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Maths, Addmaths and Statistics: Post your doubts here!

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Did you solve this yourself? And how long did it take?
yes..I mean tht,s the real fun of doing math questions...But really for now I fu r still doing it and u think u r not getting anywhere then stop..U wud not wan tot waste time...For me well I sort of casually doing the whole question it took me 2 days in the sense tht the first day wnet for 30 min of casual speculation and next day went for abt 45min with a good level of concentration and yeah it was able to be solved so toalt abt 1 hr 15 min in all I guess
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how did u arrive at the answer with tukka
1 just a guess looking at the size of the angle and the values frm the question
2 did u measure it using protractor,since these images are comp generated and are accurate drawings I guess
Well i derived since there are only 2 angles,38 and 106 it must be smaller one cuz its acute,but there is not sure way cuz it could be any value,but my only logical guess was 38.