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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'

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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

HAHA! I have spent my whole life answering questions. I can definitely bear some more of this torture. :D

Umm. I think I have already met this Usman17 or it was some other usman from XPF at a mathematics competition. :p But who I would like to meet, is you Nibz, abcde and there was another xpf member that seldom uses this forum. :p

Yes! No details. :D

I would rather be smart and ugly. The inside beauty is always better than the outside one. And anyways, a dumb person will lose his beauty when he gets old. Smartness is permanent. :D Wasay bhi a smart person will always find a cure of his ugliness.

Dream as you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. :) You've got to change yourself if you want the world to change. Someone wise once said “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”


XPRS Moderator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

hamidali391 said:
But who I would like to meet, is you Nibz, abcde and there was another xpf member that seldom uses this forum. :p
Great! PM me your address then ;)
His/her name? The third member.

hamidali391 said:
Yes! No details. :D
Come on!
Is is still ON?
When did this happen? Was she a class-fellow? A neighbor? Or did you ask her out? :p

hamidali391 said:
I would rather be smart and ugly. The inside beauty is always better than the outside one. And anyways, a dumb person will lose his beauty when he gets old. Smartness is permanent. :D Wasay bhi a smart person will always find a cure of his ugliness.
Awesome :D
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

lol! Itni jaldi nahi waisay milne ki. :p

Come on! It's not necessary for a crush to turn into love or dating, or is it? I thought you were just talking about a passing crush. :p Love- NO WAY! Requires time and dedication. I have none. :D


XPRS Moderator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

So she was a class-fellow. Good :D
No, definitely not.

The third member? :pardon:
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

I ignored that question, you know. :p


XPRS Moderator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

Methinks you are the MOTW. Tou no ignore karna!
So who was it? (I hope it's not the crush wali :p)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

hamidali391 said:
-I was already expecting to become the MOTW via abcde and I thank her for making me one. :p Though, now I think I am quite unloved. ;)
:shock: abcde is a girl??
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

Nibz said:
Methinks you are the MOTW. Tou no ignore karna!
So who was it? (I hope it's not the crush wali :p)

lol! Nahi crush tou bari purani baat hai even before I joined XPF. Wasay I believe the answer to your crush wala question should me NO. You asked crush in another sense and I replied in another sense. :S And nahi batana. :p
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

I don't think I've posted here before but here goes.. would be nice if you could answer all of them:

Q. What's the one thing you cannot leave your house without?
Q. Do you have any nicknames? If so, do you mind sharing them with us?
Q. How did you discover XPF?
Q. What's the best thing about your location in your opinion?
Q. How long do you spend on XPF? (during vacations, normal school days, exams, etc.)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

1. Cellphone
2. Yes, I am called 'Moon' at my home. And 'Keats/C2' (A weird name that evolved from a string of nicknames that started about 6 years ago :p) at my school. :D
3. My friend told me to take a look at Zohaib Sherazi's guess paper on XPF while we were preparing for our final O'level exams back in May 2010.
4. The food and the traditions. Lahore is famous for its spicy traditional dishes.
5. As much as I spend on facebook which is alot of time. I always open an XPF tab along with facebook.
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

Same is the case with me, that last answer...

I had to type all this for one of my friend, so thought of pasting it here too...

A first time visitor might be excused for assuming that the international revolution in dietary habits over the last couple of decades has bypassed this city. Judging from the amount of meat the Lahoris consume, and the way they cook it---in copious amounts of oil, and even butter---it seems that the residents of this city are either immune to lethal doses of cholesterol, or live fairly short lives. However, it’s not that Lahoris are completely unaware of medical research: the reality that meat is so essential an ingredient to their cuisine that it cannot be displaced.

Where there is meat, there is bound to be ghee. When family elders gather together to complain about the decadence of the younger generation, they ascribe many of today’s ills to the fact that young people no longer eat asli ghee, or clarified butter, the artery blocking real McCoy*. Any vegetarian unfortunate enough to visit Lahore becomes an object of pity; and if he or she has no choice but to survive on naan, dal, and raita, the general perception is that the fault lies with the visitor, for following such unnatural fads.

For years, my favorite roadside eatery was the old thaka-teen or thaka-thak place on Abbot Road. This style of cooking involves chopping up the ingredients bite-sized morsels while they sizzle in butter on a large, shallow skillet. The name thaka-teen or thaka-thak mimics the sound of the pair of the choppers being wielded to dice the food. After a few minutes of chopping, the food, still on the fire, is covered with a couple of naans to contain the heat and the flavor. Every few minutes, a cupful of water is trickled onto the skillet to make sure the dish remains moist. With kidneys, fresh corianders, spices, and several pats of butter, the flavor is delicate and the texture soft without being slimy. It contains lashes of cholesterol, and I ascribe my quadruple bypass surgery five years ago to my overindulgence in this and several other meaty dishes in my misspent youth.

At Bhati Gate, one of the entrances to the Old City, I had my first taste of karahi gosht. Prepared in a large karahi, or Chinese Wok or a balti, large quantities of diced goat meat are cooked in oil with tomatoes, spices, chopped green chillies, sliced ginger, and lots of fresh coriander. When you walk up to the chef, who sits crossed legs before his karahi, you find yourself cheek-by-haunch with several cuts of fresh meat that hangs as advertisements for the quality of produce offered. After you have selected one, it will be weighted, chopped, and cooked before your eyes. As it takes around half-an-hour to cook the dish, your gastric juices will be teased as you wait. The entire wok is finally placed before you and your friends, and you attack it with pieces of fresh naan, scooping up the hot meat with the gravy. The bones invariably end up on the pavement. For this dish to be a success, the meat has to be of the highest quality, and it takes a connoisseur to choose the best haunch on display.

Paayey, the feet of sheep or goats, have high status in Lahoris cuisine, simmered overnight until the marrow is cooked and the bones have surrendered there gelatin. The chunks of meat attached to the bones melt in the mouth, and the rich soup can be eaten on its own with a spoon. The acid test of a good dish of paayey is that the soup must be glutinous enough to make your fingers stick to each other after they have delved into a bowlful. The dish is garnished with a handful of fresh coriander, green chillies, ginger, and lemons and accompanied by naan straight from the oven. The addition of brain to this classic dish converts it into siri-paya, adding both extra calories and cholesterol.

To redeem Lahore’s image in the eyes of the nutritionally conscious, let me add that fish too figures amongst Lahore’s best loved dishes, in the form of deep-fried rahu. However, because of industrial pollution and since the introduction of Chinese carp into the Ravi a few years ago, this river fish in increasingly difficult to find. The large pieces of rahu are thickly coated in batter and spices, and deep fried in hot oil. When done, the batter is removed to reveal the steaming flesh, which is then dipped in a white radish sauce.

I cannot end this account of Lahore’s gastronomic meaty delights without mentioning Food Street, the brainchild of a city administrator, which has become a huge success. This is a street in old Lahore, which is blocked to traffic every evening, allowing well known establishments to set up kitchens that offer a wide array of traditional dishes. You can walk around, deciding what you want to eat, and then sit at a table while your waiter rushes from one cook to next to bring your order to your table----steaming hot. Almost all the dishes here are authentic, the street is clean and well-lit, and you can eat your fill, and more, without moving an inch from your table. What more could a Lahori want?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

^This is an extract from Oxford Progressive English 10 under the same heading The Culinary Delights of Lahore :)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

Exactly... I typed it for a friend of mine there... :)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

You stole my wind, CaptainDanger. :p And I thought you wrote that yourself. It could have been a brilliant piece of writing had it been your original. The extract forgot to mention NIHARI and HALEEM! :/ :p
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

Hahaha! I wish... To be honest I am not THAT good at English... You can count me in the NORMAL ones for this subject...
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'hamidali391'

ok MOTW hw r u :p ;) questionsssssssss :D
-anything dat u have a phobia from?
-some1 u know 4 whom ur ready 2 do anything in ur lyf?
-if some1 offers u mcdonalds and kfc what r u gona choose? ;) :D :D
-something u did dat made u proud n makes u do dat again n again?