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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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Does anyone remember the question in our CIE's about the background of Surah Kausar and Surah Ikhlas ?
Question 2 of Paper 1. (May/2013)

I cant find the question paper in the past papers :unsure:
What does the following two surahs tell the Muslims about the circumstances in which they were revealed:
(a)Surah Ikhlas (b)Surah Kauther

As far as I remember ^ :)
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(b) In your opinion what was the most important task that faced AbuBakr on becoming caliph?Brieflydiscuss
  • Mouring Muslim community which he calmed.
  • Apostate tribe (Banu Asad, Banu Ghatafaan ans Banu Murraah) demanding to be exempted from the payment of Zakat and AbuBakr Establishing Peace.
  • battle of Yamama... many Memorizers of Quran martyred thus He had to get Quran compile into a book form
  • false prophets: Musailma, Tulayha, Sajjah and Aswad al ansi
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What does the following two surahs tell the Muslims about the circumstances in which they were revealed:
(a)Surah Ikhlas (b)Surah Kauther
As far as I remember ^ :)

Thanks for that :)
Is it possible that a question alike this comes ?
Not about the same surahs, but different ones ?
Like Surah duha ?
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In FNM it is written
1st: 7 men and 4 women (including Hazrat usman and hazrat ruqqayya)
2nd:79 men and 7 women (including Hazrat Jafar)

If we write this in the paper will it be considered correct?
The Correct figures are:
1st: 11 men and 4 women. (Including Hazrat usman and hazrat ruqqayya)
2nd: 79 men and 7 women. (including Hazrat Jafar)
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  • Mouring Muslim community which he calmed.
  • Apostate tribe (Banu Asad, Banu Ghatafaan ans Banu Murraah) demanding to be exempted from the payment of Zakat and AbuBakr Establishing Peace.
  • battle of Yamama... many Memorizers of Quran martyred thus He had to get Quran compile into a book form
  • false prophets: Musailma, Tulayha, Sajjah and Aswad al ansi
but which among these
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Thanks for that :)
Is it possible that a question alike this comes ?
Not about the same surahs, but different ones ?
Like Surah duha ?
well. I dont think so... because, the are three papers they have made for three sessions. three of them set by different examiner (i.e different mindset) one of the papers we've given and we'll get a new paper from the two, left.
But 'at least' read their backgrounds...
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well. I dont think so... because, the are three papers they have made for three sessions. three of them set by different examiner (i.e different mindset) one of the papers we've given and we'll get a new paper from the two, left.
But 'at least' read their backgrounds...

Fair enough, thanks :)
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in caliphs relation with other states we also hav to write dhimis right? :0
nopes, cuz they were people within the state. give me some time and i'll give you some examples regarding it in next 5-10 mins.
Examples of Caliphs relations with other states:
Abu Bakr:
  • He continued the policy of Prophet
  • Instruction to Usama bin Zayd shows the principle of fairness and justice in warfare.
  • Lead to hostility between Islamic and Roman Empire
  • Fall of Jerusalem (16 AH/ 637 AD)
  • it showed that Caliphs were eager to have good relations with other states and preferred peace over warfare.

  • When he became Caliph in 644AD/24AH
  • Both the Romans and Persians attacked the Islamic state because they wanted their territories back from the Muslims that were conquered during the reign of Umar
  • Usman fought in self defence
  • led to hostility between Islam state and Roman/Persians
  • Islamic state expanded in both east and west
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Question: Describe the qualities required and say why these qualities were important for transmitting hadiths? [10]
The qualities which are reqired to check the individual Narrator in the chain of transmitter of a Hadith are:
The narrator of the Hadis must be of firm faith and honest. He must be known for truthfulness in whatever he reports. The narrator must be trustworthy, reliable and righteous. He should understand what he report and know how a change of word can change the ideas in it. He should report exactly what he has learned from his teacher and not to use his own words. The narrator must have a very good sound memory. He should report what agrees with the reporters of others known to have good memories. A narrator cannot criticize someone that the Ummah has accepted. Examples are Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. Anyone who criticizes these great scholars would be considered to be from the people of innovation and qualities are important for two things in a hadith: Sanad or Isnad refers to the chain of narrators that has reported any given Hadis. In the sciences of Hadis the Muslim Scholars agreed that the chain must begin from the Muhaddis of the Hadis and must ends at the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) or in the case of Hadis e-Qudsi ends at Allah (S.W.T). The concept of Isnad could be thought of as the core of the sciences of Hadis. No other religion, culture, or dynasty on the face of this earth has ever come up with such a precise method of bringing for statements of a person then with the Isnad system in Islam. One of the most famous Muslim scholar Abdullah bin Al Mubarak said “The Isnad to me is part of the Deen. If it wasn’t for the Isnad anyone would say anything he wanted” so we are the only Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is also known as the Ummah of Isnad because no other religion in this present world has the weapon of Isnad. Isnad basically a rigorous testing of the links between individuals and transmitting the Hadis from the Muhaddis till it reaches Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and through this testing Muslims are certain of the authenticity of the Hadis.
The Matan refers to the actual text of Hadis which is authentic in the actual Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). It is the text of the tradition or what the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) actually said or did. The text or Matan of the Hadis must not conflict or contradict with the Holy Quran nor should it conflict with other reliable or authentic Hadis. For example the Holy Quran says “Establish prayer” and the Hadis of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) explains it as “Pray as you see me praying” so this Matan of Hadis explains us the rules of praying Salah.
With these rules the compilers of authentic books of Ahadis were able to classify Hadis into types:
a) Sahih (the authentic)
b) Hassan (fair, about which little doubt)
c) Zaeef (weak, which raises many doubts concerning authenticity)
d) Maudu (fabricated, un-Islamic)
What about Ahad and Mutawaatir Ahadeeth?
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Oh okay.
Yes please.Thanks a bunch :)
Ahad: This is a Hadeeth which has only one chain of narrators. so... If Any of the narrator is found to have a bad memory etc... The Hadeeth ain't accepted.
Mutawatir: This is a hadeeth narrated by many, thus having many chains of narrators. (Like Last Sermon) So its inconceivable that many people with agree upon a lie (fake/fabricated Hadeeth). thus the hadeeth is regarded authentic...