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~~jokes?? in here?? really??

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Why do we sometimes write 'etc' at the end in the exam?

bcoz it means...

E-End of

How to Create d Biggest Doubt in ur girl friend's Mind 4 u?


Just Suddenly send her SMS Saying..
"I Luv u too"


"Why is Facebook such a hit?
It works on the principle that-

'People are more interested in others life than their own-!


A Ques Asked In A Talent Test:
If You Are Married To 1 Of The Twin Sisters, How wud You Recognize Your

The Best Answer
- Why d Hell Should I recognise?

Teacher : John, say this number - "11"
John : Onety - One
Teacher : You r wrong, it is ELEVEN
John : V Pronounce 22 as TwentyTwo, 33 as Thirty Three, 44 as FortyFour,
55 as FiftyFive, Why not 11 as OnetyOne?
Teacher : Just sit down :| ------------------- :D :D :D

Why does d bride & groom exchange garlands at d time of wedding.....
B'coz they say each affectionately that : "DARLING NOW U R DEAD"...........

Wat is d Biggest Benefit of having a crush in d same college where u
study ?
100% Attendance... :p

Difference between Friend & Wife

U can Tell ur Friend “U r my Best Friend”
Do u have courage tell to ur Wife
“U r my Best Wife?”
------------------------------AND THE BEST ONE-----------------------------------

God created the DONKEY, and said to him :
"you r a donkey, you will work untiringly from sunrise to sunset, carrying burdens on ur back. You will eat grass and have no intelligence, but u will live 50 years"
The DONKEY said : "Dear God, i will obey you, i will be a donkey, but fifty years is too much, give me only 20 years."
Then.. The god created the DOG and said to him :
"You r a dog, you will guard the house f man and be a friend to him. You will eat the scrap that he gives you and you will live for 30 years"
The DOG answered : "Dear God, i will obey you and be a dog, but 30 years is too much. Give me only 15 years"
-------SO GOD GRANTED HIS WISH--------
God said to the man : "You will be man, the only rational creature on earth. You will use your intelligence to become master on earth and to dominate the world. BUT, you will live only 20 years."
The man said to god : "Dear God, i will obey you and use my intelligence and be the man u want me to be, but 20 years is too LESS!!!! Please give me the 30 years that the DONKEY refused, and the 15 years that the DOG refused."
-----------------GOD GRANTED MAN's WISH AND NOW-------------
Man lives 20 years as a MAN..... He MARRIES and spends 30 years as a DONKEY, working hard and carrying all the loads and burdens of the family..... Then when his CHILDREN ARE GROWN, he lives 15 years as a DOG, taking care of the house and eating whatever is given to him.
-------------GOD GRANTED HIS WISH AND THAT IS LIFE!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D-----------

--------------------------------------------THE END----------------------------------------------
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