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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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What I do for geo is I do past paper practice, get it corrected by a good teacher and go over mistakes over and over again. I also do corrections for past school tests and exams. Basically all topics are covered this way and I got 66 out of 75 in geo mock exam and I barely even opened my book. I got good marks just by doing that method. I am sure I will do better. Will probably get a 68 or even a 70 out of 75 in geo insha-allah.
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The literal meaning of Jihad is ‘’an effort’’. Jihad does not necessarily mean war. The Arabic word for war is ‘’Harb’’ and the word for fighting is ‘’qital’’. Jihad is an effort to practice religion in the face of oppression and persecution. The effort may come in the form of fighting the evil in our own mind or standing up to a dictator. Military effort is included as an option but as a last resort. To eradicate evil from the society, we must do Jihad in one of the three forms: with hands, with the tongue or in our hearts. This classification come from a Hadith of the Prophet ‘’If any of you sees something objectionable he should change it with is hand, but if he cannot he should do it with his tongue, and if he cannot he should do it in his heart, that being the weakest form of faith.’’ (Sahih Muslim)
The aim of Jihad is to seek Allah’s pleasure. Qur’an enforces Jihad as one of the conditions of faith thus explaining its importance in the following words: ‘’those who believe, migrate and struggle in Allah’s way with their wealth and their persons, have the highest ranks with Allah. They are the ones who shall triumph.’’ (9:20)
Jihad has three types (1) Spiritual Jihad (2) Mental Jihad (3) Physical Jihad
Spiritual jihad:
Another name for spiritual Jihad is Jihad bin Nafs (struggle against yourself). Human beings are ‘the best of creations’ and therefore are given numerous powers which include their ability to choose between good and bad. Hence, when a believer internally struggles against the evil that lives in him in the form of desire or temptation, it is known as spiritual Jihad. It is a struggle against Satan whose mission is to mislead a believer at any stage in his/her life. Believers have been warned about Satan in Surah Al Naas and have been told that only by seeking refuge with Allah, can they successfully defeat Satan.
For most people, living according to Allah’s wishes is quite a struggle. Allah sets up high standards for spiritual excellence, and the believers have to fight with their own selfish desires to live up to them. The five pillars of Islam form an exercise of Jihad in this sense, since a Muslim gets closer to Allah by performing them. Other ways in which a Muslim engages in the spiritual Jihad includes: Overcoming things such as anger, greed, hatred or pride.Forgiving someone who has hurt them.
After the conquest of Khyber when the Muslims became well off, the Holy Prophet told his followers to be ready to fight against desires and temptations originating from their hearts, otherwise they would be lost in the darkness of evil. Hence when a Muslim controls his evil desires, he eventually becomes closer to Allah.
Mental jihad:
Making use of mental abilities for guiding others to the straight path is also a form of Jihad. It includes answering any questions or objections raised by people, Muslims or non-Muslims. In mental Jihad, one works for the promotion of moral, ethical, social and cultural values with one’s pen or tongue. Jihad bil Ilm(struggle to spread knowledge) and Jihad bil Amal(struggle for promotion of human values) are the two sub categories of mental Jihad. The Holy Prophet remained engaged in this type of Jihad throughout his Mecca life. He was ordered by Allah to preach and to clarify any arguments raised by the pagans or clarifications asked by his companions.
Therefore a believer must patiently answer all questions of people to the best of his/her knowledge even if the response is harsh and unpleasant. The Holy Prophet declared the best Jihad as, the utterance of a true word before a tyrant ruler (Musnad Abu Dawood). The ideal Muslim society invites to all that is good, orders the right and forbids the wrong: ‘’let their arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, ordering what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Those who do this are the successful ones.’’ (3:104)
Physical jihad:
The sub-categories of physical Jihad are Jihad bil Maal (struggle for promotion of charity and removal of poverty by use of wealth) and Jihad bis Saif (struggle against terrorism, violence and oppression by use of force). Islam is not in favor of wars. One meaning of the word Islam is ‘peace’. Although Islam is totally in favor of peace, it cannot allow any wrong doing and this is where physical Jihad is sometimes the only answer. This type of Jihad is used when spiritual and mental Jihad fails to cut off evil. Physical Jihad is therefore the ultimate form of struggle in the way of Allah by fighting against the enemy in the battlefield. This Jihad is meant only for the defense of the rights of the Muslims and the protection of humanity against aggression. Only a war which is for the welfare of humanity can be considered Jihad. Islam is against blatant violence and senseless killing. According to the Quran: ‘’if you kill a life, it is as if you have killed all lives.’’ Of course the life in question is of an innocent person. According to Islam a physical Jihad can only be initiated for the following reasons:
Self defense
The elimination of an evil force which is oppressing people this is based on the concept of collective security.
Protecting the freedom of Muslims to practice their faith
Putting right a wrong
Punishing an enemy who breaks an oath as the Holy Quran says: ‘’but if they break their oath after making an agreement with you, if they insult your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief—oath means nothing to them—so that they may stop.’’ (9:12)
During the Khyber expedition, the Holy Prophet ordered Hazrat Ali to invite enemies to Islam or try to make a peace treaty with them. If they were to decline both these offers, only then was he supposed to fight them. Hence physical Jihad is the last priority. According to the Quran, physical Jihad is allowed for the defense of Islam and Muslims and has its own limits. These limits have been explained by the Holy Prophet on different occasions by laying down rules of war. These rules are:
The war must be launched by the leader of the Ummah.
Not for conquest of other territories.
Every other way of solving the problem must be tried before resorting to war.
Poisoning wells is forbidden. The modern analogy would be chemical or biological warfare.
Property must not be damaged.
Women, children and old people should not be killed or hurt.
Non-combatants should not be killed. This means, that weapons of mass destruction should not be used and bombing of non-military targets should be avoided at all costs.
Wounded enemy soldiers must be treated in exactly the same way as one’s own soldiers.
Places of worship should not be demolished.
Ambassadors should not be harmed.
Those killed must not be mutilated.
It should be fought until the enemy lays down arms.
The war must stops as soon as the enemy asks for peace.
This means that physical Jihad is not only to be used as a last resort, but also in a very restricted manner avoiding extensive bloodshed and violence
Individual importance of jihad:
Jihad is a form of worship and is the most important act after the five pillars of Islam. When a Muslim performs spiritual, mental or physical Jihad, he in reality tries to suppress evil and upholds the teachings of Islam. Therefore, he shows his eagerness to follow and spread the word of Allah and hence gets closer to Allah and his ultimate reward will be paradise, which has been promised in the Holy Quran.
Communal importance of jihad:
All forms of Jihad have their own communal benefits. For example, when a Muslim practices spiritual Jihad, he becomes pure from evil. Hence, if everyone engages themselves in spiritual Jihad in a community, it upgrades the society and makes it more modest and just. Similarly, when mental Jihad is exercised, the believer conveys the true message of Allah to non-Muslims and even to Muslims. In this way, when Islamic teachings get spread throughout the society, a better atmosphere is found as more and more people are able to understand and apply the true religion of Islam to their lives.
Lastly, when physical Jihad is launched, it helps to unite Muslims on one platform i.e. protect Islam and their Muslim brothers and thus it gives a feeling of brotherhood in the community and everyone shares a common goal.
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The literal meaning of Jihad is ‘’an effort’’. Jihad does not necessarily mean war. The Arabic word for war is ‘’Harb’’ and the word for fighting is ‘’qital’’. Jihad is an effort to practice religion in the face of oppression and persecution. The effort may come in the form of fighting the evil in our own mind or standing up to a dictator. Military effort is included as an option but as a last resort. To eradicate evil from the society, we must do Jihad in one of the three forms: with hands, with the tongue or in our hearts. This classification come from a Hadith of the Prophet ‘’If any of you sees something objectionable he should change it with is hand, but if he cannot he should do it with his tongue, and if he cannot he should do it in his heart, that being the weakest form of faith.’’ (Sahih Muslim)
The aim of Jihad is to seek Allah’s pleasure. Qur’an enforces Jihad as one of the conditions of faith thus explaining its importance in the following words: ‘’those who believe, migrate and struggle in Allah’s way with their wealth and their persons, have the highest ranks with Allah. They are the ones who shall triumph.’’ (9:20)
Jihad has three types (1) Spiritual Jihad (2) Mental Jihad (3) Physical Jihad
Spiritual jihad:
Another name for spiritual Jihad is Jihad bin Nafs (struggle against yourself). Human beings are ‘the best of creations’ and therefore are given numerous powers which include their ability to choose between good and bad. Hence, when a believer internally struggles against the evil that lives in him in the form of desire or temptation, it is known as spiritual Jihad. It is a struggle against Satan whose mission is to mislead a believer at any stage in his/her life. Believers have been warned about Satan in Surah Al Naas and have been told that only by seeking refuge with Allah, can they successfully defeat Satan.
For most people, living according to Allah’s wishes is quite a struggle. Allah sets up high standards for spiritual excellence, and the believers have to fight with their own selfish desires to live up to them. The five pillars of Islam form an exercise of Jihad in this sense, since a Muslim gets closer to Allah by performing them. Other ways in which a Muslim engages in the spiritual Jihad includes: Overcoming things such as anger, greed, hatred or pride.Forgiving someone who has hurt them.
After the conquest of Khyber when the Muslims became well off, the Holy Prophet told his followers to be ready to fight against desires and temptations originating from their hearts, otherwise they would be lost in the darkness of evil. Hence when a Muslim controls his evil desires, he eventually becomes closer to Allah.
Mental jihad:
Making use of mental abilities for guiding others to the straight path is also a form of Jihad. It includes answering any questions or objections raised by people, Muslims or non-Muslims. In mental Jihad, one works for the promotion of moral, ethical, social and cultural values with one’s pen or tongue. Jihad bil Ilm(struggle to spread knowledge) and Jihad bil Amal(struggle for promotion of human values) are the two sub categories of mental Jihad. The Holy Prophet remained engaged in this type of Jihad throughout his Mecca life. He was ordered by Allah to preach and to clarify any arguments raised by the pagans or clarifications asked by his companions.
Therefore a believer must patiently answer all questions of people to the best of his/her knowledge even if the response is harsh and unpleasant. The Holy Prophet declared the best Jihad as, the utterance of a true word before a tyrant ruler (Musnad Abu Dawood). The ideal Muslim society invites to all that is good, orders the right and forbids the wrong: ‘’let their arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, ordering what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Those who do this are the successful ones.’’ (3:104)
Physical jihad:
The sub-categories of physical Jihad are Jihad bil Maal (struggle for promotion of charity and removal of poverty by use of wealth) and Jihad bis Saif (struggle against terrorism, violence and oppression by use of force). Islam is not in favor of wars. One meaning of the word Islam is ‘peace’. Although Islam is totally in favor of peace, it cannot allow any wrong doing and this is where physical Jihad is sometimes the only answer. This type of Jihad is used when spiritual and mental Jihad fails to cut off evil. Physical Jihad is therefore the ultimate form of struggle in the way of Allah by fighting against the enemy in the battlefield. This Jihad is meant only for the defense of the rights of the Muslims and the protection of humanity against aggression. Only a war which is for the welfare of humanity can be considered Jihad. Islam is against blatant violence and senseless killing. According to the Quran: ‘’if you kill a life, it is as if you have killed all lives.’’ Of course the life in question is of an innocent person. According to Islam a physical Jihad can only be initiated for the following reasons:
Self defense
The elimination of an evil force which is oppressing people this is based on the concept of collective security.
Protecting the freedom of Muslims to practice their faith
Putting right a wrong
Punishing an enemy who breaks an oath as the Holy Quran says: ‘’but if they break their oath after making an agreement with you, if they insult your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief—oath means nothing to them—so that they may stop.’’ (9:12)
During the Khyber expedition, the Holy Prophet ordered Hazrat Ali to invite enemies to Islam or try to make a peace treaty with them. If they were to decline both these offers, only then was he supposed to fight them. Hence physical Jihad is the last priority. According to the Quran, physical Jihad is allowed for the defense of Islam and Muslims and has its own limits. These limits have been explained by the Holy Prophet on different occasions by laying down rules of war. These rules are:
The war must be launched by the leader of the Ummah.
Not for conquest of other territories.
Every other way of solving the problem must be tried before resorting to war.
Poisoning wells is forbidden. The modern analogy would be chemical or biological warfare.
Property must not be damaged.
Women, children and old people should not be killed or hurt.
Non-combatants should not be killed. This means, that weapons of mass destruction should not be used and bombing of non-military targets should be avoided at all costs.
Wounded enemy soldiers must be treated in exactly the same way as one’s own soldiers.
Places of worship should not be demolished.
Ambassadors should not be harmed.
Those killed must not be mutilated.
It should be fought until the enemy lays down arms.
The war must stops as soon as the enemy asks for peace.
This means that physical Jihad is not only to be used as a last resort, but also in a very restricted manner avoiding extensive bloodshed and violence
Individual importance of jihad:
Jihad is a form of worship and is the most important act after the five pillars of Islam. When a Muslim performs spiritual, mental or physical Jihad, he in reality tries to suppress evil and upholds the teachings of Islam. Therefore, he shows his eagerness to follow and spread the word of Allah and hence gets closer to Allah and his ultimate reward will be paradise, which has been promised in the Holy Quran.
Communal importance of jihad:
All forms of Jihad have their own communal benefits. For example, when a Muslim practices spiritual Jihad, he becomes pure from evil. Hence, if everyone engages themselves in spiritual Jihad in a community, it upgrades the society and makes it more modest and just. Similarly, when mental Jihad is exercised, the believer conveys the true message of Allah to non-Muslims and even to Muslims. In this way, when Islamic teachings get spread throughout the society, a better atmosphere is found as more and more people are able to understand and apply the true religion of Islam to their lives.
Lastly, when physical Jihad is launched, it helps to unite Muslims on one platform i.e. protect Islam and their Muslim brothers and thus it gives a feeling of brotherhood in the community and everyone shares a common goal.
now u r back.....in action
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what is the differennce bt "describe" an d "explain"
the difference bt distribution n density of population
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Describethequalities requiredandsaywhythesequalities wereimportantfortransmitting hadiths?[10]
Sidq truthful Amanah honest: bukhari rejected the narration of a person who lied to his camel .as they sgould also act upon the teachings…..
Ad dabt memory: so he does not give wrong guidance in his hadith…
Muslim so he thinks about the welfare of the community.
Mature to understand the depth and importance of his narration… so as to narrate it with accuracy
Should not have been involved in a conspiracy
Should not criticize someone acknolegded by ummah

anything else
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Describethequalities requiredandsaywhythesequalities wereimportantfortransmitting hadiths?[10]
Sidq truthful Amanah honest: bukhari rejected the narration of a person who lied to his camel .as they sgould also act upon the teachings…..
Ad dabt memory: so he does not give wrong guidance in his hadith…
Muslim so he thinks about the welfare of the community.
Mature to understand the depth and importance of his narration… so as to narrate it with accuracy
Should not have been involved in a conspiracy
Should not criticize someone acknolegded by ummah

anything else
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(A)Writeanaccount ofhow theHadith'swere compiled to thebooksform weseetoday?[10]

does this require before the death of holy prphet(s) also
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what is the differennce bt "describe" an d "explain"
the difference bt distribution n density of population

Describe: give some characteristics of the item defined.

Explain: give reasons for why the item is what it is or does what it does; provide more complete information
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(a) Writeadescriptiveaccountoftheimportanteventsthattookplaceinthecaliphatesof anytwo of thefourRightlyGuidedCaliphs. [10]