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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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(a) Whatmajoreventstookplace duringthecaliphateof‘Uthman? [10]
(b) Explain why‘Uthman encountereddifficultiesinthe later yearsofhiscaliphateand wasassassinated. [4]

in the a part would we right the allegations if tht is in the b part

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Question: What are the rules set for checking individual Narrator by the Muslim Scholars of the compilers of Sihah sitta.?
The rules which are set to check the individual Narrator in the chain of transmitter of a Hadith are:
The narrator of the Hadis must be of firm faith and honest. He must be known for truthfulness in whatever he reports. The narrator must be trustworthy, reliable and righteous. He should understand what he report and know how a change of word can change the ideas in it. He should report exactly what he has learned from his teacher and not to use his own words. The narrator must have a very good sound memory. He should report what agrees with the reporters of others known to have good memories. A narrator cannot criticize someone that the Ummah has accepted. Examples are Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. Anyone who criticizes these great scholars would be considered to be from the people of innovation.
With these rules the compilers of authentic books of Ahadis were able to classify Hadis into types:
a) Sahih (the authentic)
b) Hassan (fair, about which little doubt)
c) Zaeef (weak, which raises many doubts concerning authenticity)
d) Maudu (fabricated, un-Islamic)
Qb: Explain how Isnad and Matan help the scholars in deciding the Hadis is authentic?
Answer: Isnad:
Sanad or Isnad refers to the chain of narrators that has reported any given Hadis. In the sciences of Hadis the Muslim Scholars agreed that the chain must begin from the Muhaddis of the Hadis and must ends at the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) or in the case of Hadis e-Qudsi ends at Allah (S.W.T). The concept of Isnad could be thought of as the core of the sciences of Hadis. No other religion, culture, or dynasty on the face of this earth has ever come up with such a precise method of bringing for statements of a person then with the Isnad system in Islam. One of the most famous Muslim scholar Abdullah bin Al Mubarak said “The Isnad to me is part of the Deen. If it wasn’t for the Isnad anyone would say anything he wanted” so we are the only Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is also known as the Ummah of Isnad because no other religion in this present world has the weapon of Isnad. Isnad basically a rigorous testing of the links between individuals and transmitting the Hadis from the Muhaddis till it reaches Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and through this testing Muslims are certain of the authenticity of the Hadis.
The Matan refers to the actual text of Hadis which is authentic in the actual Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). It is the text of the tradition or what the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) actually said or did. The text or Matan of the Hadis must not conflict or contradict with the Holy Quran nor should it conflict with other reliable or authentic Hadis. For example the Holy Quran says “Establish prayer” and the Hadis of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) explains it as “Pray as you see me praying” so this Matan of Hadis explains us the rules of praying Salah.

sir is the isnad n matn 1 complete ....... do w ehav to explain how they judged bt authentic etc
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Q: How did the compilers of six books of Hadis judge between acceptable and unacceptable Hadis? [10]
Q: Describe the methods employed by the compilers of the major books of Hadis to insure the Hadis that they were authentic?
Q: What methods were used by the major collectors to insure the Hadis they accepted were genuine?
Q: What method was used by the collectors of six major books of Hadis to insure that the sayings of the Prophet (S.A.W) they accepted were genuine?
Q: Explaing the method adopted by the compilers of Hadith in establishing the authenticity of the Ahadith [10]
Q: How did the compilers of Hadis (Muhaddithun) judge between an acceptable and unacceptable Hadis? [10]
Q: Explaing the method adopted by the compilers of Hadith in establishing the authenticity of the Ahadith? [10]
Answer: In the second century of Hijrah the Muhaddithun paid complete attention to compile the Hadiths. This was so because some hypocrites and non-Muslims wanted to fabricate the Hadiths. Imam Bukhari and other scholars took this seriously and introduced some principles to ensure the authenticity of the Hadith. A Hadith is divided into 2 parts the first part is the Sand and the second is the Man. For e.g. A hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari is as follows “It is reported to us by Ubaidullah saying he heard Hanzalah who came to know from Ikramah saying he heard Ibn-e-Umar who narrates form the Prophet SAW “Islam has been based upon five pillars bearing the wines that Allah is One and Muhammad is His messenger, establishing the regular prayer, paying de regular charity, fasting in the month of Ramadan and the annual pilgrimage.” The first part which mentions the chain of transmitters is the Sanad and the second part which the body or text is the matn.
The Muhaddithun assessed both parts of the Hadith in a highly meticulous way. For the Sanad, the chain of narrators were carefully studied and observed. Through the art of Asma-Ur-Rijal (Names of Men) their biographies were collected and investigated in detail. Each transmitter had to be in possession of firm faith, sound mind, an excellent memory and an upright character. So much so, if the transmitter had ever cheated anyone or even lied to anyone in the matter of joke the Hadith was rejected. The compilers also ensured that the transmitter was present from the time he collected or heard the Hadith till the time he transmitted it. In addition the first transmitter had to be the companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW), for this the Muhaddithun compared the the place and birth of the transmitter, the places and the people he met. Lastly, the chain of transmitters had to be totally and perfectly uninterrupted.
Similarly, the matn was checked thoroughly. They ensured it was in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah and was not conflicting with any of those two. For e.g. The Hadith will not be accepted if it says to offer 6 daily prayers. Moreover, it should also not contradict with human reason and logic. Example fasting the whole month is outside human capability. Matn also shouldn’t praise or condemn any person or tribe from the future or history by calling its name. Finally, matn should not contain details in a precise way about any future event. The six tradition books are the most authentic and reliable books of all the books on the traditions. They are called Sihah sitta. The books among Sihah sitta are Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, Jam’e Tirmidhi, Sunan Nasai and Sunan Ibn-e-Majah.
Question: Explain the importance of the Isnad (chain of transmitters) and of the Matan (body of text) in assisting scholars to check the authenticity of a Hadith? [10]
Answer: The importance of the Isnad and the Matan in assisting scholars to check the authenticity of Hadith were made in 4th generation of compilers of Hadith by Imam Bukhari and his contemporaries (Muslim, Nisai, Tirmizi, Ibn-e Majah and Abu Daud). They travelled far off to find the transmitters of Hadith and rejected the sayings of those who were not pious; Once, Imam Bukhari travelled very far to get knowledge of Hadith by a narrator. When he arrived there he saw that the narrator of the Hadith was calling his camel towards himself by showing it his empty food box (as if food was in it). Imam Bukhari turned and walked away by saying that if he can deceive an animal, he can deceive me as well and so his Hadith was unreliable. They faced great difficulties in checking the authenticity of Hadith as at that time a huge number of Ahadith were in circulation. The solution they chose was to test the authenticity of Hadith by their rules of Isnad (chain of transmitters) and Matan (the body of the text).
The rules set for the Isnad (chain of transmitters) are:
They ensured the chain of transmitters (Isnad) was unbroken and there should be a direct approach to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).They checked that the transmitters were known to those before and to those after them in chain. There shouldn’t be any hidden defects e.g. names repeated, major misspelling. No non-Muslim in the chain. Each transmitter must have known the transmitter before him and transmitter after him. There must not be a very big time gap that one narrator hears when he is too young from someone too old. Any event happening in public must have more than one set of narrators. They rejected Hadith whose chain of transmitters were questionable (no gaps or weaknesses)
The rules set for the Matan (body of the text) are:

The Hadith should not go in contradiction with the Holy Quran nor the basics of Islamic teachings. The Hadith should not go in contradiction with any authentic (accepted) Hadith. It should not go against commonsense or people’s normal experience. It should not praise an individual, a definite location or a tribe. It should not give precise details of the events happened after the demise of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).It should not contain expressions that were out of keeping with what the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) might be expected to use. The Hadith should be free from hidden defects like faults in minute details e.g. dates etc. If the Hadith made any remark about Prophet Hood of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), which is against the Islamic principles, is rejected. Any Hadith that begins with “We used to…….” Without direct mentioning of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was ignored as it was considered too genral.
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(a)What is thepurposeofs in congregation? [10]

(b)Explain whyMuslims believethat personal (du’a) is important? [4]
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Givea brief explanation ofthe importance ofeach of the following in Muslim beliefs and
practicesin relation to thehajj:

(a) theKa`ba [4]

(b) ihram [4]

(c) `Arafat [4]

and(d) `Idal-Adha.

dd h ibrahinm n ismail do tawaf after building it

btw sir sry for the dozens of question
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there you go dear asma problem solved


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