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Importance of Duaa


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once Moosa (AS) asked Allah:"o Allah!you have granted me the honor n privilege of talking to you directly.Have you given this privilege to any other person?" Allah replied :"O Moosa!during the last period i am going to send an ummat,who will be te ummat of Muhammad (SAWS) with dry lips,parched tounges ,emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets,with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger will call out to me (in dua) they will be closer to me than you.O Moosa!while you speak to me there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting ummati of Muhammad (SAWS) O Moosa! i have taken upon myself the responsibility that at the time of iftaar i will never refuse the Dua of a fasting person!"

plz spread this hadith!
AsSAlamu Alaikum wr wb,

jazakillah khair for the tag.. :)

but plz try NOT to spread this "hadith"...

read this: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/124410
it isn't from authentic sunnah.. so we shouldn't spread it...

may Allah s.w.t show us the truth as truth and grant us to follow it.. may Allah s.w.t show us falsehood as falsehood and grant us to stay away from it,.. aameeen..!

P.S. plz dnt mind me pointing this out... umm... I make mistakes too n its best if such mistakes are corrected so u learn our deen better, insha'Allah.. :)


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once Moosa (AS) asked Allah:"o Allah!you have granted me the honor n privilege of talking to you directly.Have you given this privilege to any other person?" Allah replied :"O Moosa!during the last period i am going to send an ummat,who will be te ummat of Muhammad (SAWS) with dry lips,parched tounges ,emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets,with livers dry and stomachs suffering the pangs of hunger will call out to me (in dua) they will be closer to me than you.O Moosa!while you speak to me there are 70000 veils between you and me but at the time of iftaar there will not be a single veil between me and the fasting ummati of Muhammad (SAWS) O Moosa! i have taken upon myself the responsibility that at the time of iftaar i will never refuse the Dua of a fasting person!"

plz spread this hadith!
AsSAlamu Alaikum wr wb,

jazakillah khair for the tag.. :)

but plz try NOT to spread this "hadith"...

read this: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/124410
it isn't from authentic sunnah.. so we shouldn't spread it...

may Allah s.w.t show us the truth as truth and grant us to follow it.. may Allah s.w.t show us falsehood as falsehood and grant us to stay away from it,.. aameeen..!

P.S. plz dnt mind me pointing this out... umm... I make mistakes too n its best if such mistakes are corrected so u learn our deen better, insha'Allah.. :)
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AsSAlamu Alaikum wr wb,

jazakillah khair for the tag.. :)

but plz try NOT to spread this "hadith"...

read this: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/124410
it isn't from authentic sunnah.. so we shouldn't spread it...

may Allah s.w.t show us the truth as truth and grant us to follow it.. may Allah s.w.t show us falsehood as falsehood and grant us to stay away from it,.. aameeen..!

P.S. plz dnt mind me pointing this out... umm... I make mistakes too n its best if such mistakes are corrected so u learn our deen better, insha'Allah.. :)

brother thank u for the post but i believe that it is authentic cuz many ppl have read it and believed it rest is all on u guys
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatu,
Sisters and Brothers in Islam!!!
There are many a times when we sit for Iftar and instead of asking Dua'a from God, our ENTIRE concentration stays on the food laid down before us!! '' Wow!! That sure smells gooody goood!!" and " Mom! Please bring the Ketchup coz am not sure this will taste nice without it:unsure:..." are the usual commentary which are heard in the time of Acceptance which is the time of Iftar. Subhanallah!! This is a time when Allah(SWT) accepts the dua of the believers and those who are fasting! Many dont even listen carefully to the Call to the Maghrib Prayer...
Everyone is seen busy GOBBLING UP the food in Vast Quantities:eek:!!
O my dear Muslim brothers and sisters!! This was not the way of our Beloved, Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him). The Mother of all Believers, Aisha(RadhiAllahu Anha) reported that when Ramadan appeared, the colour of the Prophet's face used to change. He used to increase his 'Salat', become more humble in his Duas and exhibit even more fear of Allah. We all are the Ummati's of the Holy Prophet. Shouldnt we follow his example? Numorous are Ahadith stating that that the fasting person's Duaas are accepted.
We should therefore take advantage of this chance. Who knows that this might be our last Ramadan? We are not even sure whether we'll be alive the next second or not! So, Brothers and Sisters, instead of staring at your plate of food and feeling sorry for yourself(That you cant eat it yet:(),
Raise your hands in prayer and ask Allah for anything you want, be it Respect, Intelligence,Strength, Long life for your parents and so many things which you can think about. And the best thing about this is that surely it will be accepted by the Exalted some day or the other. We muslims are the LUCKIEST people on earth, if only we would abide the rules of Allah more properly with complete devotion. Fasting does not only mean giving up food and drink, but it also teaches us patience and brings us more close to Allah.
Always remember, the dua to be read while starting Iftar(after breaking fast with dates or water) is,
'' Allahumma Laka Sumtu Wa Bika Aamantu, Wa Alaika Tawakkal tu, Wa Ala Rizkika Aftartu"
'O Allah! For You have I fasted, in You do I believe and on You do I rely, and now I break my fast with food coming from You'.
Subhanallah! What a comprehensive Duaa!!
So my dear fellow muslims!! Take advantage of the time before Iftar and have your Prayers accepted by the Most Gracious!!
May Allah accept all our prayers! Ameen
Thnkx Afnan it's a nice one :)