Maysure, the Marathas and the Sikhs. They had latest warfare tools, efficient communication for quick deployment of troops and sound financial resources for fighting costly wars in the far-flung areas. They had well-trained army and good planners of war strategies. They were also expert in bribing and conspiring with the key persons like Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq with the help of whom they defeated their strong rivals in the battlefields.

[Dealing Skills] : The British were very skilled diplomatic experts. They gained the support of a number of local rulers. They were shrewd in purchasing the loyalties of influential Indians. They signed “subsidiary alliances” with local rulers under which the rulers were granted protection by the British troops. In return, they paid the salaries of the soldiers and provided residence to a British advisor. These were lucrative deals and control on the affairs!

[Indian Disunity] : Indians were not united as a single nation. They were divided along religious, linguistic and ethnic lines. Local rulers were interested only to their own territories. Some princely states even supplied troops to the British when they were fighting against their countrymen. It was very easy for the strong British army to conquer them one after the other. Majority of the well-off Indians stayed away from the wars. They were making profits by trading with the English merchants. They were also happy with the infrastructure the British were developing including schools, hospitals, roads, railway networks and irrigation systems.

[Doctrine of Lapse] : The doctrine of lapse, introduced in 1852, was a land-grabbing law. If the ruler of a princely state would pass away without having a direct heir, his kingdom would become property of the British. A number of states were seized under this law.
Doctrine of lapse was in 1852 the question says by 1850 .... u could add the anaxations of sindh and punjab
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Urdu a
Q : Why was Urdu chosen as the national language of Pakistan ? [7].

At the time of independence Quaid-e-Azam chose Urdu as the natioonal language of the new country . The main reasons for this choice were the language's high status and association with the Pakistan Movement.

One of the reasons that urdu became the national language of Pakistan was its long and golden history. It was widely used in the mughal era and its history dates back to the Delhi Sultanate. It was widely understood by the muslim population as well as the army too. It was a well know language and considered the language for the muslims and had became very popular too. Therefore Urdu's history contributed alot to its selection as the national language

Secondly Urdu was selected for its high status. Urdu had a vast and rich literature and was classed as an important language of the world even before Partition. Some of the most finest and popular poets and writers of the world wrote in Urdu. Amir Khusro was the first one who used this language in his literary works. Many popular and Well Known poets rabnging from about 3 centuries wrote in urdu. Amongst them were Mirza Ghalib , Bahadur Shah Zafar , Mir Taqi Mir , Mir Zauq , Allama Iqbal , Chaudary Rehmat Ali , Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to name a few. Sir Syed's school at Aligarh became a centre for the study of this language. The Holy Qur'an had also been translated in Urdu. Urdu novels and Literary works were (and still) are very popular and thus Urdu was considered a language of rich literary tradition.

Perhaps the major reason for Urdu's selection was its long association with the Pakistan Movement and the Road to Independence. Sir Syed was in favour of Urdu and supported it during the highly controversial Hindi - Urdu controversy. Secondly Muslim League's agenda was to save and promote Urdu. Urdu was seen as a uniting force for the whole muslim population and it was considered as a langauge for the muslims for about 300 years. No other provincial or regional language was fit or best enough to become the national language. Quaid saw it to unite the newly independent muslim populationans since Pakistan was a new countryit was pretty much appropriate to pick a language that had played its part in unifying and consolidating the muslims.

Therefore on account of its long history, high status and relation to the road to independence Urdu was rightfully chosen as the national language of Pakistan.
Urdu also gained international recognition when Allama Iqbal got nominated for the noble prize in Urdu (1920) ;)
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Quetion: Why did Jinnah produced his 14 points in 1929? [7]
Answer: Muhammad Ali Jinnah produced his 14 points in response to the crisis over the Nehru Report of 1928. It was also a golden opportunity for the Quaid to set his demands................................................................................................................................................................................................
Thank you sooooo very much really helped
and i need a lil more help :rolleyes:
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Reaction score
Asalam-o-Elikum Sir,
Can U plz solve these questions for me?
c)During the second world war(1939-1945)negotiations aid at independence achieved little?Give reasons why you might agree and agree with this statement.
c)'The 14 points were Jinnah's greatest achievements in the years 1929 to 1947'.do you agree?explain your answer.
c)Do your agree that celebration of the 'day of deliverance' in 1939 was justified?Give reasons for your answer.
c)how important was Jinnah to Pakistan movement?Explain your answer.
c)'the Lucknow pact of 1916 was the only beacon of hope for Hindu-Muslim unity between 1914 and 1930'Do you agree?Give reasons to support your answer.
c)'The morley-minto reforms were the most important of the attempts by either the Muslims, Hindus or the British Government in seeking solutions to the problems in the sub-continent between 1906 and 1920'Do you agree?Give reasons for your answer.
c)'The morley-minto reforms were the most important than any other political developments between 1906 and 1919 'do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
c)Was the introduction of Jinnah 14 points in 1929 the most important factor in the development of the Pakistan movement between 1928 and 1935?give reasons for your answer.
I have very less time left plz help me.
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