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Islamiat Guess Paper For Oct/Nov Session

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zainJ said:
can anyone plz answer this question
Q)how are the Qur'an and Hadiths used together in islamic legal thinking?
i know how to start,i mean ill b writing that Quran and hadith never disagree ,but rather complement each other,etc.
give me some points for what happens when they are used together.please
Dude start in this way dat Quran is thrst first of primary sources of law because Allah is the supremem authority and Quran is the word of Allah. and when a muslim has any questions he seeks for guidance in the Quran and if the answer is present so it is the final word ,But Quran sometimes jus give brief information on some things and those things are explained in the Hadith of Prophet Lyk for eg the Quran mentions us pay zakat and pray.But the details of which were given to us by Prohphet The Prophet said:Pray As You see praying give more examples lyk riba example...
And then write da characteristics of quran and Hdith...
They neva condratict..
The hadith compliments the Quran..
Quran is the first ov the Primary source of law sources of law and Hadith is the second one..nd etc...

Hope ur clear wid it...
If ya still need detaisl tell me i ll give ya more=)
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yar i am totaly blank about the answer for guess paper 3 a and 3 b.im getting tensed yar please can anyone answer my question.
just give me point please...
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i have also reffered to farkhand noor but i dont know how to write the answer
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zainJ said:
yar i am totaly blank about the answer for guess paper 3 a and 3 b.im getting tensed yar please can anyone answer my question.
just give me point please...
Yar U have to describe 3 incidents and explain the way in which the Prophet treated em..
i am giving u da incidents u can give details about em i think...but if ur still havin prblm den tell me i ll give u da events wwith details..
Here are the incidents
You can write about The Conquest Of Makkah And the way the prophet pardoned all ov his enemies...
You can write about taif dat how they torchered him but He still prayed to Allah to show em the right path and he when the angels asked Him dat if u say we will destroy taif but the Prophet refused..
You can even write about how the jews always tried to harm the Prophet but he always tried to avoid Disagreement b/w the two tribes..
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You can refer to pg 95 of Farkhandanoor for more examples of incidents..
If still got a problem den tell me i ll try to help u further
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umm...hello every1..im really really scared..plus after lookin at these guesses i am continously crying..cox i dont noe nything..i studied frm yasmin malik nd dr.iftikhar..buh i had just 3 months to study..i dont noe wut to do..plz can u answer those questions in detail where u have written to refer farkhunda noor cox i dont have the book.nd please answe the last question asap!im crying since i saw these..plx help me =(
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xarak said:
umm...hello every1..im really really scared..plus after lookin at these guesses i am continously crying..cox i dont noe nything..i studied frm yasmin malik nd dr.iftikhar..buh i had just 3 months to study..i dont noe wut to do..plz can u answer those questions in detail where u have written to refer farkhunda noor cox i dont have the book.nd please answe the last question asap!im crying since i saw these..plx help me =(
U knw seriiously if possible fr u den get da book frm sumwhere coz it wud be moe useful to u...
Nd i wrote refer to farkhanda noor for question number 1 but for that you can even get answers in ur yasmin malik book in chapter 33 and 34..
Den i wrote refer to farkhandanoor for q3 a but i jus gaved its answer in a recent post so for dat check pg 11 of this thread..
Den i have given brief details for q4 and even reffered farkhandannor for it but you can even find its answer in yasmin malik...I ve given da topics for the answer so jus search em in Prophet's life in ur book..
And den for Q5 you can see da answer for it on pg 255 of yasmin malik...
And yea u dunt need to cry abut anything dont worry jus read the question carefully...
u might know the answer but the questioon might be tricky...so read da question with calm and ease...

If ya still got any problem U can ask me=)
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ok ans of 3a(guys if im wrong tell me my mistakes,or if im missing anything plz correct me)
Ans 3a)the Prophet stressed on keeping peacefull relations with other states.He was kind and forgiving.

In the early years of Islam the prophet and muslims faced a lot of difficulties.early muslims were tortured and imprisoned without food and water.for example Zimra was tortured so badly that she got blind.Prophet and the muslims faced so many difficulties that they had to migrate to Madinah.But when prophet conquerd Makkah everyone was forgiven.Prophet said"There shall be no reproach against you ,go,you are free".Prophet gave a pardon to everyone,by this act of forgivness and sincerity the kuffar became Muslims.

When prophets uncle,abu Talib,died Prophet had no security because in makkah there was tribal system and nobody in makkah granted safety for the muslims.In order get ssome support the prophet set a trip to tAIf,with his adopted son,ZAID bin harris.explain that leaders didnt really listen to Muhammad(s),even ste teenagers to abuse and twrow stones at muhammad and his son.they were brutally hurt .boold filled his shoes.but still when Prophet went outside taif he prayed that the taif people become muslims.even angels come and said that with the prophets permission they wud crush thae city.Prophet refused.In 9 AH whole of Taif accepted Islam.

similarly,Jews kept plotting murders against Prophet but he always excused them forgave them.they broke agreement PROPHET kndly asked them to leave Madinah,he always tried to clear the disagreement between the two tribes.He let them follow their own religion.

this is it
but what more can i right about the jews?
and thank u very much saad qadir
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Saud aslam ,silent hunter,Saad Qadir,,etc am i missing anything in the answer i wrote
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the Prophet (pbuh) wanted good relations but the other states broke the treaties and worked against interests of Islam and thus muslims had to take action against them because it was a threat to ISLAM and the Muslims as well.(e.g. battles,jews exiled,taif n counquest of makkah etc ) YOU CAN ADD THIS AT END IN ORDER TO GIVE CONCLUSION. :D
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saad qadir or anyone;
the details for Hazrat Talha which are needed in the answer of Q6) is page 124 of farkhanda noor enough?that page is from the ten blessed companions,explaing each of the companion.and what time is the islamiat exam in pakistan ?
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zainJ said:
saad qadir or anyone;
the details for Hazrat Talha which are needed in the answer of Q6) is page 124 of farkhanda noor enough?that page is from the ten blessed companions,explaing each of the companion.and what time is the islamiat exam in pakistan ?
Silent Hunter wrote:
look harris019 don get depressed!! abut hazrat talha.....u may write that he took part in uhad ,shielded the Holy Prophet(pbuh),c frkhnda noor fr details,battle of hunain,his aid during tabuk expedition.Hazrat Ayesha was source of teaching,played important part in decisions made by caliphs of islam,her war with Hazrat Ali,.

Saad Qadir wrote:
Lol r u seriouss?? after reading this i am having so much sympathy fr u...
U see when dis question came bfr na almost all da candidates did a stupid mistakee wrote abut hz Talha And Hz khadijaa...Lyk hello wake up read da question caregully...
It says describe the main events during the lifetime of the prophet whcih involvedthe following people..
lyk u dunt have to write abut em u shud give details abut the events in which they were involved And just a little bit of their contributon in it...lyk for eg for hz khadija u had to write abut the call to prophethood and role which she played,you had to write abut the early preaching of islam,and the boycott...(all briefly)

P.s:Agar ye question ajata na tou app log tou sab galat likh ke ajate=P..

I hope i have cleared ma self=)
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I wrote this to silent hunter when was even saying da wrongs answer abut Q6 check pg number 9 i said this to him ova there
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i would have if i could have!every1 is sick at my house..nd there is no way possible for me to go out nd get the book!okay ill refer to yasmin malik thnx for quoting the pages nd chapters!okay i wont cry now tht u have told me so much! thnx for being so supportive saad! the thing is i dint study much because i had to cope up wid my skewl tests nd stuff because im in A2 plus im a sciency -__-
um thts the prob whnever i get a tricky question i get confused nd do blunders nd after tyms up i realize my mistake nd how easy the question wux! i wud try to b calm nd easy but the kids i asked they keep saying if u take a lot of time ull miss on ur last question so i ve to b fast!

aww thnx for asking..since u have lemme ask u a few! 1st thing:is it necessary toi write 1 to 2 pages for the 14 mark questions cox my writing style is brief like i describe everthing briefly nd to the point nd my handwritin is really small!
2nd thing:in the specimen for 09 there is this question 5a)Describe the main events that involved the Prophet with Abu Talib and
Abu Sufyan
buh the answer is not given can u plx tell!
thnx agen =)
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@saad qadir: thanks alot bro...................i got it n realized ma mistake....thanks again. :D
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xarak said:
i would have if i could have!every1 is sick at my house..nd there is no way possible for me to go out nd get the book!okay ill refer to yasmin malik thnx for quoting the pages nd chapters!okay i wont cry now tht u have told me so much! thnx for being so supportive saad! the thing is i dint study much because i had to cope up wid my skewl tests nd stuff because im in A2 plus im a sciency -__-
um thts the prob whnever i get a tricky question i get confused nd do blunders nd after tyms up i realize my mistake nd how easy the question wux! i wud try to b calm nd easy but the kids i asked they keep saying if u take a lot of time ull miss on ur last question so i ve to b fast!

aww thnx for asking..since u have lemme ask u a few! 1st thing:is it necessary toi write 1 to 2 pages for the 14 mark questions cox my writing style is brief like i describe everthing briefly nd to the point nd my handwritin is really small!
2nd thing:in the specimen for 09 there is this question 5a)Describe the main events that involved the Prophet with Abu Talib and
Abu Sufyan
buh the answer is not given can u plx tell!
thnx agen =)
Ohkk..first of all Np..
nd yea now to ur questions..
First ov all there is no 14 mark question , question is divivded into 2 parts 10 marks and 14 marks..It is not necessary to fill pages but it necessary to give details...You jus cant brief them so try to write every possible detail coz u never know which point might earn you marks...And for the specimen question The events with Abu talib were Early Call to Islam,The Opposition And persecution and den the Boycott...
The events with Abu sufyan were battle Of uhad And Conquest of makkah ,The LETTER TO HERACLIUS...These are the three main events...
Dats it=)
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