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Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied, from the passages set for special study, about the responsibilities of individual Muslims (Oct/Nov 2011, Paper 2, Question 2) [10 marks]

The Ahadith set for special study effectively highlight the responsibilities of Muslims and what is expected from them in Islam. Sincerity—naseehah—forms the backbone of a Muslim’s conduct. A Believer must fulfill his social and religious obligations whole-heartedly to be a true Muslim. His heart must be free from doubts about AllahSWT, His Book or His MessengerSAWW, i.e., Articles of Faith, and must obey their Commands. Moreover, RasulullahSAWW also commands us to be cooperative with the leaders of Muslims, and have impeccable social relationships with common people. These impeccable social relations can be achieved only if a Believer practises fraternity and brotherhood, and also equality. RasulullahSAWW said, “None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.” If a Believer is to achieve perfection of faith, he must be genuinely interested in well-being of his brothers by desiring for them what he desires for himself. Absence of such a strong bond indicates weakness of Faith.

Muslims must display prudence while using their power of speech: the tongue shall be used for propagation of good & not for indecent, hurtful or idle talk. Another cardinal discipline for a true Believer is generosity, especially towards neighbours and guests. If these principles are ignored, a person’s claim to believe in AllahSWT and the Last Day can said to be disputed, according to a Hadith.

In another Hadith, the pre-condition to enter Jannah is also specified. A person must abide by the injunctions of Shariah, i.e., takelawful as lawful, and unlawful and unlawful, and perform obligatory prayers and fast in Ramadan. These help train a Muslim for all spheres of life, making him eligible to enter Jannah. However, the circle of virtuous deeds is not so confined. Helping others, like acting as a fair judge between 2 parties, or even lifting someone onto his conveyance also yields great rewards, equal to that of charity. A Muslim must try to facilitate others, as the ProphetSAWW said, “removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity”.

A Muslim shall also struggle in the way of AllahSWT—Jihad. One form, as per a Hadith, is to do physical or verbal efforts to suppress evil. Another form is to utilize one’s body, i.e., fight infidels in Allah’sSWT Way. This is the reason why those who die natural deaths, or deaths by plague or cholera in the Way of AllahSWT, are martyrs, as per another Hadith.

A Muslim is enjoined to aid the weak and destitute in the society, and be kind. A Hadith says, “God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others”. RasulullahSAWW would even command his governors to be gentle to their people, and would ask them to avoid alienation or hardness. A link in the chain is aiding the widows, poor and orphans. The rewards for these are kinship of RasulullahSAWW in Paradise, and equal to exerting oneself in Allah’sSWT Way, or standing for prayer in night and fasting in the daytime.

The Ahadith also stress upon fair dealings and lawful earnings. Though the ‘Rizq’ of the people has been destined beforehand, the test lies in whether it is earned through lawful or unlawful means. Laborious efforts by oneself to earn a living are encouraged; RasulullahSAWW says, “No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his own hand.” Likewise shall one be kind when he sells or buys, or demands his money back, as according to a Hadith, it earns Allah’sSWT Mercy.

A Hadith also encourages a Believer to renew and refresh his knowledge of the Holy Qur’aan repeatedly. Comparing a person to an owner of tethered camels, RasulullahSAWW tells us that “if he lets them loose they will go away”. However, this acquiring of knowledge (or any other good deed) must be done to please AllahSWT alone, as AllahSWT regards our hearts and actions. Therefore, a Muslim shall practice all forms of modesty and avoid pride. A Hadith says, “He who has in his pride as much pride as a grain of mustard will not enter Paradise.” In this way, class superiorities and pride etcetera are negated and racial borders also nullified. Therefore Holy ProphetSAWW compares all Believers to a single man.

A Believer shall earnestly follow these teachings, as his goal is Jannah, and earth for him is a prison from which he urges to escape.
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It is a gift from the Almighty to His special people upon whom he confirms prophethood.,thus it cannot be acquired by a person on his own.However,through His wisdom He grants to whosoever stands prepared for it and is capable of carrying it.As he blessed prophethood on Hz Muhammad when he was searching for the truth in the cave of Hira. The Quran mentions ,He does not send down His angels with inspiration of His command to such of His servants as He pleases.We all agree that they are incapable of making mistakes and they conveyed Allah’s message as it was revealed on them.Like all men,Prophets are truly fallible,their distinction lies in that Allah does not leave them in their error,He corrects them as He taught the words of Forgiveness to Hz Adam when he neared the forbidden tree.
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Abu Hurayra Radiyallahu ‘anhu said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, ‘What do you think would happen if there was a river by someone’s door in which he washed five times every day? Do you think that any dirt would remain on him?’ They said, ‘Not a scrap of dirt would remain on him.’ He said, ‘That is a metaphor of the five prayers by which Allah wipes out wrong actions.’”

Jäbir ibne-’Abdullah Radiyallahu ‘anhuma narrates that Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: ‘The key to Paradise is Salat and the key to Salat is Wuzu’. (Musnad Ahmad)

Anas Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: ‘The comfort and delight of my eyes has been placed in Salat.’ (Nasai).

Hanzalah Al Usaidi Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: ‘The person who guards the five times Salat, its Wuzu, its prescribed time, its proper Ruku’ and Sujüd, while perceiving it to be the Right of Allah on him, he is forbidden upon Fire.’ (Musnad Ahmad)

Abu Qatadah ibne-Rib’i Radiyallahu ‘anhu reported that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam narrates in a Hadith Qudsi that Allah ‘Azza wa Jall has said:’ Verily, I have enjoined upon your Ummah five times Salat, and I have taken upon myself an oath that anyone who observes them at their appointed time, I shall admit him into Paradise; if anyone does not offer them regularly, there is no such guarantee from Me for him (I may punish him or forgive him).’(Abu Dawud)

Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: ‘The five times Salat and the prayer of Friday to Friday, and the fasting of Ramadan to Ramadan, are atonements for sins that have been committed between them, provided the sinner avoids major sins.’ (Muslim).

Abdullah ibne-’Amr Radiyallahu ‘anhuma narrates that one day, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mentioned Salat and said: ‘For him who remains mindful of his Salat, it will be a light and an argument in his favour and a means of his salvation on the Day of Judgement; and for him who is not mindful of his Salat, there shall be neither a light, nor an argument in his favour, nor a means for his salvation. And on the Day of Judgement, he will be with Fir’aun, Hamãn and Ubayy ibne-Khalaf.’ (Musnad Ahmad)

Note: Fir’aun was the king of Egypt at the time of Musa ‘Alaihis salam, Hamãn was his minister, and Ubayy ibne-Khalaf was an ardent idolater and adversary of Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.

Abu Umamah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam was asked: O Rasulullah! At what time is Du’a the most readily listened to and accepted? He replied: ‘The one made during the course of latter part of the night, and after the obligatory Salat’. (Tirmidhi)

Ruwaibah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates:’ I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saying: Undoubtedly he will not enter Hell-Fire, who has offered Salat before the rising of the sun, and before its setting; that is Fajr and ‘Asr.’ (Muslim)

Jundub Al Qasri Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: ‘He who offers the Fajr Salat, is indeed in the Protection of Allah (so do not trouble those who are under Allah’s Protection); for you will be answerable to Allah for violating this protection; because undoubtedly, if He takes anyone to account for violating this protection, He will catch him and fling him headlong on his face into the Hell-Fire.’ (Muslim)

Umme Farwah Radiyallahu ‘anhã narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam was asked: ‘Which is the best of the good deeds? He said: To offer Salat at the beginning of its prescribed time.’ (Abu Dawud).

Jabir ibne-Abdullah Radiyallahu ‘anhuma narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saying:’Between man and (his entering into) polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of Salat.’ (Muslim)

Note: Scholars of Islam have offered several explanations to this hadith. One is that a person who abandons Salat becomes increasingly arrogant and bold in committing sins, which may endanger his faith. Another explanation is that the one who abandons Salat runs the risk of an evil end.

Abdullah ibne-’Amr ibnil As narrates from his father, who heard from his grandfather Radiyallahu ‘anhuma, who narrated that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: ‘Command your children when they are seven years old, to perform Salat; and beat them for not observing it when they are ten years old. And at this age separate their beds (i.e. do not let brothers and sisters sleep together).’ (Abu Dawud)

Note: Beating should not cause bodily harm.

‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say,”There is no Muslim man who attends a prescribed prayer and does wudu’ for it well and is humble in it and in its bowing, without that being expiation for the sins before it as long as he did not commit any major sin. This will always apply.”
Reaction score
All men of the community get together, in some communities women are also encouraged.It is a symbol of equality and unity.
Special purification in the form of Ghusl,wearing of clean clothes and applying of fragrance is recommended ( Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.there are two adhaans for the congregational prayer which emphasizes on the importance of it. The first adhan is an intimation for the preparation while the second adhan is said just before the sermon.the Quran commands us through the verse of Juma that we must all leave all tasks as soon as we hear the call for the Friday prayer and hasten for it,reaching early to the mosque is also rewarding,The prayer consists of two sermons.The listening of the sermon and following the complete code of conduct of it,which is not talking ,distracting anyone or even greeting is a source of forgiveness for the believer.
Missing of the sermon is equal to 2 units of wajib prayers.
The believers have to offer the salah behind the imam,never alone
The two sermons emphasize on the teachings from the Holy Quran and Sunnah and advice the community how to live a righteous life .
The regular 4 fard are replaced by 2 juma prayers and there is no kaza for it
The holy prophet said by missing three consecutive Friday prayers a believer is out of the parameters of Islam.
Reaction score
Verily the Quran says,’Man can achieve nothing but what he strives for’.But along with honest endeavours and effort man needs the help of his Creator in order to achieve his worldly goals.As such man turns to Allah,who is the solver of all difficulties and asks for his help.Such supplication and invocation is called Dua. The Holy Prophet is reported to have called Dua the kernal of worship and the weon of the believer.According to Tirmizi the Prophet said only Dua can change Allah’s decree.
Sincere and true prayer in faith is answered by Allah.The Prohet said,”verily your Lord is ashamed (shy) of His servants when they raise up their hands to Him in supplication to return them empty.”Allah is the constant companion and is very close to his His servants,their unfailing support and infallible prop to those in need and distress.Dua is not obligatory but is to express gratitude to Allah and ask for His help,guidance,forgiveness and protection.When a believer is in distress or difficulty,he supplicates to Allah to seek relief and His help.Private Prayer is also the strongest and most visible acknowledgement of Allah’s Sovereignity and man’s utter dependence on Him.Allah is Independant,Self -Subsisthing and Absolute and as such does not need our prayers and praise.It is we who stand in need of Allah’s help,protection and guidance .
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Mosques are central places of worship and state administration.Politically,socially and religiously Mosques are regarded as a very important place.They are regarded as the House of Allah. After migrating to Madinah the first task of the Holy Prophet was the construction of the mosque which not only served as a religious place but a centre where the Prophet took important decisions,met delegations and made announcements.
Besides collective prayers it increases the interaction between people and allows them to know each other closely.The economic importance of Mosques is that Zakat,Khairat , Fitra and other forms of charity are collected and distributed.
Nikah , funeral prayers , itekaf are also performed in the Mosques.The Holy Prophet said that the whole world is a mosque for him. At another place he said ,whoever builds a mosque for Allah,He will build for him an abode in paradise.
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Q: Briefly explain the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices in relation to Haj.

a) Ka’aba

b) Ihram

c) Arafat

d) I’d ul Adha

e) Mina

f) Muzdalifah


a) The Holy Ka’aba is located in the Sacred Mosque of Makkah and was first built by the Prophet Adam (AS). Floods damaged it to such an extent that the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son, Ismael (AS) rebuilt it after a settlement formed nearby. It was rebuilt again due to floods, a few years before the prophet hood of Muhammad (SAW). The House of Allah was the first sanctuary for worship as it was first built by the First Man (i.e. Adam (AS)). Allah says in the Quran, “Indeed, the first House (of worship) was established for mankind was that at Makkah – blessed and a guidance for the worlds.” Pilgrims for both Umrah and Haj mostly make it their first destination. During the pilgrimage, Muslims perform circumambulation of the Ka’aba seven times, anti-clockwise starting from the Black Stone. They then offer two units of Nafilla prayers at Muqam-e-Ibrahim. In accordance with a Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW), many pilgrims try to kiss the Ka’aba’ s Black Stone. The Ka’aba is also important in Muslim’s daily lives as it is the Qibla for Muslim prayers. The circumambulation of the Ka’aba is called ‘Tawaf’. Tawaf-e-Ziarah is a Fard part of Haj without which Haj is not valid.

b) In order to begin Haj and Umrah, it is obligatory for all pilgrims, regardless of age or gender to enter the state of purity called Ihram. For males the clothing necessary for Ihram consists of two pieces of white, unstitched cloth. Thus the Ihram promotes equality as it removes distinctions between pilgrims. In the state of Ihram, pilgrims come under particular conditions of conduct. These conditions restrict the cutting of hair, trimming of nails, appliance of fragrance and all verbal and physical abuse. Pilgrims during Haj come out of the state of Ihram after their sacrifice while during Umrah; they come out of Ihram after the performance of the Saaee. The coming out of the state of Ihram is marked by men by shaving their heads while the women mark it by clipping a lock of their hair.

c) Arafat is a plain outside Makkah at which pilgrims gather and perform Wuqoof between noon and dusk on the ninth of Zilhaj during Haj. The Prophet (SAW) once said, “The Haj is Arafat” and declared the stay at Arafat to be so important that Haj is void without it. At Arafat, pilgrims reflect and seek forgiveness from Allah at the very place the Prophet Adam (AS) was re-united with his wife, Huwa after being expelled from Jannah. According to a tradition pilgrims gathered at Arafat are actually gathered at the place where they will be again gathered on the Day of Judgement. The plain of Arafat is also remembered for the fact that it was the site for the Prophet (SAW)’s two farewell sermons. This tradition carries even today as pilgrims listen to the sermon given in the Mosque Nimrah of Arafat. It is also customary for pilgrims to offer Dhuhr and Asr prayers Qasr and Qadha at Arafat.

d) Muslims all over the world celebrate I’d ul Adha on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth of Zilhaj. Hz. Ibrahim (AS) was instructed by Allah to make a sacrifice as a sign of obedience. In his memory, Muslims sacrifice animals like goats, sheep, cows and camels during I’d ul Adha. During these days pilgrims for Haj perform the Ramee or stoning of the devil in the memory of Hz. Ibrahim(AS) stoning Satan, who was trying the prevent the prophet from sacrificing. Pilgrims also perform the sacrifice during Haj.

e) Located 5km to the east of Makkah, Mina is mostly recognized by its numerous white tents and the three Jamarats. After praying Fajr on the eighth of Zilhaj, pilgrims set out for Mina and in all pray 5 prayers there. While proceeding for the sacrifice of his son, Hz. Ismael(AS), Hz. Ibrahim (AS) after being obstructed three times by Satan stoned Satan. In his memory, pilgrims too stone the three Jamarat on the 10th, 11th and 12th of Zilhaj. In accordance with a Sunnah, some pilgrims stay at Mina on another day as well and perform the Ramee on the thirteenth of Zilhaj as well. The pilgrims also perform the sacrifice at Mina. The Prophet (SAW) has been reported as saying, “I sacrificed here and the whole of Mina is a place of sacrifice”.

f) Muzdalifah is a plain located between Mina and Arafat and an integral part of Haj. On the ninth of Zilhaj, pilgrims set off for the plain at the time of Maghrib without offering the Maghrib prayers. They then offer the Qadha Maghrib prayers along with their Isha prayers after reaching Muzdalifah, obeying the saying of the Quran which orders pilgrims to “hasten when they reach the Sacred Monument”. Pilgrims then stay the night at Muzdalifah after they have collected stones for Ramee on the upcoming days. Unlike Mina, pilgrims sleep under the open sky at Muzdalifah, with almost no bedding. This teaches pilgrims simplicity and the wealthy are taught about the plight of the poor so that they can contribute more for charity after the pilgrimage has ended.
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November 2000

a. Describe the main features of the congregational prayers on Fridays. [10]

b. what does a Muslim believe by the words “And Muhammad is the messenger of God”? [6]

June 2002

Give e brief explanation of the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices:

a. the Ka’bah [4]

b. ihram [4]

c. arafat [4]

d. ‘Id al-Adha

November 2002

a. describe a way in which the fast of Ramadan is observed. [8]

b. give reasons to explain why this fast is important in Islam. [8]

November 2004

a. Give brief descriptions of the way fasting and almsgiving are carried out. [2x6]

b. Show how these pillars keep the community together. [4]

June 2005

a. Explain the importance to the community of Muslims of:

i. congregational prayers on Fridays [4]

ii. almsgiving [4]

November 2005

explain the importance to the community of Muslims of:

i. mosques [4]

ii. the annual pilgrimage [4]

june 2006

Give a brief explanation of the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices in relation to the Hajj:

a. the K’abah [4]

b. Ihram [4]

c. Arafat [4]

d. Id al- Adha [4]

Explain the main differences between regular daily prayer (salat) and personal prayer (du’a) [6]

June 2007

a.Describe how a Muslim fasts during a day in Ramadan. [10]

b. Outline the kinds of Muslims who are excused from fasting during this month. [2]

c. Explain why the Ramadan fast is important to Muslims. [4]

November 2007

a. Write a descriptive account of the Muslim beliefs in books. [8]

June 2008

a. Write an account of the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, the hajj, describing the main observances made by the pilgrims. [10]

b. In what ways are the prophet Ibrahim and his family important to the annual pilgimage? [6]
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  • Enables wealthier members of the society to realize the plight of their poor brethren.
  • They feel sorry for them which encourage them to do something for their welfare.
  • This realization sprouts acts of charity such as almsgiving which gives rise to a feeling of gratitude amongst the poor for their rich brothers.
  • Brotherhood and mutual concern are promoted in the Muslim community.
  • Fasting serves the purpose of an umbrella under which the rich and the poor are united.
  • Gives rise to a sense of togetherness amongst the community members.
  • Abstinence from squabbling, dishonesty, cheating, defaming others, backbiting, etc., promote social ties amongst the community members.
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Females who are in a state of menstruation or period of childbirth.
A person who is ill if physician fears that illness would increase or be prolonged.
A woman who is pregnant or suckling her baby.
When on a journey.
A person who is so old and weak.
Such a person must feed a needy person twice a day for each missed fast, or give grain or cash equal to sadaqah-e-fitr.
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Q. Why do some scholars reject Qayas? OR why some scholars negate the use of qiyas????

Qayas is the fourth source of Islamic Law, employed in legal thinking where Quran, Sunnah and Ijma are silent about a new and challenging situation that is Far. Qayas is primarily based on the concept of cause or “ILLA” in comparison to “ASL” or root which are the legal ruling of either halaal or haraam, therefore some scholars reject qayas on the pretext that we do not know the cause or illa in every comparison. Moreover, they argue that qayas is based on individual reasoning of each scholar and thus differs from person to person, as each scholar has his own point of view on every issue. Therefore, they argue it is difficult to accept qayas since it is open to interpretation of that one particular mindset while another person may have the exactly opposite view on the same issue which may cause confusion to an average person. They also believe that qayas involves too much individual exercise (Ijtihad). The scholar has to exert a lot of intellectual effort to find the material similarity (ILLA) in order to establish a final ruling (HUKM). Such an individual effort might create confusion and conflict in some cases. Shias do not accept qayas because they believe that if a solution to a problem cannot be found from the Quran and Sunnah then AQL or reason should be applied to deduce solution from these sources. For this practice a Shia mujtahid (doctor of Islamic law) is empowered to issue a ruling/decree without finding a similarity or illa between the asl and the far.
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October/November 2010 Question 2(b)

Give an example to show how Qur’aan could be used in the exercise of Qiyas to face a new situation.

We are listing down some of the possible responses here. You can pick up any one of them.

Smoking of tobacco has been declared as Haraam by some scholars and Makruh by many others. This is an example of Qiyas. The Qur’aan does not mention about smoking, however, the verses of Qur’aan, regarding prohibition of suicide, were used to work out this law, as smoking has many bad effects on a person’s health, which may result in his death, later.
Prohibition of lottery and prize bonds is another example. Though the Qur’aan is silent over the ruling concerning these, the case has similarity with gambling. Therefore, the ayats regarding gambling were used for Qiyas on the matter, and they were deemed illegal.
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Question: How are Ijma and Qiyas used as secondary sources, for legal thinking? [10]

Answer: According to the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, ‘Ijma’ is the third source of Islamic law. The word ‘Ijma’ means consensus or unanimous agreement. It is related to the same verb as ‘Jummah’, Friday, and ‘Jam’i’, congregation.

Ijma is applicable for working out Islamic law only when Qur’aan and Hadith are unclear about a certain issue, or at times, silent. However, the scholars have agreed that it is extremely important, because all Islamic teachings are exercisable only when the whole Ummah agrees to them, through Ijma.

The use of Ijma in legal thinking is based on both, Qur’aanic verses and Ahadith. In v. 110, Surah Aal-e-Imran, AllahSWT says, “You are the best of the nations, raised for mankind, for you enjoin in what is good and prohibit what is wrong, and believe in AllahSWT.” Likewise, a Hadith says, “My community will never agree upon an error.”

The Ijma acceptable to all Believers is that Qur’aan is the unchanged, undebatable word of AllahSWT and RasulullahSAWW is the Last Messenger of AllahSWT. This is the first type of Ijma, and it involves a general agreement of all Muslims in matter of beliefs. The second category of Ijma particularly concerns legal matters and can be defined as the agreement of a group of Muslims about an issue on which the Qur’aan and Sunnah have not spoken a final word. Such types of Ijma are more localised, i.e., one school of thought may adhere to it, whereas another may disagree on legal grounds. For example, the Hanbali, Maaliki and Shafi’i schools of thought permit consumption of kosher meat, whereas the Hanafi school of thought does not.

Ijma has been practised from the very early stages of Islam. At the instance of the Battle of Uhad, on consensus of the general public, or the majority, RasulullahSAWW decided that fighting takes place outside the city, despite the fact that his personal opinion was otherwise. IN Hazrat Umar’sRA era, the congregation of Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan was restarted after consultation with many SahaabahRA: another example of Ijma. In the contemporary world, Ijma is practised at the instance of the sighting of the moon for Ramadan, Eid or otherwise. The decision given by the Roiyat-e-Hilaal Committee of Pakistan, which consists of scholars and legal experts (that whether or not has the moon been sighted), is considered binding for all Muslims of the Pakistan region and they are obliged to observe all religious rituals likewise.

Qiyas is the fourth source of Islamic law. Literally, Qiyas means measuring or comparing with, or judging by comparing. In Islamic jurisprudence, Qiyas is a process of deduction by which the law of the text (Asl) is applied to cases (Far’a), which have not been covered clearly in the other three sources. Thus it is extended to cases or matters not explicitly covered by the Qur’aan and Sunnah on the grounds of a material similarity in the nature of the two cases. This material similarity is termed as ‘Illa” or effective cause. So by taking the Illa of the Qur’aan or Sunnah as absolute, a jurist, or Mufti, identifies the existence of the same Illa in the new case (Far’a) after which the ruling (Hukm) is given. This is known as Ijtehad, individual effort (by a Mufti).

The justification for Qiyas is found in Surah al-Hashr, v. 9, where AllahSWT asks us to utilise our insight in order to learn lessons: “Then take admonition, O you with insight.” Likewise, the justification is also found in a Hadith. While dispatching Hazrat MuaadhRA bin Jabal as governor of Yemen, RasulullahSAWW asked him as to how he would judge the cases. His reply was “From the Book of God.” The ProphetSAWW asked him if he did not find a clear solution therein; he replied he would look to the Sunnah. The ProphetSAWW further asked him that if he still found no answer from the Sunnah, what would he do. Upon this, Hazrat MuaadhRA said that he would decide by exercising his own judgement. On this the Holy ProphetSAWW was pleased and h prayed for Hazrat MuaadhRA. This shows Rasulullah’sSAWW approval for using Qiyas.

One law derived from Qiyas is the ruling on drinks like beer, whisky or brandy (Far’a). Neither the Qur’aan, nor the Hadith, name these. However, they do mention that khamr (date wine) is Haraam, i.e., Asl. On this ground, that all the aforementioned drinks cause intoxication (i.e., Illa), all sorts of alcoholic beverages are declared Haraam, i.e., Hukm. Likewise, a Hadith says that if one’s nails are coated with flour, the wudhu is not complete. This is the Asl, which raises a question whether wudhu is acceptable with nail polish or not, i.e., Far’a. Since both, flour and nail polish prevent water from reaching the nails (i.e., Illa), jurists deduce that wudhu over nail polish is not acceptable (i.e., Hukmm). In this way, Ijma and Qiyas support Islamic legal thinking, by adhering to the 2 primary sources (Qur’aan and Sunnah) at all times.
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Birth: 4 AH

Parents: Hz Ali Radhiallah Anhu and Hz Fatimah Radhiallah Anhaa

Became leader of the community after his brother’s death
Hazrat Muawiyah Radhiallah Anhu had nominated his son Yazid as his successor in his lifetime. This is against Islamic tradition. Hazrat Muawiyah Radhiallah Anhu wanted all Muslims should swear allegiance to the new Khalifa. Imam Hussain Radhiallah Anhu refused to take oath of allegiance. He decided to leave Madinah and go to Makkah. The people wanted to know the reason for it. He replied that there would be bloodshed when as Yazid would get annoyed at his refusal to accept him as caliph. He did not want the city of Madinah to be a battlefield.
Later a deputation arrived from Kufa asking him to come to rescue them as the governor was persecuting them.His friends stopped him from believing this as they knew how deceitful the Kufans were as they had no trust on them.
The Imam sent his cousin Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa to find out about the situation.The Kufans gave a very warm welcome and thousands of them paid homage to Imam Hussain Radhiallah Anhu.Impressed by their enthusiasm Muslim wrote a letter to the Imam to come over. As soon as the letter was dispatched, Muslims learnt about their treachery as it seemed all the leaders of the town had been bribed. Strong threats from the governor the deputy of Yazid made the people desert Muslim and ultimately he was killed.
Meanwhile the Imam had already departed from Makkah and on the way he got to know of Muslim’s martyrdom. A large number of his companions deserted him and he continued with a small number of companions including his family members.
The imam was stopped at Karbala,near the banks of the river Euphrates, Here, Yazid’s army surrounded the Imam ‘s camp. On the 7th of Muharram, food and water supplies were cut off which, inevitably led to the battle.
The battle of truth against falsehood began. One after the other the Imam’s followers laid down their lives.Finally on the 10 of Muharram mostly all of his devotees were slain including, Imam Hussain Radhiallah Anhu, himself. Later his head was cut off from his body and sent to Yazid’s court. His son Zainul Abedin became the next leader.He did not enter the battle as he was very sick.
Imam Hussain Radhiallah Anhu did not surrender towards falsehood but gave his life for the truth. He could have saved his and the lives of others by paying allegiance to Yazid. He stood firmly by the principles of Islam and won everlasting victory over the forces of evil. The Ummayads were overjoyed by their victory but the victor was the grandson of the Prophet as one of the poets said,”Islam is revived after every Karbala.”
We learn that we should never surrender to any authority which goes against the Divine Law and thrusts itself upon the people by force.If the authority is aggressive and evil then one should not refrain from self sacrifice. Numerical minority or lack of resources should not stop from jihad.We should live, fight and sacrifice our life for truth and righteousness as the Imam did.