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why do people hate malala when she is trying to help girls' get education??
and that is the misunderstanding she is not helping
her story is all just a lie. She is infact humiliating us pakis, she wrote all of this in her book.
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why do people hate malala when she is trying to help girls' get education??
the problem is not that pakistanis are against education
the problem is that pakistanis say that she has sort of betrayed pakistan by speaking against them on international forums
and hence the hate
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:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: why so anti-Imran?

madam nae sir hai, dobara check kar bhai, app waqai bohut miss kar rahay hain :p
I'm actually anti democracy :p Dictatorship FTW. Only thing is, it should not be Musharraf or someone of his kind. Tab ek khata hai, democracy main sare khate hain :p

I actually typed sir first but deleted it and wrote madam because the name was feminine no matter how you look at it :p plus i hoped it would help the guy get pissed a little x)
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We all are just speculating over here. Only God knows what the reality REALLY is. What i do know is millions of innocent kids die everyday in all the wars going on and nobody cares about them. And just speaking out against the "taliban" isn't enough nor is writing a book. Something needs to be done about the whole situation, not just chit chat.
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We all are just speculating over here. Only God knows what the reality REALLY is. What i do know is millions of innocent kids die everyday in all the wars going on and nobody cares about them. And just speaking out against the "taliban" isn't enough nor is writing a book. Something needs to be done about the whole situation, not just chit chat.
America ab tak zinda hai :rolleyes:
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I'm actually anti democracy :p Dictatorship FTW. Only thing is, it should not be Musharraf or someone of his kind. Tab ek khata hai, democracy main sare khate hain :p

I actually typed sir first but deleted it and wrote madam because the name was feminine no matter how you look at it :p plus i hoped it would help the guy get pissed a little x)
first @amerfarooq and now u
what is wrong with people? why do they always want to debate with me
for ur kind info, this list was not made by the media. u must also know that there are people who actually ask u who do u like or hate. if they havent come to U, it doesnt mean that they dont go to anyone :p. u can also get info about people's views by the programs they watch, their reactions towards conspiracies about these people, their comments about them
so yeah this is not made by the media as the media DOES NOT have access to all these things
btw. i first wrote u in lower case but then in upper case, so that the guy cud get pissed :D:cool:;):whistle:
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first @amerfarooq and now u
what is wrong with people? why do they always want to debate with me
for ur kind info, this list was not made by the media. u must also know that there are people who actually ask u who do u like or hate. if they havent come to U, it doesnt mean that they dont go to anyone :p. u can also get info about people's views by the programs they watch, their reactions towards conspiracies about these people, their comments about them
so yeah this is not made by the media as the media DOES NOT have access to all these things
btw. i first wrote u in lower case but then in upper case, so that the guy cud get pissed :D:cool:;):whistle:
Because it's always fun to debate with people who post stuff without having any idea what they're talking about. :D
How do you know?
LoL. Listen to what you're saying, man. Programs they watch? This is Pakistan. More than half the population don't have TVs or the time to watch TVs. Reaction to conspiracies? All a hardworking farmer knows is that the people in charge have raised the price of food and now his children might have to go to sleep with empty stomachs. He has no idea those wadera people are eating off of his halal kamai. Comments about them? Where? Graffiti on walls like "Zardari K****" or Facebook? Dude, stop it. Seriously.
If ^ is what you mean then yes, media loves to make these things up and form a list. I mean, we are Pakistanis. Of course we'd prefer a list of the most hated men over the best muslim scientists. Of course we'd prefer a list of useless people who eat off of the poor or show off their bodies in public for the sake of popularity instead of a list of morality issues that could be resolved. And of course the media makes such lists knowing people like you would love to read and share them. :)
Real smart, buddy. #debatenoob #yolo :D :p
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for ur kind info, this list was not made by the media. u must also know that there are people who actually ask u who do u like or hate. if they havent come to U, it doesnt mean that they dont go to anyone :p. u can also get info about people's views by the programs they watch, their reactions towards conspiracies about these people, their comments about them
there is a problem with this you see and rather simple too
when you werent there, you dont have the right to hate someone because someone else presents you the selected facts or lies or whatever
through the elections if we have learnt one thing it is that majority are always wrong :p
the people's view in this matter is hence irrelevant, you must realise that Sir Syed, Shah Wali Ullah too were at a time one of the most hated personalities of a time
though what she does only time will tell :)
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there is a problem with this you see and rather simple too
when you werent there, you dont have the right to hate someone because someone else presents you the selected facts or lies or whatever
through the elections if we have learnt one thing it is that majority are always wrong :p
the people's view in this matter is hence irrelevant, you must realise that Sir Syed, Shah Wali Ullah too were at a time one of the most hated personalities of a time
though what she does only time will tell :)
exactly but when i have proof then it is my right to believe in it
enna tu historian
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Because it's always fun to debate with people who post stuff without having any idea what they're talking about. :D
which is y i have extended my argument to this debate
Because it's always fun to debate with people who post stuff without having any idea what they're talking about. :D
How do you know?
LoL. Listen to what you're saying, man. Programs they watch? This is Pakistan. More than half the population don't have TVs or the time to watch TVs. Reaction to conspiracies? All a hardworking farmer knows is that the people in charge have raised the price of food and now his children might have to go to sleep with empty stomachs. He has no idea those wadera people are eating off of his halal kamai. Comments about them? Where? Graffiti on walls like "Zardari K****" or Facebook? Dude, stop it. Seriously.
If ^ is what you mean then yes, media loves to make these things up and form a list. I mean, we are Pakistanis. Of course we'd prefer a list of the most hated men over the best muslim scientists. Of course we'd prefer a list of useless people who eat off of the poor or show off their bodies in public for the sake of popularity instead of a list of morality issues that could be resolved. And of course the media makes such lists knowing people like you would love to read and share them. :)
Real smart, buddy. #debatenoob #yolo :D :p

so u are saying that we shud not believe in what the media says
then as for hard working farmers, from where exactly did u know that wadera people are eating off their HALAL kamai. can u really prove that there ware these wadera people. the media have raised awareness about it, and u are for one believing in it and then telling me not to believe in what the media says or comments about malala. As for ur loyal farmers, do u really think they are this loyal, that in an era of 'far away from the teachings of Islam' they are loyal. that in an era of extreme inflation, they are loyal. have u really seen them plant crops and what they add to increase profit. again the Dude are u serious? and then u say i have no idea of what i am saying. common man get a life!

Actually, many people trust the media. One of the reasons is lack of education but there are DEFINITELY people who believe every bit of trash the media shows.
Oh and there is absolutely no way Malala is in the Top 10 most hated list considering we have over 30 worthless ministers and people I'd rather not speak of trying to tear out country apart, literally and morally.
oh and here u have said EVERY BIT OF TRASH THE MEDIA SHOWS
so u call all of those drone attacks as trash. u call all those reports of people suffering as trash. u are saying that what is occuring in Syria and what has happened to Palestine is all trash. . over here u are calling the content the media shows as trash, and in the first quote u are believing what the media says

what a rip-off
and then u call me a debatenoob
aj rate ko tv on kar ke torhi say khabre sonle aur apne ap ko aj ke haalat se agha kare. If u dont know what the media says u cant call it trash. Inhumane people such as u are what lead to further detoriation in the condition of Muslims
#ownage #besti
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which is y i have extended my argument to this debate

so u are saying that we shud not believe in what the media says
then as for hard working farmers, from where exactly did u know that wadera people are eating off their HALAL kamai. can u really prove that there ware these wadera people. the media have raised awareness about it, and u are for one believing in it and then telling me not to believe in what the media says or comments about malala. As for ur loyal farmers, do u really think they are this loyal, that in an era of 'far away from the teachings of Islam' they are loyal. that in an era of extreme inflation, they are loyal. have u really seen them plant crops and what they add to increase profit. again the Dude are u serious? and then u say i have no idea of what i am saying. common man get a life!

oh and here u have said EVERY BIT OF TRASH THE MEDIA SHOWS
so u call all of those drone attacks as trash. u call all those reports of people suffering as trash. u are saying that what is occuring in Syria and what has happened to Palestine is all trash. . over here u are calling the content the media shows as trash, and in the first quote u are believing what the media says

what a rip-off
and then u call me a debatenoob
aj rate ko tv on kar ke torhi say khabre sonle aur apne ap ko aj ke haalat se agha kare. If u dont know what the media says u cant call it trash. Inhumane people such as u are what lead to further detoriation in the condition of Muslims
#ownage #besti
You have indeed, my friend, you have indeed.

How do i know? I have seen it with my own eyes. Loyal? Please inform me of the place and time i mentioned this word. Don't make up stuff. It weakens your argument. :p I know how the farmers and even the transporters try their very best to ruin the product. However, if you had starving children at home, you'd do the same. "Get A Life", huh? Epic argument, man, i can't counter that one :p

As a reply to this:
that is y nobody trusts the media.
I wrote:
Actually, many people trust the media. One of the reasons is lack of education but there are DEFINITELY people who believe every bit of trash the media shows.

The meaning of my statement can very much be: "There are people who believe everything the media shows INCLUDING the fake information"
Btw, notice that your first statement and my first statement both agree on the fact that the media is NOT trustworthy. The disagreement is that you said people don't believe in media while i said they do. I'm guessing you were out of ideas so you decided to switch sides and now completely side with media hoping i wouldn't remember.

If we think of my statement's meaning as shown above, all the so-called arguments related to Syria and Palestine are nothing but you blabbering because you were having a sentimental moment. I never said the media gives us completely false info. I said that they give us whatever we want to hear. All the news about Syria, drone attacks and Palestine is international news. Everybody wants to know what is going on. Why wouldn't they show it? They want views, sometimes they get news we want, sometimes they make it. Also remember the word "exaggeration". Media loves it.

I'm sorry to inform you but i like to get the news using my laptop. :p We both know a lot of stuff the media shows is just exaggeration because we are educated men who can differentiate between the right and wrong. Obviously we cannot declare every news we feel like it wrong but we can at least use some logic to find out. Like in the list's case, logic tells us that it's not possible for such a list to be formed in Pakistan due to several reasons. There are areas where people cannot even speak what's in their hearts.

You are not one to judge another muslim, neither am I. Don't bring Islam into this.

# \O/ #ComeAtMeBro
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You have indeed, my friend, you have indeed.

wow now u are switching sides

i think u completely misunderstood me

i said that PEOPLE of Pak believe in the media, i on the other hand, do not believe MUCH in the news, especially when it comes to politics, cuz i konw that politicians and the government can easily make up their own things to increase their strength. a very good example is the sikander one of Islamabad. his mobile phone was accordingly lost by the police and now we dont know what happened after the incident. at that time, some people called him a hero but i disagreed, cuz the people's party was going down and a people's party politican out of nowhere being the hero of such a complicated and contorted incident

If we think of my statement's meaning as shown above, all the so-called arguments related to Syria and Palestine are nothing but you blabbering because you were having a sentimental moment. I never said the media gives us completely false info. I said that they give us whatever we want to hear. All the news about Syria, drone attacks and Palestine is international news. Everybody wants to know what is going on. Why wouldn't they show it? They want views, sometimes they get news we want, sometimes they make it. Also remember the word "exaggeration". Media loves it.

I'm sorry to inform you but i like to get the news using my laptop.
We both know a lot of stuff the media shows is just exaggeration because we are educated men who can differentiate between the right and wrong. Obviously we cannot declare every news we feel like it wrong but we can at least use some logic to find out. Like in the list's case, logic tells us that it's not possible for such a list to be formed in Pakistan due to several reasons. There are areas where people cannot even speak what's in their hearts.

You are not one to judge another muslim, neither am I. Don't bring Islam into this.

# \O/ #ComeAtMeBro

bro i wrote
SO u are saying that we shud not believe in what the media says.

u wrote
"There are people who believe everything the media shows INCLUDING the fake information"

how in the world is that the same? o_O:confused:

u are not understanding my response. take ur time to read it and then reply
i also never said that people believe in the media.

here is a description of the debate
u are saying that people believe every bit of the trash of the media
i have said that people do not believe

now to PROVE it, i hope u remember the sikandar incident in Islamabad
after the incident, the media called PPP's politician a hero. however, anchors revealed the real events of this incident (ANCHORS help to tackle what the media says and reveal the truth by using logic/ in other words they try to use proof). The people then started questioning if this incident was planned and stopped believing in what the media said; the politician was a hero. thus as u can see people did not believe in what the media said. if u are aware of ur surroundings, then u will realize that people discuss these matters and their opinions and thoughts about it are known

a large population of Pakistan watches anchor tv shows. but Y? when they have the media Y DO THEY WATCH ANCHOR TV SHOWS. SO THAT THEY CAN BE INFORMED OF THE REAL EVENTS BY WATCHING PEOPLE USE LOGIC.

and remember anchors are a major part in diverting the thoughts of the people.

now plz do read this properly and then answer. i dont think u wud have one if u read this properly. and plz dont make up stuff by saying that i SWITCHED SIDES, cuz that is ur misunderstanding

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bro i wrote
SO u are saying that we shud not believe in what the media says.

u wrote
"There are people who believe everything the media shows INCLUDING the fake information"

how in the world is that the same? o_O:confused:

u are not understanding my response. take ur time to read it and then reply
i also never said that people believe in the media.

here is a description of the debate
u are saying that people believe every bit of the trash of the media
i have said that people do not believe

now to PROVE it, i hope u remember the sikandar incident in Islamabad
after the incident, the media called PPP's politician a hero. however, anchors revealed the real events of this incident (ANCHORS help to tackle what the media says and reveal the truth by using logic/ in other words they try to use proof). The people then started questioning if this incident was planned and stopped believing in what the media said; the politician was a hero. thus as u can see people did not believe in what the media said. if u are aware of ur surroundings, then u will realize that people discuss these matters and their opinions and thoughts about it are known

a large population of Pakistan watches anchor tv shows. but Y? when they have the media Y DO THEY WATCH ANCHOR TV SHOWS. SO THAT THEY CAN BE INFORMED OF THE REAL EVENTS BY WATCHING PEOPLE USE LOGIC.

and remember anchors are a major part in diverting the thoughts of the people.

now plz do read this properly and then answer. i dont think u wud have one if u read this prer operly. and plz dont make up stuff by saying that i SWITCHED SIDES, cuz that is ur misunderstanding

Well, you didn't bother replying to most of my statements so i don't think i'll waste my time replying to most of yours. But here's is a little something to help you with that blind faith in anchor of yours.

Later on, it turned out most of the anchor shows worked that way because money has some bad ass power. (Rishwat)
So, then, just like you said, people really like anchors because they use "logic" to reveal cases. I guess my point about people believing a lot of trashy stuff war right after all.

Btw, i just bought COD Ghosts and Splintercell: Blacklist and BOY, am i excited. So i really won't have time for this anymore (not that it's needed after your anchor theory just backfired).

It was fun while it lasted.