thank you
thanks dude :]alright here you go
i)When ever you have to find the original mean=E(x-a)/n +a
so here the mean is given as 28.325. Find the value of n from the equation by substituting the value of E(x-a). 28.325-a=E(x-a)/n where a=25 n=40
For the s.d you should remember that s.d isnt affected by constant shifts in the data such as -a.
assume that x-a =y so E(x-a)=Eand hence E(x-a)^2=E
ii)check your data booklet one of the formula for s.d is underoot(E(x)^2/n - (E(x)/n)^2). Since you know that the s.d is 9.11 and that the original mean is 28.325 substitute the given values and find the value of (E(x)/n )^2.