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Lets wrap up Islamiat Paper: you have doubts post them and get the solutions

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thanks sir!! how much did i get out of 10 for the first answer??? :)
hmmm... 300 hafiz were martyred?? wow. my sir said is was 70!! :O
1:First explain the relation between Quran and Sunnah also add number in front of verses or surah name rest is excellent answer
Quranic principles and values were concretized and interpreted by the second and complementary source of law, the Sunna of the Prophet (S.A.W), the normative model behavior of Muhammad (S.A.W). The importance of the Sunna is rooted in such Quranic injunctions as "obey God and obey the Messenger... If you should quarrel over anything refer it to God and the Messenger" (4:59) and "In God's messenger you have a fine model for anyone whose hope is in God and the Last Day" (33:21). Belief that Muhammad (S.A.W) was inspired by God to act wisely, in accordance with God's will, led to the acceptance of his example, or Sunna, as supplement to the Quran, and thus, a material or textual source of the law.
The Sunna, as embodied in the hadith is not to be underestimated or minimized as a material or textual source of the law. Though supplementary to the Quran, the hadith's central importance rests on the fact that it forms the basis for Islamic law.
The focal point of the law in Islam is the Sunna, the concept of the practice of Muhammad (S.A.W), as embodied in the hadith and transmitted faithfully by Muhammad (S.A.W)'s followers through the succeeding generations down to the present. The Sunna presents, for the individual Muslim, the picture of the perfect way of life, in imitation of the precedent of Muhammad (S.A.W) who was the perfect embodiment of the will of God. “……..Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger that is a great achievement? (33:70-71)” so the best of speech is the speech of Allah. That is The Book of Allah. The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (S.A.W). The Qur'an was revealed to him and commanded him to obey all what He had ordered him to do, that is, to expound His message to the people. Allah says, “We have revealed to you the Reminder (The Qur'an) to expound to people what was revealed to them” (16:44). The explanation of the meaning of the word or sentence or verse for which man needs an explanation, most of which bear reference to 'Mujmal' (comprehensive) verses or 'Amah' (general) verses or 'Mutlaq' (unbounded) verses. Then comes the Sunnah and clarifies the sentences and specifies the verses called 'Amah' and defines what is 'Mutlaq' that is, in reference to the saying (Qaul) of The Prophet (S.A.W), his deed (Fai'l) and the act he confirmed (Iqrar).


3: TOTAL NUMBER OF SCRIBES WERE MORE THAN 40. DONT WRITE (P.B.U.H) WRITE (S.A.W), NOT SEVENTY BUT ABOUT 300 HUFFAZ WERE MARTYRED (According to what Bukhari narrates in as-Sahih, the number of the huffaz who were martyred in the incident of Bir Mauna, which took place while Hazrat Prophet (S.A.W) was alive, was 70. NOT IN BATTLE OF YAMAMA)
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Please mark these too!! both out of ten marks! :D


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Q1: The Arabic word Hadith means “speech.” In Islam, Hadith relate to stories or narrations about Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Sometimes the Hadith may be a quotation of Prophet Muhammad. Or the Hadith might be a story about something that happened during his lifetime. The Hadith are used as legislative statements and are second only to the Quran in importance in Islam.
The Hadith are very important in Islam because they fill in the details on Islamic life. Where the Quran gives Muslims a broad framework for how we should live, the Hadith give us specific information. Here are some examples of how the Hadith give us specifics on general commandments from the Quran.
• The Quran commands Muslims to pray. - However, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has informed us how and when to perform Islamic prayers in several Hadith.
• The Quran commands Muslims to make Hajj. - However, narrations describing the Hajj and Umrah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) tell us how to make Hajj.
• The Quran commands Muslims to give Zakkat. - However, it is Hadith quoting narrations from Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) that tell us who must pay Zakkat, and how much to give. To put it simple, the Hadith explain the Sunnah (practice or tradition) of Prophet Muhammad, (S.A.W).
Prophets of Allah are our guides and examples. In order to live a righteous life of monotheistic worship, we have to follow their example. The only prophet for whom we have detailed knowledge of their daily life is Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W). We can follow Prophet Muhammad’s tradition, or his Sunnah, by learning, studying, and implementing the authentic Hadith.
Q3: Cave of Hira:
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to retreat into the cave of Hira which is 3 km from Makkah on mount Hira. The Prophet (S.A.W) used to meditate in cave of Hira praying to one God who created everything. As usual, One day in the month of Ramazan, when he was 40 years old he was meditating in the cave of Hira, in the year 610 A.D, he felt a presence of a being in the form of man, who came to him and said to him recite: Prophet (S.A.W) narrated this experience as “He (Jibrail) seized and squeezed me to such an extent that I was exhausted” (Sahi Bukhari). This action of squeezing was repeated three times and after third time, Jibrail (A.S) said: “Recite in the name of thy lord, who created. Created man from a congealed blood. Recite and your Lord is most bountiful. He, who taught man by the pen. Taught man what he knew not.”(96: 1-5). After this, the Prophet (S.A.W) recited the first verses of the last Book of Allah which were imprinted on his heart and mind. The Prophet (S.A.W) was surprised, and confused, started trembling and sweating because of the weight of the Divine revelation.
He ran out of the cave towards his house. When he looked back, he (S.A.W) Jibrail (A.S) in his true angelic form with his wings covering the horizon, and saying: “O Mohammad (S.A.W)! I am Jibrail (A.S) and you are the last Prophet of Allah.” (Ibn Hisham vol 1).The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) came back home and said to his wife Hazrat Bibi Khadija tul Kubra(R.A) “cover me up, cover me up”(Sahi Bukhari) because he was afraid, confused and trembling with fear.
Cave of Saur
When Quraish decided to kill The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and they were planning, Allah informed his beloved Prophet (S.A.W) and commanded him to leave Makkah for Madinah. Allah says in the holy Quran: “They plot and plan and Allah too plans and the best planner is Allah.” (8:30).
So it was in 622 A.D, 13th year of dawah, and he was 52 years old, The Prophet (S.A.W) departed from Makkah with his life time friend Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A) towards Madinah. Both of them proceeded southwards, clambered up to the lofty peaks of mount thawr, and decided to take refuge in the cave of Thawr. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) said to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) “Let me go inside first to explore and be sure that it was save” Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) closed all holes with pieces torn from his cloths, cleaned it and asked Holy Prophet (S.A.W) to step in [Ibn Hisham 1/483] . As soon as Holy Prophet (S.A.W) entered the cave a spider wove a web and two doves made a nest and laid eggs and sat on them this was all done on the command of ALLAH. Some of the Quraishites horse men’s came up to the cave one of them went near to the cave, from the cave Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) looked over his head and he said to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) with the trembling heart “O Prophet of ALLAH they will see us, the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in his heart God-inspired calmness replied: “Silence Abu Bakr! What do you think of those two with whom the Third is ALLAH” (Sahih Bukhari 1/516; Mukhtasr Seerat Ar-Rasool P.168) as the Quran says: “..........they were two in the cave and he said to his companion, have no fear for Allah is with us” (9:40). Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) sat down and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) laid his head in Abu Bakr’s lap and fell asleep. Suddenly Abu Bakr’s foot was stung by a poisonous snake. It hurts so much that his tears fell on Prophet’s Face. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) immediately applied his Saliva on Abu Bakr’s foot and pain went off on the spot. They stayed in the Cave for Three Nights (youm al-jum`a, youm as-sabt, and youm al-ahad).

thnx alot sir ; u really cleared my concepts :cool:
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Sir One More issue ;
What do we have to weite in the question :

Explain the administrative reforms of H.Umar .(10) ?
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I have some questions.
1. What's the difference between a nabi and rasul?
2. How many rasuls are mentioned in the Quran and what books are mentioned? My teacher told me 5 rasuls are mentioned in the Quran, but from a verse of Surah Baqarah, there are more mentioned.
3. Who are the ulul azm Prophets?
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That's a pretty vague response,can you give us the info in a detailed manner?

that's not vague....... the education system of Pakistan is known as MASTERS AND SLAVES system....... while my job is to do the research n provide them with fair evidence to change this system.
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I have some questions.
1. What's the difference between a nabi and rasul?
2. How many rasuls are mentioned in the Quran and what books are mentioned? My teacher told me 5 rasuls are mentioned in the Quran, but from a verse of Surah Baqarah, there are more mentioned.
3. Who are the ulul azm Prophets?

nabi is someone who is very close to alla n recieves revelations frm ALLAH as a source of guidance..... if this revelation is in the form of scriptures he is in addition a rasul.....
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Sir One More issue ;
What do we have to weite in the question :

Explain the administrative reforms of H.Umar .(10) ?

Political and civil administration
The government of Umar was more or less a unitary government, where the sovereign political authority was the Caliph. The empire of Umar was divided into provinces and some autonomous territories like in some regions Azerbaijan and Armenia that had accepted the suzerainty of the Caliphate. The provinces were administered by the provincial governors or Wali. The selection of which was made personally by Umar, who was very fastidious in it. Provinces were further divided into districts; there were about 100 districts in the empire. Each district or main city was under the charge of a junior governor or Wali, usually appointed by Umar himself, but occasionally they were also appointed by the provincial governor. Other officers at the provincial level were:
1.Katib, the Chief Secretary.
2.Katib-ud-Diwan, the Military Secretary.
3.Sahib-ul-Kharaj, the Revenue Collector.
4.Sahib-ul-Ahdath, the Police chief.
5.Sahib-Bait-ul-Mal, the Treasury Officer.
6.Qadi, the Chief Judge.
In some districts there were separate military officers, though the Governor (Wali) was in most cases the Commander-in-chief of the army quartered in the province. Every appointment was made in writing. At the time of appointment an instrument of instructions was issued with a view to regulating the conduct of Governors. On assuming office, the Governor was required to assemble the people in the main mosque, and read the instrument of instructions before them.
Umar's general instructions to his officers were:
"Remember, I have not appointed you as commanders and tyrants over the people. I have sent you as leaders instead, so that the people may follow your example. Give the Muslims their rights and do not beat them lest they become abused. Do not praise them unduly, lest they fall into the error of conceit. Do not keep your doors shut in their faces, lest the more powerful of them eat up the weaker ones. And do not behave as if you were superior to them, for that is tyranny over them."
Various other strict codes of conducts were to be obeyed by the governors and state officials. The principal officers were required to come to Mecca on the occasion of the Hajj, during which people were free to present any complaint against them. In order to minimize the chances of corruption, Umar made it a point to pay high salaries to the staff. Provincial governor received as much as five to seven thousand dirham annually besides their shares of the spoils of war (if they were also the commander in chief of the army of their sector). Under Umar the empire was divided into the following provinces.
1.Arabia was divided into two provinces, Mecca and Medina;
2.Iraq was divided into two provinces, Basra and Kufa;
3.In the upper reaches of the Tigris and the Euphrates, Jazira was a province;
4.Syria was a province;
5.Umar divided Palestine in two provinces Aylya and Ramlah;
6.Egypt was divided into two provinces, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt;
7.Persia was divided into three provinces, Khorasan; Azarbaijan and Fars.
Umar was first to established a special department for the investigation of complaints against the officers of the State. This department acted as Administrative court, where the legal proceedings were personally led by Umar. The Department was under the charge of Muhammad ibn Maslamah, one of Umar's most trusted man. In important cases Muhammad ibn Maslamah was deputed by Umar to proceed to the spot, investigate the charge and take action. Sometimes an Inquiry Commission was constituted to investigate the charge. On occasions the officers against whom complaints were received were summoned to Medina, and charged in Umar's administrative court. Umar was known for this intelligence service through which he made his officials accountable This service was also said to have inspired fear in his subjects.
Umar was a pioneer in some affairs:
1.Umar was the first to introduce the public ministry system, where the records of officials and soldiers were kept. He also kept a record system that had the messages he sent to Governors and heads of states.
2.He was the first to appoint police forces to keep civil order.
3.He was the first to discipline the people when they became disordered.
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I have some questions.
1. What's the difference between a nabi and rasul?
2. How many rasuls are mentioned in the Quran and what books are mentioned? My teacher told me 5 rasuls are mentioned in the Quran, but from a verse of Surah Baqarah, there are more mentioned.
3. Who are the ulul azm Prophets?


What is the difference between Rasool and Nabi ?
After knowing the terminological meanings of Rasul and Nabi, it is also important to understand the difference of these two great positions.
The Quran has used both the words, Nabi and Rasul, which shows that there were two kinds of messengers.
  1. Some of the messengers were Nabi only.
  2. Some messengers were both Nabi and Rasool.
The difference between Rasul and Nabi is that,
  1. A Rasul was a messenger of Allah who was given a new Shariat (codes of law) from Him. And a Nabi was also the messenger of Allah, but he was not given any new Shariat and followed the shariat of earlier Rasul. Sheikh Mufid, a great scholar of Islam writes in his book, Awa’il al-Maqalat, “every messenger is a prophet [Nabi], but not every Prophet is a Rasul [Apostle]. All Rasules were Nabi but all Nabis were not Rasuls.
  2. A Prophet is always a Nabi by birth, but a prophet become Rasul when he officially receives the post and declares it. For example, our Prophet Muhammad (sws) was Nabi by birth, but became Rasul when he officially got and delivered the message of Risalat at the age of 40.
  3. The Rasul [Apostle] receives the message from Allah Taala in many different manners such as, vision during sleep, direct communication with angels when he is awake. i.e., he can see and speak to the angels during communication of Divine message. But the Nabi [prophet] differs from the Rasul in that he does not see the angels when
    awake but sees during sleep.
  4. The Rasul is higher in rank than a Nabi.
Out of 25 Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran, or among 124000 Nabis, Five were Rasul, and are called Ulu l-azm prophets, meaning those who possess a quality of determination and firmness.
The five Rasuls and Ulul-azm Prophets are:
1 - Hazrat Nooh (as)
2 - Hazrat Ibrahim (as)
3 - Hazrat Musa (as)
4 - Hazrat Isa (as)
5 - Hazrat Muhammad (sws)
  • Prophet Nooh(as) was given a Shari’ah which was followed by other prophets up to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim(as).
  • Prophet Ibrahim(as) was given a Shari’ah which remained in force up to the time of Hazrat Musa. i.e., Hazrat Yaqub, Hazrat Lut, Hazrat Yousuf (as) etc. followed the Shariat of Ibrahim.
  • Prophet Musa(as) was given a new Shari’ah which was followed by all the prophets of Bani Israel until the time of Hazrat Isa (as).
  • Prophet Isa (as) was given a new Shariat which remained in force upto the time of the Holy Prophet.
  • Prophet Muhammad (sws) was given the last and the most perfect Shariat which will remain in force up to the last working day of the world.
The Shariat -e- Muhammadi can never be changed as Prophet Muhammed (sws) is the last prophet and no prophet will come after him. Our Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (sws) has the highest position and rank among all the Prophets.
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What is the difference between Rasool and Nabi ?
After knowing the terminological meanings of Rasul and Nabi, it is also important to understand the difference of these two great positions.
The Quran has used both the words, Nabi and Rasul, which shows that there were two kinds of messengers.
  1. Some of the messengers were Nabi only.
  2. Some messengers were both Nabi and Rasool.
The difference between Rasul and Nabi is that,
  1. A Rasul was a messenger of Allah who was given a new Shariat (codes of law) from Him. And a Nabi was also the messenger of Allah, but he was not given any new Shariat and followed the shariat of earlier Rasul. Sheikh Mufid, a great scholar of Islam writes in his book, Awa’il al-Maqalat, “every messenger is a prophet [Nabi], but not every Prophet is a Rasul [Apostle]. All Rasules were Nabi but all Nabis were not Rasuls.
  2. A Prophet is always a Nabi by birth, but a prophet become Rasul when he officially receives the post and declares it. For example, our Prophet Muhammad (sws) was Nabi by birth, but became Rasul when he officially got and delivered the message of Risalat at the age of 40.
  3. The Rasul [Apostle] receives the message from Allah Taala in many different manners such as, vision during sleep, direct communication with angels when he is awake. i.e., he can see and speak to the angels during communication of Divine message. But the Nabi [prophet] differs from the Rasul in that he does not see the angels when
    awake but sees during sleep.
  4. The Rasul is higher in rank than a Nabi.
Out of 25 Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran, or among 124000 Nabis, Five were Rasul, and are called Ulu l-azm prophets, meaning those who possess a quality of determination and firmness.
The five Rasuls and Ulul-azm Prophets are:
1 - Hazrat Nooh (as)
2 - Hazrat Ibrahim (as)
3 - Hazrat Musa (as)
4 - Hazrat Isa (as)
5 - Hazrat Muhammad (sws)
  • Prophet Nooh(as) was given a Shari’ah which was followed by other prophets up to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim(as).
  • Prophet Ibrahim(as) was given a Shari’ah which remained in force up to the time of Hazrat Musa. i.e., Hazrat Yaqub, Hazrat Lut, Hazrat Yousuf (as) etc. followed the Shariat of Ibrahim.
  • Prophet Musa(as) was given a new Shari’ah which was followed by all the prophets of Bani Israel until the time of Hazrat Isa (as).
  • Prophet Isa (as) was given a new Shariat which remained in force upto the time of the Holy Prophet.
  • Prophet Muhammad (sws) was given the last and the most perfect Shariat which will remain in force up to the last working day of the world.
The Shariat -e- Muhammadi can never be changed as Prophet Muhammed (sws) is the last prophet and no prophet will come after him. Our Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (sws) has the highest position and rank among all the Prophets.
Sir will the paper be easier than b4?