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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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sir can u post an account of the battles fought during the khilafat of Hazrat Umar(R.A) cuz its really detailed in the books n v r not required to write sooo much for 10 marks

Expansion of the Islamic Empire:
Fighting with the Persian Empire had begun during the rule of the previous Caliph. Muslim forces defeated the Persian in Namaraq in October 634 AD and crossed the Euphrates. The Persian supreme command then sent a huge force under Bahman. The two armies fought a fierce battle, the Battle of Bridge. Here the Muslims suffered heavy losses including their commander Abu Ubaid bin Zaid.
The Muslims regrouped under Mutanna, in November 634 AD defeated the Persian army led by Mehran in the Battle of Buwaib. Commanding an army of 20,000 troops, Saad bin Abi Waqas met the Persian 120,000 army led by Rustam at Qadisiya. The Battle of Qadisiya thus began in 635 AD. A fierce battle was fought resulting in Rustam’s death. Now Saad and his army advanced to the Persian capital Al-Madain. He laid a siege for several days and the king Yazdigard escaped to north while the Muslims captured Al-Madain. The king was finally defeated at Jalula.
In the meantime the Persians, Romans and Christian Arab tribes combined their forces in upper Iraq near Tekrit. Saad dispatched an army that defeated the joint forces. Saad, on Umar’s advice, founded the new cities Kufa and Basra near Madain for the Muslim armies and their families. Umar completed the final capture and subjugation of Persia in the Battle of Nihawand in 642 AD, marking the end of the Sassanid Dynasty in Persia.
In Syria the Muslim forces were advancing rapidly when Umar became the Caliph. Khalid bin Waleed added Damacus, Jordan and Emmessa, one after another to the Muslim Empire. After the loss of these important cities the Roman Emperor sent an army of 260,000 men against the Muslims. This force too was defeated in 635 AD in the Battle of Yarmouk under the leadership of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah. Many other important Syrian towns were also captured leaving only Jerusalam and its surrounding towns. Finally Jerusalem was also taken in a peaceful manner on the request of Patriarch Sophronius. He requested that the ‘king’ of Muslims should himself come and receive the keys of the city. Umar himself met Sophronius and signed a peace treaty under which full religious freedom was given to the citizens of Jerusalem on the condition of paying Jizya. Sanctity of the Church of Resurrection and other churches was also guaranteed.

Finally Egypt was also conquered in 640 AD by Amr bin Al-Aas who had to persuade Umar with great difficulty. Amr bin Al-Aas argued that Egypt could be used by the Romans as the naval base to launch operations against the Muslims. By April 641 AD Babylon was also captured and the new city of Fustat was founded in 642 AD on the eastern bank of the Nile. Umar appointed able and efficient governors in all these conquered territories.
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Expansion of the Islamic Empire:
Fighting with the Persian Empire had begun during the rule of the previous Caliph. Muslim forces defeated the Persian in Namaraq in October 634 AD and crossed the Euphrates. The Persian supreme command then sent a huge force under Bahman. The two armies fought a fierce battle, the Battle of Bridge. Here the Muslims suffered heavy losses including their commander Abu Ubaid bin Zaid.
The Muslims regrouped under Mutanna, in November 634 AD defeated the Persian army led by Mehran in the Battle of Buwaib. Commanding an army of 20,000 troops, Saad bin Abi Waqas met the Persian 120,000 army led by Rustam at Qadisiya. The Battle of Qadisiya thus began in 635 AD. A fierce battle was fought resulting in Rustam’s death. Now Saad and his army advanced to the Persian capital Al-Madain. He laid a siege for several days and the king Yazdigard escaped to north while the Muslims captured Al-Madain. The king was finally defeated at Jalula.
In the meantime the Persians, Romans and Christian Arab tribes combined their forces in upper Iraq near Tekrit. Saad dispatched an army that defeated the joint forces. Saad, on Umar’s advice, founded the new cities Kufa and Basra near Madain for the Muslim armies and their families. Umar completed the final capture and subjugation of Persia in the Battle of Nihawand in 642 AD, marking the end of the Sassanid Dynasty in Persia.
In Syria the Muslim forces were advancing rapidly when Umar became the Caliph. Khalid bin Waleed added Damacus, Jordan and Emmessa, one after another to the Muslim Empire. After the loss of these important cities the Roman Emperor sent an army of 260,000 men against the Muslims. This force too was defeated in 635 AD in the Battle of Yarmouk under the leadership of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah. Many other important Syrian towns were also captured leaving only Jerusalam and its surrounding towns. Finally Jerusalem was also taken in a peaceful manner on the request of Patriarch Sophronius. He requested that the ‘king’ of Muslims should himself come and receive the keys of the city. Umar himself met Sophronius and signed a peace treaty under which full religious freedom was given to the citizens of Jerusalem on the condition of paying Jizya. Sanctity of the Church of Resurrection and other churches was also guaranteed.

Finally Egypt was also conquered in 640 AD by Amr bin Al-Aas who had to persuade Umar with great difficulty. Amr bin Al-Aas argued that Egypt could be used by the Romans as the naval base to launch operations against the Muslims. By April 641 AD Babylon was also captured and the new city of Fustat was founded in 642 AD on the eastern bank of the Nile. Umar appointed able and efficient governors in all these conquered territories.
JazakAllah khair
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Q1.Can somebody tell me about these topics of special hadith study
(i) communal benefits
(ii)individual benefits
Q2. write a note on imp. of prayer?
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ques 2 wont cum as it ceme in may

Q: Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the responsibilities of individual Muslims. [10]
Answer: The Prophet (SAW) gave us teachings about a number of responsibilities that we should follow. In the first place, he tells us that we should be sincere to Allah, to his Book and to his Messenger. This means that we must put Allah before everything else that we do, and also we must recite the holy Qur’an regularly and study it, and we must follow the example of the Prophet (SAW). If we do this we will fulfill the main requirements of Islam because if we follow the Prophet (SAW) we will perform all the requirements of Islam. It is very important for us to believe that Allah is one. The Prophet (SAW) has also taught us that we should fulfill our responsibilities to our fellow creatures. He has said: “I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this. And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.” (Sahi Bukhari) This means that we must take care of orphans. But it also teaches us that we should look after anyone who is alone with no one to look after them. It includes all the people who cannot look after themselves. The Prophet (SAW) has also said that we must take care of our brothers, in his words: “none of you believes until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself.” (Sahi Bukahri) What he means here is fellow Muslims, We must behave towards them as we behave towards ourselves, because it is only by acting the best towards them that we show we are good Muslims. The Prophet (SAW) has also told us that we have responsibility in this world. He said: “the world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise.” (Sahi Bukhari) He meant that a true believer remembers the world of hereafter and so will not indulge in this world too much.
Q: Outline the main teachings of the Hadith you have studied about the importance of Muslim communal life. [10]
The Ahadith of the Holy Prophet guide Muslims for individual as well as communal conduct and matters of the Muslims. A Muslim’s life is devoted to the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger. But this favor can be earned only when one’s life is pious on an individual level and cares for the uplift and betterment of the society as well. Some of the golden rules we have studied, which deal with the conduct of Muslims in a community are, for example, the fact that all Muslims are brothers to each other in a society ‘’None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself’’. Deceiving, hating and harming others go against the very nature and spirit of Islam. Brotherly feelings should be based on seeking divine pleasure. Moreover, all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah because all are the descendants of the Prophet Adam.
Importance of being kind and polite towards fellow human beings has been highlighted in this collection of Ahadith as well. The Prophet taught us to speak well and speak the truth. Our words should not hurt the feelings of others ‘’ Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak well or keep silent’’. (Al-Muslim) Helping out others, Muslims or non-Muslims, has been stressed in this collection of traditions. This help can be through charity or donation. Giving a good piece of advice, teaching and talking to others with a smile on the face, all these are works of charity ‘’ to speak a pleasant word is charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is charity.” (Al-Bukhari) Islam encourages us to observe human rights: the rights of parents, children, spouse, poor etc. An ideal Muslim believes and devotes his life to the welfare of others. The Prophet in this regard said: ‘’ One who manages the affairs of the widows and the poor is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah’’. (Al-Bukhari)
Finally the Holy Prophet commanded the Muslims to work for the good of humans to turn society into a beautiful paradise on earth. A believer must engage in Jihad to eradicate evil from the society; true believers should do Jihad in one of three forms: with hands, with tongue or in the heart. ‘’ Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.” (Al-Bukhari)

Thus it can be seen that the Ahadith of the Prophet provides guidance regarding the communal conduct of Muslims.
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Q: Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the responsibilities of individual Muslims. [10]
Answer: The Prophet (SAW) gave us teachings about a number of responsibilities that we should follow. In the first place, he tells us that we should be sincere to Allah, to his Book and to his Messenger. This means that we must put Allah before everything else that we do, and also we must recite the holy Qur’an regularly and study it, and we must follow the example of the Prophet (SAW). If we do this we will fulfill the main requirements of Islam because if we follow the Prophet (SAW) we will perform all the requirements of Islam. It is very important for us to believe that Allah is one. The Prophet (SAW) has also taught us that we should fulfill our responsibilities to our fellow creatures. He has said: “I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this. And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.” (Sahi Bukhari) This means that we must take care of orphans. But it also teaches us that we should look after anyone who is alone with no one to look after them. It includes all the people who cannot look after themselves. The Prophet (SAW) has also said that we must take care of our brothers, in his words: “none of you believes until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself.” (Sahi Bukahri) What he means here is fellow Muslims, We must behave towards them as we behave towards ourselves, because it is only by acting the best towards them that we show we are good Muslims. The Prophet (SAW) has also told us that we have responsibility in this world. He said: “the world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise.” (Sahi Bukhari) He meant that a true believer remembers the world of hereafter and so will not indulge in this world too much.
Q: Outline the main teachings of the Hadith you have studied about the importance of Muslim communal life. [10]
The Ahadith of the Holy Prophet guide Muslims for individual as well as communal conduct and matters of the Muslims. A Muslim’s life is devoted to the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger. But this favor can be earned only when one’s life is pious on an individual level and cares for the uplift and betterment of the society as well. Some of the golden rules we have studied, which deal with the conduct of Muslims in a community are, for example, the fact that all Muslims are brothers to each other in a society ‘’None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself’’. Deceiving, hating and harming others go against the very nature and spirit of Islam. Brotherly feelings should be based on seeking divine pleasure. Moreover, all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah because all are the descendants of the Prophet Adam.
Importance of being kind and polite towards fellow human beings has been highlighted in this collection of Ahadith as well. The Prophet taught us to speak well and speak the truth. Our words should not hurt the feelings of others ‘’ Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak well or keep silent’’. (Al-Muslim) Helping out others, Muslims or non-Muslims, has been stressed in this collection of traditions. This help can be through charity or donation. Giving a good piece of advice, teaching and talking to others with a smile on the face, all these are works of charity ‘’ to speak a pleasant word is charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is charity.” (Al-Bukhari) Islam encourages us to observe human rights: the rights of parents, children, spouse, poor etc. An ideal Muslim believes and devotes his life to the welfare of others. The Prophet in this regard said: ‘’ One who manages the affairs of the widows and the poor is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah’’. (Al-Bukhari)
Finally the Holy Prophet commanded the Muslims to work for the good of humans to turn society into a beautiful paradise on earth. A believer must engage in Jihad to eradicate evil from the society; true believers should do Jihad in one of three forms: with hands, with tongue or in the heart. ‘’ Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.” (Al-Bukhari)

Thus it can be seen that the Ahadith of the Prophet provides guidance regarding the communal conduct of Muslims.
is tht ur ans.....i belive it is supposed to be huge.....who r u and vat have u done to sir irfan;)
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Q: Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the responsibilities of individual Muslims. [10]
Answer: The Prophet (SAW) gave us teachings about a number of responsibilities that we should follow. In the first place, he tells us that we should be sincere to Allah, to his Book and to his Messenger. This means that we must put Allah before everything else that we do, and also we must recite the holy Qur’an regularly and study it, and we must follow the example of the Prophet (SAW). If we do this we will fulfill the main requirements of Islam because if we follow the Prophet (SAW) we will perform all the requirements of Islam. It is very important for us to believe that Allah is one. The Prophet (SAW) has also taught us that we should fulfill our responsibilities to our fellow creatures. He has said: “I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this. And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.” (Sahi Bukhari) This means that we must take care of orphans. But it also teaches us that we should look after anyone who is alone with no one to look after them. It includes all the people who cannot look after themselves. The Prophet (SAW) has also said that we must take care of our brothers, in his words: “none of you believes until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself.” (Sahi Bukahri) What he means here is fellow Muslims, We must behave towards them as we behave towards ourselves, because it is only by acting the best towards them that we show we are good Muslims. The Prophet (SAW) has also told us that we have responsibility in this world. He said: “the world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise.” (Sahi Bukhari) He meant that a true believer remembers the world of hereafter and so will not indulge in this world too much.
Q: Outline the main teachings of the Hadith you have studied about the importance of Muslim communal life. [10]
The Ahadith of the Holy Prophet guide Muslims for individual as well as communal conduct and matters of the Muslims. A Muslim’s life is devoted to the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger. But this favor can be earned only when one’s life is pious on an individual level and cares for the uplift and betterment of the society as well. Some of the golden rules we have studied, which deal with the conduct of Muslims in a community are, for example, the fact that all Muslims are brothers to each other in a society ‘’None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself’’. Deceiving, hating and harming others go against the very nature and spirit of Islam. Brotherly feelings should be based on seeking divine pleasure. Moreover, all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah because all are the descendants of the Prophet Adam.
Importance of being kind and polite towards fellow human beings has been highlighted in this collection of Ahadith as well. The Prophet taught us to speak well and speak the truth. Our words should not hurt the feelings of others ‘’ Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak well or keep silent’’. (Al-Muslim) Helping out others, Muslims or non-Muslims, has been stressed in this collection of traditions. This help can be through charity or donation. Giving a good piece of advice, teaching and talking to others with a smile on the face, all these are works of charity ‘’ to speak a pleasant word is charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is charity.” (Al-Bukhari) Islam encourages us to observe human rights: the rights of parents, children, spouse, poor etc. An ideal Muslim believes and devotes his life to the welfare of others. The Prophet in this regard said: ‘’ One who manages the affairs of the widows and the poor is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah’’. (Al-Bukhari)
Finally the Holy Prophet commanded the Muslims to work for the good of humans to turn society into a beautiful paradise on earth. A believer must engage in Jihad to eradicate evil from the society; true believers should do Jihad in one of three forms: with hands, with tongue or in the heart. ‘’ Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.” (Al-Bukhari)

Thus it can be seen that the Ahadith of the Prophet provides guidance regarding the communal conduct of Muslims.

Thnx for this