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True Love?
By Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim​

In today's world, a lot of young people are afflicted by a serious illness that is even more deadly than any virus or bacteria. It is an illness that affects the heart and will cause its death, if not treated.

This illness is none other than love before marriage, and it is with great sadness that a lot of youth fail to realize that in reality there is no such thing as "true" love before marriage, yes, there might be crushes, infatuations and the likes, but true love? No.

Some people might argue and say, how can you make such a bold statement? To that I reply, love is what creates happiness not sorrow, love is what gives you a peace of mind not worry and anguish but most importantly, love is that which brings you closer to Allaah the Most High, not that which will push you further away from Him and acquire His wrath.

Yet there are a few brothers and sisters, who truly love Allaah, only to find their hearts crippled by this disease, they have apparently fallen in "love" with the opposite gender (before marriage) and can't seem to stop thinking about them, they lose their appetite, their sleep and become neglectful of life as a whole.

These individuals sometimes regret falling in love and want a way out, they want a cure for this illness, but is there really a cure?

Listen to what Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim has to say:

"And the cure for this deadly illness (i.e. love before marriage) is for the person that is afflicted to realize that this love is only due to his/her own delusions and ignorance.

So upon such a person is to first and foremost strengthen their Tawheed (Monotheism and the Belief in One God.) and reliance upon Allaah, and secondly to increase in worship and busy themselves with it, so much so that they do not have any spare time letting their minds wander and think about their beloved.

And they should call upon Allaah to protect them and save them from this evil, just as Prophet Yusuf called upon Allaah and he was saved. And they should do as he did, be as he was, in terms of ikhlaas (sincerity) and remembering Allaah in abundance.

This is because if the heart is filled with ikhlaas for the sake of Allaah, there will be no space left for any unlawful love to be present, rather this only happens to a heart that is empty and has no ikhlaas whatsoever.

And let such people remind themselves that whatever Allaah has decreed for them is only in their own best interests, and when Allaah commands something it is never to cause harm or misery to His slaves.

And let them also remind themselves that their unlawful love does not benefit them, neither in this world or the hereafter! As for this world then they will be so preoccupied with their love that it will cripple them and will cause them to live in a fantasy world. And as for the hereafter then it will cause them to be preoccupied with the love of the creation instead of love for the Creator!

These people need to be reminded, that the one who is emerged in something will never see its ill effects, neither will the person who has never experienced such things. The only people who will be able to relate to them are those who have experienced the same thing but have been saved. Such people can look back and realize how evil it is." [ad-Daa' wa ad-Dawaa p. 300]
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True Love?
By Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim​

In today's world, a lot of young people are afflicted by a serious illness that is even more deadly than any virus or bacteria. It is an illness that affects the heart and will cause its death, if not treated.

This illness is none other than love before marriage, and it is with great sadness that a lot of youth fail to realize that in reality there is no such thing as "true" love before marriage, yes, there might be crushes, infatuations and the likes, but true love? No.

Some people might argue and say, how can you make such a bold statement? To that I reply, love is what creates happiness not sorrow, love is what gives you a peace of mind not worry and anguish but most importantly, love is that which brings you closer to Allaah the Most High, not that which will push you further away from Him and acquire His wrath.

Yet there are a few brothers and sisters, who truly love Allaah, only to find their hearts crippled by this disease, they have apparently fallen in "love" with the opposite gender (before marriage) and can't seem to stop thinking about them, they lose their appetite, their sleep and become neglectful of life as a whole.

These individuals sometimes regret falling in love and want a way out, they want a cure for this illness, but is there really a cure?

Listen to what Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim has to say:

"And the cure for this deadly illness (i.e. love before marriage) is for the person that is afflicted to realize that this love is only due to his/her own delusions and ignorance.

So upon such a person is to first and foremost strengthen their Tawheed (Monotheism and the Belief in One God.) and reliance upon Allaah, and secondly to increase in worship and busy themselves with it, so much so that they do not have any spare time letting their minds wander and think about their beloved.

And they should call upon Allaah to protect them and save them from this evil, just as Prophet Yusuf called upon Allaah and he was saved. And they should do as he did, be as he was, in terms of ikhlaas (sincerity) and remembering Allaah in abundance.

This is because if the heart is filled with ikhlaas for the sake of Allaah, there will be no space left for any unlawful love to be present, rather this only happens to a heart that is empty and has no ikhlaas whatsoever.

And let such people remind themselves that whatever Allaah has decreed for them is only in their own best interests, and when Allaah commands something it is never to cause harm or misery to His slaves.

And let them also remind themselves that their unlawful love does not benefit them, neither in this world or the hereafter! As for this world then they will be so preoccupied with their love that it will cripple them and will cause them to live in a fantasy world. And as for the hereafter then it will cause them to be preoccupied with the love of the creation instead of love for the Creator!

These people need to be reminded, that the one who is emerged in something will never see its ill effects, neither will the person who has never experienced such things. The only people who will be able to relate to them are those who have experienced the same thing but have been saved. Such people can look back and realize how evil it is." [ad-Daa' wa ad-Dawaa p. 300]
That is the B-E-S-T reply to this thread. JazakAllah. I 100% agree. How can we claim to love someone when we can't even have them forever? And Love is meant to bring peace, yet in most of our lives, it brings depression and tension.
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True love is unconditional, that which my grandmother has been gifting to me all throughout my life, despite the distances of time and space life created, despite the choices I made which didn't include her, and despite everything I've done which could've been hurtful to her. It feels so good having someone you know will always be there to support you and pray for you in every of your endeavour.
Shamefully, no matter how hard I've tried, I haven't been able to return it back. Though... that wasn't a condition in the first place.
But I'll keep loving you forever grandma. Forever.
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Love - situation u cant express urself and I fear it to be broken
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Mera wajood sirf meri m0haßbat se hai..

Mujhe gur0or bohat apni m0haßbat pe hai..

Ki hai us se m0haßbat mene bepanah..

0r meri xindagi ka suk0on meri m0haßbat se hai..

Mujhe chahte h0nge or bhe l0g b0hat..

Magar mujhko m0haßbat s!rf apni m0haßbat se hai... :D
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True love
The 7 year old sister asks her 10 year old brother.
Sis: "Bro, what is love?"
Bro: "You know how you take the candy out of my bag every night when I'm sleeping and I still keep another one the next morning, for you to take it. That is called love. You know how mom applies vicks on your chest when you're sick and cannot get up even though she's having a high fever herself. That is called love. You know how daddy brings you sweet dresses even though he hasn't bought any for himself in the past 3 years. That is love. You know how granddad rides you around the house on his shoulders even though he's been on dialysis for the past 5 years, that is love. You know how grandma makes pickles for you and keeps it in the refrigerator thinking you'll come and eat it when you visit her. That is called love, true love."
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There are two stages which human faces in his/her life.
Infactuation: It's the term when one 'thinks' he/she is in love. This happens with most of the teenagers, usually referred as 'love at first sight'.
Sadly, It's merely a crush. While going through some facts, I found out that crush doesn't last more than 4 months to any individual. The period exceeding 4 months is indeed, what we call- 'love'.
Love is the second stage on a person's life. We can describe love in many ways. Love means sacrifice, it means not caring for your own need but doing something to earn happiness of other person, it means 'caring'. Most people in relationship these days take 'wrong' advantage of this word we call 'love'. How? Simple, Old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words". Yeah it's the actions what I m talking about. Actions should be enough to show your love. Let me give you an example:
A child, he just loves his favourate toys, he wouldn't let anyone else play with it. He would cry and cry if someone else uses that toy.
Just like that, when we love someone, possesiveness occurs. We are so keen about not to 'lose' the person we love. But how can we claim to love a person whom we are not sure to spend our lives with? One can't say 'I love you' and then move on. That's not love. It happens once in a life. Why take wrong advantage of it then? When we love someone, the best solution is to wait and tell parents as soon as possible, 'marriage' is what I m talking about dear readers. Yes! Marraige, big word right? So is 'I love you'. If you really love someone, then you would do anything to make sure he/she stays with you forever. But why take the wrong means to do so? The word 'reputation' is very delicate in reality. Specially when talking about girls. Girls or boys, if there's love, there's possesiveness. But when someone even tries to 'act' possesive, the partner bestows him a title of 'narrow minded'. It's not about being open or narrow minded guys. It's about caring, it's about possesiveness, it's about sincerity, it's about honesty. I really hate these 'fake' relationships. It's just a method of 'time pass' to many but look at the others, dear friend. What if your partner is sincere with you? Aren't you kind of 'destroying' his/her life? The biggest threat to this 'love' is opposite gender friends. When a guy has fe-male or a girl has male friends. Everyone tries to 'butt in'. They try to take un-fair advantage of the situation, not all people are like that, but most of them are. It's because no one cares for anyone else these days.
If you really 'love' someone, instead of making 'false promises' try to find ways to get your partner for life time, this can only be done by marriage.
Love is when you leave your partner because he/she doesn't want to be in a relationship, it's when you know you love her, yet you let him/her go. This is love. However, this hurts like anything, yet scarificing is not always 'easy' is it?
^^^^^ ahahahahahhah :p u r soo funny ..srsly -.-
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i luvv myself :D :D xD
