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Pakistan and China:
PAK's aid from non-communist countries meant that they could not be allies
In 1962 China went to war with India -- Improved relations with PAK
USA supported India in war with China -- PAK CHINA RELATIONS IMPROVED
PAK CHINA border settlements ended peacefully
China gave $60 million interest free loan, became world's largest PAK COTTON importer
PIA started first international flights in China
1964, China supported PAK KASHMIR issue, PAK accepted China in UN
In 1965, full support was given to PAK
In 1971, less support was given as China was itself in threat from USSR
1978, Karakoram highway built -- RELATIONS IMPROVED
1986, PAK CHINA signed Nuclear Cooperation treaty
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Pakistan, Britain and Commonwealth:
PAK part of commonwealth
1950 Colombo Plan gave Pakistan 1million pounds for Sui Gas project and $40 million for railway
Commonwealth didnt support Kashmir issue -- Bad Relations
Worked together in CENTO and SEATO
PAK criticised British over invasion of Suez Canal in 1956
UK had helped 1965 war to END
UK remained neutral over Bengladesh issue, In 1971, commonwealth accepted Bengladesh to be separate country -- PAK RESIGNED IN PROTEST
UK supported in Afghan Miracle
UK gave 46 million pounds for refugees of NWFP and Balochistan over the issue of Afghan war
1980s, Important trading partner -- 376 million pound worth trades
In, 1989 PAK joined commonwealth
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Pakistan and Bengladesh:

Bad relations over partition
Problem of reallocating assets -- Bengal claimed it had right to many assets of PAK
Issue of rehabilitation -- people in each country wanted to settle in other countries
In 1974, Shiekh Mujib was invited in Organization of Islamic Countries OIC -- Pakistan officially recognized Bengladesh as country and tried to solve their differences
In 1974, Bhutto went to BENGAL, they insisted to get over half of assets and to take all non Bengalis from here, BOTH OPTIONS WERE REJECTED -- More division among them
1975, shiekh mujib died, Khondekar Mushtaq improved relations and reached agreements.
In 1986, trading done among them was worth $40 million
In 1985 and 1988, Bengal was hit with severe weather. PAK was first to help in both occasions -- they hadn't forgotten strong ties of MUSLIMS
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Pakistan and Afghanistan:

In 1979, both countries found common enemy, USSR
People of NWFP had voted to join PAK but Afghanis resisted
Dr. Khan Sahib and Abdul Ghaffar controlled NWFP in 1947 and had given idea of Pakhtoonistan
It was the only country which voted against PAK joining UN in 1947
Peace talks were done in Karachi, option was given that if they dropped the idea of Pakhtoonistan, sea link would be given to them -- They disagreed
In march 1955, they attacked and ransacked PAK embassy in KABUL
They refused to join RCD because PAK was a member
Afghanis stayed nutral in 1965 war
Bhutto tried to improve relations and helped them after an eathquake in 1976
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Pakistan and Iran:

Baghdad Pact 1955 renamed as CENTO
Both were members of RCD
Iran persuaded other countries to aid PAK in 1965 war -- it wasnt successful still imposed a good image of Iran
It helped to finish uprising in Balochistan in 1973
After SHAH had been overthrown, the new Iran Government was suspicious on PAK as it supported SHAH
The new government was ANTI-US but PAK was receiving huge aid in 1979 from US
From 1980, Iran_Iraq War -- less interested in PAK relations

Pakistan and Muslim Countries:
Saudia Arab and Egypt did not like PAK signing Baghdad Pact
Egypt was annoyed that PAK didnt help in Suez crisis 1956
PAK supported Palestinian cause
1969 PAK joined OIC (organization of Muslim countries)
After 1971, Bhutto visited Muslim countries -- GOOD RELATIONS
After 1973 Arab-Israili war, PAK had good relations with MUSLIM states
PAK received loans -- IRAN: $730 million-- LIBYA: $80 million-- UAE: 100 million pounds
Libya, Qatar, UAE and KSA heavily invested in PAK's industry and economy
PAK had signed agreements and helped other countries in military in 1970s
PAK helped in stopping Kuwait, Iran and Iraq war
Turkey was part of RCD and Baghdad Pact. It had helped in PAK-India WARS.
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Pakistan and United Nations:
To save world from War -- requires agreement from all five permanent members. E.g in Iraq 1990 and Yugoslavia
Ensure all people have basic rights -- International court of justice
Ensure equal rights between all small and large countries
Ensure that countries respect international law
Work for higher standards
World Food Programme
PAK joined UN on 30th SEP, 1947
Aim of PAK is to establish peace
Spoke against occupation of Indonesia by Holland
It favored freedom movements like Algiers and Morocco
Spoke for issue of Palestine
PAK has received funds for economic development
World Food Programme has benefited refugees
UN ignored the issue of Kashmir and didn't arrange referendum for Kashmir people
The issue of Hyderabad wasn't solved and still pending in Security Council
Kashmir issue resulted in 1965 war
UN had quickly recognized Bangladesh as a country -- Annoyed Bhutto -- NEGATIVE IMPACT
Helped to solve Canal Water Dispute
World Bank provided financial assistance
It provided funds to develop HEP and soil reclamation.

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The scribes of the Holy Prophet were his secretaries.They were entrusted with several responsibilities.Prominent among them were the four caliphs,Hz Zaid Bin Thabit and Abdullah bin Masud.Some of the Ashab e Sufa also acted as his scribes.
The scribes were responsible for the recording of the revelations.Whenever the Holy Prophet received a revelation he would send for one or the other of the scribes and dictate the revelation .The recording of the revelation was also done by many other companions.These recordings were later used in the compilation of the Mushaf.These scribes were also Huffaz.
The scribes would carry out various secretarial jobs for the Prophet such as recording of judgements passed by the Prophet,drafting of treaties etc.Hz Ali drafted the treaty of Hudaibya.Hz Zaid bin Thabit learnt the Hebrew language in 19 days at the command of the Prophet and was responsible for all communications with the Jews. The scribes remained in the company of the Prophet and noted down his mannerisms,behavior,reactions etcand we,later generations,glean much of our knowledge of the seer at from these recordings.Some of the scribes also maintained the written record of the sayings of the Prophet eg the Sahifas of Hz Ali and the Kitab of Hz Abu Huraira.They also narrated a large number of traditions which were valuable at the time of the compilation of the ahadith into the authentic collection,such as As Sadiqa by Abdullah bin Amr bin Al Aas,which contained 1000 Ahadith.
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He was one of the best recites of the Quran
One of the few who had memorized the Quran in the Holy Prophet’s life time
One of those whom the Holy Prophet had asked to write down the Quran
One of the few who was present in the last Al Irza
The process which Hz Zaid undertook for the compilation:
He first collected all of the material on which the Quran had been written,such as the collar bones of camels,stones tablets, wide root of the date palm and leather pieces.He gathered all the memorisers and the scribes and compared what was written down with what he and others had memorized.if all agreed,he would then write down on pages of leather.In this way the whole Quran was written down during the reign of Hz AbuBakr the first caliph.On its completion, Zaid handed it tomHz Abu Bakr who kept it till his death.Just before his death the caliph handed the Quran to Hz Umar whom he had chosen as the second Caliph. This copy stayed with him until his death.This was then handed to Hz Hafsa his daughter and one of the Prophet’s wives.She kept it with her in Madinah in her custody but made it available for making copies of it,or to check the accuracy of what they had memorized.
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Outline from the passages you have studied, Allah’s relationship with the created world

In Surah Fatiha Allah teaches us the words of supplication the same way He taught Hz Adam. Allah is showing His love to us by teaching us the words of guidance so that we are not lost in the wilderness. He is taking care of us in this world and the hereafter. This is so because He is closer to us than our jugular wing.

In Surah Baqarah Allah shows His mercy and love by providing us with shelter and the comfort of the world. Allah says ” He has created the Earth with all provisions for our sustenance.” The sky as a shady umbrella, also providing rain through it. Then for all these favours we should only approach Him and associate not any partners with Him as sincere worship and obedience inculcates in us a consciousness of Allah’s presence.

Allah shows His love to us by giving us the gift of knowledge as the first word of the first revelation was “read”. He is also explaining to us the nature of our existence that we are created out of a clot of congealed blood. He asks us to thank Him and to take Him as the Lord who is the most bountiful. As He taught us all we do not know.

In Surah Zilzaal Allah is reminding us the scenario of the Day of Judgement. Belief on this Day is imperative for us. We are reminded of the life After death and we have to present a full record of our lives and acts alone in this world. Allah also shows His mercy and love by mentioning that if we have done an atom’s worth of good deed, we will be rewarded and if we have done a little bad, we will have to face the consequences. this also shows Allah’s justice. He is warning us to give up our lives of sin and be obedient to Him.

In Surah Nas, He concluded the message of the Quran by reinforcing that He is our King, Rabb, Well-wisher,Creator, Cherisher and Ruler more than any other King in this world. He is our guide and it is to Him we have to return and we are accountable to Him. He reminds us to be aware from evil as it inspires us through inception.
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Outline the main teachings of the ahadith you have studied, that talk about the responsibilities of individual Muslims.

As responsible individuals we have to fulfill our obligations towards Allah which means to believe in the unity of Allah, fast in the month of Ramadan, to attain self-discipline and follow the other pillars by following the Book of Allah. We must also fulfill our obligations towards other fellow beings to attain Paradise. To achieve the gald tidings in the Hereafter, the Prophet has explained us the different ways in which we can benefit oursleves and others in this world and in the Hereafter.

If we want to attain the mercy of Almighty Allah then we should be kind to all people around us, for example, orphans, widows and the less-privileged people of the society. The Prophet is reported to have said that Allah will not show mercy to the one who does not show mercy to others.

In regard to the orphans, he said that the ones who takes care of the basic needs of the orphans, and nurtures them, will be very close to the Prophet in Paradise. The Prophet also emphasised on the rights of widows. The Prophet said that the Muslim who takes care of the welfare of the widows earns the reward for fasting for the whole day and standing in prayer the whole night. For establishing brotherhood, he said, “None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.”

All the rewards are totally based on the sincerity of our actions, as he said, “Allah does not regard your appearances and your possessions, but he regards your hearts and your actions.”

The Prophet said to one of his Companions, “The professing of Faith removes all previous sins.” If a person is arrogant and his heart is full of pride, he will not enter Paradise, as the Quraan says, “Hell is the place for the proud and haughty.” To remove haughtiness from our lives the Prophet has instructes us to practise modesty as it produces virtues. A modest person will live a life of balance as he will be thankful to his Lord for all which he has received from the Almighty and will not consider it to be his own achievement. This will remove arrongance from his heart, thus he will submit himself to the will of Allah.

Secondly, modesty will help us to differentiate between the right and the wrong. The Prophet has also taught us the ethics of financial dealings. First of all, he has encouraged earning through hard work. He has said, “No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand.” He himself worked honestly and it was due to this that he earned the title of Sadiq and Ameen. He respected people who worked honestly with full devotion and acknowledged the contribution of Hz Abu Aqeel Ansari who worked throughout the night in a Jew’s garden, to donate a handful of dates for the Tabuk Expedition. Regarding the conduct of selling, he said, “May Allah show mercy to a man who is kind when he sells, when he buys and when he demands his money back.”

The Prophet said, “Paradise lies under the shadow of swords.” This means he laid great emphasis on Jihad. It is one of the obligations of Islam, and to fight and sacrifice one’s life and property in the path of Allah is considered to be honourable. However, the greatest Jihad is self-control which is to use our tongues appropriately and also other resources gifted to us by Allah Almighty. To achieve all this, one must try to read and study the Quraan, so that one can lead a life of contentment and satisfaction in this world and the Hereafter. He said, “He who studies the Quraan is like the owner of tethered camels; if he attends to them, he will keep hold of them but if he lets them loose, the will go away.” This clearly indicates that following the Quraan and Sunnah, which are collectively a complete code of life, is obligatory for all Believers.

A Muslimwill not be able to earn Paradise by only reciting the words of Shahadah. They must fulfill all the religious obligations as well, as well as their responsibilities towards the community.